Learning Contextual Representations for Semantic Parsing with Generation-Augmented Pre-Training Peng Shi1*, Patrick Ng2, Zhiguo Wang2, Henghui Zhu2, Alexander Hanbo Li2, Jun Wang2, Cicero Nogueira dos Santos2, Bing Xiang2 1 University of Waterloo, 2 AWS AI Labs
[email protected], fpatricng,zhiguow,henghui,hanboli,juwanga,cicnog,
[email protected] Abstract Pain Point 1: Fail to match and detect the column mentions. Utterance: Which professionals live in a city containing the Most recently, there has been significant interest in learn- substring ’West’? List his or her role, street, city and state. ing contextual representations for various NLP tasks, by Prediction: SELECT role code, street, state leveraging large scale text corpora to train large neural lan- FROM Professionals WHERE city LIKE ’%West%’ guage models with self-supervised learning objectives, such Error: Missing column city in SELECT clause. as Masked Language Model (MLM). However, based on a pi- lot study, we observe three issues of existing general-purpose Pain Point 2: Fail to infer columns based on cell values. language models when they are applied to text-to-SQL se- Utterance: Give the average life expectancy for countries in mantic parsers: fail to detect column mentions in the utter- Africa which are republics? ances, fail to infer column mentions from cell values, and fail Prediction: SELECT Avg(LifeExpectancy) FROM to compose complex SQL queries. To mitigate these issues, country WHERE Continent = ’Africa’ we present a model pre-training framework, Generation- Error: Missing GovernmentForm = ’Republic’. Augmented Pre-training (GAP), that jointly learns repre- Pain Point 3 sentations of natural language utterances and table schemas : Fail to compose complex target SQL.