Walker Could Become Dorm Housing City Council Tables Housing

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Walker Could Become Dorm Housing City Council Tables Housing Walker could become dorm housing by Dov« Schulti Monday that committed Student Personnel Services, over the summer including Since Gannon has ac- Gannon to finding 30 said later. carpeting, plastering, fixing cepted more freshmen males adequate student housing No Gannon dorms or the roof, plumbing, and than it has rooms for in spaces. J. Kevin Quinn, vice apartments have single wiring and installing a fire Wehrle Hall, approximately president for Business Af- student rooms, and this escape forthe fourth floor. 30 sophomore males will be fairs, said. could be an asset for the The rooms in Walker housed in the Walker Walker Building, Quinn said. would be for sophomore Building next fall, according If the Walker Building is The rooms could also be used males only. Lou Agnese, to Richard Dunford, vice selected as the site of the to house males one year and director of Student Living, president for Business Af- new housing, the second, females the next. "It's a said. The offices in Walker fairs. third and fourth floor faculty small unit; its use could be would become dormitory offices in Walker will be converted annually," he type rooms for one and two Thirty extra spaces will be remodeled according to said. students. available for student housing plans Gannon will submit to A committee will deter- next fall, most likely in the the Pennsylvania Depart- The remodeling cost would mine where the faculty Walker Building. ment of Labor and Industry be approximately $72,000, members whose offices are to make sure they meet all Quinn said. located in Walker will be The Administrative safety codes. Richard Agnese said, "extensive placed if the Walker Building Council passed a resolution Dunford, vice president for remodeling would be done is converted. Quinn said. nrton -CMtaiK PRIME LOCATION — If the offices In the Walker Knight^^ A student-editedstudent-e community weekly building are converted to dorm housing next fall, male residents will be close to both the cafeteria and the now- Vol. 35 No. 22 Gonnon Colloflo. trie, to. Wodn—doy, April 30, 1980 defunct Boston Store. City Council tables housing restricting ordinance by John lovou that final voting on the or- never used before to house se, I'm just concerned about Walczak said, "People put into "the best areas of Action on a zoning or- dinance be delayed in order more than two unrelated group homes in R-l (low- have invested money into the city," referring to the R-l dinance that would allow no to have "a little more time to persons would not be allowed density population their homes in these districts districts. more than two unrelated study it." to be used as such. residential) districts," and want to feel safe and free Councilman Bernard persons to live in the same The ordinance could affect Walczak introduced the Walczak said. from harassment." Hark ins said Council should dwelling was tabled by Erie any further expansion of ordinance as a means of The action to prohibit the Councilman Mario be careful not to "close the City Council at its April 23 Gannon student housing. prohibiting group homes for group homes comes after Bagnoni said passage of the door too quickly" on the meeting. Dwellings that are presently juvenile offenders from several incidents in which ordinance may put all group group homes in Erie. "We Councilman Joseph occupied by more than two being located in residential local residents have homes in one location. "It have to look into the future Walczak, who originally unrelated persons would not districts allegedly been harassed by could destroy a whole neigh- and work out something introduced the Council File be affected by the ordinance. "The ordinance is not residents of group homes borhood." that's fair and maintains Ordinance 12,953, requested But dwellings that were outlawing group homes per located in the city. Walczak said all the group stable neighborhoods for a homes were already being good tax base." New SGA expects more group unity Commencement 1980 by Jull« Woodrtor Ruffing, treasurer; and Ed study information about a complaints, whether about schedule announced Reorganization of the Gantz, secretary. food co-op this summer. grades, housing, library A dance and a Mass are 11 a.m. "Gannon is a Student Government Next year the SGA has a noise or even conflicts with two of the events planned university with a faith Agnew said after an initial other students," Gantz said. Association (SGA) has budget of $30,800, an in- investigation of musical for graduates and their commitment. This Mass already resulted in greater crease of about $9,000 over artists, their fees and families during Com- for graduates is one coordination within the last year, Habas said. They availabilities, students will Sub-chairpersons of the mencement Weekend expression of our com- group, according to newly- hope to establish allocations be surveyed on their concert committee include Sue 1960, Fr. Lawrence T. mitment," Speice said. elected SGA President Jay to organizations by June 30, preferences from a Gaggini, from the College of Speice, vice-president for Speice will also be the Habas. He noted that the end of this fiscal year. narrowed list. Sciences, Paul Roscosky external affairs, said. homilist at the Bac- because there is no com- Ruffing said the three types from the College of Business The Commencement calaureate Mass. petition, as formerly existed of club activities the SGA "If there is sufficient Administration and Dance will be held in the A continental breakfast between the SGA and would fund, providing the planning, a concert won't Kathleen Power, of the Beyer Dining Hall from will be served in the Student Social Board (SSB), SGA would be given credit have to sacrifice College of Humanities. Other 8:30 to 11 p.m. on Dining Hall at noon. members can focus their for co-sponsorship in activity profitability. But you can't committee members in- Saturday, May 3. The commencement energies on the students. advertisement, include get a name group and charge clude: Magoon, Mark At 10 a.m. Sunday, May itself will begin in the "We should be more ef- community activities, $2 a ticket without losing Leopold, Nick Rouen, Bonnie 4. in Zurn 101, ROTC auditorium at 2 p.m. fective as a single group with service events and fund money," Agnew said. Lang. Jeff Robinson, and officers will be com- The Registrar's office internal specialization," said raisers. The newly formed Student Coordinator Bruno Scac- missioned. will be open after com- Vice President for Student Two projects the SGA Ombudsman committee is chitto. Students with com- The traditional Bac- mencement so seniors Affairs David Michael hopes to initiate are a designed to help students plaints can register them calaureate Mass will be can return rented caps Ma goon. student directory and a who have any type of with any of these students at held in the auditorium at and gowns Other SGA executive monthly SGA newsletter. grievance, in addition to the SGA office. board members include John Habas said questionnaires those concerned with Agnew, vice president for for the directory may be sent academic matters, said Social Affairs, which to students over the summer. committee chairman Gantz. assumes the functions of the SGA members who are Seventeen seniors get awards SSB; Buddy Stark, public Erie residents will research "We want students to relations coordinator; Lynn possibilities for concerts and come to us with all their The names of 17 seniors Council Award for ex- Award for excellence in who will receive academic cellence in Engineering. Philosophy. awards at commencement Cindy Lou Dominik will Susan Claire Volpone will were released last Friday by receive the Monsignor receive the Monsignor Registrar Ward McCracken. Joseph J. Cebelinski Joseph J. Wehrle Memorial Jeffrey D. Rouch will Memorial Award for ex- Award for excellence in receive the Gannon cellence in Business Ad- Mathematics. University Medal of Honor ministration. for Character. Leadership John Loehrer Presutti will Mary Joan Gloekler will and Scholarship. receive the Monsignor Ennis receive the Pennsylvania Rosalia Ciminella will A. Connelly Award for ex- Institute of Certified Public receive the Joe Luckey cellence in Industrial Accountants Award for Service Award for out- Management. excellence in Accounting. standing dedication and Brian Glowacki will service to Gannon Univer- receive the Monsignor C. Mark Daniel Esser will sity. Gerald Dugan Memorial receive the Richard (Doc) Judith Claire Walsh will Award for excellence in Beyer Memorial Award for receive the Monsignor Social Sciences. outstanding scholarship and Wilfrid J. Nash Christian John A. Wells and Diane E. intercollegiate athletic Service Award for service Adkins will receive the participation. motivated by the Gospels. Professor Joseph J. Ban* Kristen Noel Holtz will Lynne E. Guagliardi will Memorial Award for out- receive the Wall Street receive the Alumni Award standing contributions to the Journal Award for ex- for excellence in the Natural annual United Nations Model cellence in Corporation Sciences. Assembly. Finance. Edwrena Morgan-Jones Lisa Ann Pater will will receive the Educational receive the Monsignor Paul The winner of the Arch- Opportunity Programs E. Gooder Award for ex- bishop John Mark Gannon — CMHbatjw Council Award for academic, cellence in Humanities. Award for general scholastic SGA EXECUTIVE Board members from left: Buddy 8Urk. PJt. coortnaaMr: David excellence. Patrick Francis Leonard excellence was the only Magoon, v-p for Student Affairs; John Agnew, v-p for Social Affairs; »nd Jay Habas. Robert Fisher Kraus will will receive the Monsignor name McCracken would not president. Not pictured are Lynn Ruffing, treasurer; and Ed Gantz. secretary. receive the Engineering James F. Murphy Memorial release. April 30,19S0 The Gannon KNIGHT Faculty, administration on faculty role definition by Mto MtoMftMr they make recom- president of the Gannon Faculty recommendations mendations are turned administration to see that A recent Supreme Court mendations.
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