Eu Slams Ankara Over

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Eu Slams Ankara Over -- • TURKEY WILL SOLVE ISSUES WITH DEMOCRACY / TÜRKİYE DEMOKRASİ İLE SORUNLARI ÇÖZER / La Turquie va résoudre le questions avec la démocratie / Die Türkei wird die Fragen mit der Demokratie lösen / Turqia do të zgjidhë çështjet me demokracinë / Turska će riješiti pitanja s demokracijom / Turkio solvos la demandoj kun demokratio says.aspx?pageID=238&nID=48662&NewsCatID=338 • TIME FOR EUROPE TO TALK TURKEY / ZEIT DASS EUROPA ÜBER DIE TÜRKEI SPRECHEN / TEMPS POUR L'EUROPE DE PARLER DE LA TURQUIE / TÜKRİYE HAKKINDA KONUŞMAK IÇIN AVROPA ZAMANI / TEMPO POR EŬROPO PAROLI PRI TURKIO" • TURKEY IN THE WORLD / TÜRKIYE VE DÜNYA / TÜRKEI IN DER WELT / LA TURQUIE DANS LE MONDE / TURKIO EN LA MONDO: • ERDOĞAN: STANJE U TURSKOJ ĆE SE USKORO SMIRITI! / SITUATION IN TURKEY WILL BE SOON SUBSIDE! / Türkiye'deki durum yakında çökmek olacaktır! / Situation in der Türkei wird / أدهت ابيرق ايكرت يف عضولا نإف / !bald nachlassen! / Situation en Turquie sera bientôt calme Situata në Turqi do / .دوب دهاوخ مارآ یدوز هب هیکرت رد تیعضو / !Türkiyədə vəziyyət tezliklə sakit olacaq të jetë së shpejti qetë. / Kατάσταση στην Τουρκία θα είναι σύντομα ήρεμη. / Положението в Турция скоро ще се успокои. / A törökországi helyzet hamarosan alábbhagy! / Situacio en Turkio estos baldaŭ trankvila! • TURSKA POVEZUJE NARODE BALKANA / TURKEY CONNECTS THE BALKAN PEOPLES / Türkiye / Turqia i lidh popujt e Ballkanit / ןקלבה ימע תא תרשקמ היקרוט / Balkan halkları birbirine bağlayan Türkei verbindet die Völker des Balkans / Törökország összekapcsolja a népek a Balkánon / Turquie lie les peuples des Balkans / Турция связывает народы на Балканах / Турция свързва народите на Балканите / Турција ги поврзува народите на Балканот / Turčija združuje narode na Balkanu / Turcia leagă popoarele din Balcani / Τουρκία συνδέει τους λαούς των Βαλκανίων / Turchia collega i popoli dei Balcani / Turcja łączy narody Bałkanów / Turkija susieja Balkanų tautų / Turkije verbindt de volkeren van de Balkan / Turecko spája národy na Turkio Ligiloj popoloj / ناقلبلا بوعش طبرت ايكرت / Balkáne / Turquía conecta los pueblos balcánicos de Balkanio -- Hürriyet Daily News Web: EU SLAMS ANKARA OVER PROTESTS, GOVERNMENT FURIOUS • Tensions run high between EU and Turkey following a highly critical European Parliament resolution Ankara ramped up the tension in its showdown with the European Union, following a highly critical European Parliament statement regarding the Turkish government's crackdown on Gezi Park protesters. While Ankara declared the European Parliament statement "null and void," a number of EU member states, as well as the United States, also received their share from the Turkish government’s anger. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said he would "not recognize" any decision of the European body regarding Turkey. Addressing his party members yesterday, Erdoğan reminded of the economic crisis that swept Greece recently, which led to large protests lasting for months. "I do not recognize a decision that the European Parliament will make about us. Those who make this decision should first look at Greece. When people and police were confronted in Greece, I wonder if EU officials, even the ‘eurozone’ did anything else other that giving them money," he said. "Just yesterday and the day before, in Britain, more than 30 protesters were arrested during the protests against the G-8," he said. "What did the European Parliament say about Britain, their own member? Right now Turkey is not a member of the EU, it is a negotiator. How come you can make a decision about me? Is this within your limits?" Erdoğan added. He also criticized Stefan Füle, European Union Commissioner responsible for the enlargement, for the Twitter message in which the commissioner expressed disappointment about the government’s approach to the Gezi Park incidents. Erdoğan dismissively referred to the commissioner as "That one who is responsible for the expansion of the union." Referring to a recent joint conference where he met with the EU commissioner in Istanbul, Erdoğan said, "He did not once give me a counter-argument during his time with me, and then exited the room and tweeted." More... furious.aspx?PageID=238&NID=48776&NewsCatID=338 Carnegie Europe – Strategic Europe Erdogan's Fetishism of the National Will Sinan Ülgen European voice What started as a small and localized gathering to prevent a public park in the center of Istanbul from being turned into yet another shopping mall has now been transformed into the most widespread protest movement witnessed in Turkey. Within days, protests spread from Istanbul to many other Turkish provinces. The protesters represent a liberal coalition including NGO activists, seculars, Kurdish activists, university professors, opposition parties, youth and football club supporters. What unites them is not ideology but a common exasperation with the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's majority rule. Over the past decade, Erdogan has overseen a radical transformation of Turkey. He has greatly extended Turkey's influence regionally and in global affairs based on the economy's sustainable and inclusive growth. He has also moved Turkey towards the norms of a better democracy by bringing the military under civilian control and by passing a series of democratic reforms that extended individual freedoms. Yet most of these accomplishments were in the first decade of the millenium. /.../ Erdogan's political success has much to do with his pragmatism. He has demonstrated in the past that he can be pragmatic. He is currently the only person in Turkey that can defuse this conflict. He only needs to empathise with the core arguments of the protesters and state that he will be more inclusive in future policymaking. He has, however, opted for further polarisation, believing that he can subdue the protest movement. With the imminent prospect of a chapter of the EU accession negotiations being opened after a hiatus of 36 months, the European Union is faced with a hard choice. An intergovernmental conference scheduled for 26 June is expected to give the go-ahead for the opening of the chapter on regional policy. That will be the 14th chapter to be opened for negotiations with a country that started talks on the same day as Croatia, which will join the EU on 1 July. Currently, no chapters can be closed because of differences over Cyprus. More... • Judy Asks: Is Turkey Becoming More Western or Less? • The Astonishing Likeness of Turkey and Russia There are a number of similarities between Turkey and Russia. Both used to have powerful empires, with much of their territory situated outside Europe. Both started their modernization late, in the second half of the nineteenth century, went through catastrophes of war and revolution at the beginning of the twentieth, and, as a consequence, had to reinvent themselves as nations. Both are now going through a second wave of modernization of their economies, societies, and polities. Both are treated as outsiders by Europeans: the Turks, because they are many and Muslim; the Russians, because they are largely Christian Orthodox, and used to be Communist. And, crucially, both deserve the attention of the EU, which needs to rethink its relations with its two largest neighbors. • Turkey and Russia: An Evolving Relationship • The Way Forward for Turkey and the EU: A Strategic Dialogue on Foreign Policy Yeni Akit Web: Gül: Diyalog yolunun açılması sevindirici • Rize ziyaretinin ardından Artvin’e geçen Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, Gezi Parkı konusunda diyalog yolunun açılmasının son derece sevindirici olduğunu söyledi Daha fazla… Kendine bak Avrupa! • Avrupa Parlamentosu’nun Gezi Parkı olayları ile ilgili kararına sert tepki gösteren Başbakan Erdoğan, "Avrupa önce kendine baksın... İngiltere ve Yunanistan’daki olaylar sırasında neredeydiler! Türkiye’yi eleştirmek AP’nin haddine mi?" dedi. Dışişleri Bak Daha fazla… Sandžak PRESS Web: Zenica: Održan skup podrške za mir i jedinstvo u Turskoj • BIH – U organizaciji nekoliko desetina nevladinih organizacija i udruženja građana danas je u Zenici na trgu Alije Izetbegovića tačno u podne održan prvi skup podrške za "mir i jedinstvo u Republici Turskoj". U cjelosti... • NEO-NAZISM:
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