

Senate Journal



Printed daily by the State of Iowa during the sessions of the General Assembly. An official corrected copy is available for reference in the Secretary of the Senate’s Office. (The official bound copy will be available after a reasonable time upon adjournment.)


101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1077




Senate Chamber Des Moines, Iowa, Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Senate met in regular session at 9:02 a.m., President Schneider presiding.

Prayer was offered by Pastor Mark Doss, regional associate and superintendent of the Evangelical Free Church in Des Moines, Iowa. He was the guest of Senator Edler.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Senate Page Kate Hapgood.

The Journal of Tuesday, April 23, 2019, was approved.


The following messages were received from the Chief Clerk of the House:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House has on April 23, 2019, passed the following bills in which the concurrence of the House was asked:

Senate File 605, a bill for an act relating to the application fee and annual fee imposed for nonassistance child support cases.

Senate File 618, a bill for an act relating to alcoholic beverage control and matters under the purview of the alcoholic beverages division of the department of commerce and including effective date provisions.


Senate File 619, a bill for an act modifying provisions applicable to certain service contract providers regulated by the commissioner of insurance, providing fees, making penalties applicable, making an appropriation, and including effective date provisions.

ALSO: That the House has on April 23, 2019, concurred in the Senate amendment to the House amendment and passed the following bills in which the concurrence of the House was asked:

Senate File 188, a bill for an act prohibiting a governing board of a public college or university from adopting or enforcing any policy or rule that prohibits a person from carrying, transporting, or possessing a dangerous weapon producing a nonprojectile high- voltage pulse designed to immobilize a person in the buildings or on the grounds of such a college or university.

Senate File 609, a bill for an act relating to and making appropriations and related statutory changes involving state government entities involved with agriculture, natural resources, and environmental protection.

ALSO: That the House has on April 23, 2019, concurred in the Senate amendment and passed the following bills in which the concurrence of the House was asked:

House File 756, a bill for an act appropriating federal funds made available from federal block grants and other nonstate sources, allocating portions of federal block grants, and providing procedures if federal funds are more or less than anticipated or if federal block grants are more or less than anticipated.

House File 765, a bill for an act relating to and making appropriations to state departments and agencies from the rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund and the technology reinvestment fund, providing for related matters, and including effective date provisions.

ALSO: That the House has on April 23, 2019, amended and passed the following bills in which the concurrence of the Senate is asked:

Senate File 86, a bill for an act requiring the department of natural resources to include anatomical donor symbols on certain licenses. (S–3213)

101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1079

Senate File 589, a bill for an act relating to criminal law and procedure including certain related administrative proceedings, providing penalties, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (S–3212)

Senate File 599, a bill for an act relating to hemp, including the regulation of hemp, providing for enforcement and the confiscation and destruction or disposal of certain property, providing for fees, including penalties, and providing implementation and effective date provisions. (S–3211)

Senate File 608, a bill for an act making appropriations to the department of cultural affairs, the economic development authority, the Iowa finance authority, the public employment relations board, the department of workforce development, the college student aid commission, and the state board of regents and certain regents institutions, and properly related matters. (S–3214)

Senate File 615, a bill for an act relating to appropriations to the justice system, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (S–3215)

Senate File 616, a bill for an act relating to appropriations to the judicial branch. (S–3216)

ALSO: That the House has on April 23, 2019, passed the following bill in which the concurrence of the Senate is asked:

House File 772, a bill for an act creating an empower rural Iowa Act to provide incentives for broadband and workforce housing, and including effective date and applicability provisions.

Read first time and attached to similar Senate File 625.


On motion of Senator Sinclair, the Senate recessed at 9:07 a.m. until the completion of a meeting of the committee on Rules and Administration.



The Senate reconvened at 9:11 a.m., President Schneider presiding.



Bill Title: SENATE RESOLUTION 29, a resolution for recognizing Megan Gustafson for her outstanding academic and college basketball career at the University of Iowa.

Recommendation: DO PASS.

Final Vote: Yeas, 10: Schneider, Petersen, Behn, Bolkcom, Chapman, Feenstra, Jochum, Ragan, Sinclair, and R. Smith. Nays, none. Absent, 1: Whitver.



Senator Sinclair asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Resolution 29.

Senate Resolution 29

On motion of Senator Wahls, Senate Resolution 29, a resolution for recognizing Megan Gustafson for her outstanding academic and college basketball career at the University of Iowa, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Wahls moved the adoption of Senate Resolution 29, which motion prevailed by a voice vote.


President Schneider introduced to the Senate chamber the Honorable , former member of the Senate from Wapello County, Ottumwa, Iowa.

The Senate rose and expressed its welcome.

101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1081

The Senate stood at ease at 9:21 a.m. until the fall of the gavel for the purpose of party caucuses.

The Senate resumed session at 11:06 a.m., President Schneider presiding.


On motion of Senator Whitver, the Senate recessed at 11:06 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.


The Senate reconvened at 3:17 p.m., President Schneider presiding.

CONSIDERATION OF BILLS (Unfinished Business Calendar)

Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration House Files 224, 263, 289, 303, and 486.

House File 224

On motion of Senator Chapman, House File 224, a bill for an act relating to the criminal offense of lascivious conduct with a minor, and providing penalties, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 11, 2019, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Petersen offered amendment S–3219, filed by her from the floor to pages 1 and 2 and amending the title page of the bill.

Senator Chapman raised the point of order that amendment S–3219 was not germane to the bill.

The Chair ruled the point well-taken and amendment S–3219 out of order.

Senator Chapman moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.


On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 224), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

House File 263

On motion of Senator Nunn, House File 263, a bill for an act relating to application fees for certain consumer loans, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 11, 2019, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Nunn moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 263), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen 101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1083

Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

House File 289

On motion of Senator Carlin, House File 289, a bill for an act concerning the distribution of gambling game receipts for charitable purposes, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 11, 2019, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Carlin moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 289), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach


Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

House File 303

On motion of Senator Whiting, House File 303, a bill for an act relating to a statewide welcome center program, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 11, 2019, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Whiting moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 303), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1085

House File 486

On motion of Senator Johnson, House File 486, a bill for an act relating to community catalyst building remediation grants for emergency projects, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 11, 2019, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Johnson moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 486), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that House Files 224, 263, 289, 303, and 486 be immediately messaged to the House.


CONSIDERATION OF BILLS (Unfinished Business Calendar)

Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Files 322, 426, and 594.

Senate File 322

On motion of Senator Nunn, Senate File 322, a bill for an act relating to the enhance Iowa board and moneys allocated by the board, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 4, 2019, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Nunn asked and received unanimous consent that House File 305 be substituted for Senate File 322.

House File 305

On motion of Senator Nunn, House File 305, a bill for an act relating to the enhance Iowa board and moneys allocated by the board, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Nunn moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 305), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1087

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Nunn asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 322 be withdrawn from further consideration of the Senate.

Senate File 426

On motion of Senator Chapman, Senate File 426, a bill for an act including personal degradation of a dependent adult as a form of dependent adult abuse by a caretaker regulated by the department of human services, and making penalties applicable, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 4, 2019, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Chapman offered amendment S–3218, filed by him from the floor, striking and replacing everything after the enacting clause and amending the title page of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3218 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Chapman asked and received unanimous consent that House File 569 be substituted for Senate File 426.

House File 569

On motion of Senator Chapman, House File 569, a bill for an act including personal degradation of a dependent adult as a form of dependent adult abuse by a caretaker regulated by the department of human services, and making penalties applicable, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Chapman moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.


On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 569), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Chapman asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 426 be withdrawn from further consideration of the Senate.

Senate File 594

On motion of Senator Dawson, Senate File 594, a bill for an act relating to postconviction DNA profiling procedure, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 4, 2019, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Dawson offered amendment S–3217, filed by him from the floor, striking and replacing everything after the enacting clause of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3217 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Dawson asked and received unanimous consent that House File 734 be substituted for Senate File 594. 101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1089

House File 734

On motion of Senator Dawson, House File 734, a bill for an act relating to postconviction DNA profiling procedure, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 4, 2019, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Dawson moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 734), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Dawson asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 594 be withdrawn from further consideration of the Senate.



Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that House Files 305, 569, and 734 be immediately messaged to the House.

CONSIDERATION OF BILLS (Unfinished Business Calendar)

Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration House Files 590 and 604.

House File 590

On motion of Senator R. Smith, House File 590, a bill for an act relating to tax return preparers, and providing penalties, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 11, 2019, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator R. Smith moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 590), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1091

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

House File 604

On motion of Senator Kapucian, House File 604, a bill for an act relating to commercial fishing to remove underused, undesirable, and injurious organisms from waters of the state, and including applicability provisions, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 11, 2019, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Kapucian offered amendment S–3117, filed by him on April 4, 2019, to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3117 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Kapucian moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 604), the vote was:

Yeas, 49:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach


Nays, 1:

Taylor, R.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

CONSIDERATION OF BILL (Ways and Means Calendar)

Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 625.

Senate File 625

On motion of Senator Feenstra, Senate File 625, a bill for an act creating an empower rural Iowa Act to provide incentives for broadband access, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Feenstra offered amendment S–3222, filed by him from the floor, striking and replacing everything after the enacting clause and amending the title page of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3222 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Feenstra asked and received unanimous consent that House File 772 be substituted for Senate File 625.

House File 772

On motion of Senator Feenstra, House File 772, a bill for an act creating an empower rural Iowa Act to provide incentives for broadband access, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Feenstra moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1093

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 772), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Feenstra asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 625 be withdrawn from further consideration of the Senate.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that House Files 590, 604, and 772 be immediately messaged to the House.


Senate File 608

Senator Whitver called up for consideration Senate File 608, a bill for an act making appropriations to the department of cultural affairs, the economic development authority, the Iowa finance authority, the public employment relations board, the department of workforce development, the college student aid commission, and the state board of regents and certain regents institutions, and properly related matters, amended by the House in House amendment S–3214, filed April 24, 2019. 1094 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 101st Day

Senator Lofgren moved that the Senate concur in the House amendment.

The motion prevailed by a voice vote and the Senate concurred in the House amendment.

Senator Lofgren moved that the bill, as amended by the House and concurred in by the Senate, be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 608), the vote was:

Yeas, 37:

Behn Breitbach Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Johnson Kapucian Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Quirmbach Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 13:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Hogg Jochum Kinney Lykam Petersen Ragan Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 608 be immediately messaged to the House.

101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1095


Senate File 616

Senator Whitver called up for consideration Senate File 616, a bill for an act relating to appropriations to the judicial branch, amended by the House in House amendment S–3216, filed April 24, 2019.

Senator Garrett moved that the Senate concur in the House amendment.

The motion prevailed by a voice vote and the Senate concurred in the House amendment.

Senator Garrett moved that the bill, as amended by the House and concurred in by the Senate, be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 616), the vote was:

Yeas, 35:

Behn Bisignano Breitbach Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Edler Feenstra Garrett Greene Guth Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 15:

Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Hogg Jochum Lykam Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.



Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 616 be immediately messaged to the House.


Senate File 615

Senator Whitver called up for consideration Senate File 615, a bill for an act relating to appropriations to the justice system, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions, amended by the House in House amendment S–3215, filed April 24, 2019.

Senator Hogg offered amendment S–3223, filed by him from the floor to pages 1, 18, and 19 of amendment S–3215, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–3223 to amendment S–3215 be adopted?” (S.F. 615), the vote was:

Yeas, 18:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Hogg Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls

Nays, 32:

Behn Breitbach Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Edler Feenstra Garrett Greene Guth Johnson Kapucian Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Miller-Meeks Nunn Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3223 to amendment S–3215 lost. 101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1097

President Pro Tempore Behn took the chair at 4:53 p.m.

Senator Hogg offered amendment S–3224, filed by Senators Hogg and T. Taylor from the floor to pages 11, 16, and 20 of amendment S–3215, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–3224 to amendment S–3215 be adopted?” (S.F. 615), the vote was:

Yeas, 19:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Hogg Jochum Kapucian Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls

Nays, 31:

Behn Breitbach Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Edler Feenstra Garrett Greene Guth Johnson Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Miller-Meeks Nunn Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3224 to amendment S–3215 lost.

Senator Hogg offered amendment S–3221, filed by Senators Hogg and T. Taylor from the floor to pages 20–22 of amendment S–3215, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.


On the question “Shall amendment S–3221 to amendment S–3215 be adopted?” (S.F. 615), the vote was:

Yeas, 18:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Hogg Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls

Nays, 32:

Behn Breitbach Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Edler Feenstra Garrett Greene Guth Johnson Kapucian Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Miller-Meeks Nunn Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3221 to amendment S–3215 lost.

President Schneider took the chair at 5:27 p.m.

Senator Garrett moved that the Senate concur in the House amendment.

The motion prevailed by a voice vote and the Senate concurred in the House amendment.

Senator Garrett moved that the bill, as amended by the House and concurred in by the Senate, be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 615), the vote was:

Yeas, 32:

Behn Breitbach Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Edler Feenstra Garrett Greene Guth Johnson Kapucian Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Miller-Meeks Nunn 101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1099

Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 18:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Hogg Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 615 be immediately messaged to the House.


The following messages were received from the Chief Clerk of the House:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House has on April 24, 2019, amended and passed the following bills in which the concurrence of the Senate is asked:

Senate File 203, a bill for an act relating to stocking private waters and fishing on such waters. (S–3226)

Senate File 592, a bill for an act relating to the practice and licensure of physician assistants, and providing penalties. (S–3225)

ALSO: That the House has on April 24, 2019, concurred in the Senate amendment and passed the following bill in which the concurrence of the House was asked:

House File 758, a bill for an act relating to the funding of, the operation of, and appropriation of moneys to the college student aid commission, the department for the blind, the department of education, and the state board of regents, providing for related matters, and including effective date provisions. 1100 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 101st Day

ALSO: That the House has on April 24, 2019, passed the following bills in which the concurrence of the Senate is asked:

House File 742, a bill for an act relating to the assessment of an agricultural crime surcharge on criminal offenses involving crops, livestock, or honeybees, and making an appropriation.

Read first time and referred to committee on Appropriations.

House File 768, a bill for an act relating to agricultural development, by providing for the Iowa finance authority, a beginning farmer tax credit program, fees, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.

Read first time and attached to similar Senate File 624.


Leave of absence was granted as follows:

Senator Quirmbach, until he returns, on request of Senator Petersen.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Deferred April 23, 2019)

Senate File 634

The Senate resumed consideration of Senate File 634, a bill for an act relating to local government budgets and property taxation by modifying provisions governing the establishment and approval of county and city budgets, modifying provisions relating to the state appraisal manual, and including applicability provisions, deferred April 23, 2019.

Senator Feenstra offered amendment S–3206, filed by him on April 23, 2019, to pages 1–31 and amending the title page of the bill.

Senator Jochum offered amendment S–3220, filed by Senator Jochum, et al., from the floor to pages 1 and 13 of amendment S–3206, and moved its adoption.

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A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–3220 to amendment S–3206 be adopted?” (S.F. 634), the vote was:

Yeas, 20:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Dotzler Giddens Hogg Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Nunn Petersen Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls

Nays, 29:

Behn Breitbach Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Edler Feenstra Garrett Greene Guth Johnson Kapucian Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Miller-Meeks Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–3220 to amendment S–3206 lost.

Senator Feenstra moved the adoption of amendment S–3206.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–3206 be adopted?” (S.F. 634), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair 1102 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 101st Day

Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

Senator Zaun took the chair at 6:36 p.m.

President Schneider took the chair at 6:56 p.m.

Senator Feenstra moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 634), the vote was:

Yeas, 33:

Behn Bisignano Breitbach Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Edler Feenstra Garrett Greene Guth Johnson Kapucian Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Miller-Meeks Nunn Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 17:

Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Hogg Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title, as amended, was agreed to.

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Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 634 be immediately messaged to the House.


On motion of Senator Whitver, the Senate recessed at 7:23 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.


The Senate reconvened at 8:51 p.m., President Schneider presiding.


The following messages were received from the Chief Clerk of the House:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House has on April 24, 2019, passed the following bill in which the concurrence of the House was asked:

Senate File 629, a bill for an act relating to permits for vehicles of excessive size and weight, including vehicles transporting raw forest products, and providing for fees.

ALSO: That the House has on April 24, 2019, passed the following bills in which the concurrence of the Senate is asked:

House File 760, a bill for an act relating to the exemption from the hotel and motel taxes for the renting of lodging after a certain number of consecutive days.

Read first time and referred to committee on Ways and Means.

House File 778, a bill for an act relating to taking a capital gain deduction for the sale of real property used in a farming business.

Read first time and attached to companion Senate File 627.



Senate File 86

Senator Whitver called up for consideration Senate File 86, a bill for an act requiring the department of natural resources to include anatomical donor symbols on certain licenses, amended by the House in House amendment S–3213, filed April 24, 2019.

Senator Rozenboom moved that the Senate concur in the House amendment.

The motion prevailed by a voice vote and the Senate concurred in the House amendment.

Senator Rozenboom moved that the bill, as amended by the House and concurred in by the Senate, be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 86), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

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Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 86 be immediately messaged to the House.


Senate File 599

Senator Whitver called up for consideration Senate File 599, a bill for an act relating to hemp, including the regulation of hemp, providing for enforcement and the confiscation and destruction or disposal of certain property, providing for fees, including penalties, and providing implementation and effective date provisions, amended by the House in House amendment S–3211, filed April 24, 2019.

Senator Shipley moved that the Senate concur in the House amendment.

The motion prevailed by a voice vote and the Senate concurred in the House amendment.

Senator Shipley moved that the bill, as amended by the House and concurred in by the Senate, be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 599), the vote was:

Yeas, 49:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whitver Zaun Zumbach


Nays, 1:


Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 599 be immediately messaged to the House.

CONSIDERATION OF BILLS (Unfinished Business Calendar)

Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration House Files 707 and 689.

House File 707

On motion of Senator Garrett, House File 707, a bill for an act relating to service of process relating to juvenile delinquency proceedings and termination of the parent-child relationship proceedings, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 11, 2019, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Garrett offered amendment S–3115, filed by the committee on Judiciary on April 3, 2019, to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3115 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Garrett moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

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On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 707), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

House File 689

On motion of Senator Costello, House File 689, a bill for an act relating to the removal of county veterans service officers, placed on the Unfinished Business Calendar on April 11, 2019, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Costello moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 689), the vote was:

Yeas, 50:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam 1108 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 101st Day

Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that House Files 689 and 707 be immediately messaged to the House.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Deferred April 23, 2019)

House File 546

The Senate resumed consideration of House File 546, a bill for an act relating to school funding by modifying provisions relating to the collection of sales tax for deposit in the secure an advanced vision for education fund, provisions relating to the use of tax revenue from the secure an advanced vision for education fund, and provisions relating to the calculation of the additional property tax levy, and making appropriations, deferred April 23, 2019.

Senator Dawson offered amendment S–3180, filed by the committee on Ways and Means on April 17, 2019, to page 6 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–3180 be adopted?” (H.F. 546), the vote was:

Yeas, 48:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett 101st Day WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2019 1109

Giddens Greene Guth Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 2:

Hogg Quirmbach

Absent, none.

Amendment S–3180 was adopted.

Senator Dawson moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 546), the vote was:

Yeas, 48:

Behn Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Breitbach Brown Carlin Celsi Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dotzler Edler Feenstra Garrett Giddens Greene Guth Hogg Jochum Johnson Kapucian Kinney Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Miller-Meeks Nunn Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Rozenboom Schneider Schultz Segebart Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, R. Taylor, T. Wahls Whiting Whitver Zumbach

Nays, 2:

Chapman Zaun

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.



Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that House File 546 be immediately messaged to the House.


On motion of Senator Whitver, the Senate adjourned at 9:54 p.m. until 9:00 a.m., Thursday, April 25, 2019.




Convened: Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 11:15 a.m.

Members Present: Sinclair, Chair; Lofgren, Vice Chair; Bisignano, Ranking Member; Celsi, and Whiting.

Members Absent: None.

Committee Business: HF 764 and SSB 1261.

Adjourned: 11:55 a.m.


Convened: Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 9:05 a.m.

Members Present: Schneider, Vice Chair; Petersen, Ranking Member; Behn, Bolkcom, Chapman, Feenstra, Jochum, Ragan, Sinclair, and R. Smith.

Members Absent: Whitver, Chair (excused).

Committee Business: SR 29.

Adjourned: 9:10 a.m.


Convened: Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 12:40 p.m.

Members Present: Feenstra, Chair; Dawson, Vice Chair; Jochum, Ranking Member; Behn, Bolkcom, Brown, Carlin, Chapman, Dotzler, Edler, Giddens, Nunn, Quirmbach, Schultz, R. Smith, Sweeney, and Wahls.

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Members Absent: None.

Committee Business: HF 753, HF 741, and HF 767.

Adjourned: 1:25 p.m.


Senate Resolution 30, by Nunn, Dawson, R. Taylor, and Zaun, a resolution for congratulating Major General Timothy Orr on his retirement as the Adjutant General of the Iowa National Guard and thanking him for his more than 40 years of military service to his state and nation.

Read first time under Rule 28 and referred to committee on Rules and Administration.


Senate File 639, by committee on Government Oversight, a bill for an act relating to lobbying activities by political subdivisions.

Read first time under Rule 28 and placed on calendar.



Bill Title: *SENATE FILE 639 (SSB 1261), a bill for an act relating to lobbying activities by political subdivisions.


Final Vote: Yeas, 3: Sinclair, Lofgren, and Whiting. Nays, 2: Bisignano and Celsi. Absent, none.


*Pursuant to Rule 40, the Legislative Services Agency reported nonsubstantive changes to the members of the Government Oversight Committee on Senate File 639, and they were attached to the committee report.



Bill Title: HOUSE FILE 764, a bill for an act relating to publication and procedural provisions relating to proposed constitutional amendments and including effective date provisions.

Recommendation: DO PASS.

Final Vote: Yeas, 5: Sinclair, Lofgren, Bisignano, Celsi, and Whiting. Nays, none. Absent, none.



Bill Title: HOUSE FILE 741, a bill for an act relating to the property tax levy for the payment of general obligation bonds issued by cities for certain flood-related purposes and including applicability provisions.

Recommendation: DO PASS.

Final Vote: Yeas, 16: Feenstra, Dawson, Jochum, Behn, Bolkcom, Brown, Carlin, Dotzler, Edler, Giddens, Nunn, Quirmbach, Schultz, R. Smith, Sweeney, and Wahls. Nays, none. Absent, 1: Chapman.



Bill Title: HOUSE FILE 753, a bill for an act relating to the assessment of fees when a public defender or designee requests copies of certain documents.

Recommendation: DO PASS.

Final Vote: Yeas, 16: Feenstra, Dawson, Jochum, Behn, Bolkcom, Brown, Carlin, Dotzler, Edler, Giddens, Nunn, Quirmbach, Schultz, R. Smith, Sweeney, and Wahls. Nays, none. Absent, 1: Chapman.



Bill Title: HOUSE FILE 767, a bill for an act relating to motor vehicle taxes and fees, including registration fees for certain electric vehicles, an excise tax on hydrogen used as special fuel, and an excise tax on electricity used as electric fuel, providing penalties, making penalties applicable, and including effective date provisions.

Recommendation: DO PASS.

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Final Vote: Yeas, 11: Feenstra, Dawson, Behn, Brown, Carlin, Edler, Quirmbach, Schultz, R. Smith, and Sweeney. Nays, 6: Jochum, Bolkcom, Dotzler, Giddens, Nunn, and Wahls. Absent, none.



S–3211 S.F. 599 House S–3212 S.F. 589 House S–3213 S.F. 86 House S–3214 S.F. 608 House S–3215 S.F. 615 House S–3216 S.F. 616 House S–3217 S.F. 594 S–3218 S.F. 426 Jake Chapman S–3219 H.F. 224 S–3220 S.F. 634 Jackie Smith Rich Taylor S–3221 S.F. 615 Robert M. Hogg S–3222 S.F. 625 Randy Feenstra S–3223 S.F. 615 Robert M. Hogg S–3224 S.F. 615 Robert M. Hogg Todd Taylor S–3225 S.F. 592 House S–3226 S.F. 203 House