THE GAZETTE, JULY 29, 1932. 409

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a First Meeting IN NORTHERN . of the Creditors will be held in this Matter before KING'S BENCH DIVISION.—IN BANKRUPTCY. the Court, at the Law Courts, Belfast, on Wednes- day, the 17th day of August, 1932, at the hour JOSEPH HUGHES, of Madden, in the County of of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the Proof , Fanner, was on the loth clay of of Debts and for the purpose of considering the July, 1932, adjudged bankrupt. offer of Composition which will then be made by PUBLIC SITTINGS will be held before the the Bankrupt or his friends, pursuant to the Court, at the Law Courts, Belfast, on Thursday, Statute. the 18th day of August, 1932, and on Thursday, the 25th day of August, 1932, at the hour of At which Meeting, if three-fifths in number and Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, whereat the Bank- value of the Creditors then assembled, or repre- rupt is to attend and to make a full disclosure sented by an Agent authorised in writing, and discovery of his Estate and Effects. Creditors computed according to the Statute, shall agree may prove their Debts, and at the First Sitting to accept such offer of Composition, or any choose a Creditors' Assignee. At the last Modification thereof, the Court, unless it shall be Sitting the Bankrupt is required to finish his shown that the offer of Composition is not Examination. reasonable and proper to be executed under the All persons having in their possession any Pro- control of the Court, may thereafter annul the perty of the Bankrupt should deliver it, and all adjudication of Bankruptcy, and every Creditor Debts due to the Bankrupt should be paid to of the said Bankrupt will be bound by such Major F. G. Hill, Official Assignee, 86 Donegall Composition. Street, Belfast, to whom Creditors may forward Dated this 7th day of July, 1932. their Affidavics of Debt. ROBERT W. McGONIGAL, ROBERT W. McGONIGAL, Deputy Registrar. Deputv Registrar. GEORGE MARTIN, Solicitor, Mayfair, The offer of Composition to be made at the Arthur Square, Belfast. said Meeting is to pay Twenty Shillings in the Pound on all the Bankrupt's unsecured debts and liabilities, and on so much of his partly secured IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE debts and liabilities as may not be fully secured, IN . such Composition to be paid in cash within one KING'S BENCH DIVISION.—IN BANKRUPTCY. month from the passing of said offer by the Court, or such extended time as the Court may allow. SAHAH MC-ELDOWNEY, of 80 London Street, Belfast, Wine and Spirit Merchant (Widow), was on GEORGE McILDOWIE & SONS, Solicitors the 20th day of July, 1932, adjudged bankrupt. for the said Bankrupt, 26 Corn Market. Belfast. PUBLIC SITTINGS will be held before the Court, at the Law Courts, Belfast, on Thursday, the 18th day of August, 1932, and on Thursday, the 25th day of August, 1932, at the hour of W. T. POLLOCK, LIMITED, Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, whereat the Bank- and Plaintiffs: rupt is to attend and to make a full disclosure COALISLAND CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY, and discovery of her Estate and Effects. Creditors LIMITED, may prove their Debts, and at the First Sitting Defendants. choose a Creditors' Assignee. At the last NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute, Sitting the Bankrupt is required to finish her that a Writ of Summons has been issued out of Examination. the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, All persons having in their possession any Pro- King's Bench Division, at the suit of the said perty of the Bankrupt should deliver it, and all W. T. Pollock, Limited, who are in Liquidation; Debts due to the Bankrupt should be paid to Major the Liquidator being Herbert E. A. Addy, F. G. Hill. O.B.E., Official Assignee, 86 Donegall Accountant, of 7 Donegall Square West, and Win. Street, Belfast, to whom Creditors may forward T. Pollock, of 34/38 Tomb Street, both of Belfast, their Affidavits of Debt. against The Coalisland Co-operative Society, ROBERT W. McGONIGAL, Limited, who have their Registered Offices at Deputy Registrar. Dungannon Road, Coalisland, County Tyrone. GEO. McILDOWIE & SONS, Solicitors, 26 Dated 28th day of July, 1932. Corn Market, Belfast. S. ROSS & CO., Solicitors for Plaintiffs, 10 Arthur Street, Belfast. 1930. No. 6. To The Coalisland Co-operative Society, Limited, IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE and all whom it may concern. IN NORTHERN IRELAND. CHANCERY DIVISION. JOHN W. MORRISON, DECEASED. COMPANIES WINDING UP. NOTICE is hereby given that all Creditors and In the Matter of other persons having any Claim or Demand against THE COMPANIES (CONSOLIDATION) ACT, the Estate of JOHN WILLIAM MORRISON, late of 1908, and in the Matter of Annaghmullen, in the County of Fermanagh, JOHN FULTON & COMPANY, LIMITED. Farmer, deceased, who died on the 23rd day of NOTICE is hereby given that a Sixth Dividend May, 1932, and in whose Estates Letters of of One Shilling in the Pound has been declared in Administration, Intestate, was granted to his this Matter by the Official Liquidator of the said Widow, Sarah Morrison, of Annaghmullen, afore- Company and sanctioned by Order of The Right said, forth of the Principal Probate Registry of Honourable. Lord Justice Andrews (sitting as the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland on Chancery Judge), dated the llth July, 1932. the 8th day of July, 1932, are hereby required to send the particulars, in writing, of their Claims Dated the 22nd day of July, 1932. or Demands to us the undersigned, as Solicitors ARTHUR H. MUIR, F.C.A., Official Liqui- for the said Administratrix, on or before the loth dator of the said Company, 7 Donegall day of September, 1932, after which date the said Square West, Belfast. Administratrix will proceed to distribute the THOMAS McKLNTY, Solicitor for the said Assets of the said Deceased amongst the persons Official Liquidator, 74 Royal Avenue, entitled thereto, having regard only to the Debts, Belfast. Claims and Demands of which she shall then have had notice, and she will not be liable for the THE BANKRUPTCY (IRELAND) AMENDMENT Assets of the said Deceased, or any part thereof ACT, 1872. so distributed, to any person or persons of whose THE LOCAL BANKRUPTCY (IRELAND) ACT, Claim or Demand she shall not then have had 1888. notice. IN THE LOCAL BANKRUPTCY COURT. Dated this 26th day of July, 1932. In the Matter of WI&LIAM KELLY, of 90 Wilton FALLS, HANNA & MAGRATH, Solicitors Street, in the County of the City of Belfast, for the said Sarah Morrison, Clones; and Grocer, a bankrupt. Enniskillen.