Curriculum Vitae

Name : Dimitris Bourikos Date of birth : 27 February 1975 Address : Souliou 4, Zefyri, 13451 Tel. : (0030) 6978 32727 E-mail : [email protected] Website :

Current professional status

18.7.2017- Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Seconded officer in the General Secretariat of Social Solidarity and Fighting Poverty. Main objects:  National strategy for Roma social inclusion and national action plan for Roma social inclusion,  Co-ordination of competences’ matters, organization of consultations with civil society, follow-up of implementation of policy, proposals and information notes on various aspects of Roma social inclusion,  Annual report on Roma social situation and social inclusion policy,  Expert in relevant working group of Council of Europe.

Professional experinece (Public administration & Research and academic sector)

11/2014- 07/2017 Region of Seconded officer in Sub-region of in the field of:  Horizontal administrative procedures,  Operational planning and policies’ implementation in social solidarity and inclusion, vulnerable social groups and Roma  Coordination of administrative competences issues,  Preparation and scientific support of action plan in field of social inclusion and Roma inclusion in sub-region of West Attica

2/2008-11/2014 Ministry of Finance  Expert in the field of customs representation, prohibitions and restrictions, special customs procedures  Member in expert team for Union Customs Code  Member in expert team for reorganization of the General Secretariat of Public Revenues

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[3/2007-2/2008] Ministry of Justice Social worker 09/2005-2009 National Kapodistrian University of & Athens University of Economics and Business Research fellow

Professional experience (Private sector and social sector)

2004-2005 Social worker- Coordinator of Social Service / Non profit Organisation “Theophilos” for supporting multi person families. 2000-2003 Social worker- Non profit Organisation “Theophilos” for supporting multi person families. 1998-2001 Administrative officer/ Hotel enterprise “Kyprianos- Palaiogeorgios” Athens.

National School of Public Administration and Local Government

 Graduate of the Regional Administration and Policy Department.  Certified as Adults Instructor of the National Center for Public Administration and Local Government in the field of social policy and welfare.


09/2001-11/ 2003 MA in “European and International Studies”

2 από 11 Political Science & Public Administration Department/ National Kapodistrian University of Athens 04/1998-11/2000 BA in “Political Science & Public Administration” Political Science & Public Administration Department/ National Kapodistrian University of Athens

02/1994-11/1997 ΒΑ in Social Work Social Work Department/ Athens Technological Educational Institute


08/2013- 12/2013 Researcher fellow/ Eliamep Crisis Observatory in the field “Economic crisis, social welfare and civil society”. 2007 Research fellow in scientific programme: “Policies and social origins of building and reforming welfare state in modern ” (National Kapodistrian University of Athens/ Coordinator: Prof. D.A. Sotiropoulos). 11/2005-04/2006 Research fellow/ Eliamep programme on tertiary education. 11/2004-12/2005 Research assistant in CONNEX-Network of Excellence: Efficient and Democratic Governance in a Multi-Level Europe (European Commission funded). 04/2003- 6/2004 Research assistant in the “Citizenship and Democratic Legitimacy in the European Union” programme (European Commission funded).

3 από 11 PUBLICATIONS (in the field of social policy, social solidarity and social aspects of public policies)

1. Co-editor

1. Social Work and Mental Health, , Beta: Athens, 2014 (with S. Martinaki).

2. Journal articles

2. “European Crisis, Social Solidarity and the Voluntary Sector in Greece”, Journal of Power, Politics & Governance, vol. 2, nο. 2, 2014 (with D. A. Sotiropoulos), pp. 35-53. 3. “Access in tertiary education: Social aspects and “qualities of access” in Greece, 2002-2006”, Comparative and International Educational Review, 18-19, pp. 34-54 (with D.A. Sotiropoulos) [in Greek]. 4. “Social insurance reform issues in Greece. Remarks and proposed bibliography”, Social Work, 89, pp.41-60 [in Greek]. 5. “Social policy issues in Greek bibliography. Basic reflections and deficits”, International Relations, 14, 2004, pp. 33-40 [in Greek]. 6. “Social policy between state and market: Critical review of Greek bibliography”, Greek Political Science Review, 22, 2003, pp. 175-202 (with P. Kazakos) [in Greek].

3. Working papers

7. “Issues of social insurance reform in Greece”, European Integration and Policy Institute [in Greek], 2006 ( ).

4. Books and articles in books

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8. “West Attica 2014-2019. Institutional, development and social aspects” [forthcoming, in Greek]. 9. “West Attica Forum on Roma issues”, in P. Stathopoulos, Community Work. Strategies, Methods, Tactics, Papazisis, Athens, 2017, pp. 118-123 [in Greek]. 10. “Practice of social work in the mental health sector. Institutional paradoxes and organizational deficits”, in Martinaki, S., Bourikos, D. (eds), Social Work and Mental Health, Beta: Athens, 2014, pp. 2-14 [in Greek]. 11. “Institutional racism and social work. A challenge for action”, in Martinaki, S., Bourikos, D. (eds), Social Work and Mental Health, Beta: Athens, 2014, pp. 310-327 [in Greek]. 12. “Pain-sadness-death: The social work’s approach”, in D. Magriplis (ed.), Aspects of cultural phenomenon: Epistemologic approaches of death and life, Stamoulis, Thessaloniki, 2008, pp. 99-122 [in Greek]. 13. “Charity and social welfare in the Orthodox Ecclesiastical tradition”, in D. Magriplis (ed.), Critical approaches to the Orthodox culture. Aspects of the Greek paradigm, Stamoulis, Thessaloniki, 2008, pp. 139-185 [in Greek]. 14. Information guide on welfare benefits for extended families, Non profit Organisation “Theophilos”, Athens, 2005 [in Greek]. 15. Bibliography guide on social work and social welfare, Ellin, Athens, 1999 (with P. Stathopoulos) [in Greek].

5. Contribution in research reports and studies

16. Research programme on tertiary education in Greece/

Eliamep, June 2006 integration/higher-education-in-greece/higher-education-in-greece-reports.

5 από 11 17. Research programme on economic crisis, social welfare and civil society/ Eliamep Crisis Observatory, 2013-2014.

6. E- articles (e-newspapers, social policy websites etc)

18. “Housing subsidy: Institutional, social and economic aspects”, 28.2.2019, thesmikes-koinonikes-kai-oikonomikes-diastaseis. [in Greek].

19. “Territorial and social aspect of Region of Attica’ Operational Programme”,, 9.2.2019, [in Greek].

20. “Airbnb and ghetto-isation: New wave of “displacement of” social groups from the metropolitan centre to West Attica;” 30.10.2018, neo-kyma-ektopismoy-koinonikon-omadon-apo-mitropolitiko [in Greek]. 21. “European co-funded projects and territorial inequalities in the Regional Unit of Karditsa”, 10.9.2018, sygxrimatodotoymenoi-poroi-kai-xorikes-anisotites-stin-perifereiaki- enotita-karditsas. [in Greek]. 22. “European co-funded projects and territorial inequalities in the Regional Unit of Larissa”, 29.8.2018, evropaikoi-poroi-kai-chorikes-anisotites-stin-pe-larisas. [in Greek]. 23. “SOS from extreme marginalisation in the Western Attica”, 17.1.2018, perithoriopoiisi-stin-dytiki-attiki. [in Greek]. 24. “Community work: How to resist against extreme marginalization and territorial exclusion”, 5.1.2018,

6 από 11 na-antistathoyme-stin-koinoniki-perithoriopoiisi-kai. [in Greek]. 25. “Gipsies/ Roma in local level: Seven myths, seven bitter truths”, 29.11.2017. topiko-epipedo-epta-mythoi-epta-pikres-alitheies[in Greek].

7. Review articles 26. Featherstone, D. Papadimitriou, The Limits of Europeanization: Reform Capacity and Policy Conflict in Greece”, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, in South European Society and Politics, Vol. 14 (2), pp. 235-236, June 2008. 27. D. A. Sotiropoulos, State and reform in modern Europe: Greece- Spain- Italy- Portugal, Potamos, Athens, 2007, in Modern Issues, 102, July- September 2008, 100-103 [in Greek]. 28. Petmesidou M., Mossialos E. (eds.), Social policy developments in Greece”, Ashgate: Aldershot, 2006 in European Developments, 20, July 2006, pp. 22-25. [in Greek].

8. Working papers and policy papers (public administration) 29. “Strategy framework for Youth 2017-2027. The case of Western Attica”, Social diagnosis study - working paper, Region of Attica, Eleusis, October 2017 [in Greek]. 30. “Social and solidarity economy in Western Attica”, Social diagnosis study, Region of Attica, Eleusis, December 2016 [in Greek]. 31. “Second chance school in Western Attica”, Social diagnosis study, Region of Attica, Eleusis, December 2016 [in Greek].

7 από 11 32. “Support center for women in Regional Unit of Western Attica”, Preliminary study, Region of Attica, Eleusis, October 2016 [in Greek]. 33. “Gender equality in Regional Unit of Western Attica”, Working paper, Region of Attica, Eleusis, September 2016. 34. “Social cohesion and solidarity in Western Attica”, Social mapping study, Region of Attica, December 2015 [in Greek].

9. Conference presentations (indicative) 35. “Marginalized communities in Western Attica in the framework of EU2020 Strategy in regional level”, Greek Social Work Association /Municipality of Athens /Cypriot Social Work Association, “Human relationships in an unstable environment”, Athens, 5.4.2019. 36. “Gender equality approach and health care: The case of Roma”, Region of Attica “Gender equality and heath care”,

Peristeri, 6.6.2017 ( content/uploads/2017/08/Bourikos_Gender-and-health_Roma-women- 1.pdf). 37. “Planning a social programme. The case of Roma social inclusion in Western Attica”, Greek Social Work Association June 2016, Athens. 38. “Economic crisis and in Greece and its impact on violent behavior” (with A. Papaioannou, S. Martinaki, X. Tsopela, A. Doyzeni), 2nd Pan-Hellenic Congress of Forensic Psychiatry, 11-14 December 2014, Athens. 39. “Crisis, Social Economy and forms of Community solidarity”, Program of Education of Volunteers of Greek red Cross, 8 December 2014, Athens. 40. “The promotion of mental health in period of economic crisis” (with A. Papaioannou, S. Martinaki, X. Asimopoylo,

8 από 11 X. Tsopela),1st Congress Holistic Approach to Serious Mental Disorders and 3rd Pan-Hellenic Interdisciplinary Congress of Special Psychiatric Hospitals, 13-16 November 2014, Athens.


01/2019 -“Public administration and vulnerable social groups: Quality of provided services”, National Center for Public Administration and Local Government/ Training Institute «Violence against women”, National Center for Public Administration and Local Government/ Training Institute 12/2018 “Training of instructors in e- learning”, National Center for Public Administration and Local Government/ Training Institute 09/2018 “Development of administrative skills: Project management and operational plans”, National Center for Public Administration and Local Government/ Training Institute 04/2017 “Social aspects of public policies: Energy, cities, website and innovation in Greece”, National Center for Public Administration and Local Government/ Training Institute 02/2016 “Social economy as tool for innovation, employment and social cohesion”, National Center for Public Administration and Local Government/ Training Institute

9 από 11 05/2015 “Training of instructors”, National Center for Public Administration and Local Government/ Training Institute 11/2013 “Application of internal control in public sector”, National Center for Public Administration and Local Government/ Training Institute 11/2013 “Case study of application of internal control in Ministry of Finance”, National Center for Public Administration and Local Government/ Training Institute


1. English: Certificate of Proficiency, University of Cambridge. 2. ECDL Progress Certificate EL 113462174DB. 3. Working based on web. 4. Use of mapping application of the Greek Statistics Authority and National Centre for Social Research ( 5. Certified instructor of adults/ National Center for Public Administration and Local Government.

10 από 11 SCHOLARSHIPS AND DISTINCTIONS 2007 Scholarship for research by the Tokyo Foundation (Programme SYLFF: Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund). 2006 Scholarship for postgraduate research by the Bodosakis Foundation. 2001-2006 Scholarship for postgraduate study in the research field of “Dynamics of the European Integration” by the State Scholarship Foundation. 2001 Scholarship with monetary reward by the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance for the study in tertiary education as a working student. 1995 Scholarship for distinction in study in the Technological Institute of Athens b the State Scholarship Foundation.


 Greek Social Workers Association.


 Institutional framework of social welfare.  European social policy and its impact on national welfare states.  Social aspect of regional policy in European, national, regional and local level- Social impact assessment.  Marginalized communities.  Institutional racism and social work.  Ideology of social welfare.  Regional and local government.

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