US Senate Final
Senate Finance Committee Hearing ”Offshore Tax Evasion: Stashing Cash Overseas” 111 May 3, 2007 Statement for the Hearing Record Submitted by: Richard Murphy FCA 222 (((Visiting(Visiting Fellow, Centre for Global Political EconomEconomy,y, University of Sussex, UK ))) Prof Prem Sikka 333 (Professor of Accounting, University of Essex, UK) Prof Ronen Palan 444 (Professor of International Relations and Politics, University of Sussex, UK) Prof Sol Picciotto 555 (Professor of Law, University of Lancaster, UK) Alex Cobham 666 (Supernumerary fellow in Economics at St Anne's College, Oxford, UKUK)))) John Christensen 777 (Director, International secretariat, Tax Justice Network 888))) 1 accessed 18-6-07 2 accessed 18-6-07 3 accessed 18-6-07 4 accessed 18-6-07 5 accessed 18-6-07 6 accessed 18-6-07 7 John Christensen is a development economist and an expert on tax havens. Based at the New Economics Foundation in London, he is international coordinator of the Tax Justice Network. 8 accessed 18-6-07 1 Jersey ––– still a tax haven Chairman Baucus, Ranking Member Grassley, Members of the Committee, we are honoured to provide you with this written testimony on the subject of offshore tax evasion. This testimony is submitted in the light of Bills S.
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