A Statistical Model with Forest-to-Tree Algorithm for Semantic

Zhihua Liao Yan Xie College of Teacher Education English Department Center for Faculty Development Foreign Studies College Hunan Normal University Hunan Normal University Changsha, China Changsha, China [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract spired by the probabilistic forest-to-string gener- ation algorithm (Lu and Ng, 2011) and the work In this paper, we propose a novel super- of Wong and Mooney (2006; 2007a; 2007b) and vised model for parsing natural language Wong (2007) that learn for semantic parsing with sentences into their formal semantic rep- statistical machine translation, our semantic pars- resentations. This model treats sentence- ing framework consists of two main components. to-λ-logical expression conversion within Firstly it contains a lexical acquisition component, the framework of the statistical machine which is based on phrase alignments between nat- translation with forest-to-tree algorithm. ural language sentences and linearized semantic To make this work, we transform the λ- parses, given by an off-the-shelf phrase alignment logical expression structure into a form model trained on a set of training examples. The suitable for the mechanics of statistical extracted transformation rules form a synchronous machine translation and useful for model- context free grammar (SCFG), for which a prob- ing. We show that our model is able to abilistic model is learned to resolve parse ambi- yield new state-of-the-art results on both guity. The second component is to estimate the standard datasets with simple features. parameters of a probabilistic model. The paramet- ric models are based on maximum-entropy. The 1 Introduction probabilistic model is trained on the same set of Semantic parsers convert natural language (NL) training examples in an unsupervised manner. sentences to logical forms (LFs) through a mean- This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 ing representation language (MRL). Recent re- describes how we build the framework of the sta- search has focused on learning such parsers di- tistical machine translation with forest-to-tree al- rectly from corpora made up of sentences paired gorithm to develop a semantic parser, and Section with logical meaning representations (Artzi and 3 discusses the decoder. Then Section 4 presents Zettlemoyer, 2011, 2013; Liao and Zhang, 2013; our experiments and reports the results. Finally, Liao et al., 2015b,a; Lu et al., 2008; Lu and Ng, we make the conclusion in Section 5. 2011; Krishnamurthy, 2016; Kwiatkowski et al., 2010, 2011; Zettlemoyer and Collins, 2005, 2007, 2 The Semantic Parsing Model 2009). And its goal is to learn a grammar that can map new, unseen sentences onto their correspond- Now we present the algorithm for semantic pars- ing meanings, or logical expressions. ing, which translates NL sentences into LFs us- While these algorithms usually work well on ing a reduction-based λ-SCFG. It is based on an specific semantic formalisms, it is not clear how extended version of a reduction-based SCFG (Lu well they could be applied to a different se- and Ng, 2011). Given a set of training sentences mantic formalism. In this paper, we propose a paired with their correct logical forms, the main novel supervised approach to learn semantic pars- learning task is to induce a set of reduction-based ing task using the framework of the statistical λ-SCFG rules, which we call a lexicon, a proba- machine translation with forest-to-tree algorithm. bilistic model for derivations. A lexicon defines This method integrates both lexical acquisition the set of derivations that are possible, so the in- and surface realization in a single framework. In- duction of probabilistic model first requires a lex-

446 Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, pages 446–451, Varna, Bulgaria, Sep 4–6 2017. https://doi.org/10.26615/978-954-452-049-6_059 icon. Therefore, the learning task can be sepa- ··· rated into two sub-tasks:(1) the induction of a lex- τa : πa / τb / τc icon;(2) the induction of a probabilistic model - w τ : π / τ w maximum-entropy model. 1 b b d 2

τc : πc ··· 2.1 Lexical Acquistion w3 We introduce the grammar first. Next, we present the generative model for the grammar induction to Figure 1: The joint generative process of both λ- acquire the grammar rules. meaning tree and its corresponding natural lan- Grammar: We use a weighted λ-SCFG. The guage sentence. grammar is defined as follows: τ hω, pλ, → h ∼i give me r e, t where τ is the type associated with the sequence → h i the states e, t λx0.state(x0) e, t hω consisting of natural language words inter- h i → ∧ h i borderings e, e, t λx0. x1.next to(x1, x0) e, t mixed with types and the λ-production pλ. The h h ii → ∃ ∧ h i states e, t λx .state(x ) e, t symbol denotes the one-to-one correspondence h i → 1 1 ∧ h i ∼ that e, t λx .λx .loc(x , x ) / e between nonterminal occurrences in both hω and h i → 2 1 2 1 the mississippi e x : miss r p . Specially, the symbol ˆ denotes the one-to- → 2 λ ∼ one correspondence between terminal occurrence runs through in both hˆω and pˆλ, where hˆω is an NL phrase and pˆλ is the LF translation of hˆω. Then we allow Figure 3: A phrase alignment based on a λ-hybrid a maximum of two nonterminal symbols in each tree. synchronous rule (Lu and Ng, 2011). This makes the grammar a binary λ-SCFG. rules and two-level λ-hybrid sequence rules. Here Grammar Induction: We adopt a generative we give an example in Table 1. model for λ-hybrid tree models the mapping from λ-sub-expressions to word sequences with a joint 1. λ-hybrid sequence rules: these conventional generative process, which Lu and Ng (2011) de- rules are constructed from one λ-production veloped. Figure 1 describes the generative process and its corresponding λ-hybrid sequence. for a sentence together with its corresponding λ- meaning tree. It results in a λ-hybrid tree1 (Lu 2. Subtree rules: these rules are constructed et al., 2008). Figure 2 gives a part of the example from a complete substree of the λ-hybrid λ-hybrid tree. Here, grammar rules are extracted tree. A mapping between a complete sub- from the λ-hybrid trees. We can use the same expression and a contiguous sub-sentence grammar for both parsing and generation. Since can be acquired from each rule. a SCFG is fully symmetric with respect to both 3. Two-level λ-hybrid sequence rules: these generated strings, the same chart for parsing can rules are constructed from a tree fragment be easily adapted for efficient parsing. Now we with one of its grandchild subtrees being ab- show how to use the generative model for map- stracted with its type only. These rules are ping natural language sentence to λ-expressions. constructed via substitution and reductions. At first, this model finds the Viterbi λ-hybrid trees We show how to construct two-level λ-hybrid for all training instances, based on the learned pa- sequence rules through substitution and re- rameters of the generative λ-hybrid tree model. ductions. Table 2 gives an example based on Next, the model extracts grammar rules on the top a tree fragment of the λ-hybrid tree in Figure of these λ-hybrid trees. Specifically, we extract 2. the following tree types of synchronous grammar λ rules. They are -hybrid sequence rules, subtree To ground our discussion, we use the phrase align- 1The internal nodes of the λ-hybrid tree are called λ- ment in Figure 2 as an example. To represent productions, which are building blocks of a λ-forest. Each the logical form in Figure 3, we use its linearized λ-production in turn has at most two child λ-productions. A parse — a list of MRL productions that generate λ-production has the form τa : πa / τ , where τa is the ex- b the logical form in top-down and left-most order. pected type after type evaluation of the terms to its right, πa is a λ-expression, and τb are types of the child λ-productions. Since the MRL grammar is unambiguous, every

447 r : e, t 1 h i

give me e, t 1 : λg.λf.λx.g(x) f(x) / e, t 1 / e, t 2 h i ∧ h i h i

e, t 1 : λx.state(x) e, t 2 : λf.λg.λx. y.g(y) (f(x)y) / e e, t 1 / e, t 2 h i h i ∃ ∧ h h ii h i

NL LF the states e, e, t 1 : λy.λx.next to(x, y) e, t 2 : λg.λf.λx.g(x) f(x) / e, t 1 / e, t 2 h h ii h i ∧ h i h i

bordering e, t 2 : λx.state(x) e, t 1 : λy.λx.loc(y, x) / e 1 h i h i

states that e 1 : miss r runs through

the mississippi

Figure 2: One example λ hybrid tree for the sentence “give me the states bordering states that the mis- − sissippi runs through” together with its logical form “λx .state(x ) x .[loc(miss r, x ) state(x ) 0 0 ∧∃ 1 1 ∧ 1 ∧ next to(x1, x0)]”.

type 1: e, e, t bordering, λy.λx.next to(x, y) he,h t i →e, h t e, t , λg.λy.λx.g(x) i f(x) / e, t / e, t h i → hh i 2 h i 1 ∧ h i 1 h i 2 i type 2: e, t states that the mississippi runs through, λx.loc(miss r, x) state (x) he, ti → h that the mississippi runs through, λx.loc(miss r, x) ∧ i h i → h i type 3: e, t the states bordering e, t 1 , λf.λx.state(x) y.[f(y) next to(y, x)] / e, t 1 h i → h h i ∧ ∃ ∧ h i i e, t states that e 1 runs through, λy.λx.loc(y, x) state(x) / e 1 h i → h ∧ i

Table 1: Example synchronous rules that can be extracted from the λ hybrid tree. −

e, t 2 : λg.λf.λx.g(x) f(x) / e, t 1 / e, t 2 h i ∧ h i h i

e, t 2 : λx.state(x) e, t 1 : λy.λx.loc(y, x) / e 1 h i h i

states that e 1 : runs through Tree fragment: ··· Source: states that e2 runs through Target: (α conversion) λy.λx.loc(y, x) state(x) / e 1 − ⇒ ∧ (β conversion) λy0.λx.loc(y0, x) state(x) / e 1 − ⇒ ∧ (two β conversion) λy0.[λf.λx.loc(y0, x) f(x) / λx.state(x)] / e 1 − ⇒ ∧ (substitution)λy0.[λg.λf.λx.g(x) f(x) / [λy.λx.loc(y, x) / y0] / λx.state(x)] / e 1 ∧ Rule: e, t states that e 1 runs through, λy.λx.loc(y, x) state(x) / e 1 h i → h ∧ i

Table 2: Construction of a two-level λ hybrid sequence rule through substitution and reductions from a − tree fragment. Note that the subtree rooted by e2 : miss r gets “abstracted” by its type e. The auxiliary variable y0 of type e is thus introduced to facilitate the construction process.

448 logical form has a unique linearized parse. We as- It can be done in the cubic time with respect to sume the alignment to be n-to-1, where each word sentence length using the Viterbi algorithm. An is linked to at most one MRL production. Ba- Earley chart is used for keeping track of all deriva- sically, a reduction-based λ-SCFG grammar rule tions that are consistent with the input. The max- and a phrase alignment (Koehn et al., 2003) can imum conditional likelihood criterion is used for be extracted from an λ-hybrid tree where logical estimating a maximum-entropy model parameters variables are explicitly bound by λ-operators. And λi. This means that the conditional likelihood of these grammar rules are extracted in a bottom- fi given w is maximized. This criterion is cho- up manner, starting with MRL productions at the sen because it is much easier to work with, and it leaves of the λ-hybrid tree. Rule extraction con- allows for a form of discriminative learning that tinues in this manner until the root of the λ-hybrid focuses on separating good parses from bad ones. tree is reached. A Gaussian prior (σ2 = 1) is used for regularizing the model. Since the gold-standard derivations are 2.2 A Maximum-Entropy Model not available in the training data, correct deriva- Once a lexicon is acquired, the next task is to learn tions must be treated as hidden variables. Here, a probabilistic model for the semantic parser. We to find a set of parameters λ∗ that locally maxi- propose a maximum-entropy model that defines mize the conditional likelihood, we use a version a conditional probability distribution over deriva- of improved iterative scaling (IIS) coupled with tions d given the observed NL string w. Here, the EM which has been used for estimating probabilis- maximum-entropy model is an exponential model: tic unification-based grammars. Unlike the fully- 1 supervised case, the conditional likelihood is not Pλ(d w) = exp λifi(d) | Zλ(w) concave with respect to λ, so the estimation algo- Xi rithm is sensitive to initial parameters. To assume where the conditional probability, P (d w), is pro- λ | as little as possible, λ is initialized to zero. The portional to the product of weights λi assigned estimation algorithm requires for a statistics that to each feature fi. A feature represents a certain depend on all possible derivations for a sentence characteristic of a derivation. In this case, the fea- or a sentence-MR pair. While it is not feasible to tures are the number of times each transformation enumerate all derivations, a variant of the Inside- rule is used in a derivation. The function Zλ(w), Outside algorithm can be used for efficiently col- called a partition function, is a normalizing factor lecting the required statistics. Only rules that are such that the conditional probabilities sum to one used in the best parses for the training set are re- over all derivations that yield w. A consequence is tained in the final lexicon, and all other rules are that feature weights, λi, can be any positive num- discarded (Wong and Mooney, 2006, 2007b,a; bers. In a maximum-entropy model, generation Wong, 2007). This heuristic, commonly known of unseen words can be modeled using an extra as Viterbi approximation, is used to improve accu- feature, f (d), whose value is the number of all ∗ racy, when we assume that rules used in the best words being skipped. Additional features that cor- parses are the most accurate. respond to domain-specific word classes can be used for more fine-grained smoothing. The fact 4 Experimental Setup that these features may interact with each other is not a concern. This section describes our experimental setup and comparisons of the result. We follow the setup of 3 Decoding Zettlemoyer and Collins (2007) and Kwiatkowski Decoding of a maximum-entropy model can be et al. (2010; 2011), including datasets, and initial- done as following: ization as well as systems, as reviewed below. Fi- nally, we report the experimental results.

m∗ = m(arg max Pλ(d w)) Datasets: We evaluate on two benchmark closed- d D(G w) | ∈ | domain datasets. GeoQuery is made up of natural = m(arg max exp λifi(d)) language queries to a database of geographical in- d D(G w) formation, while ATIS contains natural language ∈ | Xi queries to a flight booking system (Zettlemoyer = m(arg max λifi(d)) d D(G w) and Collins, 2007). The Geo880 dataset has been ∈ | Xi

449 split into a training set of 600 pairs and a test set of 280 ones. The Geo250 dataset is a subset of the Geo880, and is used 10-fold cross validation ex- (a) The Geo250 test set periments with the same splits of this subset. The system Rec. Pre. F1 ATIS dataset is split into a 5000 example develop- λ-WASP 75.6 91.8 82.9 UBL 81.8 83.5 82.6 ment set and a 450 example test set. FUBL 83.7 83.7 83.7 Initialization: For our algorithm learning, we use SMTFOREST2STRING 85.0 88.5 86.8 Och and Ney’s (2003; 2004) GIZA++ implemen- (b) The Geo880 test set tation of IBM Model 5 for training word alignment system Rec. Pre. F1 models. IBM Models 1-4 are used for initializing ZC07 86.1 91.6 88.8 the model parameters during training. UBL 87.9 88.5 88.2 FUBL 88.6 88.6 88.6 Systems: We compare this performance to SMTFOREST2STRING 89.6 91.8 90.7 those recently-published and directly-comparable results. For GeoQuery, they include the Table 3: Performance of Exact Match between the ZC07 (Zettlemoyer and Collins, 2007), λ- different GeoQuery test sets. WASP (Wong and Mooney, 2007b; Wong, 2007), UBL (Kwiatkowski et al., 2010) and FUBL (Kwiatkowski et al., 2011). For ATIS, we report results from ZC07, UBL and FUBL. Results: Tables 3-5 present all the results on the GeoQuery and ATIS domains. In all cases, our system achieves at state-of-the-art recall and pre- system Rec. Pre. F1 cision when compared to directly comparable sys- ZC07 74.4 87.3 80.4 tems and it significantly outperforms ZC07, λ- UBL 65.6 67.1 66.3 FUBL 81.9 82.1 82.0 WASP, UBL and FUBL. The major advantage of SMTFOREST2STRING 84.2 90.3 87.3 our algorithm over other three systems is that it does not require any prior knowledge of the NL Table 4: Performance of Exact Match on the ATIS syntax. Hence it is straightforward to apply this development set. algorithm to other NL sentences for which train- ing data is available.

5 Conclusion

This paper presents a novel supervised method for semantic parsing which adopts the framework of (a) Exact Match the statistical machine translation with forest-to- system Rec. Pre. F1 tree algorithm. The experiments on both bench- ZC07 84.6 85.8 85.2 mark datasets (i.e., GeoQuery and ATIS) show that UBL 71.4 72.1 71.7 FUBL 82.8 82.8 82.8 our method achieves suitable performances. SMTFOREST2STRING 84.2 88.0 86.1

(b) Partial Match Acknowledgments system Rec. Pre. F1 ZC07 96.7 95.1 95.9 We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers UBL 78.2 98.2 87.1 for their valuable feedback on an earlier ver- FUBL 95.2 93.6 94.6 SMTFOREST2STRING 96.0 96.8 96.4 sion of this paper. This research was supported in part by the Foreign Language Teaching Re- Table 5: Performance of Exact and Partial search Project of National Universities (grant Matches on the ATIS test set. no.2015HN0009B) and the Social Science Foun- dation of Hunan Province for Youth Program (grant no.14YBA260).

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