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BELARUS ENERGY FACTSHEET ENERGY CONSUMPTION DID YOU KNOW? Belarus used a total of 25 million tonnes of oil This corresponds to 2.66 toe of energy equivalent in 2015. consumption per capita per year. 25 With 2.66 toe of fuel, a Boeing 737-800 can fly from Minsk to Bucharest. BELARUS ENERGY MIX 25 Mtoe Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES), 2015 3% 6% 28% Natural gas Natural gas Oil is the main Coal energy source 63% Biofuels and Waste of Belarus SUPPLY Energy production Mtoe Energy self sufficiency, 2015 Despite having the world’s third-largest produc- 20 tion of peat and small amounts of crude oil and natural gas production, less than 15% of the % Production country’s energy demand is covered by domestic production. Consumption (TPES) 15 15 This makes Belarus one of the least energy self-sufficient countries in the world. 10 Imports Belarus depends heavily on imports for all types of fossil fuels. th 5 In 2016, Belarus was the world’s thirteen-largest 13 importer of natural gas with net imports of 18.6 billion cubic metres (15 Mtoe). Belarus imports even larger quantities of crude oil but most of it 0 is re-exported in the form of oil products. Natural Oil Biofuels Coal Gas and waste TRANSFORMATION Electricity generation Nearly all electricity production comes from natural gas (33 TWh, 98% in 2015). This is projected to % change with the ongoing construction of two nuclear 98 recators (1 200 megawatts each). With a production of 23 million tonnes of oil rd products Belarus is key regional refiner 34 (34th largest refiner in the world in 2015) in 2015 TOTAL FINAL CONSUMPTION 2015 DID YOU KNOW? 18 Mtoe The largest final energy consuming sector is industry, followed by residential. Transport The heat and electricity consumed by households is currently produced mostly from natural gas. Residen�al The transport sector is by far the final largest consum- er of oil products in the country. Since 2000 the larg- est increase in energy demand has come from the Industry transport sector (an increase of 1.3 Mtoe). Services and other 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat, biofuels, waste Natural gas Electricity Oil Coal and others This factsheet is based on sta�s�cs collected Sources: World Energy Sta�s�cs and Balances 2017 by the Na�onal Sta�s�cal Commi�ee of the h�p://�on.pdf Republic of Belarus (Belstat). Contact: [email protected] / ©OECD/IEA 2017 To discover more, please visit h�p://