Freemasonry in Other Countries Grand Lodge Of

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Freemasonry in Other Countries Grand Lodge Of FREEMASONRY IN OTHER COUNTRIES tive of Ireland at the Grand East of Canada (which has been already reported in thc Freemason), and invited thc brethren to salute their distin- Our article of last week, in which we drew attention to tlie principal guished and veteran brother in due form. events that happened in connection with Freemasonry and its Institu- The salute was most heartil y given , and the Grand Lodge of Canad a, in tions during the past year, was too long to permit of any reference being whose honour the departure from standing usage was made, will , no doubt , made to thc proceedings of thc Craft in other countries. Yet such a reference appreciate thc fraternal courtesy, inasmuch as there is no previous record of can hard ly be dispensed with. To the world generally we arc a Society any brother , save the actual Grand Oflicers , being saluted at the St. John 's which claims—and rightl y claims—that our ramifications extend everywhere , Day communication of the Grand Lodge of I reland. nor is there, perhaps, a single civilised country in which Freemasonry has 1 he following were the Grand Oflicers proclaimed for the ensuing year : in establishing for itself a more or less firm foothold not succeeded , and in Bro. His Grace the Most Noble the Duke of Abercorn M.W.G.M. which it does not enjoy a greater or less immunity from the interference of ,, Robert Wm. Shekleton , O.C, J.P. .. ... Dep. G.M. constituted authority. But if we are everywhere one and the same ,, Most Hon. the Marquis oT Hcadforl , D.f S.G.W. society, which has adopted for its guidance certain fundamental prin- „ Right Hon. Lord Arthur W. Hill , M.P. ... J.G.W. ciples, it cannot be a matter of indifference to us when we hear, as we ,, James C. Meredith , LL.D. ... ... G. Treas. do from time to time on authority which cannot be called in question , ,, Right Hon. the Earl of Bandon ... ... G. Sec. Ri ht Hon. and Most Rev. Lord Plunket **) seriously we may profess to be actuated b ,, g (Arch- that however y a bishop of Dublin) ... ... ... I G. Chaplains. certain community of princi ples, there is a marvellous diversity ,, Rev. Beniamin Gibson , M.A. ... ...J of practice among our constituent branches. It is little or no „ W. J. Chetwode Crawley, LL.D. ... ... S.G.D. good our claiming that Freemasonry keeps strictly aloof from every ,, Frederick R. Pirn , LL.D. ... ... J.G.D. kind of political and religious controversy, when indisputable evidence „ Wm. Spence, CE. ... ... ... G.S. of W. is continuall being brought forward that in this or that country our organi- „ William M. Battcrsby, J.P. ... ... G.D. of C. y William G. Huband ori „ ... G. Stwd. sation has been diverted from its ginal purpose to those of political or ,, William Comyns ... ... ... G.S.B. religious partisanshi p. In the United Kingdom , which is thc original home ,, Thomas R. G. Joze, Mus. D. ... ... G. Org. of our modern system of Freemasonry, thc princi ples on which it was founded „ George Drury ... ... ... G.LG. have been always, and still arc, most religiously observed ; but in France, „ W.J. Chetwode Crawley, LL.D. ... ... G. Sec. L. of I. into which it was introduced directl y fro m this country, there is, wc fear, no D bcc* and „ Archibald St. George¦ **" , JJ.P. ... ... ( '.y* reason to doubt that its organisation into lodges and chapters is made use of " * <. i reas. ,, Henry E. Flavclle, ... ... ... G. Asst. Sec. by members for the promotion of their political aims and objects. The works ,, Richard L. Stevens ... ... ... G. Tyler. of beneficence which may bc traced to the action or influence of Freemasonry „ John Frost ... ... ... ... Asst. G. Tyler. in that country are well nigh innumerable , but, at the same time, no secret whatever is made of the political or religious partisanshi p of Craftsmen. In Germany, wh ch is also indebted to the United Kingdom for MASONIC BENEVOLENCE IN 1893. its Freemasonry, the lodges arc no doubt uninfluenced by the spirit of parti- sansh i p, but there is not always or everywhere the same complete spirit of We have received from thc Secretaries of our several Masonic Institutions toleration towards members of every political faith ; while in Italy, though the annual statements , in which are set forth under their proper heads, the things have mended since the whole country became united under the amounts received by them during the year, which for business purposes sovereignty of Victor Emmanuel of Savoy, there is still to be found in terminated on Saturday last. That there would be a very considerable parts something of that spirit of opposition to constituted authority which diminution in the totals of these returns, as compared wilh those of 1S92 , was existed in the days when Italy was a mere geographical expression and generally expected. We do not , however, imagine there were many who resistance was latent , and where it dared to make itself publicly felt , patent could have realised to themselves that, notwithstandin g thc certainty of this against the wretched tyrannies into which nearly thc whole of the country great diminution , the totals fro m all sources would have proved so favourable. was parcelled out. But after all it is to the United States of North America In 1892 the amounts of the recei pts were as follow : Roya l Masonic Benevolent that our thoughts must be most naturally directed , when we give our attention to Institution , £61 ,849 2s. 6d. ; Roya l Masonic Institutio n for Boys, £15,837 Freemasonry as it is in other countries than our own , and here, wc rejoice to say, 18s. ; and Royal Masonic Institution for Girls £12,778 2s. id., making the the original princi ples upon which the Order was founded are both scrupulousl y grand total of £90,465 2s. 7d., or about £7500 more than had ever been and conscientiousl y observed. A considerable amount of parade has bcen received before, even the total of the year 1S88, in which the Girls' School engrafted upon American Freemasonry , but its heart is true notwithstanding. celebrated ils Centenary, having yielded no more than £82,904 is. iod. In some jurisdictions it may be doubted if overmuch respect is paid to thc This is of course to be explained by 1892 having been thc year ancient usages and established customs of the Order, when we read of of thc Benevolent Jubilee, when £69,000 was raised at the Festival Masters of lodges being publicly installed in oflice, and one of our most in commemoration ot that event. In 1S93,. however, there has impressive ceremonies being given as a dramatic representation. But care not onl y been no Jubilee celebrated , but the Festival returns is taken in all jurisdictions that the princi ples of the Craft shall bc strictl y which constitute the bulk of the income in the case of all three Charities observed , and among the brightest jewels to be found in American Masonry, have suffered , so far as those of the Royal Masonic Benevolen t Institution arc the loyalty which the brethren entertain for constituted authority , and the are concerned, by the re-action which is almost certain to follow after a Charity they unfailingly exhibit towards all sorts and conditions of men. supreme effort. Yet, in spite of this re-action , the Festivals of 1S93 gave There is then much to hope from the future of the Society in the United the following results : Benevolent Festival in February, £8,855 "Ss. 6d. • States, and from the influence it cannot lail to exercise on the outside world. Girls' School , in May, £14,011 3s. 6d. ; Boys' School , in June (as announced) It has prospered in the past, and it depends upon its own acts rather than £21,340 us. 6d , thc ultimate total in the last case being, as far as we are upon external influences and opinions , as to whether or not it shall be still able to gather , in excess of rather than under £22 ,000. However taking more prosperous in the years to come. It is hardly needful to say that at all thc Returns of the three Festivals as wc have stated them, they reach the highly times , and under all circumstances, it has our heartiest good wishes for its satisfactory sum of £44,207 13s. 6d. Nor shall we be greatly over-statin"* continued well-being. thc case, if inking into account the additions which we know have bcen made to the Boys' School total as it was announced at the Festival itself , we set GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND down thc average for each Festival in 1893 at £15,000. There is one other point to which it is our duty to draw special attention. The receipts entered The Grand Lodge of Ireland met, for the 163rd time, in annual com- under the head of " Donations and Subscriptions," which , as we have before munication on St. John 's Day, 1S93, for the purpose of saluting and said , constitute thc bulk of the total income are as follows : Royal Masonic proclaiming the Grand Oflicers in accordance with ancient custom. Benevolent Institution , £12,989 10s. iod. ; Royal Masonic Institution for Ihe Deputy Grand Master, Bro. R. W. Shekleton , Q.C, was on the Girls , £14,643 ns. id. ; R oya l Masonic Institution for Boys, £10,892 as. throne, attended by the Grand Treasurer , Bro. J. C. Meredith , I.L.D., and 3d.; giving a total received by the three Charities of £47,525 4s. 2d.
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