The Key of the Mysteries
THE KEY OF THE MYSTERIES (LA CLEF DES GRANDS MYSTÈRES) BY ELIPHAS LEVI THE KEY OF THE MYSTERIES ACCORDING TO ENOCH, ABRAHAM, HERMES TRISMEGISTUS AND SOLOMON BY ELIPHAS LEVI TRANSLATED, WITH AN INTRODUCTION, BY ALEISTER CROWLEY “Religion says: ‘Believe and you will un- derstand.’ Science comes to say to you: ‘Un- derstand and you will believe.’ “At that moment the whole of science will change front; the spirit, so long dethroned and forgotten, will take its ancient place; it will be demonstrated that the old traditions are all true, that the whole of paganism is only a system of corrupted and misplaced truths, that it is sufficient to cleanse them, so to say, and to put them back again in their place, to see them shine with all their rays. In a word, all ideas will change, and since on all sides a multitude of the elect cry in concert, ‘Come, Lord, come!’ why should you blame the men who throw themselves forward into that majestic future, and pride themselves on having foreseen it?” (J. De Maistre, Soirées de St. Petersbourg.) TRANSLATOR’S NOTE IN the biographical and critical essay which Mr. Waite prefixes to his Mysteries of Magic he says: ‘A word must be added of the method of this digest, which claims to be something more than translation and has been infinitely more laborious. I believe it to be in all respects faithful, and where it has been necessary or possible for it to be literal, there also it is invariably literal.’ We agree that it is either more or less than translation, and the following examples selected at haz- ard in the course of half-an-hour will enable the reader to judge whether Mr.
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