Judeţul Gorj

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Judeţul Gorj 39DILúDUHMXGHĠ Proces-verbal din data de 14.05.2019SULYLQGGHVHPQDUHDSUHúHGLQĠLORUELURXULORUHOHFWRUDOHDOHVHFĠLLORUGHYRWDUH constituite pentru alegerea membrilor din România în Parlamentul European din data de 26 Mai 2019úLDORFĠLLWRULORUDFHVWRUD %LURXO(OHFWRUDO-XGHĠHDQ1U20-XGHĠXO*25- ,QL܊LDOD Nr. crt. UAT 1U6HF܊LH ,QVWLWX܊LD )XQF܊LD Nume Prenume $GUHVă WDWăOXL ù&2$/$*,01$=,$/Ă 1 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 4 3UH܈HGLQWH %Ă/$ù$ ALEXANDRINA G GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU &2167$17,16Ă92,8 ù&2$/$*,01$=,$/Ă 2 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 5 3UH܈HGLQWH 0Ă1Ă/Ă8 0Ă'Ă/,1$ R GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU &2167$17,16Ă92,8 3 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 6 COLEGIUL TEHNIC NR.2 /RF܊LLWRU MAZILU TUDOR I GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU ù&2$/$*,01$=,$/Ă 4 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 22 /RF܊LLWRU SULTAN 6,/9,$*+(25*+,ğ$ M GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU POMPILIU MARCEA &2/(*,8/1$܉,21$/ 5 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 28 3UH܈HGLQWH 3Ă81 ION G GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU ECATERINA TEODOROIU LICEUL CU PROGRAM 6 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 32 3UH܈HGLQWH ù23$1'Ă MIHAELA-AMALIA G GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU SPORTIV COLEGIUL ECONOMIC 7 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 33 3UH܈HGLQWH TROCAN CLAUDIA-RAMONA N GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU VIRGIL MADGEARU LICEUL DE ARTE 8 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 36 /RF܊LLWRU %Ă/Ăù2,8 ADRIANA-SIMONA C GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU &2167$17,1%5Ă,/2,8 LICEUL DE ARTE 9 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 38 3UH܈HGLQWH 3Ă6Ă5($18 MARIA-VALENTINA I GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU &2167$17,1%5Ă,/2,8 COLEGIUL TEHNIC 10 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 46 GENERAL GHEORGHE 3UH܈HGLQWH FEROIU OFELIA M GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU MAGHERU ù&2$/$*,01$=,$/Ă 11 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 50 3UH܈HGLQWH NICOLESCU MIHAELA G GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU VOIEVOD LITOVOI ù&2$/$*,01$=,$/Ă 12 MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU 51 3UH܈HGLQWH GHEORGHE EUGEN G GORJ, MUNICIPIUL TÂRGU JIU VOIEVOD LITOVOI COLEGIUL TEHNIC 13 MUNICIPIUL MOTRU 58 3UH܈HGLQWH 0,ù&2'$1 GERMINA C GORJ, MUNICIPIUL MOTRU MOTRU ^ƚƌ͘^ƚĂǀƌŽƉŽůĞŽƐ͕Ŷƌ͘ϲ͕ƵĐƵƌĞƔƚŝ͕^ĞĐƚŽƌϯ͕ϬϯϬϬϴϰ Telefon: 021.310.07.69, fax: 021.310.13.86 1/5 www.roaep.ro, e-mail: [email protected] 39DILúDUHMXGHĠ Proces-verbal din data de 14.05.2019SULYLQGGHVHPQDUHDSUHúHGLQĠLORUELURXULORUHOHFWRUDOHDOHVHFĠLLORUGHYRWDUH constituite pentru alegerea membrilor din România în Parlamentul European din data de 26 Mai 2019úLDORFĠLLWRULORUDFHVWRUD %LURXO(OHFWRUDO-XGHĠHDQ1U20-XGHĠXO*25- ,QL܊LDOD Nr. crt. UAT 1U6HF܊LH ,QVWLWX܊LD )XQF܊LD Nume Prenume $GUHVă WDWăOXL ܇&2$/$35,0$5Ă 14 25$ù%80%(ù7,-,8 77 3UH܈HGLQWH GIUREA DANIELA MARIA V *25-25$ù%80%(ù7,-,8 %80%(܇7,-,8 ܇&2$/$*,01$=,$/Ă 15 25$ù%80%(ù7,-,8 79 /RF܊LLWRU PRICORICI CARMEN-GEORGIANA G *25-25$ù%80%(ù7,-,8 &857,܇2$5$ 25$ù7Æ5*8 ù&2$/$35,0$5Ă 16 98 3UH܈HGLQWH GRIGORIE GABRIELA-RODICA I *25-25$ù7Æ5*8&Ă5%81(ù7, &Ă5%81(ù7, ù7()Ă1(ù7, LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC 17 25$ù785&(1, 110 785&(1,&/Ă',5($ 3UH܈HGLQWH *2*Ă/($ 0Ă'Ă/,19$6,/( M *25-25$ù785&(1, INTERNAT ܇&2$/$35,0$5Æ 18 Comuna ALBENI 122 /RF܊LLWRU HODOIU SABINA C GORJ, Comuna ALBENI %2/%2&(܇7, ù&2$/$*(1(5$/Ă 19 &RPXQD$/,03(ù7, 125 6Ì5%(ù7, 3UH܈HGLQWH %8ù2, EMILIA-ELISABETA G GORJ, Comuna POLOVRAGI 6$76Ì5%(ù7, ù&2$/$*,01$=,$/Ă 20 Comuna ANINOASA 126 3UH܈HGLQWH ,9Ă1,ù, &/$8',80Ă'Ă/,1 G GORJ, Comuna TURBUREA ANINOASA ù&2$/$35,0$5Ă CRISTODORA- 21 Comuna ANINOASA 128 /RF܊LLWRU BALACI M *25-&RPXQD3/23ù258 &267(܇7, ADELINA-DENISA ù&2$/$*,01$=,$/Ă 22 &RPXQD%Ă/(ù7, 143 3UH܈HGLQWH PISCUREANU /80,1,ğ$32/,1$ V *25-&RPXQD%Ă/(ù7, $1721,(02*2ù ù&2$/$35,0$5Ă15 0$5,/(1$/8;,܉$ 23 Comuna BÂLTENI 147 /RF܊LLWRU DOBROIU A GORJ, Comuna BÂLTENI 3(ù7($1$-,8 CLARA ù&2$/$*(1(5$/Ă 24 &RPXQD%25Ă6&8 163 3UH܈HGLQWH UNGUREANU ANITA-LOREDANA C *25-&RPXQD%25Ă6&8 &$/$3Ă58 ù&2$/$35,0$5Ă 25 Comuna BUSTUCHIN 175 /RF܊LLWRU NEAGOIE ANDREEA C *25-&RPXQD%(5/(ù7, POJARU ܇&2$/$35,0$5Ă 26 &RPXQD'5Ă*8ğ(ù7, 210 /RF܊LLWRU CHERA ANGELA-PERSIDA I *25-&RPXQD'5Ă*8ğ(ù7, 7Ì/9(܇7, ^ƚƌ͘^ƚĂǀƌŽƉŽůĞŽƐ͕Ŷƌ͘ϲ͕ƵĐƵƌĞƔƚŝ͕^ĞĐƚŽƌϯ͕ϬϯϬϬϴϰ Telefon: 021.310.07.69, fax: 021.310.13.86 2/5 www.roaep.ro, e-mail: [email protected] 39DILúDUHMXGHĠ Proces-verbal din data de 14.05.2019SULYLQGGHVHPQDUHDSUHúHGLQĠLORUELURXULORUHOHFWRUDOHDOHVHFĠLLORUGHYRWDUH constituite pentru alegerea membrilor din România în Parlamentul European din data de 26 Mai 2019úLDORFĠLLWRULORUDFHVWRUD %LURXO(OHFWRUDO-XGHĠHDQ1U20-XGHĠXO*25- ,QL܊LDOD Nr. crt. UAT 1U6HF܊LH ,QVWLWX܊LD )XQF܊LD Nume Prenume $GUHVă WDWăOXL 6&2$/$35,0$5Ă 27 &RPXQD-83Æ1(ù7, 232 /RF܊LLWRU AVRAM-STANCIU DUMITRU-COSMIN D *25-&RPXQD-83Æ1(ù7, 9,(5ù$1, ܇&2$/$35,0$5Ă 28 &RPXQD/2*5(ù7, 242 3UH܈HGLQWH GOLESCU DUMITRU V *25-&RPXQD/2*5(ù7, 0Ă58 29 &RPXQD0Ă7Ă6$5, 246 ù&2$/$150Ă7Ă6$5, 3UH܈HGLQWH POPESCU MELANIA C *25-&RPXQD0Ă7Ă6$5, ܇&2$/$*,01$=,$/Ă 30 Comuna NEGOMIR 253 3UH܈HGLQWH UNGUREANU FLORICA I GORJ, Comuna NEGOMIR NR.1 NEGOMIR ܇&2$/$*,01$=,$/Ă 31 &RPXQD3/23ù258 264 3UH܈HGLQWH 63Ă7$58 MARIN M *25-&RPXQD3/23ù258 PISCURI ù&2$/$35,0$5Ă 32 Comuna POLOVRAGI 269 3UH܈HGLQWH DIACONESCU ELENA M GORJ, Comuna POLOVRAGI 5$&29,܉$ ܇&2$/$&8&/$6(/(, 33 Comuna PRIGORIA 272 3UH܈HGLQWH %Ă/Ăù2,8 MARIA S GORJ, Comuna PRIGORIA ,91(*2(܇7, &RPXQD52ù,$'( &Ă0,18/&8/785$/ *25-&RPXQD52ù,$'( 34 276 /RF܊LLWRU 5Ă'8&8 CORNELIA-SEBASTIA C AMARADIA „IZVORUL” AMARADIA &RPXQD52ù,$'( ù&2$/$35,0$5Ă *25-&RPXQD52ù,$'( 35 277 /RF܊LLWRU COTOJMAN NELIA G AMARADIA SECIURILE AMARADIA &Ă0,18/&8/785$/ 36 Comuna RUNCU 280 3UH܈HGLQWH OPROIU CONSTANTIN C GORJ, Comuna RUNCU VALEA MARE ù&2$/$35,0$5Ă 37 &RPXQD6$0$5,1(ù7, 286 3UH܈HGLQWH URSU CONSTANTIN V *25-&RPXQD6/,9,/(ù7, LARGA ܇&2$/$*,01$=,$/Ă 38 &RPXQD6Ă8/(ù7, 289 3UH܈HGLQWH DOBROMIR DANIELA-CORINA E GORJ, Comuna VLADIMIR 6Ă8/(܇7, ù&2$/$*(1(5$/Ă 39 &RPXQD6&2$5ğ$ 294 3UH܈HGLQWH CORBEI EMILIA G *25-&RPXQD6&2$5ğ$ BUDIENI ù&2$/$35,0$5Ă 40 &RPXQD6&2$5ğ$ 295 /RF܊LLWRU AVRAM GRIGORE V *25-&RPXQD6&2$5ğ$ 3,ù7(ù7,,',1'($/ ^ƚƌ͘^ƚĂǀƌŽƉŽůĞŽƐ͕Ŷƌ͘ϲ͕ƵĐƵƌĞƔƚŝ͕^ĞĐƚŽƌϯ͕ϬϯϬϬϴϰ Telefon: 021.310.07.69, fax: 021.310.13.86 3/5 www.roaep.ro, e-mail: [email protected] 39DILúDUHMXGHĠ Proces-verbal din data de 14.05.2019SULYLQGGHVHPQDUHDSUHúHGLQĠLORUELURXULORUHOHFWRUDOHDOHVHFĠLLORUGHYRWDUH constituite pentru alegerea membrilor din România în Parlamentul European din data de 26 Mai 2019úLDORFĠLLWRULORUDFHVWRUD %LURXO(OHFWRUDO-XGHĠHDQ1U20-XGHĠXO*25- ,QL܊LDOD Nr. crt. UAT 1U6HF܊LH ,QVWLWX܊LD )XQF܊LD Nume Prenume $GUHVă WDWăOXL &Ă0,18/&8/785$/ 41 Comuna STEJARI 306 3UH܈HGLQWH DEACONESCU MIRELA D GORJ, Comuna STEJARI PISCOIU ù&2$/$35,0$5Ă 42 Comuna STEJARI 307 3UH܈HGLQWH MARIA AURICA G GORJ, Comuna STEJARI %$/2ù$1, Reprezentant AEP 3UH܈HGLQWHOH%LURXOXLHOHFWRUDOMXGHĠHDQ1U-XGHĠXO*25- TEODORESCU IONELA-COSTINELA -8'(&Ă72538,$180,12'25$ ^ƚƌ͘^ƚĂǀƌŽƉŽůĞŽƐ͕Ŷƌ͘ϲ͕ƵĐƵƌĞƔƚŝ͕^ĞĐƚŽƌϯ͕ϬϯϬϬϴϰ Telefon: 021.310.07.69, fax: 021.310.13.86 4/5 www.roaep.ro, e-mail: [email protected] 39DILúDUHMXGHĠ ^ƚƌ͘^ƚĂǀƌŽƉŽůĞŽƐ͕Ŷƌ͘ϲ͕ƵĐƵƌĞƔƚŝ͕^ĞĐƚŽƌϯ͕ϬϯϬϬϴϰ Telefon: 021.310.07.69, fax: 021.310.13.86 5/5 www.roaep.ro, e-mail: [email protected].
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    View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series Analele Universităţii din Craiova, seria Agricultură – Montanologie – Cadastru (Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol. XLIII 2013 RESEARCH ON THE IDENTIFICATION AND PROMOTION OF AGROTURISTIC POTENTIAL OF TERRITORY BETWEEN JIU AND OLT RIVER CĂLINA AUREL, CĂLINA JENICA, CROITORU CONSTANTIN ALIN University of Craiova, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture Keywords: agrotourism, agrotourism potential, agrotouristic services, rural area. ABSTRACT The idea of undertaking this research emerged in 1993, when was taking in study for doctoral thesis region between Jiu and Olt River. Starting this year, for over 20 years, I studied very thoroughly this area and concluded that it has a rich and diverse natural and anthropic tourism potential that is not exploited to its true value. Also scientific researches have shown that the area benefits of an environment with particular beauty and purity, of an ethnographic and folklore thesaurus of great originality and attractiveness represented by: specific architecture, traditional crafts, folk techniques, ancestral habits, religion, holidays, filled with historical and art monuments, archeological sites, museums etc.. All these natural and human tourism resources constitute a very favorable and stimulating factor in the implementation and sustained development of agritourism and rural tourism activities in the great and the unique land between Jiu and Olt River. INTRODUCTION Agritourism and rural tourism as economic and socio-cultural activities are part of protection rules for built and natural environment, namely tourism based on ecological principles, became parts of ecotourism, which as definition and content goes beyond protected areas (Grolleau H., 1988 and Annick Deshons, 2006).
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