Helping Lost Jewish Communities 11603 Gilsan Street Silver Spring, MD 20902-3122 KULANU TEL: 301-681-5679 FAX: 301-681-1587 “all of us”
[email protected] Volume 8 Number 4 Winter 2001—2002 Kulanu Establishes New Surfing to Uganda Online Boutique By Moshe Cotel By the time you sit down in your easy chair to read this article, I Tamar Kemp and Harriet Bograd have become the cherished vol- will be, if God wills it, in rural Eastern Uganda, far from paved roads unteer proprietors of Kulanu’s new Online Boutique. The Boutique’s and modern civilization, working with an isolated community of 600 website is now — or soon will be — located at http://www. black Jews called the Abayudaya - the only Jews to be found in this The Boutique will be offering the same items entire African nation of 22 million people. we have in the past plus some new ones -- tallitot, kippot, challah cov- The Abayudaya are native Ugandans who have been practicing ers, books, music -- items that are hand crafted or designed by our Judaism for several generations - ever since their leader, a local gover- various communities, such as the Abayudaya, the Sefwi Wiawso Jews, nor named Semei Kakungulu, studied and meditated upon the Old and the Bnei Menashe. Testament around 1919. He circumcised himself and his son -- and all Kemp will be designated as the Kulanu Vice President for Bou- his male followers did the same -- and they embraced the observance tique Sales and Marketing and Bograd will be her chief supporter, and of all the laws of Moses as expounded in the Bible.