Mauri Monitoring Framework. Pilot Study on the Papanui Stream
Te Hā o Te Wai Māreparepa “The Breath of the Rippling Waters” Mauri Monitoring Framework Pilot Study on the Papanui Stream Report Prepared for the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Research Team Members Brian Gregory Dr Benita Wakefield Garth Harmsworth Marge Hape HBRC Report No. SD 15-03 Joanne Heperi HBRC Plan No. 4729 2 March 2015 (i) Ngā Mihi Toi tü te Marae a Tane, toi tü te Marae a Tangaroa, toi tü te iwi If you preserve the integrity of the land (the realm of Tane), and the sea (the realm of Tangaroa), you will preserve the people as well Ka mihi rā ki ngā marae, ki ngā hapū o Tamatea whānui, e manaaki ana i a Papatūānuku, e tiaki ana i ngā taonga a ō tātau hapu, ō tātau iwi. Ka mihi rā ki ngā mate huhua i roro i te pō. Kei ngā tūpuna, moe mai rā, moe mai rā, moe mai rā. Ki te hunga, nā rātau tēnei rīpoata. Ki ngā kairangahau, ka mihi rā ki a koutou eū mārika nei ki tēnei kaupapa. Tena koutou. Ko te tūmanako, ka ora nei, ka whai kaha ngāwhakatipuranga kei te heke mai, ki te whakatutuki i ngā wawata o kui o koro mā,arā, ka tū rātau hei rangatira mō tēnei whenua. Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa Thanks to the many Marae, hapū, from the district of Tamatea for their involvement and concerns about the environment and taonga that is very precious to their iwi and hapū. Also acknowledge those tūpuna that have gone before us.
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