F¿¥ghiz v©. 101820 / ¡ô 1 / 2018, ehŸ. 23.02.2018 bghUŸ : bjhêš E£g¡ fšé – Ã¥utç 2018 tâféaš nj®ÎfŸ jiyik nj®ths® / nj®ths® étu« btëæLjš – bjhl®ghf ***** Ã¥utç 2018 š eilbg‰w muR tâféaš nj®ÎfS¡fhd éil¤jhŸfŸ ËtU« 11 ika kÂ¥ÕL ika§fëš tU« 16.03.2018 Kjš 20.03.2018 tiu 5 eh£fŸ kÂ¥ÕL brŒa¥glΟsJ. 1) State Institute of Commerce Education, Tharamani, Chennai – 113. 2) Government Polytechnic College, Purasaiwakkam, Chennai. 3) Mothilal Nehru Government Poly. College, Pudhucherry. 4) T.P.E.V.R Govt. Poly. College, Vellore. 5) Government Polytechnic College, Trichy. 6) C.S.I Polytechnic College, Salem. 7) Government Polytechnic College for Women, Coimbatore. 8) Government Polytechnic College for Women, Madurai. 9) AVC Polytechnic College, Mayiladuthurai. 10) PAC Ramaswamy Raja Poly. College, Rajapalayam. 11) Government Polytechnic College, Nagarcoil. ika kÂ¥ÕL gâæš <LglΟs jiyik nj®ths®fŸ k‰W« nj®ths®fë‹ étu§fŸ ÑœfhQ« étu§fë‹go btëæl¥gL»wJ. nj®ths® ãakd Miz »il¡f¥bgwhjt®fS« j§fë‹ bga® Ïl« bg‰WŸs ika kÂ¥ÕL ika§fS¡F br‹W Kjštçl« étu¤Âid bjçé¤J ika kÂ¥ÕL gâæid nk‰bfhŸS«go bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ. nkY« btëæl¥g£LŸs nj®ths®fŸ étu§fëš bga® k‰W« éyhr§fëš kh‰w§fŸ VnjD« ÏU¥Ã‹ foj« mšyJ ä‹dŠrš (
[email protected]) _ykhf t£lhu mYty® II mt®fS¡F bjçé¡F«go nf£L¡bfhŸs¥gL»wJ. x«/- xxx TLjš Ïa¡Fe®(nj®Î) DIRECTORATE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION GUINDY - 600 025.