Buzzsaw: A System for High Speed Feature Engineering

Andrew Stanton and Liangjie Hong and Manju Rajashekhar Etsy Inc. 117 Adams Street Brooklyn, NY {astanton,lhong,mrajashekhar}

ABSTRACT In this paper, we present Buzzsaw: a standalone, high perfor- Feature Engineering is a critical part of systems. mance feature engineering library, designed with the following Most feature engineering solutions focus on a single language or considerations in mind: computational abstraction for their pipelines, forcing practitioners • Embeddable. It should work directly within other lan- to either embrace a restricted ecosystem or incur operational and guages. orchestrational complexity. In this paper, we describe Buzzsaw: • Extensible. Adding new feature transforms should be easy an independent system for constructing and evaluating complex and safe. feature pipelines, designed for embedded usage across multiple • Scalable. It needs to work e‚ectively in both local and languages and platforms. We describe its core interfaces, cluster compute environments. types, and algorithms for implementing the system and compare it • Con€gurable. It needs to be con€g driven, not code driven. to three other common feature engineering frameworks. • Performance. It needs to be fast for both batch and real- time uses. • Maintainance. It should focus on common interfaces to 1 INTRODUCTION minimize glue code [15]. • Deterministic. It should produce consistent results at all Œe widespread application of machine learning techniques in re- stages of execution. cent years has rapidly expanded the capabilities of both consumer and business products. With the commoditization of ETL platforms 2 BUZZSAW and machine learning suites, much of the work of a data scientist is spent on feature engineering, plugging and playing di‚erent sets Buzzsaw operates on structured features, evaluating each through a of features to improve models [7]. It is o‰en considered the “secret user de€ned directed acyclic graph (DAG). Nodes are de€ned as Fea- sauce” of model improvement [4, 5]. However, as data size and ture Processors (FP): interfaces which compute a transform on a set model complexity increases, a divide has appeared between where of inputs and produce an output. Edges describe the dependencies feature engineering is performed and where learning algorithms between outputs of upstream feature processors to downstream are actually implemented. consumers. Structured data is submiŠed to the graph as JSON As industry has consolidated around platforms like Spark [17] objects, where keys describe the feature names and values the ac- and MapReduce [6] for cluster compute, large investments have tual features. Buzzsaw is wriŠen in Rust, facilitating safety and been made in tooling for broadening platform capabilities for han- integration over foreign function interfaces (FFI). dling diverse workloads. It is natural, then, that feature engineering gravitates toward those ecosystems; a‰er all, raw features are read- 2.1 High Level Architecture ily available, usually as outputs of upstream jobs. Furthermore, clus- Buzzsaw operates on JSON formaŠed data. On execution, it be- ter compute is exceptionally well suited for large scale processing gins by packing the raw features into the Buzzsaw’s internal data of feature transforms: most transformations can be implemented representation, a DType. Œe processor graphs are then evaluated, with the main primitive of the paradigm, a Map. However, there each node consuming either the original input data or the output are real tradeo‚s with these platform-speci€c feature pipelines, of a previously evaluated Feature Processor. A‰er evaluation, an especially in early stage experimentation: Output FormaŠer aggregates the necessary €elds, transforming (1) High speed implementations are typically developed inde- the associated DTypes into the format speci€ed by a user provided pendently of cluster compute libraries [1, 8–10, 13]. Buzzsaw con€g. (2) Cluster-compute pipelines are hard to iterate on due to Œere are two independent DAGs speci€ed in Buzzsaw: Features “Pipelines as Code”. Iteration leads to pipeline jungles [15], and Supervised. When generating training data, both DAGs are hindering maintenance. evaluated, allowing the Output FormaŠer to produce supervised (3) It requires touching multiple systems and platforms even features. However, when only features are required, such as during for simple experimentation. prediction, only the features graph is executed. Figure 1 examines (4) It is hard, or impossible, to bundle feature pipelines with a simple DAG. external models. (5) Debugging is dicult: features are engineered in a com- 2.2 Buzzsaw DAG pletely separate environment, creating a large surface area Œe core contribution of Buzzsaw is in the composition and eval- for failure. uation of the Feature Processor DAG. We start by describing the phases: a learning phase, called fit, and a generate phase which produces the actual feature vectors. During fit, Buzzsaw parses the user con€guration and a sam- ple of the dataset to construct the underlying Feature Processors, learning any statistics relevant to the FP (e.g. mean and variance in the case of Z-Whitening). It produces a new con€guration €le, Figure 1: Example of a feature DAG the Buzzsaw pipeline con€g (BPC) €le, consisting of the serialized pipelines. Framework Platform DPS X Slower Œe generate phase loads the pipelines from a BPC €le and Buzzsaw Native 1,274,044 1.00x processes documents in mini-batches provided by the user. Buzzsaw Scikit-Learn Python 66,948 19.03x is guaranteed thread-safe by use of language primitives, simplifying PySpark Python 16,624 76.64x parallel computation in languages like Python and Java. PySpark* Python 17,406 73.19x PS+B Single Library 107,996 11.80x 3 EVALUATION PS+B Single* Library 152,531 8.35x To evaluate the ecacy of our approach, we compare Buzzsaw to PS+B Batch Library 201,299 6.33x other popular frameworks on feature pipeline throughput using PS+B Batch* Library 441,656 2.88x three variants: native, a standalone executable wrapping the Buzz- KeystoneML Scala 232,805 5.47x saw library, embedded into Python, and €nally compare it to the Table 1: Experiment: Feature Hashing + TF-IDF state-of-the-art pipeline, KeystoneML[16]. For Python, we look at two common frameworks for feature primitive data types and move on to de€ning the minimal interfaces engineering: Scikit-learn[14] and PySpark [12, 17], using the ML needed for constructing and evaluating the DAG. We close out by Pipeline’s interface built and maintained by Databricks [11]. We discussing Output FormaŠers. Input documents are composed of compare the three frameworks using a sample of the May 2015 namespaced, strongly typed data, similar to the DataFrame repre- Reddit comment dataset, released on Kaggle 1, resulting in a dataset sentation used in Spark ML [2]. Feature Processors are executed of 29, 590, 949 samples. For hardware, we use a dual CPU, Intel according to their topological sort order, caching resulting outputs Xeon CPU E5-2630 v2 at 2.60GHz machine with 128GB of RAM and for consumption by downstream processors. Buzzsaw passes full 4.5TB of disk space, running CentOS 7. ownership of the input channels into an FP, allowing it reuse data We measure performance for a multi-channel feature pipeline; structures and utilize other performance tricks, only copying data we convert the ‘body’ €eld into a feature vector via TF-IDF, the when needed (see Figure 1). ‘author’ €eld into a feature vector via feature hashing, and €nally Buzzsaw internally represents features in an algebraic data type concatenate the resulting vectors to create the output. A more (ADT) called DType. Currently, Buzzsaw supports the following: complete evaluation is available in the full paper. booleans, 64-bit signed integers, 64-bit ƒoats, string, set of strings, sparse vectors, dense vectors, and string to ƒoat mappings. 3.1 Framework Comparisons Feature Processors (FP) are the backbone of Buzzsaw. An im- We measure overall framework throughput with Documents per plementation provides a single function, evaluate, which takes Second (DPS). We measure the relative throughput between li- in a vector of DType and returns a vector of DType. Œey operate braries as compared to our Buzzsaw native implementation, la- over “columns” of data, providing computational opportunities, belled as “X Slower”. In an aŠempt to beŠer replicate performance such as vectorization over adjacent rows (e.g. L2 normalization across a cluster, we measure and remove €xed cost overhead from of dense vectors). Feature Processors have a companion “SerDe” PySpark. Œese are marked in 1 with an *. Experiments were run (an abbreviation of Serialize/Deserialize) object. It’s responsible for three times, using the fastest time reported. learning a FPs seŠings from a data sample as well as constructing Buzzsaw was the fastest framework tested, over an order of a its companion FP from saved con€gurations. All Feature Proces- magnitude faster than other Python frameworks. PySpark + Buzz- sors SerDe’s (FPS) tie versions to their underlying representations. saw showed good scaling, €nishing over 23 times faster than vanilla When loading a saved FP, SerDe’s validate the saved con€guration PySpark. Compared to the KeystoneML framework, Buzzsaw regis- is compatible with the current code base. tered nearly a 5.5X improvement in throughput over the equivalent Output FormaŠers produce common machine learning formats pipeline. from the DAGs, producing both supervised and feature-only records. As of writing, Buzzsaw produces libsvm [3] format, Vowpal Wab- REFERENCES bit [10] format, and a generic TSV format. [1] Mart´ın Abadi, Ashish Agarwal, Paul Barham, Eugene Brevdo, Zhifeng Chen, Craig Citro, Greg S Corrado, Andy Davis, Je‚rey Dean, MaŠhieu Devin, et al. 2016. Tensorƒow: Large-scale machine learning on heterogeneous distributed systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.04467 (2016). 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