Hunter's Flill Trust Jotrrnal
Hunter'sFlill TrustJotrrnal VolumeXl No. 2 luly,"1982 HENRYE. BUDDEN and FEDERATIONARCHITECTURE IN HUNTER'SHILL A major changein the revisededition of Old Buildingsof he decides to practice in England or the colonies" (ABCN, Hunter'sHill -- soon to be publishedby the Trust underthe Dec.29, 1894, 267). He did returnto "the colonies".In 1899 new name of Heritageof Hunter's Hill -- is the addition of he came back to Moocooboolah,Alexandra Street, and also Federationhouses. This term appliesto housesbuilt around becamea partnerin the firm of Kent & wasfrom the time of Australia'sFederation (1901) and up to about this time that he beganto designhouses in Hunter'sHill. 1914. lt was a period of great inventivenessin domestic architecture;many influences were abroad - QueenAnne, Art Around 1901,the yearof Federation,he designedsix houses Noveau,Edwardian, Shingle style, Arts andCrafts -- and these in the PrinceEdward Parade area-41 and43Woolwich Road combinedwith a genuineattempt to find a style suitedto and 1, 2,3, and 4 PrinceEdward Parade.The two most Australianconditions. Some of the bestexamples of Federation original today are 43 Woolwich Road and 4 PrinceEdward architecturein Hunter'sHill are housesdesigned by Henry E. Parade.These are in the QueenAnne style,a red brick style, Budden,a gifted and radicalyoung architectwho lived in quaint and picturesque,which was adaptedto Australian Hunter'sHill from 1892 to 1910 and was known locallvas conditionsduring the Federationperiod. Here we see the HarryBudden. red brick, terracottaMarseilles tiles and frilled ridges,painted woodwork offset by the brick, and verandahsdecorated with carvedwood. He wasborn in 1811 at Rockley,near Bathurst, and educated at the BathurstSuperior Public School and NewingtonCollege, On 18, 1902, Henry Buddenmarried girl Sydney.ln 1892 he cameto Hunter'sHill when his father, January the next door, Ella Thomas of Orroroo, AlexandraStreet; she was Arthur Budden,bought Moocooboolah (65 AlexandraStreet) also one of the early women to receivea B.A.
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