Page 1 N O R T H U M B E R L a N D a N D F a M I L Y
T H E J O U R N A L O F T H E N O R T H U M B E R L A N D A N D D U R H A M F A M I L Y H I S T O R Y S O C I E T Y Vol 5 No 1 October 1979 CONTENTS EDITORIAL 2 KNOW YOUR PARISH - I . MEDOMSLEY, COUNTY DURHAM Dr D .W . Burdon 2 THE JUNE MEETING - QUIZ AND SOCIAL EVENING 3 THE "RUNAWAY REGISTERS" AT HADDINGTON 5 SO YOU THINK YOU HAVE TROUBLES G .T . Millican 8 MEMBERS AND THEIR INTERESTS 9 SECOND TIME AROUND 11 CHANGES OF ADDRESS 12 CALLING ARIZONA 12 HELP WANTED 12 QUIZ ANSWERS 13 LETTER TO THE EDITOR 14 A STRAY MARRIAGE 14 FUTURE PROGRAMME 14 INDEX TO VOLUME FOUR 15 GENEALOGICAL NAME INDEX 15 PLACE INDEX 22 ARTICLES AND FEATURES 28 THE WITCH OF WASHINGTON K .D .D . Henderson 30 " STRAY 30 All items in this Journal are the copyright of the Northumberland and Durham Family History Society or its contributors . Correspondence connected with the Journal should be addressed to the Editor, Mr G . Nicholson, 57 Manor Park, Concord, Washington, Tyne & Wear, NE37 2BU . All other correspondence should be addressed to the Secretary, Mr J .A . Readdie, 38 Archery Rise, Neville's Cross, Durham, DH1 4LA. PLEASE always include stamps for return postage when writing (two International Reply Coupons from overseas members) and quote your membership number . Books from the Society's Library may be borrowed from, and should be returned to, the Librarian, Dr M .E .
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