TITLE Windmill Notes by Simmons – to WORTHING.

Press Cuttings from the Advertiser and Sussex Weekly Advertiser.

32 Hadlow Down. For lease or sale, a dwelling house, garden, windmill, cottage etc., in Feb 1825; the windmill alone, in May 1825; the windmill and cottage, in April 1828. 33 . Windmill for sale, in Feb 1805; a farm with a windmill, in June 1824; a post mill with spring sails, in March 1851; a windmill recently erected, in Feb 1856; lease of Hailsham Old Mill, in May 1861; a brood of 33 mice found in Mr Woodhams’ windmill, in July 1813; sale of Mr Woodhams’ decd. Windmill, in April 1869; sale and removal of Post Corn Mill, in Dec 1869; sale of the Post Windmill, recently erected on Harebeating Hill and now fitted with steam driving gear, in Nov 1874; sale of Hamlins or Lower Mill, with 3 pairs of stones and a 7 HP steam engine, in July 1879. 34 Hamsey. Lease available of Hamsey Common windmill, in Oct 1835; theft of flour from Mr Sicklemore’s windmill on Spital Hill, in Dec 1797; post windmill on Hamsey Common for sale, in Nov 1875; during a storm in August 1826, “a portion of the swifts of our windmill, nigh to our race-course, was struck …”. 35 Hastings. Sale of the Priory Mill and grounds, in May 1781, now occupied by Mr Carswell; death of a 3-y-o girl at William Web’s mill when ‘the swifts’ struck her head, in May 1804; in Feb 1808 Mr Castel’s windmill was blown down while the grinder was at work and, although he escaped with very little hurt, he was in such shock that he couldn’t say what had happened: on the same occasion the sweeps were blown off Mr French’s mill; Mr French’s mill up for sale in April 1818, when he retired; Mr French’s mill auctioned in June 1818; Mr Rowe Carswell’s mill, with cottage, stable, cart lodge and hog pound, for sale in Feb 1803; sale or lease of a smock mill with bake- house, or with a warehouse and acre of land, in Apr 1819; sale of the windmill on West Hill, in March 1821; sale of lease of late Mr John French’s smock windmill, in Jan 1824; same again in July 1824; gale damage on Western Hill in Oct 1825, near to where Mr Carswell’s mill used to stand; sale or lease of a Corn Windmill, in Aug 1833 and still to be let in May 1834; sale or lease of the windmill on West Hill, in March 1853; sale of Corn Windmill on East Hill, in Aug 1862; sale of windmill on West Hill, in Sep 1864; lease of windmill on West Hill, in May 1816; sale of Corn windmill, in Oct 1843; vacancy for a journey miller, by W Rowe Carswell, in July 1809; sale and removal of Mr Carswell’s post mill, in Dec 1816; death of a boy named Mannington who was run over by a wagon laden with wheat near Mr “Cresswell”s [?=Carswell’s] windmill, in Sep 1827; sale of The Priory Mill in May 1785 and repeat offer in October; sale of windmill on West Hill, with bake-house etc. for rent, in March 1821. 36 Haywards Heath. Sale and removal of windmill, in Feb 1805. 37 Heathfield. Sale of windmill, in March 1791: a viewing could be arranged with MR James King of Silver-Hill Mill, Salehurst, Sussex, or Mr William Langley Sen. , miller, at Sandhurst in Kent; sale of windmill on High-down Hill, in July 1793; sale of Blackheath Mill on Heathfield Down, in June 1817; gale damage blew off one of the swifts on Heathfield windmill, in Oct 1825; lease of Broad Oak Mill with house, buildings and land, in Sept 1905; sale of a post mill with fantail on boundaries of Heathfield and Burwash parishes, in Feb 1843; sale of the post mill near the Crown Inn, Heathfield, in March 1850; lease of Broad Oak windmill as present tenant leaving, in March 1858; sale of water , wind and seed mills situate between The Clappers and Horeham in Heathfield parish, in April 1862; sale of windmill, in Jan 1812; sale of Mutton Hall Mill with cottages, outbuildings and 8 acres in parishes, in Feb 1869; Sale of Rock Hill Mill, in Sep 1863 and again in Feb 1873; child found drowned in a dyke near Heathfield windmill, in July 1828; Broad Oak Flour Mill burnt to the ground, in March 1890, but the direction of the wind saved the nearby steam Mill; John Luck, prisoner, committed for breaking and entering a mill in Heathfield, in March 1841. 38 . Sale of a windmill plus appurtenances, in April 1781; sale of post mill at North Street, in Nov 1824; lease of a wind corn mill in Aug 1830, and again in Sep 1831, and again in Aug 1863. 39 Henfield. Lease of a recently built smock mill with out-buildings, in Aug 1823; sale of estate on south side of Henfield Common, including a windmill and all ancillary buildings, in June 1827; fire at Henfield Windmill when swifts were driven round too fast by the wind after a thunderstorm, in Feb 1789; lease of post mill, in Sep 1828. 40 Herstmonceaux. Vacancy for a journeyman grinder miller, capable of working without supervision, in Feb 1769; sale of Herstmonceaux wind mill with granary and stable, in Nov 1783 and again advertised in Feb 1784; sale of the same mill in Nov 1798; sale of a newly-erected windmill at Bodle-Street Green, in April 1807, and again in August 1819, and again in Jan 1823; sale of the “four post” windmill on Windmill Hill occupied by Edward Beaney, in Jan 1831; mention in Jan 1844 of Mr Beaney’s mill “near the milestone beyond Gardner Street”; sale of late Mr Beaney’s windmill, in Aug 1872; death of boy struck by swifts at Herstmonceaux windmill, in Nov 1803. 41 East Hoathly. Destruction by fire of a windmill at East Hoathly, in Mar 1824; subsequent call for a public subscription to recompense the miller, Samuel Holman, for his loss; vacancy for a journeyman miller to assist Mr George Holman, in Mar 1830; change of miller to Joseph Martin in succession to the Holmans, in Oct 1831; sale of Messrs Marten & Co’s brick built post mill, in Apr 1841; lease of windmill with bake-house, in Mar 1851; serious damage to windmills by gale, in Dec 1836. 42 West Hoathly. Sale of a house and wind-mill on Selsfield Common, in Aug 1800; sale of a newly- erected windmill, in June 1815. 43 Hooe. Sale of post mill, in Sept 1821; sale of windmill and land, in Dec 1829; sale of newly-built smock mill, in Sep 1848; lease of newly-built smock mill, in May 1849; sale of that mill, in March 1850. 50 Horsham. Vacancy for a journeyman Miller by John Champion, in March 1772; presumed sale notice for a post windmill and cottage on Horsham Common, in Oct 1841; sale of same mill in November; sale of windmill with newly erected stable and hog pound, in Feb 1812; sale of a smock mill, in April 1814; sale of lease of Smock mill near The Star on Horsham Common, in Sep 1819; sale of the same in Oct 1825; and again when James Jupp had gone bankrupt, in July 1826; sale of a post mill on Horsham Common, in Nov 1841; sale of the effects of William Browning now quitting milling, in Jan 1854; sale and removal of Post Mill situate near Dog and Bacon Inn, in Mar 1869; notice to the creditors of Elijah Prior, miller and corn dealer, in Nov 1815; fire destroyed the Cripplegate Mill at Southwater but was stopped from spreading by the Horsham Fire Brigade (Capt. H C Hunt), in May 1914. 51 Hunston. Sale of Kipstone Bank Windmill, in Mar 1832. NB Numbering system has gone a bit out of order !

44 Icklesham. Lease of a windmill on the marshland, in Oct 1849; sale of the smock mill called Telegraph Mill now with auxiliary steam power, along with dwelling house, garden, paddock and two cottages, in Jan 1877; sale again in Mar 1883, and in July 1884. 44a Iden. Sale or lease of a windmill plus cottage, in Mar 1844; position required by a respectable young man as a grinder, in Feb 1859. 45 Jevington. Seizure of smuggled brandy and Geneva near the windmill, on Dec 31st 1787. 46 Keymer. Lease or sale of windmill with cottage and garden adjoining on St John’s Common, in April 1811; sale of post mill on St John’s Common in May 1815, again in Jan 1816, and yet again in May 1822; lease of a post mill, in July 1869 for occupation on Michaelmas next; sale of the household effects of Mr George Bennett, of Old Land Mill, including a miller’s cart, in Oct 1824. 47 Kingston. Sale of leasehold windmill and stable on Kinston Hill near Southover, in May 1828; sale of Kingston Mill, in May 1837; lease of Kingstone windmills, in July 1843; storm damage to Mr Peascodd’s windmill’s sweeps, in Feb 1807; theft from Mr Pescod’s windmill near Kingston Lain, in Feb 1820; very considerable damage to Mr James Weller of Southover’s windmill, in Sep 1839. 48 Lancing. Lease of windmill, in Dec 1791; a hurricane on August 28, 1774 blew down five barns, greatly damaged six houses, tore up many trees and slightly damaged a windmill in Lancing. 49 Lewes. Sale of Cliffe-Mill, with Granary and Stable, in Oct 1758; Thomas Cruttenden’s mill on Cliffe-Hill burnt down, in March 1760; James Kennard, miller, slipped down and broke his leg, in Jan 1762; Thomas Cruttenden’s baking business for sale in Nov 1762; sale of an Oatmeal Mill, in Oct 1764; lease of Spital Windmill available, in May 1881; sale of Spittle Hill windmill, with grainary with four binns, tenement and stable, and a horse-bolting mill, in Feb 1783; vacancy for a grinder/mealman, in Feb 1783: applicants to the Printers of The Sussex Weekly Advertiser; a thunderstorm in August 1783 killed William Jenner the miller at Spital Hill windmill and caused harm to two of his three men; vacancy for a journeyman miller: apply to the Printers, in Oct 1790; theft of 5 sacks of flour from a windmill near the town, in Oct 1795; the windmill on Kingston lain lost its top in a gale in Sep 1798; the grinder at the Spital-Hill Mill made amorous advances to a woman buying flour, who ran into the sweeps and was nearly killed had he not stopped the mill almost immediately, in March 1799; in Sep 1800 the Constables of the Borough of Lewes called for millwrights to submit plans and cost estimates for a new Public Mill; vacancy for a grinder to work in the Public Mill, in Feb 1802; price list for grinding corn in the Public Mill, in May 1802; grinder at Malling windmill suffered a fractured skull in Sep 1803 but, after trepanning, was well on the way to recovery; theft of six bushels of flour from Mr Sicklemore’s Spital Hill mill, in Sep 1801; notice in Oct 1800 that the Committee appointed to get a public mill erected had agreed it should be a smock mill and cost no more than 600l [=£600] including the foundations, with two pairs of French Burr stones and a Boulter and a complete set of Gear: all to be ready for working by June 24 next; lack of flour in Lewes until late in the evening, in Nov 1800; hopes that the public windmill will be ready to work in a fortnight, in Feb 1802; it was set to work on 22nd Feb 1802; again, the table of charges set out in S.W.A. of 3/5/1802; gale damage to the public mill’s swifts, in Jan 1804; a cow walked into the path of the swifts of Malling mill but, while one broke off the cow came away apparently unharmed, in April 1804; Disposal of a timber wind mill, in the neighbourhood of Lewes, in Oct 1805; sale and removal of Smock Mill, in June 1808; sale of Malling Mill, in Jan 1810: and again in Sep 1810; gale damage to Mr Sicklemore’s smock mill on Spital Hill, and lesser damage to Mr Kennard’s post mill nearby, in Feb 1811; sale of the Public Town Mill, in June 1812; death of a woman who took a short-cut too close to Malling Mill, in Jan 1817; theft of flour from the round-house of one of the windmill on the Kingstone Road, for recovery of which a reward of 30 gns was offered, in Oct 1818; lease of a windmill near Lewes, in May 1832; sale of post mill in Kingston Laine [=Lane], now worked by John Sicklemore on a 7-year lease, in Nov 1844; bankruptcy of George Pescodd [miller] in Jan 1825; sale of Malling Mill with brick residence, garden and meadow, in March 1852; sale or lease of Southern St. Ann’s Mill, occupied by Mr Sicklemore for many years, in Nov 1861; lease of Spittle Hill windmill, in Mar 1779; stone exploded whilst Mr Kenward’s mill was being worked hard in a gale (but no casualties) in Jan 1798; accidents to two boys at different mills on the same day in Sep 1817; accident to a visitor from Poynings in Malling Mill, whose hand was trapped in the cogs but Mr Mantell the surgeon hoped to save part of it, in Nov 1821; burglary of home of Mr Hamlin the miller on Malling Hill, in August 1823. (52) MISSING

53 Lindfield. Sale of newly erected messuage and windmill called Layworth Mill, with garden, stable and pasture, in Aug 1785. 54 Littlehampton. Sale or lease of a Tower Corn Mill, erected within the last 12 months, in Sep 1832; sale of the same mill, in April 1840. 55 Lyminster. Sale of a newly-erected windmill with yard, situated in the parish of Leominster [sic], in Jul 1799; sale of post mill, whose current operators have received notice to quit at Michaelmas next, in Sep 1815. 56 Mayfield. Sale of Old Mill Farm and Old Mill Woods, in June 1818; sale of “Merry Weathers” watermill and nearby windmill occupied by Edward Weston, in July 1831; sale of livestock of late Aaron Weston at Argos Hill Mill, on 20 March 1861; vacancy for a grinder to work for Edward Weston miller, in Dec 1820. 57 North Mundham. Sale of Smock windmill at Runcton in North Mundham parish, in occupation of John Brewer, in May 1808; sale of the same mill, now occupied by John Shepherd, in April 1814.

58 Newhaven. Mention of Elizabeth wife of John Pollard, miller, in May 1762; sale of windmill, in July 1769; sale of the same, in Aug 1829, and again in Nov 1811, and in Feb 1818; break-in at Mr Bolland’s round-house, when sack of flour, a spy glass and c.20 yds of new canvas was stolen, in Nov 1818; sale of the windmill lease, in Aug 1829; total destruction by fire of Mr Bollen’s windmill, in Nov 1843; sale of a smock mill, recently erected by the late Mr Bollen, in Aug 1845; the business of the late Mr J Bollen had been purchased by George Stone & Co., who now hoped in July 1846 for a continuation of trade; death of Mr Combs, a miller in Newhaven, in Jan 1774. 59 Newick. Sale and removal of a windmill now occupied by Messrs Best and Godsmark, in Sep 1835. 60 . Sale of post mill, in July 1816; round beam in Ninfield Stocks mill was snapped by the violence of the wind, in Nov 1810, but luckily no further harm was done; Mr Edmunds miller recently made a bet he could lift a sack containing 5 bushels of wheat from the floor onto his back, which he did with ease, in Oct 1812; vacancy for an apprentice to Samuel Beeney, miller of Ninfield in Sep 1826.

61 Northiam. Sale of a windmill with house, storehouse etc., lately in occupation of Mr Leonard, in April 1811; sale of windmill, now in occupation of Messrs Woodham and Hilder, in Dec 1815; death of a loader named Roots at Northiam windmill, whose head was struck by the sweeps, in Mar 1822; sale of two windmills lying in a ring fence, in June 1830; sale of Thomas Field’s long- term wind corn mill and messuages, in April 1848; vacancy for an under miller by Mr G Coote, miller of Northiam, in Sep 1870; lease with immediate possession of Mill Corner Mill and about 6 1/2 acres of land, in Aug 1871; in a hurricane in Dec 1836 Mill Corner mill at Northiam was blown down and the windmills at East Hoathly seriously damaged. 62 Nutley. Sale of the Post Mill, in April 1862. 63 Oving. Sale of a newly- erected watermill and windmill, with a complicated arrangement for the leases of the land involved, in Mar 1797. 64 Ore. Sale of a smock mill etc., in Feb 1863; repeat offering following the death of the miler, in Sep 1869; sale of ‘The Down Mill’ smock mill, on the breast of Fairlight Down, in Mar 1874. 65 Patcham. Broken wrist for Mr Scrace’s miller, caught unawares by the mill swifts, in Mar 1806; sale of windmill with stable, granary and appurtenences, now in occupation of Wm. Drew, in Mar 1806; vacancy for a grinder, to work for Mr Vine of Patcham, in Aug 1815; dissolution of the partnership between William Vine and James Mugeridge, millers of Patcham, and the business will in future be continued by William Vine on his own, in Nov 1816. 66 Peasmarsh. Sale of a water mill, as the miller cannot be sure of the water supply and has a wind mill nearby, in April 1792; sale of a messuage and windmill, garden, stable and appurtenance now owned by Samuel Chasmer, in Feb 1795; sale of windmill and cottage now occupied by William Cooper, in June 1823; death of a labourer working too near to Peasmarsh windmill, in Nov 1826; lease or sale of Peasmarsh windmill, in Aug 1848; sale of the windmill, in June 1849. 67 Pett. Lease with immediate entry, of a ‘good-accustomed’ windmill near Rye Harbour, very convenient for the exporting of flour: for particulars apply to John Skinner, miller, at Brede, in Dec 1781 and again in May 1790. 68 Petworth. Lease with entry at Michaelmas next, a windmill now occupied by Thomas Clement, advertised in Sep 1837. 69 Plaistow. Accident to boy when going to windmill with a horse and cart, in Nov 1842. 70 Playden. Sale of windmill now occupied by Henery Clark, in July 1816; sale of a freehold dwelling house and post windmill in current occupation of Thomas Clarke, in Dec 1828; For sale or lease, a windmill in full trade with two cottages, proprietor Henry Clerk, in Sep 1829; dissolution of partnership between John Clarke and James Smith, in Feb 1830; sole of two wind corn mills, one smock with fantail, the other a post mill, owned by J Bellingham, in Mar 1853; sale of post mill plus land, in Mar 1864; and again in Mar 1864; vacancy for a journeyman miller to work for James and William Edmonds, in Oct 1814; sale of two windmills, in Aug 1853. 71 Portslade. Sale of windmill with warehouse and Mill Room with land at Copperas Gap, now occupied by widow Ann Clark, in Feb 1793; again in Dec 1804; mention of Mr Huggett, miller, at Copperas Gap, in May 1829; sale of Copperas Gap windmill, in Oct 1808; sale of this mill, lately occupied by John Hilder, in Nov 1837; again in Feb 1838; lease of the mill, in Sep 1846; lease of this mill, in Dec 1851; mill struck by lightning and damaged by fire, in Nov 1813. 72 Pulborough. Lease of North Heath windmill with house, out-buildings and land, in June 1854; sale of the mill, in May 1856. 73 Ringmer. Theft of c.2 bushels of flour and a new sack from Ringmer Mill, in Jan 1772; sale of leasehold corn mill with round-house, on the Broyle, now occupied by Joseph Hill, in Feb 1824; vacancy for a grinder to assist Joseph Hill, in Mar 1828; vacancy for a middle aged journeyman miller; meeting of Fox Hounds at Broyle Windmill, in Dec 1836; vacancy for “an experienced man, with a good character” to assist Mr T Hollingdale miller, in Mar 1872. 74 Ripe. Thomas Edward Mannington, miller, announces to inhabitants of Ripe he has taken over the business at Ripe Mill of the late C Boorman, in Oct 1820; lease of the windmill available, in Aug 1852; theft of flour and flour bags from round-house of Mr Mannington’s windmill, in Nov 1813; James Weller, miller and mealman, moves away from Ripe to one of the Kingston Mills at Southover, in Oct 1837. 75 Rodmell. The windmill on Rodmel-hill was blown down and the grinder had a lucky escape, in April 1799; a subscription for the miller’s family was set up immediately; a lightning strike did little damage to the mill, in Dec 1825. 76 . Sale of the new-built windmill with dwelling house, out-buildings and two acres of land, in Nov 1782; sale of the newly-built mill again, in Mar 1788; sale advertised again in April and yet again in Oct; lightning struck the windmill and set it on fire but this was extinguished before too much harm had been done, in Mar 1793; sale of that well-known … windmill on Common in Rotherfield Parish, in Jan 1797; sale of the post mill, in Aug 1863; lease of the post mill with dwelling house, outbuildings and 2 acres of meadow land, near to the railway, in July 1866; sale of estate of Thomas Hoadley, comprising his mill, house, outbuildings and land, in May 1785; a notice in the same issue of the Sussex Weekly Advertiser calls for all creditors to came to a meeting at the White Hart in Crowborough to present their claims, and all debtors to settle up under threat of a writ. 77 Rottingdean. Sale of nearly new smock mill, occupied by T Beard, in April 1806; sale of post mill and land, in April/May 1813; Sale and removal of post mill, in Oct 1817; John Mockford, labourer, charged with the theft of rope from Chas Beard’s mill, in Mar 1849; “Lately was married at Rottingdean, Mr Richardson, miller aged 63, to a young woman of 22 years”, Feb 1792; a gale in Nov 1773 took the sweeps off Rottingdean Mill; invitations to tender for removal of post mill and transfer to a new site chosen by Mr John Goble of Fletching, in Mar 1818. 78 Rudgwick. Sale of new windmill at Snells Farm, Rudgwick, in Sep 1828; sale of Snells estate with newly erected windmill, in Feb 1816; sale of the mill, at Rowhook, in May 1825; lease of a newly erected windmill called Rowhook Mill, in Jan 1830. 79 Rusper. Sale of excellent corn mill, in June 1827; sale of almost new windmill, in Jan 1802. 80 Rustington. Sale of windmill at present occupied by Geo. Downer, in July 1811; and again in Sep; sale in Sep 1820 when the miller was George Graves. 81 Rye. Vacancy for a single, young, journeyman miller, to assist Thomas Chatterton, miller and baker, in Mar 1782; sale of a newly erected Corn mill with round-house, near to the R. Brede, now occupied by John Wilkinson, in Apr 1815; sale of a dwelling house and post mill near to town of Rye, in Jan 1829; sale or lease of post mill near Rye, in Jan 1832; sale or lease of two Corn windmills, in Sep 1839; sale of a fantail windmill on the wharf at Rye near to Strand and Ferry, and the point where the railway will terminate, in May 1844; lease of smock mill with fantail and patent sweeps, in Apr 1845; sale of the windmill lease, granted by Rye Corporation in Dec 1845, for sale in Feb 1848. 82 St. Leonards. Sale of John Reed Harman’s corn windmill, in Aug 1843; sale of post mill by order of the mortgagees, in Sep 1872. 83 Salehurst. Death of a soldier’s wife through being hit by the swifts of Salehurst windmill “as she was quitting it by the wrong door of the lower apartment”, in Sep 1798; lease of the Silver Hill windmill, in Mar 1771; sale of James King’s Silverhill Mill, in Mar 1791; death of a boy named Bailey who was hit on the head by the swifts of Silverhill Mill, in Jul 1823. 84 Seaford. Sale of a newly erected windmill occupied by Thomas Washer in Seaford town, in Dec 1774; death of Mr Washer in Mar 1775. 85 Sedlescombe. Sale of a windmill, cottage, garden etc., currently occupied by William Bates, in Aug 1828. 86 Selsey. Sale of a brick-built smock mill, in Apr 1827. 87 Shipley. Lease of a windmill with dwelling house etc., in Apr 1832; again in March 1833; Sale of “Honey Poles” Farm and windmill, in Jan 1856; death of a girl who got too near to the sails of Shipley windmill, in June 1787; sale of Honeypoles Farm near Shipley with windmill, in Apr 1853. 88 Shoreham, New. Lease or sale of a smock mill, in Apr 1832; sale of newly erected windmill with land, in Feb 1833; sale of the corn mill and adjacent Mill Field, in the tenure of Mr Henry Adams, in July 1848. 89 Shoreham, Old. Lease for immediate occupation of windmill, dwelling house and store room, with an acre of land, in Nov 1761; again in Sep 1762; sale of a windmill, roundhouse, underground storeroom and c.2 acres of land, which carries a vote for the Old Shoreham and County representative, in Oct 1787; the following week the paper said a sale had been made; lease of windmill with roundhouse, in Apr 1796; theft of a sack of fine flour from a Shoreham windmill, in Dec 1799; sale of Old Shoreham windmill, in Mar 1829; lease of the windmill, in May 1856; death of George Morley, miller, at his master’s mill in Old Shoreham, in Feb 1788; sale of corn mill, in Dec 1809. 90 Slaugham. Sale of windmill, lately erected, with ½ acre, situate at Handcross in Slaugham parish, in Oct 1814; sale of Handcross post mill, beside the Crawley to Cuckfield turnpike, in Dec 1821; dissolution of partnership between Billy Heaver and John English Cook Jnr of Slaugham watermill and Handcross windmill, with each reverting to his own mill, in Sep 1824; liquidation sale of assets at Slaugham Mill and Harbour Farm, in Apr 1873; lease of Handcross windmill, in Apr 1839; robbery by a footpad of Mr Parsons of Cowfold, near to Warninglid windmill in the parish of Slaugham; lease of a windmill, house and meal shop, adjoining the main London / Brighton road, in Oct 1826. 91 Southbourne. “Wanted. A man who understands a windmill. Apply to A B Hatch, Gosden Green.”, Sep 1858. 92 Southwick. Sale of Southwick windmill, in July 1811; sale of the windmill lately worked by Henry Tuppen decd., with the round-house, stable etc., in May 1802; test by the constables of the weights used at Southwick mill, which found them deficient by 5lbs in the cwt, which led to the populace of Shoreham burning the miller in effigy, in Dec 1799. 93 Steyning. Vacancy for a miller …who can write, in Oct 1774. 94 North Stoke. Sale of a post mill to then be removed, in May 1836. 95 Storrington. Theft of flour and petty cash from Mr Botting’s windmill, in Mar 1800; Sale of water mill and windmill and a nearby dwelling house, in May 1815; lease of watermill and windmill known as Storrington Mills, lately occupied by Thomas Wilson, in Mar 1817; sale of Storrington Mills, now occupied by William Agate, in June 1822. 96 Ticehurst. Sale of Flimwell post mill with Patent sweeps, fantail and roundhouse, being run by James Weston, in Nov 1861. 97 Tunbridge. Sale of the London Road windmill, in June 1810. 98 Twineham. Sale of the belongings of Mr Gorringe who is quitting Hooker’s Mill near Burgess Hill station, in Oct 1875. 99 . Death of a local windmill’s grinder who was thrown from his horse on his way home, in Sep 1760; sale late T Smith’s estate, in June 1818, which included the windmill “near the 31 milestone” now occupied by Mr Rice. 100 Udimore. Vacancy for a journeyman miller to assist George Sloman, in Feb 1769; this position again became vacant the following September; January 1774, August 1778 and November 1780; Sloman built a new mill and put it up for sale in July 1802. 101 Upmarden. Sale of a post mill situated near Compton, operated by Benjamin Etherington, in Mar 1812; the mill was destroyed by fire during a gale in March 1844. 102 . Sale of windmill with granary below and nearby stable, currently worked by Edward Mabb, in May 1769; vacancy for a journeyman miller, Jan 1771; Sale of post mill with roomy roundhouse, situate at Cursley Wood, belonging to William Latter, in Jan 1805; lease of the windmill at Coursley Wood, in Jan 1810; sale of the windmill at Riseden near in Wadhurst Parish, currently occupied by William Standen, in Mar 1821; sale of an old-established windmill, in Jan 1841; sale of Mr Jarrett Holloway’s estate including the windmill at Cousley Wood, currently let to Mr Holmwood, in Nov 1819; sale of Riseden postmill on the road from Wadhurst station to Wadhurst Park, in May 1882; sale of the estate of the late John Prickett including a windmill with messuage, barn, waggon lodge, large garden and piece of land called the Mill Plot situate at Coursley Wood Street in Wadhurst, currently worked by Messrs Packham, in Sep 1838. 103 Walberton. A woman from Shoreham was found drowned in the stream near the windmill, in May 1784; sale of windmill worth £350, in April 1845; sale of postmill, worked for the past 50 years by Charles Gardiner who is retiring, in July 1855; smock mill owned by Mr Wiltshire set on fire by friction and burnt to the ground, in June 1809; Mr John Willshear expressed his sincere thanks for his creditors’ forbearance and for the subscription raised to provide for him after his loss, in the July 3rd issue of the paper. 104 Waldron. Sale of a farm near the Waldron windmill in Mayfield, in Aug 1774; sale of Cross-in- Hand windmill with house, stable, waggon lodge and about 8 acres of Good Meadow land, in Dec 1776; offered again in Mar 1777 and May that same year; offered for sale in Sep 1791 by the proprietor Mr Sanders who resides on the premises; offered for sale in Mar 1794 by Mr John Whapham the resident proprietor who is going into another line of business; offered for sale again in Nov 1796 by the proprietor Mr William Gurr and then put for auction in November by John Hammond; sale of what is described as “an exceedingly well timbered windmill erected only about three years since” but which must be taken away by the purchaser, and which was in the care of John Saunders at Waldron Watermill, in Jan 1797; sale of the windmill still in place at Cross-in-Hand owned by Richard Maynard and worked by John Waterman, in Oct 1802; death of a poor travelling woman who got too close to the sweeps of Cross-in-Hand windmill, in May 1843; Cross-in-Hand windmill struck by lightning and shivered to pieces, in Dec 1790; lease of the two postmills at Cross-in-Hand with w dwelling house etc., in May 1878. 105 . Sale of a nearly-new corn windmill, owned by Thomas Potter, in May 1828; lease of the windmill and cottage, with or without 2½ acres of good land, in Aug 1867; sale of post windmill, house, buildings and 10½ acres, known as Summer Hill and occupied by John Ellis, in July 1885. 106 . Vacancy for a grinder and dresser to work at Boreham Mill, in Jan 1772; vacancy for a journeyman miller to work for Mr Edmunds at mill, in Sep 1779; vacancy for a good grinder to work at Boreham windmill for Mr Edmunds, in Jan 1790; death of a woman whose head was struck by the sweeps of Boreham Mill, in Mar 1792; death of Mr Edmunds the miller who dropped down dead of a fit, in Sep 1793; removal of the post windmill, taken bodily from Boreham Street to Ninfield, in June 1807; lease of the Boreham wind and steam flour mill (which could easily be adapted for sawing) along with 10-20 acres of land: also Bellhurst House which Mr G Kenward wishes to lease but only after he’s disposed of his mill, in May 1880; sale of the running gear of Boreham windmill, for which apply to Herbert Curteis of Bellhurst, in Oct 1883. 107 Washington. Sale of a leasehold smockmill on Rock Common, in June 1837. 108 Westbourne. Sale of postmill and stable on Nutbourne Common Field, erected in 1800 with a roundhouse, now occupied by Benjamin Hay, in Dec 1805; vacancies for two millers, preferably acquainted with the management of a windmill, to work for Benjamin Hay, in Sep 1811; sale of a freehold estate comprising a post windmill with roundhouse, miller’s cottage, cart house, stable, piggery and about an acre, situate on Nutbourne Common and now in the occupation of John Bydon, in Mar 1814; sale of John Bydon’s ‘utensils’ at the same time. 109 Westfield. Injury to the hand of a lad who was carelessly fondling the cogs of the mill on Westfield Down, in Mar 1776; Robert Noakes and John Parkhurst charged with breaking and entering Stephen Crisford’s mill and stealing 21 bushels of flour, for which they were sentenced to seven years transportation. 110 . Sale of a messuage with garden etc. and also two Corn windmills with about half an acre of land, now occupied by Richard Standen, in Mar 1773; sale of the windmills and land again, in Feb 1774; sale of one windmill, in July 1787, and again in Aug 1790; the miller at Westham windmill suffered from burglaries and so set up a spring-gun on several nights: but one morning he forgot about it and was seriously injured when it went off: but “we are happy to believe his life is not despaired of”, in Mar 1799; in Feb 1788 the Revenue Officers escorted by two dragoons seized eighteen casks of foreign spirits near Westham Windmill and took them to the Kings Custom House at Eastbourne; sale of a corn mill, occupied by William Buckley, in July 1803; application for work as a journeyman miller by someone taught by Charles Crisford at Westham Mill, in Sep 1837. 111 Willingdon. Vacancy for a grinder at Willingdon windmill: apply to Nicholas Chapman at Jevington, in Oct 1790; Sale of the tower mill on Ocklyn Hill, in Dec 1847; damage to Willingdon Mill in Feb 17769. 112 Wilmington. A hurricane in March 1817, shattered Inigo Thomas’s windmill on the lofty hill at Wilmington, famous for its widespread views, and scattered the fragments far and wide: the grinder luckily got out in time; sale of the Windore windmill, situated near and Berwick Station and currently worked by Mr Woodhams, in May 1850; death of Thomas Gouldsmith, of Milton Street the miller at Windoor Mill, in Aug 1816; sale or lease of Windor Mill: apply to Mr William Jenner of Lewes or Mr Joseph Woodhams of Alfriston, miller, in May 1854; destruction by fire of Mr Woodhams’ Windore windmill (a pretty object): but it was insured, on Dec 31st, 1820; Mr Woodhams is building a replacement windmill, bigger than the one he lost, in Mar 1821. 113 Winchelsea. Sale of a windmill and dwelling house with about an acre of land near Winchelsea, in Sep 1762; sale of a post windmill with stable, close and granary, in Nov 1812. 114 Wisborough Green. Sale of the windmill with stable, granary, hog pen etc., now occupied by James Kingett, in July 1781; sale of the lease of a windmill lately occupied by Greenfield Stening, in Oct 1788; lease of the windmill occupied by John Luff, in Mar 1820; sale of the tower mill lately belonging to Joseph Welch, in Aug 1860; for lease at low rent, a tower windmill and a good house, on application to Mr Thomas Elliott of Wisborough Green or Mr Joseph Welch of Burton Mill, Petworth, in Sep 1844. 115 Worth. The windmill at Copthorne, occupied by Mr Locke, in Worth Parish was destroyed by a thunderstorm in Aug 1795; lease of three mills straddling the Surrey/Sussex border approx. 28 miles from London, known as Warren Furnace Water-Mill, Copthorne windmill and Edge Court water mill resp., in May 1789. 116 Worthing. Vacancy for a grinder to work for Edward Penfold at Broadwater windmill, in Dec 1796; sale of the windmill currently occupied by S Stubbs, in Feb 1818; sale of windmill and about an acre of meadow land, now occupied by Solomon Sandall, in Oct 1819; sale of the smock mill called East Mill in Broadwater Parish, being worked by Richard Hide, in Dec 1820; sale of a windmill plus storeroom now occupied by Mark Markwick, in Jan 1823; sale of Hide’s Mill, a smock mill in Worthing, in Nov 1823; sale of a town-centre bake-house with a post mill about ½ mile away, owned by Mr T Moore, in Aug 1825; sale of mill with Cottage, stables etc. owned by Thomas Moore, in Oct 1829; lease of tower mill with regulating sails through agency of Mr Sheppard millwright of Worthing, in Aug 1831; sale of an old-established butchers shop along with a tower windmill, in Mar1834; swale of a tower windmill with cottage etc. and about one acre of land, currently occupied by William Hill, in Feb 1837; Sheppard the Millwright offered the lease of the tower mill again, in April 1837; lease of the tower mill named as Navarino mill, offered by Mr Sheppard, in Jan 1840; sale of a timber-built post mill with brick-built roundhouse, in July 1846; sale of Navarino Mill with about ¾ acre, in May 1848; again, in Sep 1851; lease of Worthing Mill with cottages and garden, store house, stable, cart lodge and pigsties, now occupied by John Awcock, in Mar 1841; lucky escapes of harvesters who took refuge in a windmill that got struck by lightning, in Aug 1825.