The Open Pitt What's Cooking in Linux and Open Source in Western Pennsylvania Issue 31 January 2007
The Open Pitt What's cooking in Linux and Open Source in Western Pennsylvania Issue 31 January 2007 Scintilla and SciTE by David Ostroske Scintilla is a text editor widget re- view, and quickly locate errors you Linux distributions, and it comes in- leased under an MIT-style license. If might have in your code. cluded with some versions of Ruby. this leaves you wondering “what's a As for me, I just use it to edit plain There are also plenty of other Scin- widget?,” it's basically a component text files. I could get along with using tilla-based applications available. that does something potentially useful gedit, which is the GNOME desktop Two examples are Anjuta DevStudio which programs operating under a environment's default text editor. But <>, graphical user interface can incorpor- SciTE loads faster, runs faster, and is an integrated development environ- ate and present to the user. As a wid- more powerful. When combined with ment for the C and C++ programming get, it's not a standalone application the Lua scripting extension languages, and Notepad++ <http:// but appears in many open-source pro- <>, jects where flexible source code edit- UsingLuaWithScite>, SciTE is far a text editor for Microsoft Windows ing is required. more customizable than gedit will released under the GNU General Pub- SciTE, the Scintilla Text Editor, is ever be. Plus, it can be configured to lic License. Another, simpler editor an application that was created to save your complete session automatic- for Windows is called Notepad2 showcase Scintilla, but it has become ally, which is mighty useful when < a top-notch editor in its own regard.
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