Profile of Research Work (Upto September 2017) Dr. Suryakant S. Wadkar M. Sc. Ph.D Co-ordinater Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Smt.Kasturbai Walchand College (Arts-Science), Sangli. Rajnemi Campus, Wood House Road, Sangli - 416 416. Phone : 0233-2970112, E-mail :
[email protected] Highlights of the Research Work Name :- Dr. Suryakant Sukumar Wadkar Designation :- Co-ordinater, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology Smt. Kasturbai Walchand College, Sangli Rajnemi Campus, North Shivaji Nagar, Sangli. Address :- A/P:- Karandwadi ( Hal), Tal:-Walwa, Dist:- Sangli. Contact No :- Office:- 0233-2327128 Dept.:- 0233-2377311 Cell :- 7588627608 E-mail ID :-
[email protected],
[email protected] Date of Birth :- 7th Feb, 1976. Edu. Qualification :- M.Sc. Ph.D Subject :- Botany (Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding) Teaching Experience :- 16 Years. Publications :- 1. National /International - 11 2. Paper Presentation - 11 :- A) ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Sr. Examination Month & Year Board/University Grade % No. 1. S. S. C. March– 1992 Kolhapur Board 82.00 % 2. H. S. C. March – 1994 Kolhapur Board 47.67 % 3. B. Sc. April – 1997 Shivaji University, Kolhapur 61.88 % 4. M. Sc. April – 1999 Poona University, Kolhapur 60.00 % 5. Ph. D. June 2017 Shivaji University, Kolhapur - Title of Ph.D. Thesis :- “Studies in Genus Cryptocoryne Fisch. ex Wydl. from Western Ghats of Maharashtra” B) ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATION :- (Courses and Training) Sr. Year Place Subject No. 1. May, 2006 MITCON Biotechnology Training in Plant tissue culture, Centre, Pune Biofertilizers and Biopesticides production 2. May, 2008 Gene City Pune “Advanced Diploma in r- DNA Technology”, 3. Augest 2009 BioGenics, Hubli PCR and Molecular Marker Academic Performance From 2012-2016 (Up to December, 2016) Shivaji University Activities : 1.