Intro CHRISTIAN: Hello. You're Listening to After the Session. My
Intro CHRISTIAN: Hello. You’re listening to A2er The Session. My name is Chris;an Cummings, and this is Season 0, Episode 5 with my good pal, produCer/engineer/mixer David Cole. You know David’s work with The Steve Miller Band, CAKE, Melissa Etheridge, huge hits with Bob Seger, RiChard Marx; he also worked with Tina Turner. He also worked on some of Christopher Guest’s projeCts – “A Mighty Wind,” “Best in Show,” “Wai;ng for Guffman.” He was a staff engineer at Capitol, among other things, and has had a very storied Career. I’ve known David Cole – or DC, as a lot of people Call him – for several years, and I Can’t say enough great things about the guy. First off, he donated his ;me to be my guinea pig as the first-ever guest on this podCast. What you’re about to hear is the first aZempt I ever made at doing this podCast, and he graciously sat down to let me piCk his brain about his Career, and he didn’t need to do it. So I really, really appreCiate his ;me and energy and effort. The dude is very talented and has a lot of valuable informa;on to share with all of us. In fact, I should men;on that A2er The Session – the name of this podCast, yep – I owe Credit to David Cole for that name. He Came up with it a2er a Conversa;on prior to the podCast, and it stuCk. If you guys have been enjoying he shows up to this point, do me a huge favor and rate us in iTunes and share the podCast with your friends.
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