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To Download the 2012 Event Planning Guide (Pdf)

To Download the 2012 Event Planning Guide (Pdf)

101 North Main Street

Oxford, 45056

Phone: 513.523.6364 Fax: 513.523.8215 www.oxfordpresbychurch.org

Introduction Presby PR Guide Spread the word! At Oxford Presbyterian Church there is a lot going on! Sharing news of events, work and mission projects, special worship, Christian Education programs, and so much more, creates awareness and encourages participation. As we strive to Seek God, Serve Others, and Share Christ's Love With All we want to stretch beyond the boundaries of our walls and invite others to join us in worship and go about doing God's work...the first step is creating awareness by getting the word out to the community.

The following guide is for Session, Deacons, Committees and Staff and includes information about public relations strategies. Useful planning tools, media resources and local media contact information have been collected in one document.

Using the Guide How does this work? As your group is planning a project or event that you want to publicize, use the Presby PR Guide to develop a communication plan, select media resources and contacts. Determine if you wish communication to go just to the congregation, to the community, or hopefully to both. Your group will be in charge of gathering the copy, artwork, photography and/or other necessary material. Use the OPC logo and Mission Statement wherever possible to continue our "branding" and identification process.

Internal communications for Minute for Mission, bulletin, e-mails, website etc. should be sent to the Church Secretary ([email protected]), information for the newsletter should be sent to the Editor (see Contacts for Newsletter Editor). The Pastors review the bulletins and newsletter. You might also consider follow-up communication – pictures and a summary of the event or project.

Content for external communication, (information going out to the community), such as press releases, flyers to post in the community, Facebook ads, handouts for community consumption, or event announcements, should also be sent to [email protected]. The Secretary will then forward to the Pastor(s) for review and approval. External communication should not go out until the Pastor(s) have confirmed. The Communications Go Team is available for advice and consulting as needed (see Contacts for Communications Go Team).

On occasion, the Pastors may initiate external communication, a press release, for example, by contacting a Committee Chairperson or member of a group connected to the event or program and request that the appropriate communications be prepared. The committee/group might then consider assigning an individual to coordinate the communication, using the Presby PR Guide to gather and prepare all the necessary materials. As with all external communication representing OPC, content should be sent to [email protected]. The Secretary will then forward to the Pastor(s) for review and approval. External communication should not go out until the Pastor(s) have confirmed. The Communications Go Team will also act as a resource for the Pastors.

We are grateful to PR Visions from 's Public Relations Student Society of America for the assistance in preparation of this guide.

– Communications Go Team May, 2012

Revised April, 2012

Table of Contents

Planning ...... 1 Contacts ...... 17 Plan ...... 1 Important OPC Contacts ...... 17 Produce ...... 1 Presbytery Contact Information ...... 17 Execute ...... 1 Printers ...... 17 Timeline ...... 3 Miami University Print Center ...... 17 Budget ...... 5 Oxford Copy Shop ...... 17 Tools ...... 7 Lebowski Tees & Design ...... 17 Press Release ...... 7 editors ...... 18 Newspaper ads ...... 10 Ohio ...... 18 Fliers ...... 10 Cincinnati Enquirer ...... 18 Brochures ...... 11 The Miami Student ...... 18 Minute for Mission ...... 12 Newspaper advertising representatives ...... 19 Church Bulletin ...... 12 Cox Media Group ...... 19 Newsletters ...... 12 Cincinnati Enquirer ...... 19 OPC Website ...... 13 The Miami Student ...... 19 Email blasts ...... 13 Radio Stations: ...... 19 Oxford Convention and Visitor’s Bureau ..... 13 88.5/91.7 WMUB ...... 19 Social Media ...... 13 Q102 Cincinnati ...... 19 Facebook ...... 14 Kiss 107 Cincinnati ...... 19 Pass outs/Giveaways ...... 15 B105 Cincinnati ...... 19 Radio ads ...... 16 Miami University’s WMSR ...... 19 Television ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Oxford Convention & Visitor’s Bureau ...... 19 Local Church Contact Information ...... 20

Revised April, 2012


Congratulations! You’re on your way to planning a successful event to help Oxford Presbyterian Church seek God, serve others and share Christ’s love with all. Once you have an event in mind, there are several steps you’ll want to think about:

Plan − WHO: Who are you reaching out to in promoting your event? Who is the target audience? It is important to identify the group or groups of people who will have interest in attending your event. Also, who on the committee will be responsible for which tasks? Designate a contact person who can effectively and professionally communicate the details of the event.

− WHAT: What is the number one message you want to convey to your audience about your event? All public relations efforts will center around this message.

− WHERE: Where do you plan on publicizing the event? Examples: The church building, Oxford, surrounding communities, etc.

− WHEN: Decide how far in advance you want the key messages to reach your audience. Then, consider how much time will be needed to produce, revise and distribute your materials.

− WHY: Giving thought to these questions in advance will allow the planning process to run smoothly and successfully.

Produce − Once you have answered the planning questions above, consider which tools will best fit the needs of your event. Keep in mind the budget, how many individuals you want to reach and the overall goal of the public relations efforts.

− Within the “Tools” section, more details are included about different options and how much time is necessary for each option.

Execute − Distribute materials accordingly. The “Contact” section includes contact information for various media outlets in the area. Don’t forget to consider your Timeline!

− Successfully seek God, serve others and share Christ’s love with all using the Presby PR Plan!

Revised April, 2012 1


− The timeline is a key component to planning an event and one must keep in mind the resources and time commitment of the team members working on the project.

− Hold weekly meetings (or as needed) with key participants or committee members to discuss plans for the event/activity/task at hand. Take “Minutes.” These are notes summarizing the meeting, what was discussed, who is involved, assigning tasks and plans for next time.

− In addition to taking “Minutes,” decide which people are to be assigned to each task and estimate how long each task will take to complete. Once you have a set plan and assigned tasks, recap the plan in written form and send to all team members.

− Keep in mind all the communication tools and leave enough time for your message to be widely distributed.

− Allow time for review and/or approval of all materials by the Pastors and/or Session. External communication for review is due to Mark & Barbara on Monday, so they can review before the staff meeting Tuesday. If Session approval is needed, keep in mind the meeting schedule to ensure materials are presented with enough time to review.

− Distribute materials close enough to the event so that it will remain fresh in people’s minds.

− Be sure to evaluate your event/activity at the conclusion in order discuss its goals and effectiveness.

Revised April, 2012 3


A detailed report of the specific costs associated with each communication tool is included in its description in the “Tools” section of this guide. To keep track of costs, utilize a simple budget chart like the one shown here:

Topic Breakdown Hours or Amount Cost/Hour or Cost/Item Total Cost





Revised April, 2012 5


Press Release − A press release is a way to share Example Release Format information deemed newsworthy directed at the news media.

− Free, and the most credible and effective way to get newspaper coverage for a news event

− The top of the release features media contact information; give the name and contact information of someone in the OPC office or member of the committee that is familiar with the news or event, and can speak confidently about it.

− The headline briefly summarizes the news.

− The dateline contains the date the press release should be released and usually the originating city, Oxford, Ohio.

− The introduction should grab the reader’s attention but also answer the questions who, what, when, where and why. Example OPC Release (See next page)

− The body then gives statistics and other relevant information.

− To show the press release is complete use: ### This symbol has been adopted as the end of the document.

− The boilerplate is a short informative section about Oxford Presbyterian Church. It appears after the ### symbol.

Revised April, 2012 7

Example OPC Release

8 Revised April, 2012 Revised April, 2012 9

Newspaper ads − Depending on the target audience, newspaper ads can be placed in the Oxford Press or the Miami Student.

− Before placing an ad, contact the advertising representative to find out pricing information to decide how many advertisements, what size, and whether full color or black and white will fit better in your budget.

Example OPC Newspaper Ad

● COST BREAKDOWN: ○ Local Newspaper Advertising Costs A full-page local newspaper ad might run $1,000. Rate cards can be found on newspaper websites, or by contacting the advertising representative. The Oxford Presbyterian Church Picnic ad ran for $90. ● For the Miami Student, advertising rates and guidelines can be found at http://www.miamistudent.net/advertising

Fliers − Creative fliers are always an eye-catching way to get community members’ attention and gain awareness for your event. They can be hung uptown, on Miami University’s campus, at Kroger, the Post Office, beauty shops and can be passed out during church services. They can also be sent in the mail (mailing fliers incurs an extra cost).

− Uptown businesses (restaurants, stores) are generally accepting of non-profit organizations hanging informational fliers in their windows or on bulletin boards. Be sure to introduce yourself to an owner or manager and ask for permission before hanging any materials.

10 Revised April, 2012 − Plan to use the OPC logo on your flier, but please adhere to the guidelines put forth by the OPC graphic identity standards. To find the logo standards and download different forms of the logo, please visit: http://www.avalanchedesign.com/opc-identity/

− For any questions about this, email Kim Logsdon at [email protected]

Sample OPC Flier

Brochures − In order to maintain consistency among all communication materials put forth by the church, there are brochure templates for all committee members to utilize. The brochure template is available for download at http://www.avalanchedesign.com/opc-identity/

− Please contact Kim Logsdon at [email protected] if you wish to collaborate on a design template for your specific committee’s brochure.

− All photos must be high quality. Avoid pixilation or blurry characteristics to the photos.

− The message of the brochure should be limited to two or three key points.

− The tone should be appropriate for the brochure’s purpose and subject matter.

− Headlines should create bold statements and quick summaries of the content.

− Bullets can be used to support the primary message in a concise and easy to read manner.

− Use size 10 or 11 font, nothing smaller.

− Only use bold and italics in moderation.

Revised April, 2012 11 − Do not use headlines written in all capital letters. They reduce the flow of the document and are hard to read. The same rules apply for vertical type; therefore do not use it.

− Brochures should be grammatically correct and free from spelling errors. Use active voice.

− ALWAYS print a proof of your brochure before printing the full quantity. This is essential to conserve resources and print a set of error free brochures.

Minute for Mission − Sunday services are an ideal time to reach members of the congregation and Minute for Mission can help you do just that. During the service there is an opportunity for members to share a brief announcement about upcoming events or programs. It is your responsibility to prepare the announcement.

− Contact the church office if you would like to schedule a Minute for Mission.

− If you wish to utilize technology such as a projector, contact the church office to set up a time to test your equipment beforehand.

Church Bulletin − Each Sunday, the church bulletin is distributed during service. It is another ideal way to reach the congregation, and provide salient details about your event or program.

− Contact the church office if you would like to include an announcement in the bulletin. Newsletters − The OPC newsletter is sent electronically and/or in print to church members each month. It is a great way to reach members at no extra cost.

− Be sure to include the following information in your submission to the newsletter: who, what, where and when of/for your event. Feel free to expand.

− News and information can be sent to the newsletter editor or the church office. There is also a mailbox located across from the church office if you prefer to submit materials in print.

− The deadline to submit materials for the following month’s newsletter is the 20th of the previous month. (Ex. February 20th for the March newsletter.)

− The preferred format for submissions is a Microsoft Word document for the cutting/pasting function, but any format is welcome.

12 Revised April, 2012 OPC Website − The church website is a great outlet to publicize upcoming events and provide important details: www.oxfordpresbychurch.org

− Utilizing the website allows you to reach both members of the church and members of the community and beyond.

− To add information to the church website, contact Elaine in the church office Email blasts − Email is a free and convenient method to reach a large audience. Email can be used to promote an event internally through Constant Contact. All requests to send an email through Constant Contact should go through the church office.

Oxford Convention and Visitor’s Bureau − The Oxford Convention and Visitor’s Bureau website can be found at: www.enjoyoxford.org

− The website features upcoming events in the Oxford area. To request a submission to the calendar, contact the office at 523-8687.

− Be prepared to share a brief summary of the event as well as the details of the location, time, and cost and a point of contact.

Social Media Twitter − OPC Twitter username: oxpresbychurch

− Password: seekserveshare

− Overview: Twitter is a great outlet to engage in conversations with the public, publicize church events and connect with members of the community. Tweets are limited to 140 characters or less, so it is important to keep messages concise and clear.

− Tips:

! The more content you put forth through Twitter, the more followers and exposure you are likely to gain. ! Try to follow accounts with users that may be relevant to you. For example: following Miami University student organizations will expose the OPC account to students who also follow that account. ! Watch the trending topics, these are tweets that contain hashtags (# symbol) and a phrase, word or concept. Feel free to use a hashtag if it is relevant. This will allow for more exposure on the list of tweets with the same hashtag and draw more people to the account. ! Miami University is very generous with re-tweets (retweeting means they will take your message and distribute it to all of their followers), giving community

Revised April, 2012 13 organizations and businesses a TON of exposure to their followers. Use the hashtag #MiamiU and they will likely re-tweet you. ! Tweets with photos are often read more than tweets without. It adds an exciting visual element that users are interested in. Try to include photos whenever possible! This is simple when taking photos on a cell phone and uploading them directly on to the Twitter application. − Example tweets

! Information about service times ! Dates, times, and locations of events--include pictures if possible. ! “Calling all #MiamiU students! OPC invites you to Sunday’s service at 10 a.m. at the corner of Church and Main!” ! “Have you prayed with us today? www.oxfordpresbychurch.org” Facebook Facebook is an ideal outlet to keep OPC members and potential new members up to date on news and events. Updating the page on a regular basis should be a priority. Just like Twitter, the more content you put forth, the more users will be exposed and your message will spread.

Facebook Advertising

− Your Target Audience:

! Consider radius from your place of business (Can be 10, 25, or 50 miles from Oxford). ! You reach people based on: location, demographics, likes & interests, education and work. ! Connection targeting: This is targeting those who have interacted with your Facebook page or who have RSVP’d to an event you held. Target people who are friends with your connections as well. − Designing the ad:

! On Facebook the policy is to have the title of the ad be the same as the title of the page. ! Refresh ads often to make sure it is noticed. This can be done by changing the photo on the ad. ! Destination URL (Event page) ! Ad Title (25 characters--same as event page) ! Ad Body Copy (135 characters) ! Image (horizontal images are best) ! Reporting: You can view reports about ad performance, demographic metrics and social metrics. ! Ad types: Leading to an external website, Facebook Application, Facebook Page or Facebook Event. If it’s to the PAGE, the title of the ad must be the same as the title of the page. You have to be an administrator of the page to create the ad. The same goes for an EVENT. The title must be the same as the event. ! FACEBOOK AD BUDGET BREAKDOWN

14 Revised April, 2012 • Cost Per Click: You pay every time someone clicks on your ad (Best when you want to drive specific action on your website or Facebook page). • Cost Per Thousand Impressions: Pricing is based on the number of people who view the ad. This strategy is best for a general awareness campaign. • Daily Budget: The maximum amount of money you are willing to spend per day on a campaign. The ad stops showing once the daily budget is met. You want to divide the money evenly, for example if you want to spend $100 and your campaign is for 10 days, you set your cap at $10 per day. • Lifetime Budget: The maximum amount you are willing to spend on the ENTIRE campaign. This allows you to change the amount spent per day if you wanted. (Ex. Only $8 on the first day and make up for it later). • Daily Spend Limit: The maximum amount will be spent on your ad per day given available impressions and winning bids. The limit is reset each day and will increase as you successfully make payments. • Max Bid: The maximum amount of money you are willing to spend per click or view. • Auction System: Your max bid competes against other advertisers to determine which ad gets displayed to the target audience and how much you ultimately pay. If you’re trying to reach a highly desired audience during a popular part of the day, you are more likely to pay your highest bid price. It is best to set a maximum bid price within or above the suggested bid pricing range for your ad. • Scheduling: There is an ENTIRE campaign schedule, and then a separate ad schedule. • Delivery: The auction selects the best ad to run based on maximum bid, quality, and performance. You should put in the true maximum bid to be well-represented in the auction, but the auction will not charge you higher than necessary to win. They also take into consideration the quality of the ad. For example, how many people “Like” it and positive and negative feedback, as well as the performance of an ad in the past. • Billing: Billed automatically to the credit card provided. You receive an email every time you are charged. You can also access invoices on the billing manager on Facebook. They accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and JCB.

Pass outs/Giveaways − Small and inexpensive giveaways can be a great way to leave people with something to remember from your event once it is over. It is better to provide an item people will use everyday.

− Examples: Tote bag, keychain, re-usable water bottle, bumper sticker, drawstring backpack, refrigerator magnet, pen.

Cost Breakdown: Depending on the quantity and item, prices can vary for pass outs/giveaways.

Revised April, 2012 15 − Tote Bags: Average $3.00

− Key Chains: Average $0.60

− Water Bottles: Average $1.00

− Bumper Stickers: Average $2.00

− Drawstring Backpacks: Average $2.00

Radio ads − Local radio stations could also be a great way to reach potential new members.

− Radio advertising tends to be an expensive option for a nonprofit organization. If possible, try to contact radio stations for the possibility of free airtime. This would typically be in the form of a Public Service Announcement (PSA). Be mindful that PSAs typically run at off-hours, usually during the middle of the night or early morning so exposure may be low.

− However, some radio stations designate time during morning or evening talk shows to have radio personalities share community events for free. Contact the station to find out the possibility of these types of opportunities.

− Consistent highly rated stations in the tri-state area are:

! Kiss 107 FM (adult contemporary) ! Q102 (adult contemporary) ! B105 (country) ! 700 WLW (news, ) ! MOJO 94.9 () ! Warm 98 (soft rock) − The Miami University radio station is WMSR. It is only available online at www.redhawkradio.com

COST BREAKDOWN: − Local Radio Advertising

The cost of radio ads has come down dramatically over the last decade. A good ballpark range for a single-voice radio ad is $850-$900. This includes creative strategy, copywriting and production. For additional voices, figure in another $150-$200.

16 Revised April, 2012 Contacts

Important OPC Contacts − Church Office: Elaine Patterson 513-523-6364, [email protected]

− Financial Secretary, Jean Hitsman: [email protected]

− Christian Education Director, Christine Garton: [email protected]

− Christian Co-operative nursery school teacher/administrator (CCNS): Verda Johnson

− Newsletter Editor, Nancy Moeckel: [email protected] Presbytery Contact Information − Website: www.miamipresbytery.org

− Email: Tom Oxley, [email protected]

− Phone: 1-800-270-8118 (Ohio) Printers When the church office cannot accommodate a projects’ printing needs, several options are available in the Oxford community.

Miami University Print Center Full service print shop offering walk-in printing and copying, high-volume printing and copying, online ordering, CD and DVD duplication, and large format printing. Traditionally offers the most inexpensive printing.

317 Hughes Hall, Miami University 513-529-6065 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.units.muohio.edu/uit/computing-printing/printing-copying/print-center

Oxford Copy Shop Full service print shop offering walk-in printing and copying and high-volume printing and copying.

10 South Poplar Street 513-523-3636 Email: [email protected] Website: www.oxfordcopy.com

Lebowski Tees & Design

Revised April, 2012 17 Print shop specializing in screen-printing for apparel and promotional items. They also offer banner and sign printing on vinyl, metal, or plastic.

316 South College Avenue 513-523-TEES (8337) Email: [email protected] Website: www.lebowskitees.com

Newspaper editors (Use for press releases – Free) When sending a press release, send directly to the editor of the section you are targeting. The following are local , and where you can find editor contacts. We have not listed specific editors in the event that they may change over time.

Cox Media Group Ohio Cox Media Group Ohio is a including the following newspapers:

− Cincinnati area: Oxford Press, Western Star, Pulse Journal &

− Dayton area: Hamilton Journal News, , Springfield News Sun, &Middletown Journal

When sending a press release to any publication under the Cox Media Group umbrella, you will submit it to their website at http://www.oxfordpress.com/news/oxford-press-releases/ . The site will ask you to create a username and select the areas most relevant to your news, and will then display the content accordingly.

Contact information for each paper’s main office can be found at: http://bit.ly/CoxContact

Cincinnati Enquirer Website: www.cincinnati.com

Similar to Cox Media Group, The Cincinnati Enquirer operates under Media Corporation. The Shared Content page is the outlet to share news, photos, and events with the community straight from the website. Visit http://local.cincinnati.com/share/ to create a username and upload press releases, photos, or event details. The site will allow you to choose the relevant areas to your news and publish the content accordingly.

To find a specific editor visit: http://cin.ci/EnquirerEditors

The Miami Student Website: www.miamistudent.net

To find a specific editor visit: http://www.miamistudent.net/contact/staff It is especially important to visit this website often, as staff turnover happens quickly.

18 Revised April, 2012 Newspaper advertising representatives (Use for advertisement placement – Paid) When placing an ad, keep in mind the due date for the artwork will probably be sometime the week before the issue is sent to print. Contact the advertising representative for more information including timeline, file formats, and cost.

Cox Media Group Cox Media Group Ohio is a media conglomerate including the following newspapers:

− Cincinnati area: Oxford Press, Western Star, Pulse Journal & Fairfield Echo

− Dayton area: Hamilton Journal News, Dayton Daily News, Springfield News Sun, &Middletown Journal

To send in an advertising inquiry, visit: http://www.cmgohio.com/ and click on “Advertise With Us” on the right hand menu. Pricing information can be found by clicking on “Rate Cards” on the right hand menu. More advertising specifics can be found at: http://bit.ly/CoxAdInfo

Cincinnati Enquirer Media guide: http://cincinnati.com/mediaguide/about.html

Enquirer media contacts (includes question/comment form & specific individuals’ contact information): http://cincinnati.com/mediaguide/contact.html

The Miami Student Advertising Reps are found under Business Staff at: http://www.miamistudent.net/contact/staff

Radio Stations: 88.5/91.7 WMUB http://www.wmub.org/

Q102 Cincinnati Contact page including DJ’s & advertising rep: http://www.wkrq.com/Contact

Kiss 107 Cincinnati Contact page: http://www.kiss107.com/pages/comments.html

B105 Cincinnati Advertising information & sales rep contact information: http://www.b105.com/advertise/

Miami University’s WMSR www.redhawkradio.com

Oxford Convention & Visitor’s Bureau 14 West Park Place, Suite C, Oxford, Ohio 45056

Revised April, 2012 19 Telephone: (513) 523-8687 Fax: (513) 523-2927

Local Church Contact Information Assembly of God—Grace Pointe Church Cobblestone Tel. 523-8653 Tel. 523-3905, 523-8248 Web: oxfordgracepoint.com Web: cobblestonechurch.com e-mail: [email protected] Church of God Latter Day Saints (Morman) Tel. 523-6136 Tel. 523-0643 Web: facebook

Bethel AME Church of Christ Tel. 523-8560 Tel. 523-1601 e-mail:[email protected] Faith Baptist Berean Bible Church Tel. 523-4669 Tel. 523-4040 Web: faithbaptistoxford.org Web: bereanoxford.org e-mail: [email protected] First Baptist Tel. 523-8767 Campus Crusade (CRU) Web: fbcoxford.com Tel. 523-4197 Web: muohioccc.com First Christian Church Campus Ministries Center Tel. 523-8006 Tel. 523-4848 Web: facebook Web: lightsoncampus.org e-mail:[email protected]

20 Revised April, 2012 Faith Lutheran Nazarene Tel. 523-3808 Tel. 523-2443 Web: faith-oxford.com Web: oxfordnazarene.org e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Hillel First Pentacostal Tel. 523-5190 Tel. 523-3415 Web: muhillel.org Web: facebook e-mail: [email protected] Oxford Presbyterian Holy Trinity Episcopal Tel. 523-6364 Tel. 523-7559 Web: oxfordpresbychurch.org Web: holytoxford.org e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Oxford Vineyard Hopedale Universalist/Unitarian Tel. 300-5724 (pastor John Richter) Tel. 523-4500 Web: oxfordvineyard.com Web: huuc1990.wordpress.com e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] St. Mary’s Catholic Jehovah’s Witnesses Tel. 523-2153 Tel 523-0307 Web: stmaryoxfordohio.org Web: facebook e-mail: [email protected]

Oxford Bible Fellowship Victory Christian Church Tel. 523-5300 Tel. 523-5985 Web: obf.org Web: facebook e-mail: [email protected]

Oxford Methodist Tel. 523-5115 Web: oumc.org e-mail: [email protected]

Revised April, 2012 21