Surrey. [ Kf.Lly's
274 KI NGST.:.YN' -ON·THAMES. SURREY. [ KF.LLY'S Orowter E. (Mrs.). dress maker, 78 Deacon road Durham John (firm, Durham & Charlton), solicitor, commis Cryer Abraham, cycle maker, Kingston vale (letters through sioner for oaths & perpetual commiBSioner, clerk to Putney s w) burial board & vestry clerk, & clerk to the municipal Cullen William Henry, grocer, 124 London road trustees, 77 Clarence street CuJJimore John Daniel, painter, 212 King's road, Norbiton Dyer Willia.m, Liverpool Arms P.H. 140 London road Ourwen R. H. grooer, 138 Richmond road Eacott .l\Iay Thomas, watch make1·, 139 Richmond road Customs & Excise Office (G. S. Byrne, surveyor; James lL Ealing Ernest Godfrey, shopkeeper, 18 Wood street Fisher, probate & pension officer & W. A. Dunn, officer), East Eruest Henry, boot repairer, 164 Acre road 39 Orchard road Eastland & Sons, boat builders, Thames side Cutbill George & Sons, firewood merchants, Bittoms lane Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Limited, lA, Clarence street; Cutting Harry & Sons, ironmongers, 13 Park road, Norbiton Eastmans Limited, butchers, 12 & 22 Church street ; 22!, Darby Bernard, Bricklayers' Arms P.H. 53 Hawk's road Clarence street & 60 Richmond road Dare John Thomas, builder, Kingston vale (letters through Ebbage Henry Edward F.I.O., F.S.M.o. optician, 5 Brook street Putneys w) Eckford C. R. & Sons, bakers, 53 Kingston hill, Norbiton . Dart & Son, grooers & wine merchants, 53 Richmond road Ede Henry, shopkeeper, 4 Hampden road, Norbiton Dartnall Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Beresford road Edgcome James Edmund M.I.M.E., M.I.E.E. borough electrical Dartnall William, sawdust contractor, 2 Beresford road engineer, Central station, Down Hall road Dash Charles William, clerk to the guardians & assessment Edser Leona.rd, Prudential insur.
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