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Plasma Cell Gingivitis

Plasma Cell Gingivitis

Plasma Cell

C. Román Curto, MD; M. Yuste Chaves, MD; A. González Morán, MD; P. González Asensio, MD; G. López, MD

Plasma cell gingivitis (PCG), an infrequent benign inflammatory condition of unknown etiology, is a type of plasma cell orificial mucositis, which includes a wide spectrum of conditions. We pre- sent the case of a 13-year-old girl who had PCG with an erythematous congestive plaque on the anterior maxillary gingiva for 4 years. Occasion- ally, the lesion became increasingly swollen and painful and bled. Results of a histopathologic examination showed dense plasmacytic infiltrate in the dermis, affecting the dermoepidermal bor- der, with immunohistochemical positivity in the and light chains and vascular proliferation. “Lozenge” keratinocytes, “watery” spongiosis, and exocytosis were seen in the . Figure 1. A bright red, slightly elevated plaque on the Laboratory analysis showed notably low levels of upper gum with a fine, whitish, superficial network. both serum IgA and secretory IgA. We consider whether secretory IgA at low levels has an impor- tant etiopathogenic role favoring the develop- Case Report ment of localized subclinical repetitive A 13-year-old girl without significant pathologic or that could lead to chronic PCG. dental history (other than the habit of chewing gum 2 or 3 times a week) had a bright red, congestive, lasma cell gingivitis (PCG) is a benign inflam- asymptomatic plaque on her upper gum for 4 years. matory condition that is uncommon (at least Occasionally and without any clear association with P in the dermatologic literature) and of unclear the girl’s menstrual cycle, the lesion became increas- etiology. Usually, PCG is found on the anterior ingly swollen and bled; pain was sporadic during these gum.1,2 This condition is a type of plasmacytosis episodes. The girl had used different dentifrices, all to circumorificialis3 or plasma cell orificial mucositis.4 no effect; she had not used mouthwashes. She had no The broad category of plasma cell orificial mucositis cavities filled or dental surgery performed. comprises conditions similar to balanitis of Zoon5— Results of a laboratory analysis showed notably conditions involving the orificial mucous mem- low levels of both serum IgA (6.68 mg/dL; normal branes. These conditions have been reported on the range, 90–385 mg/dL) and secretory IgA (0.3 mg/dL; ,4,6,7 tongue,4 vulva,8,9 conjunctiva,9 nasal aper- normal range, 2–20 mg/dL); other immunoglobulin ture, larynx, epiglottis,10 and elsewhere. levels, hemogram, and general biochemical tests were PCG is characterized by macular lesions that are normal. Results of serologic tests for and cul- bright red, velvety, sharply circumscribed, and flat tures for bacteria and fungi from a frotis of the lesion to slightly elevated. These lesions are generally were negative. asymptomatic, although some patients complain of Results of a physical examination of the oral cav- pruritus, burning, or pain. Histopathologically, ity showed a bright red, slightly elevated plaque on PCG is defined mainly by a dense, bandlike plasma- the upper gum at the level of the right lateral cytic infiltrate in the upper dermis.4,9 incisor. The 1.10.9-cm plaque had a congestive aspect; a fine, whitish, superficial network; well- From Services of Dermatology and Pathological Anatomy, Hospital defined borders; and a T-shape (Figure 1). No other Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles, Avila, Spain. Reprints: C. Román Curto, MD, Servicio de Dermatología, Hospital lesions were found. Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles, Carretera de Madrid Km. 109, With histopathologic examination, the epithe- 05004 Avila, Spain. lium showed discontinuous areas of hyperplasia

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Figure 2. In the epithelium, there is an increase in cellular spaces between keratinocytes (watery spongiosis); also, diamond- shaped keratinocytes (lozenge keratinocytes) and exocytosis are present (H&E, original magnification 100).

Figure 3. In the dermis, there is an intensely inflammatory infiltrate composed mainly of plasma cells (H&E, original magnification 100).

(with acanthosis and ) alternating dermis showed little exocytosis of plasma cells, with areas of . Also noted were an increase lymphocytes, or neutrophilic granulocytes; the in the cellular spaces between keratinocytes, upper dermis showed vascular proliferation and caused by watery spongiosis at this level, and an vasodilatation (Figure 4). Results of an immuno- absence of horny and granular cell layers. The ker- histochemical study showed a notable cytoplasmic atinocytes, in the suprabasal layers, were diamond positivity for the and light chains in similar shaped and wider than they were taller—that is, proportions (Figure 5). Periodic acid-Schiff stain lozenge keratinocytes (Figure 2). In the dermis and results were negative for fungi and yeast. on the dermoepidermal border, there was an The patient stopped using chewing gum. Three intensely inflammatory infiltrate composed of different topical treatments were consecutively tried plasma cells (>85%) and scarce amounts of lym- and evaluated for one month each: 0.5% hydrocorti- phocytes, neutrophilic granulocytes, macrophages, sone in Orabase®, 0.1% triamcinolone acetate in and eosinophilic granulocytes (Figure 3). The epi- Orabase, and 2% fusidic acid. None of these treat-

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Figure 4. In the upper dermis, there is prominent vascular proliferation and vasodilatation (H&E, original magnification 100).

Figure 5. Immunohisto- chemical positivity for light chains (periodic acid-Schiff stain, original magnification 25). ments improved the condition. For this reason, plaques4 and infiltrated, yellow-orange plaques6 have superficial electrocoagulation of the lesion was per- been reported. Superficial erosions are often present, formed. This treatment caused the lesion to disap- especially in cases of ,11 as are multiple pear completely and remain asymptomatic brighter red pinpoints (“cayenne pepper spots”).12 for 2 years despite the patient’s recurrent use of In addition, Ferreira-Marques13 described an chewing gum. entity, plasmoacanthoma, with a debatable noso- logic enclave. Plasmoacanthoma consists of a Comment tumoral lesion or a vegetating nodule in the mucosal Our patient presented with a lesion having clinical surface of an orifice; the histologic substratum of this features of plasma cell mucositis and a fine, whitish, lesion is characterized by intense acanthosis and superficial network, probably produced by the acan- (in the epidermis) and predominantly thosis. However, the clinical spectrum of this entity plasmacytic infiltrate (in the dermis). Some authors is varied; both thickened, erythematous, fissured have included this entity within the spectrum

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of plasma cell mucositis,13 whereas others have for serum IgA levels less than 5 mg/dL. Secretory classified it as a different pathology to retain its IgA inhibits adherence of germs to the mucosal tumoral character.4,14 Coexistence of lesions typical surfaces of the genitourinary, respiratory, and diges- of plasma cell mucositis (eg, cheilitis) and lesions tive tracts and has an important protective role in typical of plasmoacanthoma, as was reported by Van these areas.21 We think that our patient’s notably der Kerkhof and Van Baar,15 favors the hypothesis low levels of serum IgA and secretory IgA could that both patterns form part of the same pathologic have an etiologic role favoring the development entity and are derived from a common pathogenic of localized, repetitive, subclinical infections that mechanism that broadens the clinical spectrum of could lead to nonspecific chronic PCG. To confirm this pathology. this assertion, however, we would need to check As already mentioned, from a histopathologic if the decreases occur in other cases. (In a case viewpoint, the intensely inflammatory infiltrate in described by White et al,4 serum IgA level was the dermis and in the dermoepidermal border— normal, but no mention was made of secretory infiltrate consisting mainly of plasma cells in the IgA level.) absence of epidermal neoformation—is considered Clinical differential diagnoses include allergic characteristic of this pathology. However, and irritant , , fixed Souteyrand et al12 emphasized certain alterations in drug eruption, infectious (mainly candidia- the epidermis (ie, atrophy, lozenge keratinocytes, sis and secondary syphilis), virus watery spongiosis) and vascular proliferation in the , and tumoral processes such as extramam- dermis as typical symptoms. These characteristics mary Paget and, above all, in situ carcino- are absent in patterns such as lichen planus, sec- mas such as erythroplasia of Queyrat and/or ondary syphilis, and candidiasis, which give rise to infiltrated epidermal carcinomas. That serologic differential diagnostic problems. However, we tests for syphilis and cultures for fungi had negative emphasize that, although epidermal atrophy is a very results and that the lesion followed a characteristic common sign in some patients, including our histologic pattern of PCG—in the absence of patient, areas of atrophy alternate with areas of intraepidermal or infiltrative neoformation—enable acanthosis4; and in other patients, only acanthosis us to make an accurate diagnosis. As we took our has been reported.6 patient’s clinical history, our attention was drawn to Although the etiology of PCG remains the occasional episodes in which her plaques unknown, different predisposing factors in oral increased in turgidity, pain, and bleeding; these mucosa have been suggested: diverse allergens or symptoms had not been described in other cases and irritants16; reactions to various dietary compo- made us wonder about possible endometriosis. nents17; and habitual use of chewing gum, fluoride Given the hyperemic character of our patient’s dentifrices, or mouthwashes.1,18 In the genital lesion, we instead established the differential diag- region, PCG has been attributed to continual fric- nosis of hemangioma superficial. After the tion; heat; poor hygiene; or chronic infections,9,19 histopathologic study, however, we rejected both including a case of potential infection due to her- endometriosis (because of the absence of endome- pes simplex virus.8 For this reason, and even more trial neoformation) and hemangioma superficial because many inflammatory conditions affecting (because of the absence of vascular malformation). the mucosal periorificial membranes appear with As with other research using immunohistochem- an infiltrate mainly of plasma cells, some authors ical studies,2,4,22 our study showed a polyclonal pat- have indicated that this entity could represent a tern for the and light chains. This pattern nonspecific inflammatory response to an unknown confirms the benign reactive character of the dis- exogenous agent.20 ease. However, Noorily7 reported a case in which Our patient’s clinical pattern remained unchanged myelodysplastic syndrome and plasma cell cheilitis after she stopped using chewing gum and was treated coexisted (although Noorily did not establish an with topical steroids. However, in most cases association between these pathologies). attributed to hypersensitive reactions to the use of Various topical treatments have produced differ- chewing gum, certain dentifrices, or certain mouth- ent results. Some authors have reported that potent washes, the clinical symptom is described as “burning steroids (eg, clobetasol propionate), both topical6 mouth,” and the affected area is more generalized and intralesional, have produced remission, whereas (involving lips, tongue, and ) and disappears other authors have reported clear resistance to these after the implicated agent has been eliminated.18 steroids and have recommended surgical excision, Our patient’s low levels of serum IgA and secre- radiotherapy, or cryotherapy for severe cases.4 Stud- tory IgA closely correspond to IgA deficits established ies have shown good genital23 and oral12 responses

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