Global and Local Multiple SLEs for κ 4 and ≤ Connection Probabilities for Level Lines of GFF Eveliina Peltola∗1 and Hao Wuy2 1Section de Math´ematiques,Universit´ede Gen`eve, Switzerland 2Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, China Abstract This article pertains to the classification of multiple Schramm-Loewner evo- lutions (SLE). We construct the pure partition functions of multiple SLEκ with κ (0; 4] and relate them to certain extremal multiple SLE mea- sures, thus2 verifying a conjecture from [BBK05, KP16]. We prove that the two approaches to construct multiple SLEs | the global, configurational construction of [KL07, Law09a] and the local, growth process construction of [BBK05, Dub07, Gra07, KP16] | agree. The pure partition functions are closely related to crossing probabilities in critical statistical mechanics models. With explicit formulas in the special case of κ = 4, we show that these functions give the connection probabilities for the level lines of the Gaussian free field (GFF) with alternating boundary data. We also show that certain functions, known as conformal blocks, give rise to multiple SLE4 that can be naturally coupled with the GFF with appropriate boundary data. arXiv:1703.00898v6 [math.PR] 3 Mar 2019 ∗
[email protected]. E.P. is supported by the ERC AG COMPASP, the NCCR SwissMAP, and the Swiss NSF.
[email protected]. H.W. is supported by the Thousand Talents Plan for Young Professionals (No. 20181710136). 1 Contents 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Multiple SLEs and Pure Partition Functions . .3 1.2 Global Multiple SLEs . .6 1.3 κ = 4: Level Lines of Gaussian Free Field .