Oric Computing0 1
::, 1 ' /!; t I A MEAN, FAST ACTION ADVENTURE ON � ORIC-1 WHERE COURAGE AND A 0 STRONG SWORD ARM RULES Ht II-. ·11•mplt 1, nn1• 1,f th1 mo-.tarhan, Pd \eh, ntun pr111,tram-.f11r ttit Orit I \\ 1th 11\l'T 70 mon,l1 r-, l11 hattlt 111 I].,11 mpli rt pn -.i•nt-.tH'1 .,tat, ,,f ttu art for oth1 r arh f'ntun t prol(ram-.to f11ll11\lo ·1111 .. compll·X and t ,:1,lHll( ,11 n,trio 1-. an1·d out h1·tw1·1·n th,,-.,.1mnH1rtal ,1n1·, 11f Satan and tho'il'whu an• hravt•1•n11ul(h t11 t•nln llt•IJ, T1•mpl1· T/11., 1, tht• plan• wh1•r1· 11nl� c,,urai.:1·.'iOT! 1·ry and a -.trnnl( ,word arm rult.•, ··Jt 1, th1· t1m1· of tht· dark al(I'"wht·n ,,nly v.1t1 h('raft. ,orcny and ft·ar rul1·d mankind l>urml(th1·,1· <lark y1·ar, 1 h ���t/��;��;;:; �;-��-�:: �:� :�.�:::'�;;;:�;�r��.. ��1�;�, <vio bn•t•d who fou1i:hta1,ta1n.,t tht· powt•r..,of t•vil for rid1 s rt>ward!.or tht.·1r de-.trurtwn Armt•d only with a stroni,: sword arm a liule ma11:1(al powt rand ( oural,?l th1•s1 m1 n an•d AVAILABLE SOON would seek to< onquer0 whnt• mrn,t mt•n f1 to tr1 arl deep within the Dev1l !'ilair" ..,., FOR: You are one of these bravl' and 1,?allantmn,·<•nar11•s of Q BBC action whose-task 1t 1s to seek out th,· nrhi•-.
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