Museum Partnership Report Understanding the national museums’ partnership activities in 2017/18 August 2019 We can also provide documents to meet the Specifc requirements for people with disabilities. Please email
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[email protected] Museum Partnership Report : Understanding the national museums’ partnership activities in 2017/18 3 Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 INTRODUCTION 5 Background to the Report 5 The national museums 6 The Survey 9 SHARING COLLECTIONS 10 Sharing collections in the UK 10 Sharing collections internationally 17 Sharing collections for research 19 Supporting new collections and acquisitions 20 Borrowing Collections 20 SHARING KNOWLEDGE 24 Partnering to build capacity and deliver professional development in the museums sector 24 Academic partnerships and collaborations 29 Acting as experts for Government 34 SUPPORTING AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT AND SOCIAL OUTCOMES 36 Partnering to improve museum and cultural participation 37 Partnering to deliver education and learning 38 Partnering to support our health and wellbeing 41 Partnering to develop skills and careers 42 CONCLUSIONS AND LOOKING FORWARD 45 APPENDIX 1: LIST OF IMAGES 46 APPENDIX 2: THE SURVEY 48 APPENDIX 3: USEFUL LINKS 50 4 1.