Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} NHS plc The Privatisation of Our Health Care by Allyson M. Pollock NHS plc: The Privatisation of Our Health Care by Allyson M. Pollock. Pollock AM, Roderick P, Price D. Response to NHSE/I consultation, “Integrating care: next steps to building strong and effective integrated care systems across England”. 08 Jan 2021. download. Pollock AM, Clements L, Harding-Edgar L. Why we need a national care service – and how to build one. Tribune 22 Jun 2020. Pollock AM, Price D. PFI and the in England. 2013. download. Godden S, Price D, Pollock AM. The impact of privatisation on the provision of health services in Britain and the implications of market mechanisms for public services. Criminal Justice Alliance 2010. Pollock AM. The privatisation of the UK NHS. Reykjavik: 2008. Leys C, Player S, Pollock AM. Nuclear medicine in the transition to private clinical care. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2007;28:586–7. download. Pollock AM, Price D, Viebrock E, Miller E, Watt G. The market in primary care. BMJ 2007 Sep 6;335(7618):475–7. download: BMJ_2007_Pollock_MarketInPrimaryCare. Pollock AM. The new profiteers. The Guardian. 2007. Pollock AM. What Sicko doesn’t tell you. The Guardian. 2007. Pollock AM, Price D. Privatising primary care. British Journal of General Practice 2006;565–6. download. Pollock AM. NHS plc: the privatisation of our health care. 2nd ed. London: Verso 2005. Pollock AM, Price D, Player S. The private finance initiative: a policy built on sand. London: UNISON 2005. download. Pollock AM. Markets will value cash over caring. Times Higher Educational Supplement 2004. Pollock AM. Tony’s private love affair has cost us billions. Mail on Sunday. 2004. Pollock AM. Foundation hospitals and the NHS Plan. London: UNISON 2003. download. Godden S, Pollock AM, Player S. Capital investment in primary care -the funding and ownership of primary care premises. Public Money and Management 2001;21:43–50. download. Pollock AM, Shaoul J, Rowland D, et al . Public services and the private sector: a response to the IPPR. London: Catalyst 2001. download. Pollock AM. Privateers on the march. The Guardian. 2001. Pollock AM, Dunnigan M. Beds in the NHS. BMJ 2000;320:461–2. download. Pollock AM, Gaffney D, Dunnigan M, et al. Time to strip the beds. Health Service Journal 1997 Nov 27;30–33. NHS plc: The Privatisation of Our Health Care by Allyson M. Pollock. @ICOnews orders @NHSEngland to provide internal review within 7 days. NHSE will likely refuse, in line with its consistent opposition to transparency. We'll immediately request ICO decision on their refusal, and take NHSE to the Information Tribunal if necessary. @LeighDay_Law You've failed to comply with FOI legal obligations for 6 months now. I requested secret pandemic triage documents, I'm an NHS consultant, I'm one of the ppl who might have to triage (deny care to) patients. In sickness and in health. New Labour has a phobia of psychotic dimensions, a phobia so entrenched that radical ideals are perceived as repellent and policy-making regresses into the wide blue yonder, beyond even Conservative territory. The phobia is that of ever again being accused of high-tax, high-spending intentions, in which contingency New Labour foresees, in hallucinatory detail, its own destruction. And so it guards its coffers with the ferocity of the deluded and the paranoid, against any open-ended societal demands that its own people make and need. Such phobias defy reason, and the object of terror is viewed through a miasma of unremitting hostility. This is the only rational explanation for the terrible tale that unfolds with lucid and detailed authority in the pages of Allyson Pollock's book. It is a tale that demands to be read by every person in this country who has a stake in the NHS and the vestigial remnants of the welfare state; and indeed, everyone with democratic instincts. Our government, relying on public apathy and a short attention span, has been progressively and furtively dismantling our life-support systems and auctioning them off to the highest bidder, in the naive hope that no one will notice the difference between public and private providers of services. There has clearly been a long-term plan at work, with tactics of the most cynical kind to blind, coerce, deceive and discredit, depending on the gullibility or dogged persistence of the protester. New Labour leaders know that they are defying evidence and sense in their obsessive commitment to market policies. Why else would they go to such lengths to falsify evidence, use manipulative techniques and, when all else fails, to threaten and intimidate to carry their will? Pollock describes how she became a target of their aggression. Invited to join the House of Commons health select committee inquiry into the private finance initiative (PFI) in 1997, she was asked by the Department of Health's PFI unit head whether it was wise or in her career interests to brief MPs against senior NHS officials. Later replaced, along with other similarly critical members, she gave evidence to the same committee and came under vicious attack both personally and for the quality of her research. The committee chairman was powerless to prevent both the loss of impartiality by loading of the committee with yes-men and the abuse of parliamentary privilege by certain committee members in seeking to destroy Pollock's work and research base; though these survived, supported by Roy Hattersley, Private Eye and other radical organs. The author is a courageous and gallant David, battling the Goliath of government, and this was not the only time she came under attack. She does not sensationalise but uses these anecdotes to show to what depths our leaders can sink in order to subvert the democratic desires of the people. And more horrifying than any personal attack is the strategy of polluting scientific evidence, for once the government-sponsored, politically correct ideology is in print, however much it may be disproved and rejected as flawed, it continues to be quoted and becomes part of official thinking and propaganda. The mantras of the current round of euphemistic rhetoric in establishment healthcare policy are "choice" and "diversity". Pollock shows the only choice people in the UK will enjoy when the process is complete is whether or not to take out insurance and accept the prospect of escalating co- payments, or go without any healthcare provision at all, which is the lot of millions of Americans today. Gone will be the freedom from fear we have enjoyed for more than 50 years. But these power-packed messages are delivered at the end of the book, only after a calm and balanced analysis of healthcare history has been made. The book couches difficult and complex concepts in a persuasively lucid manner that hopefully will ensure it is widely read. If it is, this book could make a huge impact on the forthcoming UK general election. Using history and research, Pollock reveals the fallaciousness of the propaganda that the NHS is unaffordable, monolithic and "Stalinist"; the belittling language that on-message politicians use; and the delusion that the private sector is more efficient. In its hey-day the NHS was the most cost-effective system ever devised, in striking contrast to the private system of the US, which is designed to deliver only where there is profit to be made, and in which fraud on a massive scale is endemic. The Conservatives introduced the era of the internal market and GP fundholding, in which money was increasingly diverted from care and into burgeoning (and costly) bureaucracy. They also dreamed up the PFI, which Labour eagerly grasped and has relentlessly pursued in spite of the widespread discrediting of its intellectual case. Now public-private partnerships invade the NHS in every layer of its fabric. Pollock covers all the incursions fragmenting our once Rolls-Royce of a service: hospital senior managers who are business-trained with no public health experience; outsourcing of data collection so that commercial secrecy prevents any rational use of it in planning; primary care trusts and foundation hospitals; motivation by targets so that clinical decision- making becomes distorted by perverse incentives, usually financial; diverting funds into high-profile medical conditions at the expense of unglamorous, unprofitable ones such as long-term care, mental disease or geriatrics; paving the way for healthcare corporations, the pharmaceutical and construction industries, insurance companies and private hospital owners to become "filthy rich" (in Mandelson-speak) at the expense of the taxpayer and the NHS user. Future propagandists will spin the message that it was the NHS which failed. This book refutes that claim. Neither of the two main parties is a capable, honest and trustworthy steward for our future health, and the public need to know that. With this week's Labour conference spate of pre- election promises, of more hospitals and shorter waiting times and Milburn-led "public service reform" ( tremble at the thought), the public ought not to be impressed. Unfortunately, to recreate a philanthropic health service, we need a government that has not lost touch with democratic principles. NHS plc: The Privatisation of Our Health Care by Allyson M. Pollock. Please type and press enter. Professor Allyson Pollock is director of the Institute of Health & Society at . A public health physician, she is a leading authority on the fundamental principles of universal health systems, marketisation and public private partnerships, and international trade law and health. Her current research is around access to medicines, pharmaceutical regulation, and public health; and child and sports injury. Her book NHS plc: the privatisation of our health care was published by Verso, and she is currently working on a book The NHS reclaimed . Allyson M Pollock. Prof Allyson Pollock and her colleagues undertake research and teaching intended to assist realisation of the principles of social justice and public health, with a particular emphasis on heath systems research, trade, and pharmaceuticals. A strong emphasis is on developing critical analysis through education and research and through translating research findings into policy at the national and international level. The work is interdisciplinary, including epidemiology, law, statistics, economics, accounting, sociology, and anthropology. Universal access to health care is the primary focus and in particular the means by which local and national systems redistribute resources across society by sharing the risks and costs of ill-health. The work includes the study of public private partnerships in health and long term care, pharmaceuticals, and medical research, and how public health interfaces with trade law and intellectual property agreements. Local and global issues converge around, for instance, the social and economic aspects of clinical trials, how medicines are accessed, the estimation of the global burden of disease, and evidence underpinning access to medicines policies; the setting of health care priorities through the creation and use of clinical evidence; and the export of managed health care systems. Allyson M Pollock is Professor of Public Health and Director of the Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, and author of NHS plc: The privatisation of our health care. first and second editions 2005, 2008 (Publisher Verso). The New NHS: A Guide with Alison Talbot Smith (Publisher Routledge) and Tackling Rugby, What every parent should know about injury. 2014 Publisher Verso)