National Conference On
REPORT NATIONAL CONFERENCE CHILDREN IN DISASTERS & EMERGENCIES: UNDERSTANDING VULNERABILITY, DEVELOPING CAPACITIES & PROMOTING RESILIENCE March 08-10, 2021 Organized By CHILD CENTRIC DISASTER RISK REDUCTION CENTRE (CCDRR), NIDM & SAVE THE CHILDREN Knowledge Partners 1 CHILDREN IN DISASTERS & EMERGENCIES: UNDERSTANDING VULNERABILITY, DEVELOPING CAPACITIES & PROMOTING RESILIENCE “CHILDREN CAN’T WAIT” CONTENTS S. No. Topic Pg. No 1 About the Conference 03 - 06 2 Programme & Session Schedule 07 - 10 3 Inaugural Session 11 - 13 4 Context Setting Session 13 - 15 5 Day 1 - Theme: Understanding Vulnerabilities – Protecting 15 - 16 Children in All Context of Disasters & Emergencies 6 Day 2 - Theme: Developing Capacities – All Children are 17 - 26 Safe, Learn and Thrive 7 Day 3 – Theme: Promoting Resilience – Commitment to 27 - 36 Reaching the Most Marginalised and Vulnerable Children 8 Valedictory Session 36 - 38 9 Summary of Recommendations 39 - 41 10 Profile of Speakers and Domain Experts 42 - 51 11 Profile of Programme Convenor & Coordinators 52 - 53 12 Annexure 1: List of Participants 54 - 151 2 1. About the Conference 1.1 BACKGROUND India is vulnerable to a large number of hazards which is compounded by increasing vulnerabilities related to changing demographics and socio-economic conditions, unplanned urbanization, development within high-risk zones, environmental degradation, climate change, geological hazards, epidemics and pandemics. This poses a serious threat to India’s overall economy, its population and sustainable development. Vulnerability from disasters varies from one community to the other and in space. Community’s preparedness always plays an important role in reducing disasters and emergency risk and vulnerability. India’s total Child population is (164.5 million1) as compared to the total 328.46 million2 US population; more than half of the total US population.
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