7918 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9 DECEMBER, 1930. Plans and sections of the works including as relates to the urban district of Weald- plans of the lands proposed to be acquired stone, with the clerk to the Wealdstone Urban under the authority of the Bill together with District Council at the 'Council Offices, Peel a book of reference to the plans were on the Road, Wealdstone; as relates to the urban 20th day of November last deposited for public district of Wembley, with the clerk to the inspection with the Clerk of the Council at Wembley Urban District Council at ths Coun- his office alt the Guildhall, Westminster and cil Offices, High Road, Wembley; as relates with the Clerk of the County Council at to the urban district of Willesden with the the County Hall, Kingston-upon-Thames, and clerk to the Wdllesden Urban District Coun- a copy of. so much of the said plans, sections cil at the Council Offices, Dyne Road, Kil- and book of reference as relates to each of the burn, N.W.; as relates to the urban district several areas hereinafter mentioned were on of Yiewsley and West Drayton, with the clerk the said 20th day of November deposited as to the Yiewsley and West Drayton Urban follows:— District -Council at the Council Offices, High Street, Yiewsley; as relates to the rural dis- So far as relates to the borough of Ealing, trict of Hendon, with the clerk to the Hen- with the Town Clerk at the Town Hall, don Rural District Council at the Council Ealing; as relates to the borough of Twicken- Offices, Harrow Weald, Stanmore; as ham, with the Town Clerk at the Municipal relates to the parish of Little Stan- Offices, York House, ; as relates more, with the clerk to the Council of that to the borough of Richmond with the Town Parish, Over Cross' Office, High Street Clerk at the Town Hall, Richmond; as relates Edgware; as relates to the parish oFDreat to the urban district of Brentford and Ghis- Stanmore -with the clerk to the Council of wick, with the clerk to the Brentford and that parish, at his office at The Institute, Chiswick Urban District Council at the Town Stanmore; as relates to the parish of Har- Hall, Chiswick; as relates to the urban dis- row Weald, with the clerk to the Council trict of Feltham, with the clerk to the Felt- of that parish at his office at Memorial Hall, ham Urban District Council at the Council High Road, Harrow Weald; and as relates Offices, High Street, Feltham; as relates to to the parish of Pinner, with the clerk to the urban district of Hampton, with the the Council of that parish at his office at clerk to the Hampton Urban District Coun- the Parish Hall, Pinner. cil at the Public Offices, Hampton; as re- lates to the urban district of , On and after the 4th day of December instant with the clerk to the Hampton Wick Urban a copy of the Bill may be inspected and copies District Council "at'the Council Offices, High obtained at the price of two shillings each at Street, Hampton Wick; as relates to the the office of the Clerk of the Brentford and urban district of Harrow-6n-the-Hill, with Chiswick Urban District Council, Town Hall, the clerk to the Harrow-on-the-Hill Urban Chiswick, the office of the Clerk of the Surrey District Council at the Council Offices, High County Council, County Hall, Kingston-upDn- Street, Harrow-on-the-Hill; as relates to the Thames, and at the office of the undermentioned urban district of Hayes and Harlington, Solicitor, and copies may also be obtained at with the clerk to the Hayes and Harlington the same price at the offices of the under- Urban District Council at the Town Hall, mentioned Parliamentary Agents. Hayes; as relates to the urban district of A notice stating the objects of the intended , Hendon, with the clerk to the Hendon Urban application has been and will be published in District Council at the Town Hall. The full in the Middlesex Advertiser and County Burroughs, Hendon; as relates to the urban Gazette of the 28th November last and the 5th • district of Heston and Isleworth, with the December instant and in the Middlesex County clerk to the Heston and Isleworth Urban Times and the County of Middlesex Chronicle District Council at the Council Offices, of the 29th November last and the 6th Decem- . Treaty Road, Hounslow; as relates to the ber instant and in The Times of the 4th and urban district of Kingsbury, with the clerk llth December instant. to the Kingsbury Urban District Council at Dated this 3rd day of December 1930. the Council Offices, White Lodge, Kingsbury Road, N.W. 9; as relates to the urban dis- C. W. RADCLIFFE, Guildhall, Westminster, trict of Ruislip Northwood, with the clerk S.W. 1, County Solicitor. to the Ruislip Northwood Urban District Council, at the Council Offices, Oaklands SHABPB PRITCHAED AND Co., Palace Gate, Northwood; as relates to the urban Chambers, Bridge Street, Westminster, district of Southall-Norwood, with the Clerk (139) S.W. 1, Parliamentary Agents. to the Southall-Norwood Urban District Council at the Council Offices, High Street, Southall; as relates to the urban district of Staines, with the clerk to the Staines Urban In Parliament.—Session 1930-31. District Council at the Council Offices, ' Clarence Street, Staines; as relates to the SCARBOROUGH CORPORATION. urban district of Sunbury-on-Thames, with * the clerk to the Sunbury-on-Thames Urban OTICE is hereby given that application District 'Council at the Council Offices, Green has been made to Parliament in the Street, Sun'bury-on-Thames; as relates to the Session 1930-31 by the Mayor, Aldermen and . urban district of , with the clerk burgesses of the borough of Scarborough (here- to the Teddington Urban District Council at inafter called " the Corporation " and " the the Council Offices, Teddington; as relates to borough " respectively) for an Act of which * the urban district of Uxbridge, with the clerk the principal subject matters are as follows:— i to the Uxbridge Urban District Council at 1. The construction and maintenance by the the Council Offices, High Street, Ux-bridge; Corporation of the following waterworks all