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Avian Lampbrush Chromosomes: a Powerful Tool for Exploration of Genome Expression

Avian Lampbrush Chromosomes: a Powerful Tool for Exploration of Genome Expression

Review Article

Cytogenet Genome Res 2009;124:251–267 Accepted after revision: October 14, 2008 DOI: 10.1159/000218130 by A. Houben

Avian Lampbrush : a Powerful Tool for Exploration of Genome Expression

E. Gaginskaya T. Kulikova A. Krasikova

Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Key Words some specific features: very long units, deregu- Chicken genome ؒ C h r o m o s o m e o r g a n i z a t i o n ؒ L a m p b r u s h lated termination, and transcription of non-coding satellite chromosomes ؒ Non-coding RNA ؒ Oocyte nucleus ؒ repeats. Here, based on the modern view on a role of RNA ,Oogenesis ؒ T r a n s c r i p t i o n interference machinery in regulation of genome expression we suggest a mechanism of initiation of satellite DNA tran- scription and offer a novel interpretation of the ‘classical’ hy- Abstract pothesis that sought to explain the significance of wide- Lampbrush chromosomes (LBCs) are highly extended biva- spread transcription during oocyte growth. lents that function in the growing oocytes of many animals. Copyright © 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel Due to their distinctive chromomere-loop organization and intense transcriptional activity of lateral loops the LBCs, mainly amphibian ones, have served as a powerful system The investigation of genome structure and function for exploring the general principles of organi- has been greatly helped by studies of model systems such zation and function. The exploitation of avian LBCs has con- as polytene and lampbrush chromosomes that facilitate siderably broadened the opportunities for comparative exploration of gene activity in vivo. In this respect, giant genome research and for cytogenetic analysis of domestic lampbrush chromosomes (LBCs) deserve special atten- species. In this review we highlight the advantages of avian tion. They represent a special form of meiotic chromo- LBCs for research in different areas including integration of somes, which is assumed during oocyte growth in most genome organization studies with studies on gene activity animals other than mammals [Callan, 1986; Macgregor, in vivo, analysis of co-transcriptional events occurring on na- 1987, 2002] except for some monotremes [Lintern-Moore scent transcripts and investigation of chromosome-associ- et al., 1976]. ated intranuclear domains. Recent findings concerning the LBCs were first observed in 1882 by W. Flemming in organization of transcriptionally active and silent amphibian oocytes and investigated in detail by J. Rück- together with involvement of cohesin and com- ert in shark oocytes in 1892. Actually, we owe the name plexes into maintenance of structural integrity of LBCs are ‘lampbrush chromosome’ to J. Rückert, who compared presented. The biological significance of the LBC phenom- them with bristled brushes for cleaning oil lamps. The enon is discussed. The intensive transcription on LBCs shows history of discovery and early studies of amphibian LBCs

© 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel Alla Krasikova 1424–8581/09/1244–0251$26.00/0 Saint-Petersburg State University Fax +41 61 306 12 34 Oranienbaumskoie sch. 2, Stary Peterhof E-Mail [email protected] Accessible online at: Saint-Petersburg, 198504 (Russia) www.karger.com www.karger.com/cgr Tel. +7 812 450 7311, Fax +7 812 450 7310, E-Mail [email protected] a b c

Fig. 1. Avian lampbrush chromosomes (LBCs): general view and scheme of orga- nization. a Chaffinch lampbrush bivalent 2 stained with Coomassie blue R250. Two half-bivalents with a characteristic chro- momere-loop organization are joined at chiasmata (arrows). Terminal giant loops (TGLs) and centromere protein bodies (PBs) associated with avian LBCs are indi- cated. b Quail lampbrush bivalent 3. Im- munostaining with antibodies against the elongating form of RNA polymerase II. Lateral loops representing sites of active transcription are brightly stained. Scale bars = 10 ␮ m. c Schematic drawing of a segment of lampbrush half-bivalent and the enlarged image demonstrating in- volvement of cohesin (red) and condensin (green) complexes into structural mainte- nance of the LBC axes. Sister chromatids (arrowheads), ‘double loop’ bridge (DLB) and transcription units (arrows) are indi- cated.

are perfectly described in the monograph by Callan mineral oil maintains its transcriptional activity and can [1986]. Holl [1890] was the first who described avian be efficiently used for analysis of dynamics of fusion pro- LBCs during examination of chicken oocytes. Later the teins within intranuclear structures [Lund and Paine, morphology of chromosomes of that type was investigated 1990; Patel et al., 2008]. in pre-vitellogenic oocytes in other avian species namely Chromosomes in the lampbrush form occur at the Columbiformes, Charadriformes, Strigiformes, Anseri- diplotene stage of meiotic I when the oocyte en- formes, Galliformes and Passeriformes by routine histo- ters the period of cytoplasmic growth (pre-vitellogene- logical technique [Loyez, 1906; van Durme, 1914; Bram- sis). They are highly extended bivalents, in which homol- bell, 1926; Greenfield, 1966; Gaginskaya and Gruzova, ogous chromosomes are united at chiasmata (fig. 1a). 1969; Gaginskaya, 1972a, b; Wylie, 1972; Guraya, 1976; Each half-bivalent has characteristic chromomere-loop Gaginskaya and Chin, 1980]. morphology and is represented by an array of discrete The real era of ‘lampbrushology’ began 70 years ago, globules of compact chromatin (chromomeres) with pairs when Duryee [1937] offered the method of LBCs micro- of lateral loops expanded outward [Macgregor, 1984; Cal- dissection from the amphibian germinal vesicle (GV). lan, 1986; Gaginskaya, 1989; Morgan, 2002; Gall et al., The method of microsurgical isolation and spreading of 2004]. Lateral loops correspond to transcriptionally ac- the nuclear content on the microscope slide was then im- tive regions of chromosomes, in which sister chromatids proved and modified by Gall [1954, 1966] and Callan are fully separated (fig. 1 b). Transcription on lateral loops [Callan and Lloyd, 1960]. Introduction of the technique is very intensive, so that nascent transcripts complexed was possible due to enormous GV size that enables per- with proteins, produce a bulk of RNP matrix, which can formance of various microsurgery manipulations. Fur- be easily visualized in a light microscope. Lateral loops of thermore, telomere regions of LBCs are not attached to normal [according to Callan, 1986], or simple [according the nuclear envelope so that intact chromosomes can be to Morgan, 2002], morphology contain one or several easily isolated [Macgregor and Varley, 1988]. It was dem- transcription units. RNP matrix becomes thicker to- onstrated too that intact GV manually isolated under wards the ends of transcription units due to increase in

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the length of transcripts and the quantity of RNP ( fig. 1 c). Chromomere Organization during the In the lateral loops, neighboring transcription units can Lampbrush Phase be orientated in the same or opposite directions. From the very early works on amphibian LBCs, these amazing LBCs provide a well-characterized and original sys- objects have attracted the attention of investigators due tem for precise investigation of chromatin epigenetic to giant size, transcriptional activity, the distinctive chro- modifications, as well as structure and organization of momere-loop organization, and also because of their aes- meiotic bivalents [Macgregor et al., 1997]. Mechanisms thetic beauty. Morgan [2002] summarizes recent data on which establish and maintain structural integrity of the organization and functioning of chromosomes dur- chromosomes of this type during the very long period of ing the lampbrush phase and molecular composition of oocyte growth are still not fully understood. Obviously, specialized nuclear structures – both associated with chromomere-loop configuration of LBCs is sustained by LBCs and extrachromosomal. a high level of transcriptional activity on the one hand After the method of LBCs isolation was adapted to avi- and by a group of chromosomal structural proteins on an oocytes [Koecke and Müller, 1965; Kropotova and the other hand. However, DNA topoisomerase II, which Gaginskaya, 1984; Hutchison, 1987; Solovei et al., 1992], is known to participate in the condensation of mitotic a new promising phase in the lampbrushology began. For chromatin, is not a component of amphibian [Fischer et many reasons, exploration into avian LBCs proved to be al., 1993] or avian [Krasikova et al., 2004] LBCs. highly rewarding. Birds belong to warm-blood amniotes. The main candidates for the role of longitudinal and Moreover, they possess a special intermediate type of oo- transverse molecular clips in LBC axes are proteins of the genesis between the so-called solitary and nutrimental structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) group, types [Koschelt and Heider, 1902; Gaginskaya, 1975]. As involved in formation of cohesin and condensin com- with amphibian oocytes, the avian GV has a full set of plexes [Hagstrom and Meyer, 2003; Marko, 2008]. As to LBCs, which are typical diplotene bivalents revealing all cohesins, two subunits of the SMC group and two addi- characteristic features of this chromosome type with well tional proteins, in cooperation sufficient to form a cohe- defined chromomeres and long lateral loops (fig. 1a, b). sin complex, were found on the axes of avian LBCs At the same time, in the ovary of adult birds, in contrast [Krasikova et al., 2005]. It is important that sites of inter- to amphibians, all oocytes are characterized by lack of actions of cohesins with LBC axes are distributed non- ribosomal DNA amplification and by inactivated nucleo- randomly possibly reflecting identical epigenetic modifi- lus organizers (NORs). Therefore, avian GV contain nei- cations of chromatin in half-bivalents that correlate with ther multiple extra-chromosomal nucleoli nor even chro- the size of lateral loops [Krasikova et al., 2005]. mosomal ones [Gaginskaya and Gruzova, 1969, 1975]. Earlier electron microscopy (EM) studies of avian The avian genome is small (C value varies from 1.2 to 2.0 LBCs spread by the Miller technique have provided strong pg) because of a relatively low content of repeated DNA evidence that within the chromomere chromatin is [Organ et al., 2007]. Being an important model organism packed in the form of rosettes with pairs of loops sym- for embryological and biomedical research and having metrically extended outward (fig. 1c). Ring-shaped cohe- agricultural significance, birds are now a subject of inten- sin apparently holds sister chromatids at the bases of sis- sive genome research. The annotated chicken (Gallus gal- ter lateral loops within the chromomere core as well as in lus domesticus) genome databases are available online the interchromomeric regions (fig. 1 c). Indeed, the diam- due to the progress of the Chicken Genome Project eter of the cohesin ring (ϳ 35 nm) is large enough to em- [ICGSC, 2004]. Moreover, projects on sequencing of tur- brace two 10-nm fibers of chromatin [Hagstrom and key (Meleagris gallopavo), California condor (Gymnogyps Meyer, 2003]. Consistent with this explanation, in the re- californianus) and zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) ge- gions of chromosome axes between the neighboring nomes have been initiated recently. chromomeres only a single 20-nm chromatin fiber could Avian LBCs are thus highly suitable for exploration be visualized by EM [for references see Callan, 1986]. into general questions of eukaryotic genome expression In each chromomere, organization of the chromatin of and its regulation. Here we will discuss the advantages of a single chromatid into a set of individual loops and the LBC and GV model for the investigations of chromo- maintenance of the untranscribed part of DNA in a con- some structure and genome function with a special focus densed state seem to be carried out by condensin com- on avian LBCs. plexes responsible for the formation of intrachromatid cross-links (fig. 1c). In fact, condensin component XCAP-

Avian Lampbrush Chromosomes Cytogenet Genome Res 2009;124:251–267 253 D2 was found to be enriched in lampbrush chromomeres occupied by RNA polymerase complexes, alternate with in Xenopus GVs [Beenders et al., 2003]. At the same time very short regions packed with containing a stable protein scaffold was not observed in the LBC hyperacetylated H4 (fig. 2a, b). At the same time, axes; instead interactions of certain chromosomal factors chromatin in the chromomere has a more complex pat- with lampbrush chromatin were demonstrated to be dy- tern of histone modifications. Within the chromomere, namic [Patel et al., 2008]. epigenetic markers of condensed and inactive chromatin In accordance with the offered scheme of chromomere have been revealed along with epigenetic markers of the organization ( fig. 1 c), occurrence of the so-called ‘dou- ‘open chromatin’. Recent observations suggest that the ble-axes’ at consistent locations of LBCs could be ex- majority of chromomeres in chicken LBCs are enriched plained by the lack of cohesin rings within the region, with histone H3K9-dimethyl and H3K27-dimethyl – while appearance of ‘double-loop bridges’ (fig. 1c) could modifications typical of facultative . be explained in turn by the lack of condensin complexes. Chromomeres also contain a marker of transcriptionally Both double-axes and double-loop bridges exist in the active chromatin (hyperacetylated histone H4), both in intact oocyte and are not a result of chromosome manu- amphibian [Sommerville et al., 1993] and in avian LBCs al isolation [Callan and Lloyd, 1960; Macgregor and Klos- (fig. 2 a). This could be explained by the presence of nu- terman, 1979]. For example, in chicken oocytes, the lamp- merous miniature lateral loops with a contour length of brush bivalents 1, 2, 3 and ZW have stable axes, which are about 1 ␮m that extend from the chromomere core [Kro- usually not interrupted by double-loop bridges. Whereas, potova and Gaginskaya, 1984]. from one to three double-loop bridges always appear in Available data on accurate localization of single copy the middle of LBC 4 [Chelysheva et al., 1990; Galkina et and repetitive sequences on avian LBCs permits analysis al., 2006], which apparently has a lesser amount of con- of their epigenetic modifications during oogenesis. One densins. The results of LBC studies with regard to their of the instances is the chromatin containing repetitive structural organization therefore support the recently sequences in chicken ZW lampbrush bivalents. Detailed presented ‘SMC-crosslinked-chromatin-network’ model descriptions of the morphology of sex chromosomes in for chromosome condensation [Marko, 2008]. the lampbrush form from 6 species of birds can be found in the article by Solovei et al. [1993]. In brief, in avian oo- cytes, Z and W sex chromosomes form an asymmetrical Epigenetic Modifications of Lampbrush Chromatin bivalent with a single chiasma. In the chicken ZW biva- lent, the Z chromosome exhibits normal lampbrush mor- Overall epigenetic status of lampbrush chromatin has phology, whereas the W chromosome is predominantly been intensively studied on the model of amphibian condensed and packed into several dense chromomeres LBCs. Chromosomes of this type lack linker histone H1 with only a few lateral loops [Solovei et al., 1993; Mizuno [Hock et al., 1993], whereas in the lateral loops and chro- and Macgregor, 1998]. Repetitive sequences constitute momeres, histone H4 is predominantly hyperacetylated from 70 to 90% of DNA in the chicken W chromosome [Sommerville et al., 1993]. These characteristics of LBC [Saitoh et al., 1991; Schmid et al., 2005]. chromatin reflect their high transcriptional activity. Ex- Recent data on the analysis of the histone modifica- periments on modifications of histone tails by methyl- tions demonstrate that chromatin of W chromomeres is ases and acetylases showed that simple lateral loops could a typical silent chromatin: it lacks acetylated histone H4 reversibly retract and extend as a result of changes in and is enriched with H3K9-dimethyl and H3K27-di- transcriptional activity [Sommerville et al., 1993; Ryan et methyl. In addition, DNA of W chromomeres was found al., 1999; Smillie et al., 2004; Stewart et al., 2006]. In ad- to be highly methylated in comparison with the majority dition, chromatin-associated and non-chromatin-associ- of chromomeres in other LBCs (our unpublished obser- ated were found to be continually exchanged in vations). High concentrations of heterochromatin pro- transcriptionally active regions of LBCs [Stewart et al., tein 1 (HP1␤ ) within all W chromomeres (fig. 2c, d) to- 2006]. gether with the above described epigenetic modifications In general, chromatin of avian LBCs possesses the results in the condensation of W chromosomes through- same characteristics as chromatin of amphibian LBCs. out oogenesis. Indeed, the simultaneous demonstration of the elongat- There are other repetitive sequences forming constitu- ing form of RNA polymerase II and histones confirms tive heterochromatin blocks in the interphase nuclei that that on transcription units relatively long regions, tightly change their epigenetic status during the lampbrush

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a b c d

Fig. 2. Epigenetic characteristics of transcriptionally active and tion corresponds to that illustrated on panel a . Arrowheads indi- inactive chromatin of avian lampbrush chromosomes. a Distri- cate RNA polymerase complexes, arrows – nucleosomes. Scale bution of RNA polymerase II complexes and nucleosomes on the bar = 0.2 ␮ m. c, d Chicken ZW lampbrush bivalent. Immunos- axes of normal lateral loops. Double immunostaining with anti- taining with antibody against heterochromatin protein 1 ␤ (HP1 bodies against elongating form of RNA polymerase II (green) and ␤) (red) ( c ), and corresponding phase contrast image merged with hyperacetylated histone H4 (H4Ac5) (red). Scale bar = 10 ␮ m. fluorescent image (d ). Chromomeres of W chromosome are b Chromatin of normal lateral loop spread by the Miller tech- brightly stained. Scale bar = 10 ␮ m. nique. Character of RNA polymerases and nucleosomes distribu-

phase. For example, chromatin of the C-positive block on chromosome axis in different female individuals or oo- the long arm of the Z-chromosome is known to be occu- cytes [Callan, 1986]. It should be stressed that chromo- pied by Z-macrosatellite repeats [Hori et al., 1996]. Unex- meres are usually distributed irregularly along the axis, a pectedly, in the lampbrush phase, this region is not en- feature that is more distinctive for avian LBCs. Regions riched with certain markers of heterochromatin such as of large chromomeres carrying a few small lateral loops protein HP1␤ . Instead, it is remarkably decondensed and alternate with regions of small chromomeres, which, on contains prolonged regions of chromatin forming lateral the contrary, carry many long loops ( fig. 1 a). Detailed loops, which are occupied by hyperacetylated histone H4. schemes of LBCs reflecting the distribution of chromo- Loop formation in this region could be explained by the meres, average loop length and positions of certain land- intensive transcription of Z macrosatellites during the marks could be generated. Such maps have been pro- lampbrush stage [Hori et al., 1996]. Obviously, such duced for many urodele and anuran species and formed changes lead to differential epigenetic characteristics of the very basis for the major accepted hypothesis on LBC sex chromosomes during avian oogenesis. structure. The developed cytological chromomere-loop maps of avian LBCs [Chelysheva et al., 1990; Rodionov and Chechik, 2002; Saifitdinova et al., 2003; Schmid et Avian Lampbrush Chromosomes as a Tool for High al., 2005; Galkina et al., 2006] facilitate determination of Resolution Cytogenetic Analysis the pattern of gene transcription during oogenesis allow- ing assignment of the DNA fragments from the current Lateral loops representing the sites of the most active genome sequence assemblies either to chromomere or to transcription as well as chromomeres representing non- lateral loop. transcribing chromatin have constant positions along the

Avian Lampbrush Chromosomes Cytogenet Genome Res 2009;124:251–267 255 abc d

Fig. 3. Transcription of repetitive and unique sequences on avian hnRNP protein K (red). c , d Fragment of the chicken lampbrush lampbrush lateral loops. a FISH with oligonucleotide complimen- bivalent 1. FISH with BAC clone bW069C11 according to DNA/ tary to PO41 tandem repeat (green) to quail lampbrush micro- (DNA+RNA-transcript) hybridization protocol. In each half-bi- bivalent demonstrates transcription of C-rich strand of the repeat valent RNP-matrix of two sister lateral loops is labeled (red). Scale on pericentromeric lateral loops. b RNP-matrix of pericentro- bars = 10 ␮ m . meric lateral loops of the same microbivalent is enriched with

The average length of LBCs in birds was shown to and to detail the positions of centromere regions in chro- range from several ␮ m for the smallest microbivalents up mosome sequence assemblies for chicken macrochromo- to 200 ␮ m for the longest bivalents and in general is somes [Krasikova et al., 2006]. This integrative approach smaller than in tailed amphibians [Kropotova and Gagin- to genome analysis allowed revision of the positions of skaya, 1984; Chelysheva et al., 1990]. Identification of in- non-centromeric clusters of satellite repeat CNM and dividual chicken, quail and chaffinch LBCs demonstrat- centromere in chicken chromosome 3. ed that avian chromosomes in the lampbrush phase are As a rule, the diploid number of chromosomes in the at least 30 times longer than the corresponding meta- avian is about 80 [Christidis, 1990]. It should phase chromosomes [Khutinaeva et al., 1989; Chelysheva be noted that numerous tiny microchromosomes, char- et al., 1990; Rodionov and Chechik, 2002; Derjusheva et acteristic of avian , are difficult to identify in al., 2003; Saifitdinova et al., 2003; Galkina et al., 2005]. metaphase preparations. Moreover, some of them still do Consequently, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) not have any available sequence information. During oo- mapping on avian LBCs makes it possible to distinguish genesis, avian microchromosomes assume the lampbrush the order of closely positioned sequences and to reveal form ( fig. 3 a), in which every microbivalent has one chi- gene locations more precisely [Ogawa et al., 1997; Galkina asma and a recognizable chromomere-loop pattern [Kro- et al., 2006]. potova and Gaginskaya, 1984; Hutchison, 1987; Rodio- The estimated average amount of DNA per chromo- nov et al., 1992; Rodionov and Chechik, 2002]. Using mere (together with transcriptionally active loops) in chicken and quail microbivalents in the lampbrush form chicken lampbrush macrochromosomes is about 1.5–2 the distribution of 41-bp repeats was determined precise- Mb [Galkina et al., 2006]. In consequence, the resolution ly [Krasikova et al., 2006; Deryusheva et al., 2007]. In con- of comparative genome analysis using LBCs is close to the trast to chicken microchromosomes that are acrocentric, resolution of array-CGH on the platform of BAC-librar- the majority of quail micros were found to be submeta- ies. For example, the boundaries of chromosome rear- centric; that fact was simultaneously demonstrated in the rangements during karyotype evolution in Galliformes studies of Galliform lampbrush and synaptonemal com- were revealed between certain chicken, quail and turkey plex karyotypes [Calderón and Pigozzi, 2006; Krasikova macrochromosomes with very high cytogenetic resolu- et al., 2006]. tion [Galkina et al., 2006; Griffin et al., 2008]. Moreover, Another example of high-resolution mapping is de- the combination of physical gene mapping and immuno- tailed cytogenetic analysis of the chicken W chromosome detection of kinetochore marker proteins made it possi- constituted mainly of non-coding repeats. Evidence was ble to identify the centromeres on chicken and quail LBCs provided indicating that distinct chromomeres of the

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chicken W LBC contain specific repetitive DNA sequence tains one or several (up to 8) transcription units; the direc- families, namely XhoI-, EcoRI and SspI-repeats [Ogawa et tion of transcription appears to be of functional signifi- al., 1997; Solovei et al., 1998; Itoh and Mizuno, 2002], so cance. On simple lateral loops of chaffinch, pigeon and that the sequences constituting only one of 7 W chromo- chicken LBCs transcription was demonstrated to be car- meres, namely chromomere 7, are still unknown [Kra- ried out by RNA polymerase II (fig. 1b) [Deryusheva et al., sikova et al., 2006]. In general, Z and W sex chromosomes 2003; Saifitdinova et al., 2003; Krasikova et al., 2004]. in the lampbrush form offer exclusive opportunities for A c t i v e 3H-uridine incorporation into the lateral loops solving some very interesting problems relating to the cy- of avian LBCs takes place at the middle diplotene, where- tological and genomics aspects of sex determination; sev- as at the late diplotene, the retraction of simple lateral eral informative reviews regarding this subject have been loops is accompanied with a decrease in 3H-uridine in- published [Mizuno and Macgregor, 1998; Schmid et al., corporation [Callebaut, 1968; Gaginskaya and Gruzova, 2005]. 1969; Gaginskaya, 1972b; Chin et al., 1979; Gaginskaya It should be noted that, being highly extended biva- and Chin, 1980]. In the studies by Gaginskaya and Tsvet- lents with distinctively recognized chiasmata ( fig. 1 a), kov [1988] certain data were presented on the quantita- avian LBCs are also widely used for positioning crossover tive evaluation of RNA polymerase and dis- events, estimation of crossover frequencies and construc- tribution in the chromatin of LBCs in dependence on the tion of chiasma-based maps [Chelysheva et al., 1990; Ro- intensity of transcription. The density of RNA polymer- dionov et al., 1992a, b, 2002; Rodionov and Chechik, ases in transcription units on the LBC spreads from pre- 2002; Galkina et al., 2005; Zakharova et al., 2006]. As a vitellogenic (1.25–1.8 mm in diameter) chicken oocytes whole, the use of avian LBCs makes a great contribution was more than 20 complexes per 1 ␮m of DNA fiber. In to avian cytogenetics. oocytes of 2–2.2 mm diameter, transcription units with 10 or even fewer RNA polymerases per micrometer are relatively numerous (fig. 2 b). Transcription of DNA Sequences on Avian Lampbrush Chromosomes Transcription of Protein-Coding Genes and Non-coding Unique Sequences As emphasized by Morgan [2002], one of the greatest The question of what nucleotide sequences do really benefits of the lampbrush system is opportunity for cy- transcribe on lampbrush loops is of great importance for tological analysis of gene expression. Indeed, due to their understanding the significance of transcription during high transcriptional activity and easily detectable RNP oogenesis. Strikingly, transcription of some housekeep- matrix on transcriptional units, LBCs allow investigation ing genes is repressed during the lampbrush stage. One of genome expression patterns and nascent RNA process- of the examples is ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes in hen ing at the transcriptional level with remarkably high mo- GVs. In the chicken genome almost all clusters of 18S, lecular resolution. DNA/RNA-transcript in situ hybrid- 5.8S and 28S rRNA genes are located in microchromo- ization is a reliable approach for revealing transcription some 16. In oocytes of sexually mature females these even of unique sequences. In addition, microdissection genes were found to be inactivated [Gaginskaya and Gru- of particular lampbrush parts followed by their clon- zova, 1969, 1975; Gaginskaya, 1972b, 1975]. The absence ing [Angelier et al., 1996; Saifitdinova et al., 2003] could of functioning nucleoli in growing oocytes of adult avian give an opportunity to directly study transcribing se- females was first demonstrated by cytochemical reac- quences. tions and analysis of 3H-uridine incorporation into the GV [Gaginskaya and Gruzova, 1969; Gaginskaya, 1972b]. Morphology of Transcription Units Afterward, the absence of the nucleolus organizing activ- Despite the fact that the avian genome size is small, the ity in avian diplotene-stage oocytes was confirmed by in majority of lateral loops in avian LBCs extend more than situ DNA/RNA hybridization [Gaginskaya and Gruzova, 15 ␮ m corresponding to at least 45 kb of DNA. Some gi- 1975]. The lack of nucleoli in avian oocytes is believed to ant loops may reach 80 ␮ m in length, however, these are be compensated by the transfer of rRNA from the follicu- quite rare [Kropotova and Gaginskaya, 1984; Gaginska- lar cells to the ooplasm by the so-called ‘transosomes’. It ya, 1989; Khutinaeva et al., 1989; Chelysheva et al., 1990]. is interesting to note that interspersed ribosomal DNA The size of transcription units in avian LBCs was shown sequences can be transcribed on the lampbrush loops yet to range from 1 to 40 ␮ m. Each lateral loop usually con- not by RNA polymerase I, the situation that was discov-

Avian Lampbrush Chromosomes Cytogenet Genome Res 2009;124:251–267 257 ered for the European crested newt [Morgan et al., 1980]. using in situ hybridization technique [Macgregor and Therefore non-specific, incidental transcription of rRNA Andrews, 1977; Hartley and Callan, 1978; Varley et al., genes on avian LBCs by RNA polymerase II cannot be 1980a, b; Diaz et al., 1981; Macgregor et al., 1981; Jamrich ruled out. et al., 1983; Baldwin and Macgregor, 1985; Barsacchi-Pi- There are only a few examples of unique gene tran- lone et al., 1986; Epstein еt al., 1986]. Such transcription scription on both avian and amphibian LBCs. On lateral is getting more intriguing in the view of modern data loops of amphibian LBCs only genes for cytokeratin, nu- about the role of non-coding RNA in the regulation of cleolar protein NO38/B23 [Weber et al., 1989], c-myc and eukaryotic genomes [Prasanth and Spector, 2007]. Eg1 [Angelier et al., 1996] were proven to be transcribed. Some studies were directed to satellite DNA transcrip- At the same time, poly(A) + RNA of the same complexity tion on LBCs of various avian species. Avian LBCs usu- as in transcriptomes of somatic cells was shown to pass ally carry terminal landmark loops (telomeric bow-like from the nucleus to ooplasm in Xenopus oocytes at the loops or TBLs), whereas it is rather an exception than a lampbrush stage [Davidson, 1986]. rule for amphibian LBCs [Chelysheva et al., 1990]. On Unique modification of the conventional chromo- chicken LBCs, the TBLs were shown to form at the chro- some painting technique according to DNA/RNA hy- mosome termini carrying C-positive heterochromatic bridization protocol allows identification not only of cer- blocks [Rodionov et al., 1989] and to exhibit 2 transcrip- tain chromosomes in the lampbrush form but also wide- tion units – a short transcription unit corresponding to spread transcription along the whole length of individual telomeric TTAGGG-repeat block and a long one situated lampbrushes [Derjusheva et al., 2003]. Indeed, a lot of before that and often running in the opposite direction single copy genomic sequences were found to be actively [Solovei et al., 1994; Hori et al., 1996]. Earlier Hutchison transcribed on the lateral loops of avian LBCs (fig. 3c). [1987] had shown the terminal loops on chicken LBCs to Certain evidence in support of this was obtained in the be brightly labeled when hybridized in situ with total hen study by Galkina et al. [2006], in which bacterial and P1- DNA. Later, the transcription of subtelomeric satellite derived artificial chromosomes (BAC and PAC) contain- DNA on terminal lateral loops was decisively demon- ing chicken genomic fragments were applied to chicken strated in chicken and quail LBCs. In fact, terminal het- lampbrush macrobivalents. Among 39 BAC and PAC erochromatin of chicken chromosomes Z and 1–4 is com- clones that bear unique microsatellite markers, 34 were posed of similar Z-macrosatellite repeats, which are mapped by FISH to the lateral loops, while only 5 were transcribed by RNA polymerase II on TBLs of appropri- mapped to the chromomeres. It is worth noting that 12 ate LBCs [Hori et al., 1996; our unpublished observa- BAC clones, which hybridize to the lateral loops of chick- tions]. TBLs thus represent sites for the elaboration of Z- en LBC4, also hybridize to the lateral loops of Japanese macrosatellite non-coding RNA during the lampbrush quail LBC4 [Galkina et al., 2006], demonstrating that the period of oogenesis. Other examples of subtelomeric sat- pattern of transcription during oocyte growth is similar ellite DNA transcription involve 41-bp repeats from Gal- in 2 closely related species. It should be borne in mind liform genomes [Krasikova et al., 2006; Deryusheva et al., that BAC inserts comprise both protein coding and non- 2007]. coding DNA fragments. At the same time, no protein- In avian oocytes of the lampbrush stage, massive tran- coding sequences have been proven to be transcribed on scription of pericentromere satellites has also been dis- the chicken gene-rich microchromosomes as yet. This covered. It was first demonstrated by Solovei et al. [1996], raises the possibility that transcription of diverse protein who showed the transcription of highly repetitive centro- coding genes on the LBCs is not obligate but rather inci- meric sequence PR1 on the lateral loops in the centro- dental. mere regions of all LBCs in Columba palumbus (the wood-pigeon) [Solovei et al., 1996]. It seems exclusively Transcription of Satellite DNA important that in C. livia (the domestic pigeon), an al- It was supposed that the majority of DNA transcribed most identical repeat transcribes in none of the major on the lampbrush loops is non-coding. Indeed, the tran- pericentromeric sites. The authors suggested that the spe- scription of tandemly repeated non-coding DNA in cies-specific transcription is related to PR1 genome orga- lampbrush stage oocytes was demonstrated for the first nization and can be explained on the basis of the ‘read- time by biochemical approaches [Davidson and Hough, through’ hypothesis. 1971]. In further investigations, transcripts of satellite When FISH with 41-bp non-coding repeats (CNM, DNA were found on the lateral loops of amphibian LBCs PO41, Bgl II-repeat) from chicken and Japanese quail ge-

258 Cytogenet Genome Res 2009;124:251–267 Gaginskaya/Kulikova/Krasikova

nomes was performed on LBCs of these species, many copies remains silent and might be found in the adjacent clusters of transcribing units were observed in numerous chromomere. All this leads to the suggestion that spe- lateral loops [Krasikova et al., 2006; Deryusheva et al., cific regulatory sequences might be involved in the ini- 2007] (fig. 3a). Ongoing transcription of these repeats has tiation of transcription of flanking satellite repeats. been verified by incorporation of BrUTP and by the pres- ence of the elongating form of RNA polymerase II with the hyperphosphorylated C-terminal domain in the tran- Regulation of Transcription on Lampbrush scription units [Deryusheva et al., 2007]. It should be Lateral Loops stressed that complementary transcripts of 41-bp repeats CNM and PO41 were revealed on long lateral loops of The so-called ‘read-through’ hypothesis, at first sug- chicken LBCs. In the case of CNM, transcription of one gested by Old et al. [1977] and later reinforced by Varley strand occurs in one transcription unit, while transcrip- et al. [1980a, b] and Macgregor et al. [1981], was con- tion of another strand of the same repeat proceeds in a firmed by Gall and his co-workers on the basis of in situ different chromosome locus. For example, in chicken mi- study of transcription at the histone gene loci on LBCs of crochromosomes, C-rich CNM transcripts were detected Notophthalmus viridescens (the American newt) [Diaz et on loops extending from the pericentromere chromo- al., 1981; Gall et al., 1983]. The hypothesis postulates that meres, while G-rich transcripts of the same repeat were on LBCs, transcription initiates at the structural gene found on the q-terminal chromomeres [Krasikova et al., promoters but does not terminate at the 3 ؅ end of the 2006]. At the same time, the presence of RNAs comple- gene, proceeding through downstream sequences includ- mentary to both strands of the repeat in the same tran- ing non-coding DNA. This hypothesis has played a role scription unit is a characteristic for PO41 indicating oc- in understanding organization of transcription on LBCs currence of short tracks of inverted repeats within the and the existence of long transcription units on their lat- cluster [Deryusheva et al., 2007]. On the contrary, only eral loops. However it does not explain all cases, in which G-rich transcripts of the CNM-like Bgl II-repeat are pres- structural genes were not found at the beginning of tran- ent in quail LBCs. It is worth noting that in Japanese quail scription units [Bromley and Gall, 1987], as well as the LBCs, PO41 and Bgl II repeats are transcribed either in transcription of satellite DNA ongoing within the large different transcription units, or continuously in the same block of heterochromatin where presence of structural transcription unit. Moreover, oppositely directed tran- genes seems unlikely. scription of repeated was observed [Deryusheva et A combination of genomic and cytological data al- al., 2007]. The significance of such intensive non-coding lowed us to put forward another suggestion for the mech- DNA transcription in growing oocytes will be discussed anisms that regulate satellite transcription in oocytes. in the following sections. Analysis of contigs containing 41-bp repeats from chick- Recent data also demonstrate that the so-called male en genome databases reveals that long terminal repeats hypermethylated (MHM) region, located near the middle (LTR) of retrotransposons are present within satellite ar- of the short arm of the chicken Z chromosome consists rays and thus could provide their regulatory sequences of tandem repeats and is transcribed only in females from for flanking tandem repeats [Deryusheva et al., 2007]. It the particular strand into heterogeneous in size, high- does seem that LTR retrotransposons or even solo LTRs molecular-mass, non-coding RNA. In growing oocytes, are responsible for the initiation of satellite transcription transcripts from the MHM region were found on a pair that is carried out by RNA polymerase II. Accordingly, of loops at the site of transcription, adjacent to the DMRT1 RNA polymerase II transcribes LTR retrotransposons locus that lies at the base of these loops [Teranishi et al., but not retrotransposons of the SINE family, which are 2001]. known to be transcribed by RNA polymerase III. At the same time, it was shown by in situ hybridization Specific patterns of PR1 satellite transcription within that some W-specific highly repetitive sequences were centromere regions of pigeon LBCs [Solovei et al., 1996] not transcribed in the chicken sex lampbrush bivalent. and some other examples of satellite transcription in Likewise, transcription of 41-bp repeats on Galliform growing oocytes could be achieved by just the same LBCs was found not to be obligatory and entire clusters mechanism. Indeed, both Z macrosatellites in chicken of the repeats were non-transcribing [Krasikova et al., and PR1 satellites in pigeon reveal regular repeated asso- 2006; Deryusheva et al., 2007]. Moreover, if a satellite re- ciation of transcription starting points with heterochro- peat is transcribed, the main part of the cluster of tandem matic blocks.

Avian Lampbrush Chromosomes Cytogenet Genome Res 2009;124:251–267 259 It seems reasonable that LBCs could sustain a simul- age resulting in the formation of the 2 classes of RNA: taneous widespread transcription of RNA molecules protein-coding and non-coding sequences. Such an ex- from many thousands of promoters distributed along the ample of processing of the read-through transcripts of lengths of all chromosomes. Interspersed repeats with histone genes into mature transcripts dependent on fac- their own functional promoters are also scattered tors present within the GV has been described in recent throughout the genome. The important question is work of Masi and Johnson [2003]. We can then speculate whether promoters of most of the RNA polymerase II that protein coding templates released after final process- transcription units on lampbrush lateral loops are repre- ing can be utilized for protein synthesis in early embryos sented by retroviral elements. If this is true, the average until activation of zygotic genome expression. loop length should then inversely correlate with the den- The fate of non-coding transcripts synthesized in the sity of active LTR promoters in the region. growing oocyte can be revised in the view of modern Certain evidence in favor of this hypothesis was pro- data. Indeed, it is now accepted that transcription of both vided in early biochemical studies. As stressed by Mac- strands of satellite DNA in metazoan chromosomes re- gregor [1984], the presence of two classes of poly(A) + sults in the production of long double-stranded (ds) pre- mRNAs in mature Xenopus oocytes was demonstrated in cursor RNAs, which are subsequently processed into this work. One class is represented by maternal messen- small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) [Matzke and Birchler, ger RNAs, and the other class by incompletely processed 2005; Prasanth and Spector, 2007]. Non-coding siRNA is very long transcripts consisting of a coding sequence and known to be required for the formation of constitutive interspersed repeats [Thomas et al., 1981]. The nature of heterochromatin in particular at the pericentromeric re- the latter transcripts could be explained by the initiation gions of chromosomes [Almedia and Allshire, 2005; Kim, of transcription from the retrotransposon promoters, 2005]. We can hypothesize that the non-coding RNA followed by transcription of single copy sequences in- product of satellite repeat transcription on the LBC lat- cluding protein coding genes and spacer regions. De- eral loops can hybridize to form long dsRNA molecules. tailed exploration of the mechanisms of activation of in- These duplex-forming RNAs seem to be sequestered terspersed repeats (namely retrotransposons) during the within the oocyte for the early stages of embryogenesis, lampbrush stage is believed to be fruitful for understand- where they probably provide a pool for the production of ing the nature of transcription units on LBCs. siRNAs used to establish the constitutive heterochroma- tin [Krasikova et al., 2006]. We can thus envisage that RNA-induced transcriptional silencing is inactivated in The Significance of Lampbrush Chromosomes in growing avian oocytes leading to the absence of inhibi- Oogenesis tion of satellite RNA transcription on LBCs. Also it was suggested that unprocessed centromere-encoded RNAs Since the start of investigations of LBCs, attempts have from lampbrush loops could be used directly for centro- been made to understand and explain the ‘widespread mere assembly [Deryusheva et al., 2007]. Studies are now but somewhat indiscriminate transcription on lamp- in progress to determine whether synthesized satellite brush loops of a range of DNA sequences’ [Macgregor, RNA is retained until fertilization. Taking into account 1984]. However no satisfactory explanation for this tran- these considerations the phenomenon of LBCs becomes scription has yet been forthcoming. It has been suggested clearer. many times that read-through transcription of repetitive DNA on the lampbrush loops is ‘more or less useless’ and ‘non-productive’ [Macgregor, 1980, 1984; Angelier et al., Co-transcriptional RNA Processing on Lampbrush 1996]. We offer here a novel interpretation of the ‘classi- Lateral Loops cal’ hypothesis, which states that LBCs provide tran- scripts, which are required for the early stages of embryo- While the nascent RNA chain is being synthesized by genesis and considers oocytes as an environment for the RNA polymerase II it attracts multifunctional complex- future embryo [Davidson, 1986]. es, which are usually involved in RNA processing and It is likely that diverse maternal poly(A) + RNA mole- largely determine the fate of the mature RNA [Zhao, cules transcribed during the lampbrush stage are seques- 1999; Aguilera, 2005]. RNP matrix of lampbrush lateral tered until the dissolution of the nuclear membrane and loops comprised of nascent, chromatin-associated tran- then might undergo specific post-transcriptional cleav- scripts apparently represents the most vivid model for

260 Cytogenet Genome Res 2009;124:251–267 Gaginskaya/Kulikova/Krasikova

studying co-transcriptional processes [Dreyfuss et al., translatable transcripts of these pericentromeric and sub- 1993]. Indeed, use of the system has played a key role in telomeric repeats do not undergo co-transcriptional sn- establishing the co-transcriptional nature of RNA pro- RNP dependent splicing. It was recently shown in a series cessing events and studying their mechanisms in vivo of elegant experiments that even truncated, non-func- [Morgan, 2002, 2007; Sallacz and Jantsch, 2005; Patel et tional snRNAs target to nascent transcripts on lateral al., 2007]. loops of amphibian LBCs [Patel et al., 2007]. This raises Polarized RNP matrix of the majority of simple lateral the possibility that the absence of snRNA in the RNP ma- loops of avian LBCs is shown to contain such spliceosome trix of the satellite DNA bearing loops could just be due components as small nuclear (sn) RNPs and SC35 [Der- to the absence of canonical splicing sites within these jusheva et al., 2003; Krasikova et al., 2004] as well as some non-coding transcripts. -؅ end processing factors (unpublished data) and hetero- Thus it can be concluded that non-coding, high-mo 3 geneous nuclear (hn) RNP proteins [Solovei et al., 1995; lecular-mass satellite RNA undergoes specific co-tran- Deryusheva et al., 2007]. At the same time, there are some scriptional packaging resulting in the formation of lateral loops, whose RNP matrixes possess an atypical hnRNP complexes, of which the protein composition de- protein composition (fig. 3b). Initially it was found that a pends on the nucleotide content. range of chicken lampbrush loops binds single stranded C-nucleotide homopolymers [Solovei et al., 1995]. Since certain hnRNP proteins have preferential affinity to ho- Transcriptionally Inactive Structures Associated monucleotide-rich RNA [Dreyfuss et al., 1993], it was with Avian Lampbrush Chromosomes suggested and then proved that binding of C-oligonucle- otides with these loops is defined by enrichment of their Loop-like Domains of Complex Morphology RNP matrix with hnRNP protein K [Solovei et al., 1995]. There are special domains associated with LBCs which This particular hnRNP protein is known to have high af- are not involved in on-going transcription. One type is finity to C-rich RNA [Matunis et al., 1993]. In the follow- loops with complex morphology [Callan, 1986; Morgan, ing studies, it was demonstrated that such atypical pro- 2002] or the so-called ‘special loops’ [Sallacz and Jantsch, tein composition of RNP matrix is a result of specific 2005], which are enriched with RNA and seem to form at RNA synthesis. transcriptionally inactive loci. Recently, they were inter- After the 41-bp satellite repeats were mapped on chick- preted as a kind of intranuclear domain on amphibian en LBCs it turned out that the distribution of lateral loops, LBCs [Sallacz and Jantsch, 2005]. The presence of ‘special containing C-rich transcripts of CNM and PO41 repeats, loops’ is not an exclusive characteristic of amphibian is very similar to the distribution of those described by LBCs – analogous structures form on LBCs of the major- Solovei et al. [1995] as enriched with hnRNP protein K. ity of examined avian species. In chicken, pigeon and FISH, performed after immunodetection of hnRNP pro- chaffinch GVs, ‘special loops’ are represented by the so- tein K, fully confirmed that this protein is accumulated called ‘terminal giant loops’ (TGLs) and interstitial in the loops where C-rich transcripts of 41-bp repeats are ‘lumpy loops’ (LLs) [Khutinaeva et al., 1989; Chelysheva being synthesized [Deryusheva et al., 2007]. Further- et al, 1990; Solovei et al., 1994; Saifitdinova et al., 2003]. more, in quail LBCs, C-rich transcripts of PO41 repeat Although the size of ‘special loops’ can vary between in- were also found to co-localize with hnRNP K (fig. 3a, b). dividuals, they always form in specific chromosomal loci Non-uniform distribution of protein K within the RNP and serve as useful landmarks for individual LBCs for the matrix of a single transcription unit bearing both C- and majority of avian and amphibian lampbrush karyo- G-rich transcripts in quail LBCs clearly demonstrates the types. resolution provided by the LBC system [Deryusheva et Special loops have complex and variable morphology. al., 2007]. Using this approach, RNA sequence content of The LLs usually have a compact globular form, whereas those loops that have atypical protein composition can be TGLs often exhibit looser and more extended conforma- studied in detail. tion ( fig. 4 ). TGLs also vary in prominence between spe- Accurate investigation of the components of process- cies; for example, TGLs of pigeons are spectacularly long, ing machinery within the RNP matrix of the loops tran- reaching 100 ␮m in length [Solovei et al., 1996]. More- scribing 41-bp repeats in chicken and quail LBCs revealed over, in wood pigeons nearly all TGLs are fused together that these loops do not contain any splicing snRNPs forming gigantic star-like structures [Solovei et al., 1996]. [Deryusheva et al., 2007]. Therefore it looks like the un- The organization of TGLs merits special attention be-

Avian Lampbrush Chromosomes Cytogenet Genome Res 2009;124:251–267 261 a b c d

Fig. 4. Organization and composition of the so-called terminal phase contrast image. b Schematic drawing of the image shown giant loops (TGLs) associated with avian lampbrush chromo- on panel a illustrates that terminal telomere sites (green) are lo- somes. Extended TGLs (arrowheads), which form at chiasmate cated at the base of TGL material on each of four chromatids. ends of chicken chromosomes W and Z, are presented. a Loca- c Immunostaining with antibodies against ‘Sm-epitope’ of splic- tions of TAAGGG repeat sites with regard to TGLs and transcrip- ing snRNP (red). TGLs are brightly stained. Chromosomes are tionally active chromatin. FISH with (TAAGGG)5 as a probe counterstained with DAPI (blue). d FISH with oligo(dT) 30 (red) (green) after immunostaining with antibody against the elongat- and DAPI staining (blue). Hybridization signal is seen in TGLs ing form of RNA polymerase II (red), chromosomes are counter- but not in the RNP matrix of normal lateral loops. Scale bars = 10 stained with DAPI (blue). Fluorescent images are merged with the ␮ m .

cause of their terminal position on the chromosomes. Centromere Protein Bodies FISH with a telomere TTAGGG probe to LBC with ex- Another type of transcriptionally inactive and con- tended TGLs demonstrated that each chromatid ends at spicuous structure associated with avian lampbrush bi- the base of a TGL structure ( fig. 4 a). In that case, a normal valents is the so called ‘protein body’ (PB) that has a per- terminal lateral loop, which is located before the TGL, fect spherical shape ( fig. 1 a) [Gaginskaya and Gruzova, emerges from but does not return to the terminal chro- 1969; Gaginskaya, 1972b]. These remarkable nuclear momere according to the so called ‘open ended’ loop con- bodies appear right at the beginning of the lampbrush formation (fig. 4b) [see also Solovei et al., 1994]. Thus, the stage within GVs of growing oocytes in all birds studied TGLs appear not to be real lampbrush loops but massive so far which represent at least 5 avian orders (Galli- aggregations of material accumulated on termini of cer- formes, Anseriformes, Columbiformes, Strigiformes, tain LBCs. Passeriformes). They have a fibrillar fine structure with TGLs and LLs have a specific molecular composition: multiple vacuoles inside and spherules on their surface. they lack RNA polymerase II [Saifitdinova et al., 2003] Recent findings show that, as the ‘special loops’ de- but contain splicing factors (snRNPs and SC35) and a set scribed above, the PBs also lack RNA polymerase II. At of hnRNP proteins distinct from that in the RNP matrix the same time, no spliceosome components such as sn- of simple lateral loops ( fig. 4 c). 3D analysis of intact GVs RNPs and SR-proteins can be detected within avian PBs demonstrates TGLs and LLs to be enriched with RNA in ( fig. 5 a) [Krasikova et al., 2004]. According to our un- comparison to the nucleoplasm. It seems significant that published observations of intact GVs, PBs do not con- these structures contain a bulk of poly(A)+ RNA ( fig. 4 d), tain any RNA and are exclusively composed of protein. that is polyadenylated transcripts which had been al- A conclusion that PBs do not correspond to spheres or ready released from RNA polymerase II complexes and Cajal bodies characteristic of GVs of a wide variety of had undergone 3؅ end processing (our unpublished data). amphibian species [Callan and Lloyd, 1960; Gall and Hence, the ‘special loops’ can be a kind of nuclear do- Callan, 1989; Gall, 2003] has been made [Krasikova et main, in which hnRNA-hnRNP-snRNP complexes are al., 2004]. accumulated and specifically retained during oocyte Quite the opposite, PBs are the only type of nuclear growth. bodies examined so far that were found to concentrate DNA topoisomerase II and cohesin complex proteins – including members of the structural chromosome main-

262 Cytogenet Genome Res 2009;124:251–267 Gaginskaya/Kulikova/Krasikova

ab c

Fig. 5. Molecular composition of protein bodies (PBs) associated with centromere regions of avian lampbrush chromosomes. Immunostaining with antibodies against ‘Sm-epitope’ of splicing snRNP ( a), cohesin compo- nents STAG2 (b ) and Rad21 (c ) (red). Chromosomes are counterstained with DAPI (blue). Corresponding phase contrast images are shown. Centromere PBs (arrows) contain proteins of the chromosome structural mainte- nance group and have a non-RNP nature. Scale bar = 10 ␮ m .

tenance (SMC) group (fig. 5b, c) [Krasikova et al., 2004, The characteristic feature of PBs during oogenesis is 2005]. In addition, PBs are enriched with SYCP3, a pro- their involvement in 3-dimensional genome organiza- tein that is known to participate in the formation of the tion during the period of karyosphere formation (post- lateral elements of synaptonemal complexes at the earlier lampbrush stage) [Gaginskaya, 1972b]. Prior to nuclear stages of the first meiotic prophase [Krasikova et al., envelope breakdown, centromere PBs associated with 2005]. The unique molecular composition of PBs in avian condensing bivalents fuse to form a karyosphere protein GVs has allowed us to consider them as a novel type of core [Saifitdinova et al., 2003; Krasikova et al., 2004]. As intranuclear bodies. a result, centromere regions of all chromosomes are an- The very important point is that PBs form preferen- chored in the surface of one large PB. Apparently, the tially in association with centromere regions of chromo- concentration of the bivalents in the limited area of the somes and are flanked by compact chromomeres com- enormous GV facilitates correct segregation of parental prising satellite DNA, such as the PR1 satellite in pigeons chromosomes [Gruzova and Parfenov, 1993; Rutkowska [Solovei et al., 1996], FCP satellite in chaffinch [Saifitdi- and Badyaev, 2008]. Taking into account the storage nova et al., 2003] and 41-bp repeats in chicken and quail function of many oocyte organelles it seems important to LBCs [Krasikova et al., 2006]. Interestingly, morphologi- follow the fate of the PB components after fertilization cally similar ‘centromere granules’ can be found on the and in early embryo development. lampbrush bivalents of some tailed amphibians [Callan, 1986; Gall, 1992]. Although PBs could be classified as a The ‘Spaghetti Marker’ kind of ‘centromere locus body’, the mechanism of their In addition to centromere PBs and ‘special loops’ de- attachment to meiotic bivalents remains uncertain. The scribed above, there are some other enigmatic structures size of centromere PBs is known to vary in different spe- associated with avian LBCs. One example is an unusual cies from 1 ␮ m in Galliformes to 20 ␮ m in Passeriformes. landmark structure that forms on the short arm of the Being a universal GV structure, PBs serve as useful mark- chicken lampbrush bivalent 2 and never assumes the ap- ers of lampbrush centromeres allowing cytological cen- pearance of a normal loop [Chelysheva et al., 1990]. The tromere mapping with unprecedented resolution [Kra- structure itself has a size between 2 and 5 ␮ m across. sikova et al., 2006]. It seems that PB formation reflects a High resolution scanning electron microscopy used for special organization of chromosomal centromere regions examining this landmark revealed its unusual morphol- at the lampbrush stage. Indeed, meiotic reductional divi- ogy: it looked like a bundle of spaghetti-like fibers, which sion is characterized by monopolar orientation of sister had a width of either 15 or 35 nm [Solovei et al., 1992]. kinetochores, while SYCP3 protein and certain cohesin The structure is almost unlike anything previously seen subunits are known to be components of a molecular clip on LBCs of any organism and due to its peculiar fine which holds sister kinetochores in meiotic bivalents [Par- structure was called the ‘spaghetti marker’. The spaghet- ra et al., 2004]. ti marker is resistant to RNase treatment and is largely

Avian Lampbrush Chromosomes Cytogenet Genome Res 2009;124:251–267 263 proteinaceous in nature [Solovei et al., 1992]. It was shown both extra-chromosomal and chromosomal nucleoli, to contain specific but unidentified proteins that prefer- avian GVs offer unique opportunities to study LBC archi- entially bind C-rich homonucleotides [Solovei et al., tecture and nuclear bodies of non-nucleolar nature. To 1995]. However, the nature and function of ‘spaghetti date, the so-called protein bodies associated with centro- markers’ are still unknown. mere regions of avian LBCs were demonstrated to be nu- clear bodies of a novel type, which concentrate DNA- topoisomerase II and proteins of the SMC group. C o n c l u s i o n Nevertheless, there are a lot of unanswered questions and unsolved problems in avian lampbrushology. It seems In this review, we have summarized and discussed the challenging to determine the fate and functions of non- accumulated data on avian LBCs that have been a focus coding, high-molecular mass transcripts accumulating of research in the past 20 years. The advantages of the during the lampbrush phase of oogenesis. Our current avian model include the small genome size, the existence hypothesis explaining the significance of widespread of whole-chromosome painting probes and libraries of transcription during oocyte growth is based on both ear- BACs and PACs containing genomic DNA fragments, lier concepts of the LBC phenomenon and the modern and for the most part, the progress in deciphering the ge- view of a role of RNA interference machinery in regula- nomes of several species of birds. As a whole, avian LBCs tion of genome expression. We also suggest that initiation give us a promising tool for integration of genome orga- of transcription of non-coding genomic fragments de- nization studies with analysis of genome expression and pends on activation of LTR elements scattered along the its regulation at the co-transcriptional level. In particu- whole length of LBCs. Future directions are believed to lar, there is a unique possibility for visualizing satellite include the application of LBC study results to various RNA synthesis and processing at the cytological level on fields of modern cell and developmental biology and es- extended lateral loops. In addition, high-resolution cyto- tablishing the meaning of the lampbrush phenomenon genetic analysis using giant LBCs makes a great contribu- itself. tion to comparative genomic research of domestic birds. Study of avian LBCs has also broadened the opportuni- ties for exploration into general principles of meiotic Acknowledgements chromosome organization and functioning. At the same time it seems appropriate and promising We express our thanks and gratitude to Herbert Macgregor for critical reading and careful editing of the manuscript. The au- to exploit avian LBCs for the investigation of chromo- thors would like to thank Svetlana Deryusheva for the images of some-associated nuclear domains such as the spaghetti fig. 3a and 4 c and Anna Zlotina for the images of fig. 3c, marker, transcriptionally inactive ‘special loops’ and nor- d. This investigation is supported by the Russian Foundation mal loops accumulating specific RNPs through precise for Basic Research (grant No. 08-04-01328), State contract analysis of the loci of their formation. Future work should (No. 02.552.11.7044) and Saint-Petersburg government (grant No. 30-04/71). Some experimental data reviewed were obtained include investigations of LBCs in a third dimension with- using Leica TCS SP5 microscope at the Core Facility ‘CHROMAS’ in a morphologically preserved oocyte nucleus using (Saint-Petersburg State University). confocal laser scanning microscopy. Due to the lack of


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