RETIREMENT OF DAVE CURRAH QUICK REFERENCE In 1992 a new Cornish Pilot Gig was launched at ‘Ryder’ built for the • Retirement of Dave Looe Gig Club. She was the first build for father and son team – Jim and Dave Currah. She was to be the start of a long gig building career for Dave. Currah Unfortunately, due to ill health, Dave is retiring and will no longer be • Covid Update building Cornish Pilot Gigs. • Rowing Register 2nd From the first build the father and son duo went on to build another 27, • Amazon Smile on Jim’s retirement Dave continued to build, another 18 gigs have taken to the water, with his final 19th solo gig being completed now. A sum total of • Recycling 47 gigs that he has added to the CPGA fleet. • Council Funding A number of his gigs have been winning gigs at the World, , Mixed, Veterans, U16 and U14 championships. • Useful Website / A fantastic career of 47 gig builds, let alone all the other work undertaken. Resources Thank you, Dave, for your builds, help and guidance over the years. • Dates for the Diary Listed are all his gigs, the brackets indicate the original names and owners.

Reg No Name Owners Builders 27 Ryder Looe J + D Currah 33 Zeus (Zeus) Cotehele Quay (Par Bay) J + D Currah 35 Wasp Yealm J + D Currah 36 Tormentor (Tormentor) London Cornish (Charlestown) J + D Currah 38 Minnadhu Rame J + D Currah 39 De Vegt Holland J + D Currah 42 Brue (Gallant) Burnham-on-Sea () J + D Currah 43 Gwineas Goran J + D Currah 46 Blackbird (Mary Newman) Clevedon (Caradon) J + D Currah 47 Joker (Joker) Yealm (Par Bay) J + D Currah Tap here50 to add a captionJubilee Holland J + D Currah 52 Defiance St Ives J + D Currah 56 Neptunus Holland J + D Currah www.cpga.co.uk Charity Number - 1166613 1

59 Samphire Looe J + D Currah 62 Treasure (Tregarthens) Holland (St Mary’s IOS) J + D Currah 66 Merthen Helford J + D Currah 67 Killigerran Roseland J + D Currah 71 Lark Coverack J + D Currah 73 Cape J + D Currah 74 Jupiter (Odin) Raleigh (Par Bay) J + D Currah 77 Speedwell Rock J + D Currah 78 Kerens (Kerens) Torridge (Mevagissey) J + D Currah 82 La Mea Auray, Brittany J + D Currah 85 Penlee Point Rame J + D Currah 90 Spirit of Langstone Langstone (Charlestown) J + D Currah (Waterwitch) 96 Millers Daughter Caradon J + D Currah 100 Petroc J + D Currah 106 Irene Too (Irene Too) Holland (Private) J + D Currah 115 Melusine Zennor D Currah 122 Polvarth Roseland D Currah 128 Isolde Weymouth D Currah 134 Swift Rock D Currah 137 Pedn Billy Helford D Currah 143 Tristan Weymouth D Currah 151 Black Rock Falmouth D Currah 156 Tallisman Looe D Currah 162 Amazon Caradon D Currah 169 Wolf Salcombe D Currah 178 Governor Falmouth D Currah 183 Helford Helford D Currah 187 Cadmus Salcombe D Currah 193 Ann Glanville Caradon D Currah 197 Morak Coverack D Currah 201 Currah’s Pride Looe D Currah 205 Energetic D Currah 212 Bolt Salcombe D Currah

COVID UPDATE The CPGA statement of 16th March remains in place. Whilst we understand all want to get back in the boat, currently it is still not the time to do so. Within the gig you are unable to social distance (please remember a gig is a 6 oared, coxed boat), health and hygiene along with many other issues to consider.

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All rowing activities involving gigs / GRP boats continue to be suspended due to the requirements of social distancing. We will continue to keep this matter under review.

Clubs with gyms / ergos are reminded that the government has still not given the green light for opening / use of these facilities.

Please continue to monitor the following:

NHS Information Government Covid Information

Begin to plan your safe return to club use and rowing, when its possible to do so. Keep an eye on the Government information regarding the potential opening of gyms. We are monitoring the situation and guidance that is being issued. Updates will follow.

ROWING REGISTER 2ND QUARTER – JUNE 2020 We are all aware that no rowing has been able to take place since the 16th March. We are therefore not requiring a June register unless you wish to submit one due to changes to your membership. Please remember that there were changes to the format of the 2020 Rowing Register, follow the link and download the doc – Insert-Club Name – CPGA Rowing Reg March 2020

There are still some clubs with outstanding rowing registers due for March. See table below.

No Register Submitted Submitted but requires amendment Calstock St Ives Culdrose LA


With lots of shopping being done online now, please share with your membership the link below. If you purchase anything from Amazon, please do so via the link and the CPGA do get a donation. Get shopping Amazon Smile.

This can also be applied when purchasing via a mobile app.

www.cpga.co.uk Charity Number - 1166613 3


Thanks to all those who are continuing to recycle to the benefit of the environment and the CPGA, with potentially more people working from home, there may be more items ready for recycling.

Anyone who hasn’t yet, here is a great opportunity to recycle an item that most homes, offices etc have. Please read the following and where possible, spread the word about recycling for the CPGA.

COUNCIL FUNDING Although as we begin to adjust to the new 'normal', there is still some funding on offer to clubs. please check your local councils. We have also been informed that some clubs have been lucky enough to receive discretionary funding from local councils. So do check out your local council / district council / borough council / town council and see if they can offer any form of funding help. In the table below are a some of the main council bodies.

Council Council Council

Cornwall Council Dorset Council East Sussex County Council

Devon County Bournemouth, London (Richmond) Council Christchurch & Poole Council

Torbay Council Somerset Council Oxfordshire County Council

Plymouth City Bristol City Council Essex County Council Council North Devon Council Hampshire County Norfolk County Council Council


During this time, we are all having to adapt to a new ‘normal’. Take a look at the resources that you can find on the Club Matters website, these might be useful to your club. Below are only a couple of examples:

www.cpga.co.uk Charity Number - 1166613 4

• Some clubs have mentioned AGMs being caught in the lockdown. Take a look at this resource. • Emergency financial planning, we are all aware that this is having an effect on income for clubs, but what is the true cost.

Many clubs have been successful at applying for emergency grants, so if you haven't applied, do have a look and see which are applicable to your club’s situation.

Check out the list of grant funders. There is quite a list here, so please do have a read through and see what ones are specific to your particular club/situation/area.

Also continue to monitor your local ‘Active Partnership’ as they have signposting for local info as well as national. All information regarding grant funding can be found on the Covid-19 webpage.

Please note that the Sport Emergency fund is currently on a temporary pause to new applications.


Title Date / Deadline Venue / Action

AGM 2021 17th January 2021 TBC

www.cpga.co.uk Charity Number - 1166613 5