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John the Baptist | Restoration Profile

John the Baptist | Restoration Profile

1119 Matthew 4 :10 | Profile

MATTHEW 3:1-17; 11:1-15; 14:1-12; MARK 1:2-11; 6:14-29; LUKE 1:5-25,39-80; 7:18-35; 9:7-9 After telling about ’s unique background and birth, Matthew introduced John the Baptist into his full-grown and thundering repentance. Mark actually began his Gospel with John the Baptist’s ministry as the messenger of the Messiah. Luke took the time to tell us about John’s mirac- ulous birth to aged parents and his eagerness, even in the womb, to announce the coming Savior. The purpose of John’s life also set him on a collision course with religious and political powers unwilling to accept his announcement.

Luke summarized John’s adolescence in a phrase: “The child grew up and became spiritually strong, and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Israel” (Lk 1:80). Few of us understand God’s call on our lives as John did, and yet he shared the same need for resto- ration and assurance we all have. Two moments of uncertainty stand out in his life: Jesus’s baptism and his own arrest. Jesus’s request for baptism jolted John’s worldview. Why would the Lamb of God submit to a symbol of repentance unless he who was sinless was identifying with sinners he came to save? And from prison John wondered why Jesus wasn’t fulfilling the expected political role that had been shaped for the Messiah? Jesus’s word of restoration to John pointed the baptizer to think again about what God’s Word really said about the Savior (Mt 11:4-6). The Messiah John had announced was doing exactly what God had promised.

The heart of restoration is found in God’s Son and God’s Word. Discouragement and doubt dissi- pate if we continue to seek first the life God has given us. Sometimes we have to be reminded to get back on track.

is­ ­in his­ ­hand, and­ ­he ­will ­clear his­ thresh­ing ­he ­was hun­gry. 3 ­Then the­ tempt­er ap­proached floor­ and­ gath­er his­ wheat­ into­ ­the ­barn. ­But ­the ­him and­ said,­ “­If you­ ­are the­ ­Son ­of God,­ tell­ chaff­ ­he will­ ­burn ­with fire­ that­ nev­er ­goes out.”­ ­these stones­ to­ be­come ­bread.” 4 He an­swered, “­It is­ writ­ten: ­Man ­must ­not THE ­live ­on bread­ alone­ ­but on­ every­ ­word that­ 13 Then ­Jesus came­ from­ Gal­i­lee ­to John­ ­at the­ comes­ from­ ­the ­mouth of­ God.­ ” B Jor­dan, to­ ­be bap­tized ­by ­him. 14 But ­John tried­ 5 Then ­the dev­il ­took ­him ­to the­ ­holy ­city, ­to stop­ ­him, say­ing, “­I ­need to­ be­ bap­tized by­ ­had ­him stand­ on­ ­the pinnacle ­of the­ tem­ple, you,­ ­and ­yet ­you come­ ­to me?­ ” 6 and said­ to­ him,­ “­If ­you ­are ­the ­Son of­ God,­ 15 Jesus an­swered him,­ “Al­low it­ for­ ­now, throw­ your­self down.­ ­For ­it is­ writ­ten: be­cause ­this is­ the­ ­way for­ us­ ­to ful­fill all­ He will give his orders righteous­ ness.”­ ­Then John­ al­lowed him­ ­to be­ concerning you, bap­tized. and they will support you 16 When ­Jesus ­was bap­tized, he­ ­went up­ with their hands im­me­di­ate­ly ­from ­the water.­ ­The heav­ens so that you will not strike sud­den­ly ­opened ­for him,­ A ­and he­ ­saw the­ your foot against a stone.” C Spir­it ­of ­God de­scend­ing like­ ­a dove­ and­ com­ ing ­down on­ him.­ 17 And a­ ­voice from­ heaven­ 7 Jesus told­ him,­ “­It is­ also­ writ­ten: ­Do not­ ­said: “­This is­ ­my be­loved ­Son, with­ ­whom ­I ­am ­test the­ Lord­ ­your ­God.” D well-pleased.” 8 Again, ­the dev­il took­ ­him to­ ­a very­ high­ moun­tain ­and ­showed ­him all­ ­the king­doms THEP TEM TatION OF JESUS ­of the­ world­ ­and ­their splen­dor. 9 And he­ said­ ­Then ­Jesus ­was ­led ­up by­ ­the Spir­it into­ ­to ­him, “­I will­ give­ you­ ­all these­ things­ if­ ­you 4 ­the wil­der­ness ­to be­ tempt­ed by­ ­the dev­il. ­will ­fall ­down and­ wor­ship me.”­ e 2 Af­ter ­he ­had fast­ed for­ty ­days and­ for­ty nights,­ 10 Then ­Jesus told­ him,­ “­Go away,­ f Sa­tan! For­ a 3:16 Other mss omit for him b 4:4 Dt 8:3 c 4:6 Ps 91:11-12 d 4:7 Dt 6:16 e 4:9 Or and pay me homage f 4:10 Other mss read “Get behind me

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