Where to Find the Birds in Nova Scotia
WHERE TO FIND THE BIRDS IN NOVA SCOTIA TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction When to Find the Birds l Where to Find the Birds • • • • :3 The Valley Road • • • • • 3 (Yarmouth County Insert) Halifax and Environs 6 The Truro Road 8 The Sunrise Trail 9 Cape Breton 10 The Eastern Shore 13 The South Shore 15 The Birds of Nova Scotia 18 I N T ROD U C T ION This booklet has been prepared from the records of the Nova Scotia Bird Society, for people planning a trip to the Province in search of birds. It is to be used in con junction with a highway map, obtainable free of charge at any tourist bureau. In the back of this booklet is a list of the birds which have been found in Nova Scotia, annotated in 1972. Roger Tory Peterson's Field Guide to the Birds is completely adequate for field identification in this region, but for more serious bird students, Robie Tufts' The Birds of Nova Scotia is the definitive work, and is'available at the Nova Scotia Museum, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia is about 350 miles long and 50 to 100 miles wide. Being a peninsula, the coast is nowhere hard to reach, and for the most part it is easy to get near enough to the birds to see them with or without binoculars. There are many paved highways and byways from which branch small gravel or dirt roads leading down to the shore or into the woods. Even among the hardwood stands, the trees are not lofty, and visibility is quite good.
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