MARKS OF THE TRUE – JOHN 17:13-21 March 3 & 4, 2018

TEXT: John 17:17-21 MEMORY VERSE: Isaiah 30:21

TRUTH IS A MARK OF ’ CHURCH. We would be right to say that the previous “marks” of the genuine church are built and cultivated in us as we grow in God’s Truth – verse 17.

Nearly all that God does in the world today is by the working through the Scriptures – God’s Truth. Sanctification means to be set apart for God’s use and the ONLY WAY that will happen in us is by an appropriation of God’s truth as we see in the .

Christians should be the greatest of realists – our realism is the Word of God, which is the truth of God. This leads to greater and greater sanctification in us. Isaiah 30:21

DEAD ENDS TO HOLINESS. Hearing sound preaching of God’s Word is helpful but that alone does not produce the holiness we need. Too many of us look to men who preach instead of looking to God when we hear Scriptural preaching. BUT if we realize that God speaks to us through the Scripture and His Holy Spirit then we are on the right track. I Timothy 4:7-8

The same is true of prayer or prayer meetings. If you want to grow as a believer prayer is important – both in private and in meetings. But prayer is not God’s ordained path to holiness – it is preparation for such growth.

• When does God “speak” to us? It is when we are in the Scriptures.

We do not find holiness in “special experiences.” There is nothing wrong with special times of God’s grace – we all experience this in part. But we are wrong to think that this is how God cultivates holiness in our lives.

Growth in holiness comes as we walk in the truth of Scripture. HERE IS THE THIRD MARK OF GOD’S CHURCH – GOD’S TRUTH – verse 17.

DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT. The secular church is following the world’s wisdom, the world’s , the world’s , and the world’s methods. The TRUE CHURCH is not like that.

1. We must know what our authority is – the Scriptures. “PEOPLE OF THE BOOK.”

2. We must be clear in our theology. This is important because where this is done those who hunger for the truth of God’s Word will be fed and grow.

3. We must be distinct in our priorities. This is not the world’s agenda nor is it some denomination’s agenda. Our priorities must be in line with God’s Word and the study of His Word is a very important priority.


1. The priority of our time. Computer, internet, television, etc. We must take care that our “Christian” priorities are not crowded out. Ephesians 5:16; Hebrews 10:24-25

2. Sexual ethics are another area that is under attack from the world.

3. Money and other resources are another indicator of our spiritual temperature.

All these simply indicate where we are in following Christ Jesus as our Lord. Not one of us is perfect and I pray that we continue to “fight the good fight of ”. I Timothy 6:11-12 WE SHOULD BE DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT IN OUR VISIBLE DEPENDENCE UPON GOD. We know our Father and we depend upon Him. John 15:5

How can change the world? Jesus gave the answer to this question in the on the Mount. Matthew 5:13-16. See also: John 17:16; John 15:19; Romans 12:1-2

• We are also light – (Matthew 5:14). Salt speaks of what we are and light speaks of what we do. The purpose of light is to shine and you are a light in a very dark world.

MISSION – Verses 18-19. HERE is what it means to be set apart unto God, to be sanctified. We are to be a beacon for His gospel and our home is with Him. HERE IS THE NEXT MARK OF THE TRUE CHURCH – MISSION.

Sometimes I wish God would take me “home.” We have looked at joy, holiness, and truth. Wouldn’t these be more quickly attained if we were taken to heaven – NOW?

• We have joy here in this life but what is that when compared to seeing Jesus face-to-face? Revelation 21:3-4 • What about sanctification (holiness)?? We know it to a degree but on that Day we will be completely made holy – like Jesus. GLORIFIED! • We have a growing understanding of God’s truth but our understanding will be so much greater when we get “home.” I Corinthians 13:12

I WANNA GO HOME!! WHY AM I STILL HERE?! II Corinthians 5:6-10

• The answer to this question is the next mark of the true church – MISSION. Verses 18-21

The true church is called to this mission by Jesus. Salt, light, preaching the gospel, witnessing, laboring, love, and unity are other descriptions of what the church is to be about in the “world.”

Let us be about the Lord’s work until He comes. When He comes may He find us busy for Him.

II Corinthians 6:14-18