Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020 Annual report 2020 Contents

3 Executive and 171 Consolidated financial Supervisory Board statements/notes

3 Letter from the CEO 172 Consolidated income statement 5 The Executive Board 173 Consolidated statement of 6 The Supervisory Board comprehensive income 8 Report of the Supervisory Board 174 Consolidated balance sheet 176 Consolidated cash flow statement 178 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 20 Combined 179 Basis of preparation 188 Notes on the consolidated income statement management report 204 Notes on the consolidated statement of financial position 21 Fundamental information about the Group 252 Other disclosures 32 Report on economic position 277 Responsibility statement by the 52 Report on post-balance sheet date events Executive Board 53 Combined non-financial statement 278 Independent Auditor’s Report 74 Risk report 105 Report on opportunities 109 Report on expected developments 112 Deutsche Börse AG (disclosures based on the HGB) 287 Acknowledgements/contact/ 118 Remuneration report registered trademarks 152 Corporate governance statement 288 About this report 289 Financial calendar Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards | Letter from the CEO Management report Financial statements Notes Further information

Frankfurt/Main, 12 March 2021

Dear Shareholders, Ladies and Gentlemen,

2020 was an extraordinary year. It was defined by the coronavirus pandemic, which put a great strain on economies and companies around the world. In this difficult environment we at Deutsche Börse Group fulfilled all our growth targets.

Deutsche Börse increased its net revenue by 9 per cent in 2020 compared with the previous year. Structural growth came to 5 per cent as planned. Exactly as forecast, this resulted in a higher adjusted net profit of €1.2 billion for the period. Our business model has thus proven its resilience once more.

This is also demonstrated by the completion of our growth strategy, Roadmap 2020. It was a complete success in all three components of growth: growth in existing business; growth by acquisition; and expanding new technologies. We promised a great deal. And we have kept all our promises.

In our existing business, we achieved a secular growth of 5 per cent as planned. We also increased net profit for the period by an average of 12 per cent – in the middle of the announced range of 10 to 15 per cent.

We strengthened our business model by means of acquisitions. Just to mention the most important ones: the analytics provider Axioma, which we merged with STOXX to form Qontigo; UBS Fondcenter; and Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), a leading US-based provider of governance solutions, sustainability data and analytics, which is our biggest step to date.

In technological terms, we have also made progress: we gained Google and SAP as new cloud partners in addition to Microsoft. And we advanced the cutting-edge blockchain technology, partly by means of our investment in HQLAx.

Our employees all over the world made a decisive contribution to this success. They put in an excepti- onal performance in the Covid-dominated year 2020, with 98 per cent of our workforce working from home at times. And despite all the difficulties, they remained as dedicated and motivated as ever. Some 900 new colleagues have joined us over this period, and together we are looking to the future with confidence.

3 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards | Letter from the CEO Management report Financial statements Notes Further information

Where do we go from here? We are continuing the Roadmap: with Compass 2023. Our target of 5 per cent structural growth is still the same. We no longer expect to have any cyclical support for that, and so we are reinforcing our focus on acquisitions. For the first time, we are also defining a target here: an average of 5 per cent annual inorganic growth until 2023. That is ambitious but realistic. I am looking forward to more years of rapid growth ahead!

Growth nowadays always means sustainable growth, too. The transition towards a sustainable economy is one of the most important tasks of our age. And we too consider it to be our responsibility. ESG is part of our corporate culture and our Group strategy. Not only are we continuously expanding our own sustainability reporting. We are also a member of the United Nations Global Compact and promote the implementation of its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti- corruption. Our indices and ratings help companies to become more sustainable and at the same time support investors seeking to invest in these companies. This was also one reason for our takeover of ISS, which plays a leading global role in sustainability ratings. Our own ESG product portfolio for trading completes the picture and continues to grow.

We at Deutsche Börse have proved to be a pillar of stability in the Covid-dominated year 2020, a time of great uncertainty and ensuing volatility. In the heat of the moment, there were some calls for radical political intervention in market mechanisms, but we refuted them calmly and knowledgeably, and so kept markets stable. That is our duty as a provider of market infrastructure. It also shows that policy- makers acknowledge the importance of capital markets and our role in them. That is something we appreciate, not least because we rely on political support to hold our ground in competition with the USA and Asia.

Dear shareholders, last year was a real test of character for all of us. I therefore thank you all the more for the trust that you have placed in us. In this context, I am particularly pleased that, for 2020, we can again propose an increase in the dividend – to €3.00 per share from €2.90 the previous year. This distribution leaves us enough scope to prepare the ground in 2021 for further growth by means of investment, mergers and acquisitions – from which you will benefit, too. Please do come with us on our journey – I am counting on you. Thank you!

Yours sincerely,

Theodor Weimer Chief Executive Officer

4 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards | The Executive Board Management report Financial statements Notes Further information

The Executive Board

Theodor Weimer, *1959 Heike Eckert, *1968 Dr. rer. pol. Graduate degree in Economics Wiesbaden (Diplom-Volkswirtin) Nationality: German Oberursel Chief Executive Officer, Nationality: German Deutsche Börse AG Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Börse AG, Christoph Böhm, *1966 responsible for HR (Director of Dr.-Ing. Labour Relations) & Compliance Hamburg Nationality: German Stephan Leithner, *1966 Member of the Executive Board Dr. oec. HSG and Chief Information Officer/ Bad Soden am Taunus Chief Operating Officer, Nationality: Austrian Deutsche Börse AG Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Börse AG, Thomas Book, *1971 responsible for Pre- & Post-Trading Dr. rer. pol. Kronberg im Taunus Gregor Pottmeyer, *1962 Nationality: German Graduate degree in Member of the Executive Board, Business Administration Deutsche Börse AG, (Diplom-Kaufmann) responsible for Trading & Clearing Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe Nationality: German Member of the Executive Board and Chief Financial Officer, Deutsche Börse AG

Former members of the Executive Board

Hauke Stars, *1967 (until 30.06.2020) Engineering degree in applied computer­ science (Diplom-Ingenieurin Informatik), MSc by research in Engineering Königstein im Taunus Nationality: German Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Börse AG, responsible for Cash Market, ­Pre-IPO & Growth Financing and Human Resources/Director of Labour Relations

As at 31 December 2020 (unless otherwise stated)

Detailed information about the members of the Executive Board and their appointments to super­visory bodies of other companies or comparable control bodies, as well as their CVs can be found on the internet under:

5 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards | The Supervisory Board Management report Financial statements Notes Further information

The Supervisory Board

Martin Jetter, *1959 Dr. Andreas Gottschling, *1967 Michael Rüdiger, *1964 Chairman Member of the Board of Directors Independent Management Senior Vice President & of Credit Suisse Group AG, ­Consultant, Utting am Ammersee Chairman IBM Europe, Zurich, Switzerland Nationality: German Madrid, Spain Nationality: German Board member Nationality: German Board member since 19 May 2020 Board member since 1 July 2020 since 24 May 2018 Carsten Schäfer,1) *1967 Susann Just-Marx,1) *1988 Expert, staff member in Jutta Stuhlfauth,1) *1961 Head of Sales Clearing Non-Financial Risk Deputy Chairwoman European Energy Deutsche Börse AG, Lawyer, M.B.A. (Wales) Exchange AG, Leipzig /Main Staff member in the Group Nationality: German Nationality: German Organisational­ Services Board member Board member Deutsche Börse AG, since 15 August 2018 since 28 August 2018 Frankfurt/Main Nationality: German Achim Karle,1) *1973 Charles G.T. Stonehill, *1958 Board member Staff member in the Equity & Green & Blue Advisors LLC, since 16 May 2012 Index Sales EMEA ­Founding Partner, New York Eurex Frankfurt AG, Frankfurt/Main Nationality: British, US-American Nadine Absenger,1) *1975 Nationality: German Board member Head of Legal and Legal Policy Board member since 8 May 2020 ver.di federal administration, since 28 August 2018 Berlin Clara-Christina Streit, *1968 Nationality: German Cornelis Johannes Independent Management Board member Nicolaas Kruijssen,1) *1963 ­Consultant, Bielefeld since 16 May 2018 Head of Service Desk & Nationality: German, US-American Onsite Support Board member Markus Beck,1) *1964 Deutsche Börse AG, since 8 May 2020 In-House Legal Counsel Frankfurt/Main Senior Expert, staff member Nationality: Dutch Gerd Tausendfreund,1) *1957 in the Corporate & Board member Trade union secretary in the Regulatory Legal since 15 August 2018 ­financial services department Deutsche Börse AG, ver.di Hesse region, Frankfurt/Main Barbara Lambert, *1962 Frankfurt/Main Nationality: German Independent Management Nationality: German Board member ­Consultant, La Rippe, Switzerland­ Board member since 15 August 2018 Nationality: German, Swiss since 16 May 2018 Board member Karl-Heinz Flöther, *1952 since 16 May 2018 Amy Yip, *1951 Independent Management Managing Partner ­Consultant, Kronberg im Taunus RAYS Capital Partners Limited, Nationality: German Hong Kong Board member Nationality: Chinese (Hong Kong) since 16 May 2012 Board member since 13 May 2015

1) Employee representative

6 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards | The Supervisory Board Management report Financial statements Notes Further information

Former members of the Supervisory­ Board

Dr. Joachim Faber, *1950 Independent Management ­Consultant, Grünwald Nationality: German Board member until 19 May 2020

Joachim Nagel, *1966 Deputy Head of Banking ­Department Bank for International Settlement (“BIS”) Nationality: German Board member until 30 June 2020

As at 31 December 2020 (unless otherwise stated)

Detailed information about the members of the Supervisory Board, their additional appointments to supervisory bodies of other companies or comparable control bodies, as well as their CVs can be found on the internet under

7 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board Management report Financial statements Notes Additional information

Report of the Supervisory Board

During the year under review, which was dominated by the global spread of COVID-19, Deutsche Börse AG’s Supervisory Board discussed the company’s position and prospects in depth, performing the tasks assigned to it by law and the company’s Articles of Association and bylaws. We regularly advised the Executive Board on its management of the company, monitored its work and were involved in all fundamental decisions.

In financial year 2020 we advised on the development of the Group strategy Compass 2023, which will continue the Roadmap 2020 strategy from 2021. On this basis we also revised the remuneration system for the members of the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG. The Supervisory Board was also regularly involved in an advisory capacity in the majority acquisition of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS) by Deutsche Börse AG and Deutsche Börse Group’s other activities to buy and sell companies or parts thereof. The Executive Board informed us on an ongoing basis about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Deutsche Börse Group.

At our meetings, the Executive Board provided us with comprehensive and timely information in accordance with the legal requirements. The high frequency of plenary and committee meetings and workshops ensured an active exchange of information between the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board. In addition, the CEO kept the Supervisory Board Chair continuously and regularly informed of the current developments affecting the company’s business, significant transactions, upcoming decisions and the long-term outlook and discussed these issues with him.

We held a total of eleven plenary meetings during 2020, including six extraordinary meetings. Four Supervisory Board workshops took place on the subjects of technology (March and June), strategy (April) and legal and compliance (September). All meetings and workshops were carried out as planned despite the travel and social restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to strict hygiene measures.

The average attendance rate for all Supervisory Board members at the plenary and committee meetings was 99 per cent during the year under review.

The Supervisory Board members’ detailed attendance record is as follows:


Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board anagement report inancial statements otes Additional information

Attendance of Supervisory Board members at meetings in

Meetings Attendance Attendance (Plenary and at plenary at committee committees) meetings meetings %

artin etter (hair since ay ) oachim aber (ember and hair until ay ) utta Stuhlfauth (Deputy hair) adine Absenger arkus Beck arlein löther Andreas Gottschling (since ul ) Susann ustar Achim arle ornelis ruissen Barbara ambert oachim agel (until un ) ichael diger (since ay ) arsten Schfer harles Stonehill larahristina Streit Gerd Tausendfreund Amy ip Average attendance rate1) 99

) Attending workshops is optional for Supervisory Board members. Workshop attendance is therefore not taken into account in the determination of the average attendance rate.

Topics addressed during plenary meetings of the Supervisory Board

In the reporting year we dealt intensively with the ongoing strategic direction of Deutsche Börse Group. The Supervisory Board was involved at an early stage in developing the Group strategy ompass . It advised the ecutive Board on all aspects of the strategy. In the reporting year this also included an update to the strategy to reflect the impact of the ID pandemic. or details on the growth strategy, please refer to the “Deutsche Börse Group’s objectives and strategies” section in the combined management report.

We have revised the remuneration system for the ecutive Board of Deutsche Börse AG. The structure and key variables of performance measurement were realigned with Deutsche Börse Group’s clear focus on profitable growth and the even greater importance of acuisitions and partnerships to achieve the growth targets set by ompass . We have designed a large part of variable ecutive Board remuneration to be longterm and dependent on achieving several sustainability targets relating to the environment, social matters and governance, known as SG criteria. The revised remuneration system adopted by the Supervisory Board was developed in close cooperation with internal and eternal stakeholders and will be presented to the Annual General eeting for approval on ay . lease refer to the “Remuneration report” section for details.


Deutsche Börse Group | Annualnnual report 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board anagement report inancial statements otes dditional information

n the reporting year we also looked closely at various eternal acuisitions and euity investments to epand and strengthen our business ne focus was on the majority acuisition of nstitutional hareholder ervices nc the main aim of which is to seie the global growth opportunities offered by the trend towards sustainable investments urthermore with the acuisition of uantitative Brokers we brought on board an innovative global fintech firm and we completed the takeover of the fund distribution business of B G to epand the nvestment und ervices segment

Another key area of the Supervisory Board’s work in the reporting year was the decisions taken on the future composition of the ecutive Board and the changes to the members of the ecutive Board and upervisory Board

t the beginning of the reporting year the upervisory Board etended Theodor Weimer’s term of office as Chair of Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board until 31 December 2024. The Supervisory Board appointed Heike Eckert as of 1 July 2020 as an ordinary member of Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board where she is responsible for the newly formed division uman Ressources and ompliance he appointment of the two ecutive Board members homas Book rading and learing and tephan eithner re and osttrading was etended by the upervisory Board until une t the end of the reporting year the upervisory Board also etended the appointment of hristoph Böhm until ctober By etending the appointments of the ecutive Board hair and three ecutive Board members in the reporting year we have ensured the continuity of the board’s composition t the same time we were able to bring eike ckert a longstanding manager at Deutsche Börse Group on to the ecutive Board lease refer to the “Personnel matters” section for details

fter the nnual General eeting of Deutsche Börse G on ay which had to take place for the first time online due to the D restrictions artin etter was elected hair of the upervisory Board as planned ichael Rdiger was elected to Deutsche Börse AG’s Supervisory Board by the nnual General eeting and ndreas Gottschling was appointed by court order lease refer to the “Personnel matters” section for details

n the year under review the upervisory Board again had regular and intensive discussions concerning ongoing proceedings by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Cologne regarding the conception and settlement implementation of securities transactions by market participants over the dividend date (cum/ex transactions). In the opinion of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, these market participants used such transactions to make unjustified ta refund claims hese investigation proceedings also target current and former employees of Deutsche Börse Group companies as well as eecutive board members of subsidiaries of Deutsche Börse G

nother important subject for the upervisory Board was the litigation and legal proceedings involving learstream Banking in the and uembourg in connection with ranian clients and assets

In 2020 we also dealt with Deutsche Börse Group’s preparations for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union (“Brexit”) and the related opportunities and risks he efficiency suitability and effectiveness of the internal control system and the handling of findings by internal control functions and eternal auditors and regulatory authorities were another important area of our work


Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board anagement report inancial statements otes Additional information

In addition, we prepared the change in the external auditors of Deutsche Börse AG due to take place in 2021, which is to be put to the vote at the Annual General eeting 2021.

In the period between October and December the Supervisory Board Chair met virtually with institutional investors and proxy advisers to discuss with them current governance topics relating to the Supervisory Board. These conversations centred on the restructuring of the remuneration system for the Executive Board on the basis of the new corporate strategy, personnel decisions concerning the Supervisory Board and Executive Board and the Supervisory Board’s efficiency initiative carried out in the course of the year. The Supervisory Board Chair summarised his dialogue with investors in the plenary meetings.

Our plenary meetings and workshops1 during the reporting period focused particularly on the following issues

In our ordinary meeting on 14 February 2020 we extended Theodor Weimer’s term of office as Chair of Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board until 31 December 2024. We also addressed in detail the preliminary results for the 201 financial year and the dividend proposed by the Executive Board for that year. ollowing a detailed examination we set the amount of the variable remuneration payable to the Executive Board for the 201 financial year. urthermore, we adopted the combined corporate governance statement and the corporate governance report 201. The Executive Board informed us in detail about the results of the staff survey carried out in late 201 and the implementation status of the H strategy measures. We also discussed succession planning for the senior management. The Executive Board informed us in a regular cycle about the status of crossdivisional client relationship management. inally we addressed the new reuirements for monitoring related party transactions in accordance with the Act to Implement the Second Shareholder ights Directive (AUG II).

In the Technology Workshop on 6 March 2020 we looked closely at the subects of machine learning and automation. This particularly focused on current use cases and initiatives at Deutsche Börse Group that will continue to shape the workplace of the future in this respect.

In the ordinary meeting on 6 March 2020 we appointed Heike Eckert, a longstanding manager at Deutsche Börse Group, to the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG with effect from 1 July 2020. We dealt with the 201 financial statements of Deutsche Börse AG and the 201 consolidated financial statements in the presence of the external auditors. We approved the 201 financial statements and consolidated financial statements, having carried out our own detailed examination, in line with the recommendation of the Audit Committee. The Committee had previously examined the documents in depth, in preparation for our meeting. We also adopted the report of the Supervisory Board for 201, the revised remuneration system for the Executive Board members from 2020 in accordance with section a Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and the agenda for the Annual General eeting 2020. The Executive Board informed us of the personnel situation in Deutsche Börse Group. The Executive Board also reported on the current status of the investigation proceedings into securities transactions by market participants over the dividend date (cum/ex transactions) and informed us in detail about the results of the effectiveness analysis for the existing control mechanisms which had been carried out in this context. In addition, the Executive Board informed us about the current status of litigation involving Clearstream Banking S.A. in the USA and uxembourg in connection with Iranian clients and assets. inally, we looked at the topic of sustainable finance and the Executive Board informed us about its concept for steering sustainability performance across the company by means of an ESG dashboard.

1 See also the explanations on training and development measures for the members of the Supervisory Board in the corporate governance statement.


Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board anaement report inancial statements otes Additional information

n the extraordinary meeting on 24 March 2020 e held a separate meetin to address the onoin CD1 situation in depth and then decided by a subseuent circulation procedure to hold the Annual General eetin 2020 completely online.

n another extraordinary meeting on 29 April 2020 e approved the refinancin of a maturin hybrid bond issued by Deutsche Börse AG. The Audit Committee had previously looed closely at this subect.

n the Strategy Workshop on 29 April 2020 e examined in detail and discussed the Group stratey drawn up by the Executive Board for the next three years (“Compass 2023”). The Executive Board also reported on the current and expected impact on Deutsche Börse Group of the CD1 pandemic includin its effect on certain forms of securities tradin. The Stratey Committee of the Supervisory Board had previously discussed the Compass 2023 Group stratey in detail at its meetin on arch 2020.

n the ordinary meeting on 19 May 2020 e discussed ith the Executive Board the upcomin Annual General eetin hich oachim aber Supervisory Board member and lonstandin Chair of Deutsche Börse AG’s Supervisory Board attended for the last time.

n the extraordinary meeting on 19 May 2020 e elected artin etter as the ne Chair of Deutsche Börse AG’s Supervisory Board. We also welcomed Michael Rüdiger as a new member of Deutsche Börse AG’s Supervisory Board and adopted chanes to the members of the Supervisory Board committees.

n another Technology Workshop on 17 June 2020 e looed at current trends in cybersecurity. Available technical options ere presented to support the or of the Supervisory Board durin CD 1 and the related travel and social restrictions.

n the ordinary meeting on 18 June 2020 e elected Andreas Gottschlin to succeed oachim ael on Deutsche Börse AG’s Supervisory Board and initiated his appointment by the competent district court. We discussed in detail the succession plannin for the Executive Board. nce aain e made extensive enuiries about the status uo of the investiation proceedins relatin to cumex transactions at Deutsche Börse Group discussin them ith the Executive Board. We dealt ith a revision of the process for ad hoc announcements folloin a chane in Bain’s ssuer Guidelines. We too an early loo at the preparation of the remuneration report for 2020 in liht of AG reuirements and the feedbac received on the remuneration system for the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG hich as approved at the Annual General eetin on 1 ay 2020.


Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board Management report inancial statements otes Additional information

n the ordinary meeting on 17 September 2020 we confirmed the reappointment of Thomas Boo and Stephan eithner and extended their contracts as Executive Board members until 30 une 202. The Executive Board informed us thoroughly about the potential acuisition of nstitutional Shareholder Services nc. (SS) and the upcoming disposal of Borsa taliana S.p.A. from the perspective of Deutsche Börse AG. We also discussed in detail the outline of a new remuneration system for Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board in view of the new Group strategy Compass 2023 particularly evaluating different implementation concepts and investor expectations. We again dealt with the status of investigation proceedings into cumex transactions and the litigation involving Clearstream Baning S.A. in the SA and uxembourg. The Supervisory Board Chair informed us in depth about the current status of the Supervisory Board’s efficiency initiative, which began in the second half of the year. The initiative is intended to increase the time available to individual Supervisory Board members to strengthen their advisory function for business and strategyrelated topics. inally we looed at the upcoming Supervisory Board elections and after review confirmed the ualification reuirements for the Supervisory Board.

n a Supervisory Board workshop on 17 September 2020 on legal and compliance topics we looed at the main aspects of corporate liability the management of conflicts of interest and aspects of the prevention of maret abuses.

n an extraordinary meeting on 28 October 2020 we approved the maority acuisition of nstitutional Shareholder Services nc. (SS) after a detailed review. The Executive Board also notified us of the updates to the Compass 2023 strategy made in response to the CD pandemic. n addition the Executive Board reported on the current status of litigation involving Clearstream Baning S.A. in the SA and uxembourg.

n the ordinary meeting on 3 December 2020 we adopted the budget for 202 reappointed Christoph Böhm and extended his contract as an Executive Board member until 3 ctober 202. The Executive Board reported in detail about the results of the annual staff survey. t also informed us about the implementation status of the personnel strategy and the revisions that had been made to the strategy to reflect CD. We gained an overview of the development of recently acuired companies and of the equity investments in the context of Deutsche Börse Group’s corporate venturing activities. We again dealt with the status of investigation proceedings into cumex transactions and the litigation involving Clearstream Baning S.A. in the SA and uxembourg in connection with ranian clients and assets. We discussed and adopted the results of our annual effectiveness review in accordance with section D.3 of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC) the annual suitability assessment of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board, as well as the upcoming year’s training plan for the Supervisory Board. urthermore we adopted the Declaration of Conformity pursuant to section Atiengeset (AtG German Stoc Corporation Act) for the 2020 financial year. The Declaration of Conformity can be downloaded at www.deutscheboerse.comdeclcompliance. We adopted amendments to the bylaws for the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board following the revision of the GCGC the Supervisory Board’s efficiency initiative and the Act to mplement the Second Shareholder Rights Directive (ARG ). n line with section D. GCGC the Chair of the Audit Committee notified the Supervisory Board of the procedure for assessing the uality of the audit of the financial statements and its result.


Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board anagement report inancial statements otes Additional information

At the extraordinary meeting on 16 December 2020, we primarily addressed issues regarding Executive Board remuneration. We adopted a new remuneration system for the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG to tae effect on anuary , along with the revised service contracts for Executive Board members to implement this new remuneration system, subect to approval by the Annual General eeting in . he Supervisory Board hair also reported in detail on his meetings with investors and proxy advisers in the course of the annual Governance oadshow. n addition we adopted the targets for the Executive Board for and looed at the draft of the remuneration report for .

n view of the D pandemic the Supervisory Board meetings solely took place at the company’s headquarters in the reporting year, using its existing videoconferencing technology. artin etter, the Supervisory Board hair, presented the agenda before each meeting and informed the Supervisory Board about current matters. At the end of each meeting the Supervisory Board members taled openly and effectively among themselves, without the Executive Board members, about the meeting itself and general topics.

ommittee wor

During the year under review, the Supervisory Board had seven committees at its disposal and, for a limited time only, another committee in the form of the hairman Selection ommittee. he hairman Selection ommittee dealt with preparations for the new election of the Supervisory Board hair after the Annual General eeting and was automatically dissolved once artin etter had been elected as the new Supervisory Board hair on ay . he committees are primarily responsible for preparing the decisions to be taen by, and topics to be discussed in, the plenary meetings. Additionally, the Supervisory Board has delegated individual decisionmaing powers to the committees, to the extent that this is legally permissible. he individual committee chairs reported in detail to the plenary meetings on the wor performed by their committees. he hair of the Supervisory Board chairs the omination ommittee, the Strategy ommittee, the Steering ommittee and the ediation ommittee. Details on the members and duties of the Supervisory Board committees in can be found in the “orporate Governance Statement” section of the combined management report. he committees focused on the following ey issues


Deutscheetsche Börsese opGroup | Annualnnal reportepot 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board anaement epot nancal statements otes tonal nomaton

Audit Committee (six meetings during the reporting period) ◼ nancal sses especally captal manaement an ta tems ◼ nancal epotn eamnaton n the pesence o the etenal atos o the annal nancal statements o etsche se an o the consolate nancal statements o the comne manaement epot an the at epot as ell as o the halyealy nancal epot an the ately statements ◼ tattoy atos otann the statement o nepenence om the etenal atos an monton the external auditors’ indepenence ssn the enaement lette to the etenal atos aeen the external auditors’ fee; defining the focal areas of the audit; discussing nonat seces enee y the etenal atos an the assnment o the etenal atos to conct an at o the comne nonnancal statement ◼ epaatons o the chane o etenal atos as o nancal yea ◼ ntenal contol systems scsson o estons elatn to sk manaement complance an captal maket complance the ntenal contol an at system scsson o the methos an systems se an the ecency aeacy an eecteness ◼ Deutsche Börse AG’s dividend and the Group’s budget ◼ Discussion and formal adoption of the Audit Committee’s tasks for the coming yea ◼ Preparation of the Supervisory Board’s resolution on the corporate governance and remuneration epots as ell as on the copoate oenance statement n accoance th secton o the anelsesetch eman ommecal oe an the eclaaton o conomty n accoance th secton o the kt ◼ eases to close ntenal an etenal at nns ◼ anaement o otsocn an contol ameoks o ntellectal popety ◼ anaement o elatoy chanes ◼ nestaton poceens elatn to cme tansactons ◼ epot on specc complance ats ◼ oamap to sppot the op statey ompass

Nomination Committee (twelve meetings during the reporting period) ◼ ecte oa emneaton scsson o the etent to hch the memes o the ecte oa ha achee the taets etemnaton o the aale emneaton o ecte oa memes o pelmnay scsson o the etent to hch nal memes o the ecte oa hae achee the taets o pepaaton o the aopton o the nal taets o the memes o the ecte oa o scsson o the emneaton epot an the eesn o the emneaton epot o ◼ esonnel mattes scsson o sccesson plannn o the ecte oa an sonate manaement leels pepaaton o a ecommenaton to the plenay meetn on appontn eke Eckert to Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board; preparaton o a ecommenaton to the plenay meetn to eappont homas ook tephan ethne an hstoph hm scsson o etenal pesoy oa manates hel y heoo eme an ake tas ◼ ee an pepaaton o a ecommenaton to the plenay meetn to ese the ecte oa emneaton system an ecte oa sece contacts ee o the appopateness o ecte Board remuneration, and of members’ pensionable income ◼ epaatons o the electon o the shaehole epesentates to the pesoy oa y the onay nnal eneal eetn seach an peselecton y shaehole epesentate o a sccesso to oachm ae as pesoy oa meme o the pesoy oa ha see haman electon ommttee pepaaton o ne electons to the pesoy oa o the cot appontment o a pesoy oa meme ◼ ealn th the stalty assessment eecteness ee an tann schele ◼ scsson o the eslts o the annal sta sey


Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board anagement report inancial statements otes Additional information

◼ eport on the Governance oadsho by the Supervisory Board Chair, also on investor expectations of a ne remuneration system for the Executive Board

Risk Committee (five meetings during the reporting period, including one joint meeting with the Technology Committee) ◼ Discussion about the uarterly compliance and risk management reports ◼ ngoing enhancements to Groupide compliance and risk management and the harmonisation of internal control systems ◼ Deutsche Börse Group’s risk strategy and risk culture ◼ perational risk, information security and business continuity management ◼ isk management in Eurex and Clearstream subgroups ◼ mpact of potential Brexit scenarios ◼ mplemenation of ne regulatory reuirements ◼ ntegration ithin the scope of company acuisitions ◼ noyourcustomer processes at the Clearstream and Eurex subgroups ◼ Discussion of open audit findings and plan of action to address them ◼ Determining the risk appetite of Deutsche Börse Group for ◼ Discussion of the C oadmap and the related plan of action ◼ Discussion of the CSDcompliant Eurex buyin agent service ◼ Deutsche Börse Group’s recovery and resolution plans ◼ Discussion of topics relating to tax risk

Strategy Committee (one meeting during the reporting period) ◼ Discussion of the mediumterm groth strategy of Deutsche Börse Group Compass

Technology Committee (four meetings during the reporting period, including one joint meeting with the Risk Committee) ◼ Ongoing development of Deutsche Börse Group’s IT strategy and implementation of a holistic technology transformation ◼ Discussion of big data initiatives and the use of artificial intelligence ◼ Discussion of cloud computing, cloud partners and security strategies ◼ he digital orkplace under CD ◼ Discussion of data security, the Cloud Act and the data centre strategy ◼ nformation security, risk management and cyber resilience ◼ Discussion of malfunctions in the system and measures taken ◼ ntroduction of the A analytics platform ◼ Discussion of postmerger integration of the BS fund distribution platform ondcenter AG

Chairman Selection Committee (all meetings held in 2019) ◼ Preparations for the ne election of the Supervisory Board Chair after the Annual General eeting

Chairman’s Committee (no meeting during the reporting period) he Chairman’s Committee convenes on the initiative of the Chair of the Supervisory Board; it deals ith timesensitive affairs and prepares the corresponding Supervisory Board plenary meetings here as no need for the Chairman’s Committee to hold a meeting during the year under revie


Deutsche Börse Group | Annualnnual report 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board anagement report inancial statements otes dditional information

iain Cmmi n mins rin h rrin ri The ediation Committee is set up y la ursuant to section of the itestG it sumits proposals to the upervisory Board for the appointment or dismissal of ecutive Board memers hen a tothirds maority has not een reached The ediation Committee only convenes as reuired There as no need for the ediation Committee to hold a meeting during the year under revie

udit of the annual and consolidated financial statements

G G irtschaftsprfungsgesellschaft domiciled in Berlin G audited the annual financial statements of Deutsche Börse G the consolidated financial statements and the comined management report including the comined nonfinancial statement for the financial year ended Decemer together ith the accounting system and issued an unualified audit opinion The condensed financial statements and interim management report contained in the halfyearly financial report for the first si months of ere revieed y G The documents relating to the financial statements and the reports y G ere sumitted to us for inspection and eamination in good time The lead auditors lauslrich feiffer and venOlaf eit attended the relevant meetings of the udit Committee and the plenary meeting of the upervisory Board convened to approve the financial statements The auditors reported on the key results of the audit in particular they focused on the net assets financial position and results of operation of the company and the Group and ere availale to provide supplementary information The audit of compliance ith all relevant statutory provisions and regulatory reuirements did not give rise to any oections G provided information on other services that it had rendered in addition to its audit services There were no grounds for suspecting that the auditors’ independence might e impaired

The udit Committee discussed the financial statement documents and the reports y G in detail ith the auditors and eamined them carefully itself It is satisfied that the reports meet the statutory reuirements under sections and of the GB in particular The committee reported to the upervisory Board on its eamination and recommended that it approves the annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements

Our on eamination – during a plenary meeting – of the annual financial statements consolidated financial statements and the comined management report including the nonfinancial statement did not lead to any oections and e concurred ith the results of the audit performed y the auditors e therefore approved the result of the audit e approved the annual financial statements prepared y the ecutive Board and the consolidated financial statements at our meeting on arch , in line with the Audit Committee’s recommendation. As a result, the annual financial statements of Deutsche Börse AG have been adopted. The Audit Committee discussed the Executive Board’s proposal for the appropriation of the unappropriated surplus Bilangeinn in detail ith the ecutive Board The discussion covered company’s liquidity, its financial planning and shareholders’ interests. olloing this discussion and its on eamination the udit Committee concurred ith the ecutive Board’s proposal for the use of appropriation of the unappropriated surplus fter eamining this ourselves, the plenary meeting of the Supervisory Board also approved the Executive Board’s proposal.


Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board anagement report inancial statements otes Additional information

ersonnel matters

The following personnel changes were made to the Supervisory Board during the reporting period

n line with the articles of association the Supervisory Board consists of sixteen members. ichael diger and Andreas Gottschling were elected or appointed by the court as two of the eight shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board.

ichael diger succeeds oachim aber, who stepped down from the Supervisory Board with effect from the close of the Annual General eeting on ay . artin etter was elected as Supervisory Board Chair in an extraordinary Supervisory Board meeting on ay .

Andreas Gottschling succeeds oachim agel who stepped down from the Supervisory Board with effect from une .

ur most sincere thans go to oachim aber and oachim agel for their creative and constructive wor on the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Börse AG. e also than oachim aber for his exceptional leadership of the Supervisory Board as its Chair since .

ichael diger and Andreas Gottschling received a detailed introduction to their wor for the Supervisory Board.

The following personnel changes were made with regard to the Executive Board in .

aue Stars resigned as a member of Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board as of 30 June 2020, before her contract ended. e appointed eie Ecert to the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG with effect from uly . She is responsible for the newly formed division uman esources and Compliance. eie Ecert has many years of managerial experience. She has wored for Deutsche Börse Group in Germany and abroad since , most recently as Deputy Chair of the Executive Board and Chief perating fficer of Eurex Clearing AG.

e than aue Stars for her responsible and highly successful wor.

The Supervisory Board also too important decisions about the future composition of the Executive Board.

At the beginning of the year the Supervisory Board extended Theodor Weimer’s term of office as Chair of Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board until 31 December 2024. In addition, the Supervisory Board extended the appointment of the two Executive Board members Thomas Boo Trading and Clearing and Stephan eithner re and osttrading until une , and the appointment of Christoph Böhm CC until ctober .


Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive Board and Supervisory Board | Report of the Supervisory Board anaement report inancial statements otes Additional information

anaement of individual conflicts of interest

o conflicts of interest arose ith reard to individual Supervisory Board members durin the reportin period.

The Supervisory Board ould lie to than the Executive Board and all employees for their stron commitment and achievements in 2020, hich the CID1 pandemic made particularly challenin.

ranfurt am ain, arch 2021 for the Supervisory Board

artin Jetter Chair of the Supervisory Board


Combined management report

21 Fundamental information about the Group

32 Report on economic position

52 Report on post-balance sheet date events

53 Combined non-financial statement

74 Risk report

105 Report on opportunities

109 Report on expected developments

112 Deutsche Börse AG

(disclosures based on the HGB)

118 Remuneration report

152 Corporate governance statement Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report | Fundamental information about the Group Financial statements Notes Further information

Combined management report

This combined management report covers both Deutsche Börse Group and Deutsche Börse AG and includes the combined non-financial statement according to the CSR Directive. It follows the requirements of the Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB, German Commercial Code) and the Deutscher Rechnungslegungs Standard Nr. 20 (DRS 20, German Accounting Standard No. 20).

Fundamental information about the Group

Overview of Deutsche Börse Group

Business operations and Group structure Deutsche Börse AG, which is headquartered in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, is the parent company of Deutsche Börse Group. As at 31 December 2020, Deutsche Börse Group employed a total of 7,238 staff (31 December 2019: 6,775), from 110 nationalities at 43 locations around the globe. As one of the largest providers of market infrastructure worldwide, the Group offers a broad product and service range to its clients. These cover the entire financial market transaction process chain: from the provision of market information, indices and analytical solutions (pre-trading), the trading and clearing services on which these are based, and the settlement of transactions right through to the custody of securities and funds, as well as services for liquidity and collateral management (post-trading). The Group also develops and operates the IT systems that support all of these processes.

Deutsche Börse AG markets the price and reference data of the systems and platforms of Deutsche Börse Group as well as any other trading-relevant information. In addition, it develops and markets indices and analytics solutions via its subsidiary Qontigo GmbH. Furthermore, Deutsche Börse AG operates the Eurex® Exchange futures and options market via Eurex Frankfurt AG. Commodities spot and derivatives markets are operated by the Group’s direct subsidiary European Energy Exchange AG (EEX). Via its subsidiary 360 Treasury Systems AG (360T), Deutsche Börse AG offers a platform for foreign exchange trading. The Group also operates the cash market at Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse ( – FWB®), with its fully electronic trading venue Xetra®, as well as offering trading in structured products (certificates and warrants) in Germany via the Börse Frankfurt Zertifikate AG exchange. The Group also offers clearing services for the cash equities and derivatives markets (Eurex Clearing AG). All post-trading services that Deutsche Börse Group provides for securities are handled by Clearstream Holding AG and its subsidiaries (Clearstream Holding group). These include transaction settlement, the administration and custody of securities, as well as services for investment funds and global securities financing. Deutsche Börse AG and Clearstream Services S.A. develop and operate Deutsche Börse Group’s technological infrastructure.

Deutsche Börse Group's full group of consolidated entities is set out in note 33 to the consolidated financial statements.

211 eutsche rse Group Annual report

Executive and upervisory oards Management report | Fundamental information about the Group inancial statements otes urther information

Reporting segments eutsche rse Groups business is divided into seven segments Eurex (financial derivatives) EEX (commodities) (foreign exchange) Xetra (cash euities) learstream (posttrading) (investment fund services) and ontigo (index and analytics business).

This structure serves as a basis for the Group’s internal management and financial reporting (see the following table entitled “Deutsche Börse Group’s reporting segments” for details).

Deutsche Börse Group’s reporting segments Reporting segment Business areas Eurex (financial derivatives) ▪ Electronic trading of derivatives (Eurex Exchange) ▪ Eurex epo trading platform ▪ electronic clearing architecture ▪ entral counterparty for on and offexchange derivatives and repo transactions ▪ arketing of licences for trading and market signals ▪ inkup of trading participants EEX (commodities) ▪ Electronic trading of electricity and gas products as ell as emission rights (EEX group) ▪ entral counterparty for traded cash market and derivative products (foreign exchange) ▪ Electronic trading of foreign exchange () ▪ entral counterparty for and exchangetraded derivatives Xetra (cash euities) ▪ ash market ith the trading venues Xetra rse rankfurt and radegate ▪ entral counterparty for euities and bonds ▪ isting ▪ arketing of licences for trading and market signals ▪ inkup of trading participants ▪ echnology solutions for external customers learstream (posttrading) ▪ ustody and settlement of securities ▪ ervices for global securities finance and collateral management as ell as secured money market transactions repo and securities lending transactions (investment fund services) ▪ nvestment fund services (order routing settlement and custody) ▪ nvestment fund distribution services (learstream und entre) ontigo (index and analytics ▪ evelopment and marketing of indices (XX and AX) business) ▪ nnovative portfolio management and risk analysis softare

22 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report

ecutive and upervisor Boards Management report | Fundamental information about the Group inancial statements otes urther information

Management The governing bodies of Deutsche Börse G which is a German stoc corporation are the nnual General eeting the upervisor Board and the ecutive Board each of which has its own areas of responsibilit.

The nnual General eeting rules on the appropriation of distributable profit appoints the shareholder representatives on the upervisor Board and discharges the ecutive Board and the upervisor Board of liabilit. n addition it rules on euit issuance and other matters governed b the tiengeset tG German toc orporation ct).

The upervisor Board appoints supervises and advises the members of the ecutive Board and is directl involved in decisions of fundamental importance to the Group. dditionall it approves the consolidated financial statements prepared b the ecutive Board. embers of the upervisor Board are appointed for a period of three ears although the nnual General eeting ma determine a shorter term of office when electing members. s Deutsche Börse G has more than emploees in German members of the upervisor Board must be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the itbestimmungsgeset German oDetermination ct). Deutsche Börses upervisor Board comprises eight shareholder representatives and eight emploee representatives in order to meet the growing demands placed upon upervisor Board members in connection with the ompans growth and that of the Group as a whole particularl with regard to the diversit and internationalisation of upervisor Board wor. urther details can be viewed in the orporate governance statement section.

The ecutive Board manages the compan at its own responsibilit the hief ecutive fficer ) coordinates the activities of the ecutive Board members. n the financial ear the ecutive Board of Deutsche Börse G comprised si members. The remuneration sstem and the remuneration paid to individual members of the ecutive Board of Deutsche Börse G is eplained in more detail in the remuneration report.

Organisational structure The responsibilities of the hief ecutive fficer ) include the Groups strateg activities communications legal affairs as well as regulator matters and Group udit. The duties of the hief inancial fficer ) comprise among other things financial reporting and controlling ris management treasur and investor relations. The Trading learing division covers derivatives trading and the clearing houses of Deutsche Börse Group. The electronic foreign echange trading platform T the Group and the cash maret with its trading venues etra ranfurt toc change and the certificates and warrants business also report to this ecutive Board function. The division is also responsible for building up a pre maret and establishing tools for growth financing. The re and ostTrading division includes the settlement and custody business and Clearstream’s collateral management as well as the reporting segments nvestment und ervices) and the inde and analtics business ontigo). The ecutive Board division for ompliance is responsible for the Group’s human resources and compliance division. The Chief Information Officer/Chief Operating Officer ) function combines Deutsche Börse Groups T activities and maret operations. Technological transformation and digitalisation are the e areas of focus for this division.

23 eutsche rse Group nnual report

ecutive and upervisory oards Management report | Fundamental information about the Group inancial statements otes urther information

Objectives and strategies

Deutsche Börse Group’s objectives and strategies Deutsche Börse Group is one of the largest market infrastructure providers worldwide. The Group’s business model contributes to the stability efficiency and integrity of capital marets. This benefits issuers in the form of lo costs of raising capital and investors in the form of high liuidity and lo transaction costs. t the same time eutsche rse stands for transparent secure capital marets in hich organised trading is based on free price formation.

eutsche rse Groups business model is geared toards a diversified product and service offer that covers the entire value chain of financial market transactions. The Group’s diversified business model is based on the folloing ey elements

◼ Integrating different financial maret services such as trading clearing settlement securities custody maret data services liuidity and collateral management as ell as inde and analytics solutions

◼ roviding these services for various asset classes such as euities bonds funds commodities foreign echange interest rates and derivatives products based on these underlyings

◼ eveloping and operating proprietary electronic systems for all processes along the value creation chain

◼ Organising an impartial maretplace to ensure orderly supervised trading ith fair price formation plus providing ris management services

In order to maintain and epand its leading position among echange organisations eutsche rse Group pursued “Roadmap 2020” growth strategy from 2018 onwards. Deutsche Börse focused on generating secular organic groth hile accelerating groth through acuisitions in five defined business areas. In this period eutsche rse Group epected average groth in net income based on these secular drivers of at least per cent p.a. ith regard to adusted net profit for the period attributable to eutsche rse G shareholders the Group targeted an average annual groth rate of to per cent over the same period. y the close of financial year the Group had achieved all the targets set in its oadmap . et revenue rose by around per cent p.a. on average and adusted net profit by an average of per cent. In this period the Group also successfully completed several transactions such as the acuisition of ioma Inc. or ondcenter G from as ell as reporting significant progress on its investment in ne technologies such as cloud computing and digital ledger technology.

On ovember eutsche rse published its ne mediumterm groth strategy Compass hich defines the strategic direction and targets for the years ahead. mong the most important organic groth drivers are the trend from overthecounter OTC to onechange trading G the increasing importance of the buyside passive investments and the digitisation of the financial sector. Groth by is also set to accelerate. eutsche rse is aiming for overall groth in net revenue of per cent p.a. on average. Organic initiatives and are each intended to contribute groth of around per cent. arnings before interest ta depreciation and amortisation IT and earnings per share should also rise by an average of per cent p.a.

24 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report 2020

ecutive and upervisory Boards Management report | Fundamental information about the Group inancial statements otes urther information

ompass 202 targets Objectives and Based on 2019 strategies €m Compass 2023

et revenue 2.0 10 p. a. arnings before interest ta depreciation and amortisation BTD reported 18. 10 p. a. arnings per share reported €5.47 10 p. a.

s part of an ongoing process the Group is reviewing its organic growth initiatives focusing in particular on epansion into markets and asset classes characterised by structural growth while attaching great importance to ensuring that the initiatives launched are implemented in a consistent successful manner. ey initiatives and growth drivers are described in the opportunities report. oreover the remuneration system for the ecutive Board and eecutive staff has created a number of incentives for growth in the individual business divisions. lease refer to the remuneration report for a detailed description of all targets. s far as eternal growth opportunities are concerned the focus is on strengthening eisting highgrowth areas and on eploring new asset classes and services.

mong the factors that have a significant impact on Deutsche Börse Groups organic growth are

◼ Regulatory reuirements of all market participants if regulatory initiatives such as R iR and RRRD strengthen the role of echanges this will also benefit Deutsche Börse Group.

◼ tructural changes in the financial markets e.g. trading activity increases if investment funds make greater use of derivatives to implement their trading strategies.

◼ nnovative strength if Deutsche Börse Group succeeds in continuously introducing new products and services for which there is market demand the Group will be in a position to further epand its business.

◼ The cyclical nature of financial markets or eample increased stock market volatility typically leads to higher levels of trading in the cash and derivatives markets and rising interest rates tend to drive up net interest income and trading volumes in interest rate derivatives.

Deutsche Börse Group is committed to maintaining transparent reliable and liuid financial markets although it cannot control the volume drivers for these markets i.e. cyclical factors. The Group can influence the other factors either wholly or partially for instance it can lobby for a favourable legal framework for the financial markets, or it can develop products and services that support clients’ business. This also enables it to reduce dependence on those cyclical factors beyond its control.

anageent approach or a Groupide coitent to sustainabiit ne of Deutsche Börse Groups obectives and strategies is to take a holistic approach to corporate responsibility. ts management approach is therefore guided by two actionled principles that aim to sustainably strengthen and preserve the value that Deutsche Börse Group adds to the economy and society

25 eutsche rse roup nnual report

ecutive and upervisor oards Management report | Fundamental information about the Group inancial statements otes urther information

◼ uildin trust eutsche rse roup aims to oranise the capital markets in a wa that ensures their interit, transparenc and securit he availailit of hihualit information is a ke aspect in this process and somethin that the roup is workin on constantl to enhance n this contet, providin sustainailit information is as sinificant as enain in a constructive dialoue on the future viailit of the international capital markets with our customers ut also with the eneral pulic ◼ eadin eample s a listed service provider, eutsche rse roup aims to ensure that its own corporate activities are conducted responsil and with a view to the future n addition, the roup pursues a sustainale human resources polic and is committed to the environment and hence to conservin resources t enhances its commitment to sustainailit and related reportin on an onoin asis in order to estalish itself as a lonterm role model on the market ◼ ncreasin pulic awareness he roup is part of civil societ and as such has a responsiilit towards it t is committed to fulfillin this role oth in erman and in its international locations t sstematicall ases its actions on local reuirements and, as a ood corporate citien, takes part in lonterm cooperative initiatives aimed at strenthenin structures in the nonprofit sector

n , eutsche rse estalished a roup ustainailit oard to continuousl develop the roup wide sustainailit strate alon the entire value chain and advise the ecutive oard on sustainailit issues he oard convenes twice a ear and in its memers comprised twelve representatives of the ecutive oard divisions, plus the ead of roup ustainailit and one ecutive oard memer

nterna anageent

anageent sstes Deutsche Börse Group’s internal management system is generally based on key performance indicators taken from the consolidated income statement net revenue, operatin costs ecludin depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses roup net profit for the period attriutale to eutsche rse shareholders, as well as on various parameters derived from the consolidated statement of financial position and the consolidated statement of cash flows cash flows from operatin activities, liuidit, euit less intanile assets n addition, the sstem includes ke performance indicators derived from the income statement and alance sheet net det ratio and return on shareholders equity). Details on the components of the income statement are shown in the table “onsolidated income statement”. As of financial year 2021 the company no longer adjusts the performance indicators in the consolidated income statement for eceptional items, and so will onl use the reported fiures, includin all influencin factors for manaement purposes in future

The most important performance indicators for managing the Group’s results of operations are secular net revenue rowth, and earnins per share he main performance indicators derived from the statement of financial position and the statement of cash flows include cash flows from operatin activities and euit less intanile assets n addition, eutsche rse roup aims to hold sufficient liuidit to e ale to meet all of the roups pament oliations when due here is no set taret for the Group’s management KPI of equity less intangible assets; rather, the objective is to maintain a positive fiure

t roup level, a net det ratio not eceedin and free funds from operations relative to net det reater than or eual to per cent is also tareted in order to achieve the minimum financial risk profile consistent with the current ratin in accordance with loal atins methodolo n addition, an interest coverae ratio of at least is tareted for eutsche rse roup usin this methodolo

26 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020

ecutive and upervisory Boards Management report | Fundamental information about the Group inancial statements otes urther information

Group projects are prioritised and steered using strategic and financial criteria, taking projectspecific risks into account. The main criterion used to assess the strategic attractiveness of projects is their epected) contribution to the strategic objectives for Deutsche Börse Group and its business areas. The main financial criteria are key performance indicators such as net present value P), the payback period and the return after ta, which are calculated on the basis of the project or business plans. isks are monitored at all levels of project work, i.e. both when prioritising and steering projects and during ongoing project management.

Details concerning the nonfinancial performance indicators used by Deutsche Börse Group are outlined in the “ombined nonfinancial statement” section.

nterna contro sste as part o the inancia reporting process Deutsche Börse has established a Groupwide internal control system I). The I comprises rules to manage the company’s activities as well as guidelines defining how compliance with these rules is monitored. The principles of the Groupwide I are also applied in partially decentralied units of Deutsche Börse Group. onitoring tasks are implemented through processintegrated measures such as organisational safeguards and controls) as well as through processindependent measures. All business divisions are responsible for ensuring that Groupwide I requirements are met in their respective areas of responsibility.

The purpose of the accountingrelated I is to ensure orderly accounting practices. The central inancial Accounting and ontrolling A) division, together with decentralised units acting on the requirements set out by A, are responsible for preparing the accounts at Deutsche Börse AG and its consolidated subsidiaries. Group Ta is responsible for determining ta items for accounting purposes. The relevant department heads are responsible for the related processes, including effective security and control measures. The aim is to ensure that risks relating to the accounting process are identified early on, so that remedial action can be taken in good time.

In order to assure uniform and consistent accounting, A provides regularly updated accounting manuals and guidelines and work instructions for the material accounting processes – as part of the preparation of the annual and consolidated financial statements of Deutsche Börse AG. All employees in the A area, as well as in decentral units, have access to these documents and the accounting and account assignment guidelines, allowing them to see for themselves the scope of managerial discretion and accounting options Deutsche Börse Group eercises.

oreover, Deutsche Börse Group continuously monitors and analyses changes in the accounting environment and adjusts its processes in line with them. This applies in particular to national and international accounting standards.

27 eutsche se oup nnual epot

ecutive and upevisoy oads Management report | Fundamental information about the Group inancial statements otes uthe infomation

nothe ey component of the is the pinciple of segegation of duties tass and authoities ae clealy assigned and sepaated fom each othe in oganisational tems ncompatile tass – such as modifying maste data on the one hand and issuing payment instuctions on the othe – ae stictly segegated at a functional level n independent contol unit gants individual employees access ights to the accounting system and continuously monitos these pemissions using a socalled incompatiility mati ansactions ae initially ecoded in the geneal ledge o the appopiate su ledges on the asis of the chat of accounts and the account allocation guidelines

ao eutsche se oup susidiaies maintain and consolidate thei geneal ledges in the same system ccounting data fom othe companies is uploaded fo inclusion in the consolidated financial statements iailities epenses and income fo individual tansactions ae ecoded in sepaate accounts unde the name of the countepaty concened ny consolidation diffeences ae eviewed centally and sent to the accounting depatments of the companies concened fo claification

he pocesses systems and contols descied aove aim to povide easonale assuance that the accounting system complies with the applicale pinciples and laws n addition ompliance and ntenal udit act as a futhe line of defence pefoming isased pocessindependent contols on whethe the is appopiate and effective he ecutive oad and the udit ommittee estalished y the upevisoy oad eceive egula epots on the effectiveness of the with espect to the financial epoting pocess

aeoverreated discosures

Discosures in accordance ith sections a and a o the Geran oercia ode GB prior version and epanator notes n accodance with sections a and a of the eman ommecial ode andelsgesetuch pio vesion in conunction with section sentence of the ntoductoy ct to the eman ommecial ode infhungsgeset um andelsgesetuch eutsche se heey maes the following disclosues as at eceme

The share capital of Deutsche Börse AG amounted to €190.0 million on the aovementioned epoting date and was composed of million nopa value egisteed shaes hee ae no othe classes of shaes esides these odinay shaes

The share capital has been contingently increased by up to €17.8 million y issuing up to million nopa value egisteed shaes contingent capital he contingent capital incease will only e implemented to the etent that holdes of convetile onds o of waants attaching to onds with waants issued y the ompany o y a oup company in the peiod until ay on the asis of the authoisation ganted to the ecutive oad y esolution of the nnual eneal eeting of ay on tem of the agenda eecise thei convesion o option ights that they meet thei convesion o option oligations o that shaes ae tendeed and no othe means ae used to settle such ights o oligations oe details can e found in ticle of the ticles of ssociation of eutsche se

he ecutive oad is only awae of those estictions on voting ights that aise fom the tiengeset t eman toc opoation ct hose shaes affected y section t ae theefoe ecluded fom voting ights uthemoe shaes held y eutsche se as teasuy shaes ae eempted fom the eecise of any ights accoding to section t


Management report | Fundamental information about the Group

capital by up to a total of €13.3 the Supervisory Board, the Executive Board may exclude shareholders’ pre shareholders’ pre authorisation and that exclude shareholders’ pre capital. Full authorisation, and particularly the conditions under which shareholders’ pre

o increase the share capital by up to a total of €19.0 Board is authorised to exclude shareholders’ total number of shares issued under exclusion of shareholders’ pre Executive Board may only exclude shareholders’ pre issued during the term of authorisation and that exclude shareholders’ pre shareholders’ pre

29 eutsche Brse roup nnual report

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report | Fundamental information about the Group inancial statements otes urther information

n addition, the Executive Board is authorised to increase the share capital by up to a total of €19.0 million on one or more occasions in the period up to ay , subect to the approval of the Supervisory Board, by issuing ne nopar value registered shares in exchange for cash contributions authorised capital Shareholders must be granted preemptive rights, hich the Executive Board can exclude, subect to the approval of the Supervisory Board, only for fractional amounts oever, according to the authorisation, the Executive Board may only exclude shareholders’ preemptive rights if the total number of shares that are issued during the term of authorisation and that exclude shareholders’ preemptive rights does not exceed per cent of the share capital he exact content of this authorisation is derived from rticle of the rticles of ssociation of eutsche Brse

urthermore, the Executive Board is authorised to increase the share capital by up to a total of €6.0 million on one or more occasions in the period up to ay , subect to the approval of the Supervisory Board, by issuing ne nopar value registered shares against cash andor noncash contributions authorised capital Shareholders must be granted preemptive rights unless the Executive Board maes use of the authorisation granted to it to exclude such rights, subect to the approval of the Supervisory Board. The Executive Board is authorised to exclude shareholders’ pre emptive rights for fractional amounts ith the approval of the Supervisory Board oever, according to the authorisation, the Executive Board may only exclude shareholders preemptive rights if the total number of shares issued during the term of the authorisation, excluding preemptive rights, does not exceed per cent of the share capital ull authorisation is derived from rticle of the rticles of ssociation of eutsche Brse

he Executive Board is authorised to acuire treasury shares up to per cent of the share capital oever, the acuired shares, together ith any treasury shares acuired for other reasons that are held by the ompany or attributed to it in accordance ith sections a et se of the t, may at no time exceed per cent of the Company’s share capital. The authorisation to acuire treasury shares is valid until ay and may be exercised by the company in full or in part on one or more occasions oever, it may also be exercised by dependent companies, by companies in hich eutsche Brse holds a maority interest or by third parties on its or their behalf he Executive Board may elect to acuire the shares on the stoc exchange, via a public tender offer addressed to all shareholders or via a public reuest for offers of sale addressed to the company’s shareholders, (3) by issuing tender rights to shareholders or using derivatives put options, call options, forard purchases or a combination of put options, call options and forard purchases he full and exact ording of the authorisation to acuire treasury shares, and particularly the permissible uses to hich the shares may be put, can be found in items and of the agenda for the nnual eneral eeting held on ay

he folloing material agreements of the ompany are subect to a changeofcontrol clause folloing a taeover bid

◼ n arch , eutsche Brse and its subsidiary learstream Baning S entered into a multicurrency revolving facility agreement ith a baning syndicate for a oring capital credit totalling up to €750.0 million f there is a change of control, the credit relationship beteen eutsche Brse and the lenders can be revieed in negotiations ithin a period of no more than days n this process, each lender has the right, at its on discretion, to terminate its credit commitment and demand partial or full repayment of the amounts oing to it change of control occurs if eutsche Brse no longer directly or indirectly holds the maority of learstream Baning S or if a person or a group of persons acting in concert acuires more than per cent of the voting shares of eutsche Brse

30 eutsche Brse roup nnual report

Executive and upervisory Boards Management report | Fundamental information about the Group inancial statements otes urther inormation

◼ Under the terms of Deutsche Börse AG’s €600.0 million ixedrate ond issue (hyrid ond), eutsche Brse has a termination riht in the event o a chane o control (as deined in the terms o the ond), hich, i exercised, entitles eutsche Brse to redeem the onds at par, plus accrued interest eutsche Brse does not exercise this termination riht, the aected onds’ coupon ill increase y an additional asis points per annum chane o control occurs i a person or a roup o persons actin in concert, or third parties actin on their ehal, has or have acuired more than per cent o the shares o eutsche Brse or the numer o eutsche Brse shares reuired to exercise more than per cent o the votin rihts at nnual eneral eetins o eutsche Brse n addition, the relevant ond terms reuire that the chane o control must adversely aect the lonterm rating given to Deutsche Börse AG by Moody’s Investors Services, Inc., loal atins or itch atins imited urther details can e ound in the applicale ond terms ◼ The terms of the €500.0 million ixedrate onds , the €600.0 million ixedrate onds 2018/2028, and the €600.0 million ixedrate onds , hich ere all issued y eutsche Brse , all ive the respective ondholders a termination riht in the event o a chane o control (as deined in the terms o the respective ond) these termination rihts are exercised, the onds are repayale at par plus any accrued interest chane o control occurs i a person or a roup o persons actin in concert, or third parties actin on their ehal, has or have acuired more than per cent o the shares o eutsche Brse or the numer o eutsche Brse shares reuired to exercise more than per cent o the votin rihts at nnual eneral eetins o eutsche Brse n addition, the respective ond terms reuire that the chane o control must adversely aect the ratin iven to one of the preferential unsecured debt instruments of Deutsche Börse AG by Moody’s Investors ervices, nc, loal atins or itch atins imited urther details can e ound in the applicale ond terms ◼ Based on the previous remuneration system or Executive Board memers presented to the nnual eneral eetin , under certain conditions the Executive Board memers o eutsche Brse have a special termination riht in the event o a chane o control ccordin to the areements made ith all Executive Board memers, a chane o control occurs i () a shareholder or third party discloses possession o more than per cent o the votin rihts in eutsche Brse in accordance ith sections 33 and 3 o the erman ecurities radin ct (p), () an intercompany areement in accordance ith ection o the t is entered into ith eutsche Brse as a dependent company, or eutsche Brse is asored in accordance ith section 3 o the t, or (3) eutsche Brse is mered in accordance ith ection o the erman ransormation ct (m)

n addition, individual service contracts ith Executive Board memers include areements on compensation in the event o a chane o control uch areements are no loner provided or in the remuneration system or Executive Board memers presented or approval to the nnual eneral eetin or in the remuneration system to e presented to the nnual eneral eetin description o the existin areements as ell as the chanes in the remuneration systems can e ound in the remuneration report

31 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

ecutive and upervisory Boards Management report | Report on economic position inancial statements otes urther information

eport on economic position

acroeconoic and sectorspeciic environent

Macroeconomic conditions continue to have an influence on the business development of Deutsche Börse Group despite the roin importance of structural roth factors he main factor affectin financial year as the outbrea of the ovid pandemic its lobal economic impact and the challenes of dealin ith the virus and its containment his had a massive impact on the macroeconomic environment he folloin aspects are particularly noteorthy

▪ the massive slodon in the lobal economy particularly in the first halfyear due to the outbrea of the ovid pandemic ▪ substantial restrictions on economic and social activities locdon ▪ reat uncertainty amon participants in financial and capital marets due to the lac of visibility about the traectory of the pandemic combined ith the spie in maret volatility in the first halfyear as measured by the inde ▪ hiher levels of debt bein taen on by many states to alleviate the conseuences of the economic burdens ▪ concentrated monetary policy measures by central bans in response to provide liuidity in combination ith historically lo interest rates around the orld ▪ uncertainty until yearend reardin the terms of the nited indoms ithdraal from the and its impact on marets ▪ reulatory proects and the resultin stricter reuirements for capital maret participants

In its anuary estimate the International Monetary und IM predicted a lobal contraction of per cent for eative roth of per cent is epected for the euro area and of per cent for Germany

Business deveopents

As described in the macroeconomic section of this report it became apparent in sprin that the infectious disease ovid that broe out in late in hina ould have a sinificantly adverse effect on the performance of the orld economy and so also an impact on business developments at Deutsche Börse Group he rapid spread of the virus around the orld caused reat uncertainty amon maret participants and an unusual level of maret activity on cash euities and derivatives marets Governments and central bans around the orld tried to contain the economic conseuences of the ovid pandemic ith unprecedented stimulus prorammes emerency lendin cuts to prime interest rates and bond purchase prorammes he ederal eserve the central ban reduced its taret rane for the prime rate in the A from to per cent combined ith various overnment policy measures hile the uropean entral Ban B increased the andemic merency urchase roramme for sovereign and corporate bonds to €1.85 trillion and etended its minimum duration hanes in the interest rate in particular had a neative impact on treasury result from banin business in the learstream sement rom the second uarter onards hih liuidity levels and maret hopes of a sift economic recovery resulted in a steep rise in leadin international indices his rather obscured the burdens from the trade conflict beteen the A and hina and the ris of a nodeal Breit Maret volatility increased slihtly in the fourth uarter folloin a breathrouh in the development of suitable vaccines aainst ovid his in turn boosted maret activity in cash euities and derivatives marets

32 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

ecutive and upervisory Boards Management report | Report on economic position inancial statements otes urther information

oparabiit o igures ith effect from the first uarter of Deutsche Börse Group has adusted the sement reportin structure, in order to further enhance transparency regarding the Group’s growth areas.

▪ he former G collateral manaement sement has been fully allocated to the learstream posttradin sement ▪ Business in the former Data sement is no bein reported ithin the etra cash euities and ure financial derivatives sements

or further information on the comparability of fiures please see note

esuts o operations

or Deutsche Börse Group the financial year as defined by the course of the ovid pandemic hich in some cases had a sinificant impact on sement earnins In an etraordinarily volatile maret environment the Group sa sinificant earnins increases in the first uarter of hereas marets became increasinly subdued over the remainder of the year and prime rates fell to ne los orldide It as only in the fourth uarter that maet activity piced up aain slihtly triered by the hope of an economic recovery folloin the development of a suitable vaccine aainst ovid ooin at the full year, all segments contributed to the Group’s growth, with the eception of learstream ecular net revenue rose across the Group by per cent as planned driven by product innovations reater maret share and ne customer ins particularly in the sements ure I and ontio yclical effects contributed a total of per cent to net revenue roth ositive factors such as the increase in tradin volumes of euity inde derivatives ure sement and cash euities etra sement ere offset by a sinificant decline in net interest income from banin business learstream particularly due to the interest rate cuts by the central ban he Group also reported an increase of per cent in net revenue due to consolidation primarily relatin to the acuisitions of Aioma ontio sement and the B fund distribution platform ondcenter AG I sement et revenue in the reportin therefore rose to €3,213.8 million (2019: €2,936.0 million), an increase of 9 per cent.

33 eutsche rse Group nnual report

ecutie and uperisory oards Management report | Report on economic position inancial statements otes urther information

Operating costs for Deutsche Börse Group came to €1,368.7 million in the reporting period €1,264.4 million) and were made up of staff costs and other operating expenses. Accounting for exceptional items of €155.3 million (2019: €134.9 million) in connection with expenses to cut structural costs as part of the oadmap , acuisition costs and adisory costs in the contet of litigation, adjusted operating costs came to €1,213.4 million (2019: €1,129.5 million). This represents an increase of per cent, which is primarily due to consolidation effects from the acuisition of ioma and higher inestment.

Adjusted staff costs increased in 2020 by 11 per cent to €786.5 million (2019: €705.7 million), largely due to higher aerage staff numbers as a result of acuisitions. his figure does not include exceptional items of €36.4 million (2019: €42.1 million) which mainly include costs of efficiency measures in the contet of the tructural erformance mproement rogramme introduced in .

Adjusted other operating expenses of €426.9 million (2019: €423.8 million) mainly reflect the costs of upgrading and operating eutsche rse Groups technological infrastructure. his includes, for eample, costs for the Groups own and for eternal serice proiders. lso included are the costs of office infrastructure at all the Group’s locations. This figure does not include exceptional items of €118.9 million (2019: €92.8 million) related to the cost of M&A activities. Results from financial investments rose to €24.3 million (2019: €6.7 million) and stem primarily from a marup in the euity method measurement of radegate G ertpapierhandelsban etra segment which recorded a ery strong performance in the reporting year.

eutsche rse Group increased its earnings before interest, ta, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) to €1,869.4 million (2019: €1,678.3 million). Adjusted EBITDA rose to €2,024.7 million (2019: €1,813.2 million).

epreciation, amortisation and impairment losses, which are reported separately from the operating costs, went up to €259.2 million (2019: €222.9 million) due to higher capital expenditure and consolidation effects.

The financial result totalled €–76.9 million (2019: €–. million. ompared to the prior year, the increase resulted from proisions for interest on potential ta bacpayments.

The Group’s tax ratio of 26 per cent was on par with the previous year.

erall, the net profit for the period attributable to eutsche rse Group shareholders was €1,079.9 million (2019: €1,003.9 million), an increase of 8 per cent. dusted for eceptional items, this increased by 9 per cent to €1,204.3 million (2019: €1,105.6 million).

et profit for the period attributable to noncontrolling interests rose to €45.2 million (2019: €31.5 million and consisted mainly of the profits attributable to noncontrolling interests in the Group and ontigo Gmb, which put in a good performance in .


Management report | Report on economic position

Undiluted earnings per share on the basis of a weighted average of 183.4 million shares was €5.89 (2019: €5.47). After adjustment this rose by 9 per cent to €6.57 (2019: €6.03).

oparison o resuts o operations ith the orecast or

shareholders to go up to around €1 net profit attributable to shareholders of Deutsche Börse AG to €1,204.3 million and €195.5 million, in line with the forecast of around €200 million. The dividend ratio is generally in the dividend of €3.00 per share, this target was also realised with a ratio of 46


Management report | Report on economic position

ure inancia derivatives segent

2020 20191) Change


– – – – –


Management report | Report on economic position

notional volume again beat the previous year’s figure by 43 per cent, which means that Eurex Clearing

coodities segent

2020 2019 Change


– –

well as metals. EEX Group’s most important

37 eutsche rse Group nnual report

Executive an upervisory oars Management report | Report on economic position inancial statements otes urther information

raing volume on the gas marets fell yearonyear by per cent. his is partly a result of lower eman ue to the impact of the Covi panemic, with a lower total maret volume on the spot marets. t the same time, greater competition on the gas erivatives marets, particularly in the etherlans, le to traing volume changes. espite these conitions, the EEX was able to increase its maret shares in the gas spot maret an efen its position as Europe’s leading gas spot exchange in .

oreign echange segent

3 foreign exchange segment ey inicator 2020 2019 Change


et revenue . . raing . . ther incl. connectivity an member fees . . perating costs –3. –. – E 4. 34.4 3

n the 3 foreign exchange segment, eutsche rse Group manages its foreign exchange traing business, which taes place on the platforms provie by its subsiiaries 3 reasury ystems G an 3GX nc. et revenue in the 3 segment is riven mainly by the traing activities of institutional investors, bans an internationally active companies, an the provision of liuiity by socalle liuiity proviers. uring the year uner review, the segment generate per cent of its revenue from foreign exchange traing an per cent from the provision of other services.

n the reporting year, the maret environment in the 3 segment was etermine by strongly fluctuating volatility, a varying ris appetite on the part of investors, restrictions ue to Covi locowns an the resulting impact on traing volumes. fter an exceptionally strong first uarter mare by the outbrea of the Covi panemic an the ensuing high maret volatility with high traing volumes, the following two uarters saw less traing activity on the bac of a much less volatile an more risaverse maret, which was also affecte by restrictions. ver the course of the fourth uarter the maret recovere significantly compare to the prior uarters, base on movements in ey currency pairs.

urthermore, 3 was able to boost growth in traing volumes by winning an connecting new customers to the platform, particularly in the an EE. his resulte in growth being recore across all product groups, with the total average daily trading volume up by 5 per cent to around €87 billion. 3 also set new recors with an average aily traing volume of €109 billion in March 2020. rivers of net revenue growth in particular were an increase in swap transactions, the 3GX business an soli growth in maret ata an connectivity.

38 etsche rse rop nnal report

xectie and perisor oards Management report | Report on economic position inancial stateents otes rther inoration

he rex aret also expanded rther despite the gloal eents entioned aoe speciall pen nterest and the aerage dail trading ole reached ne highs in total o ore than contracts ere traded arond ith a ne dail record o contracts in ne erage onthl pen nterest rose earonear in the reporting period arond per cent ro illion to illion o rther spport this positie trend rex introdced ropeanstle options in the second hal o the ear as ell as connecting neros ne clearing eers liidit proiders and trading participants and actiating the or trading and clearing

n addition to the sccess o the rex exchange ith listed deriaties rex learing is seeing increasing deand or its clearing serice ncreasingl ore cstoers are interested and are partl alread in the process o eing connected to the serice

etra cash euities segent

etra cash eities segent e indicators

2020 20191) Change


et reene rading and clearing isting – etra ata ther incl connectiit and eer ees – perating costs – – reios ear adsted

n the etra segent cash eities etsche rse rop rings together its cash aret trading enes etra the ranrt toc xchange and radegate esides trading and clearing serices incoe the segment generates revenue from the ongoing listing of companies’ securities and exchange adissions the areting o trading data connecting clients to trading enes and ro serices proided to partner exchanges

he signiicant earnings increase in the etra segent in the reporting ear as ainl de to higher trading and clearing reenes as a reslt o ore trading actiit he ole o the order oo increased earonyear in almost every month, rising overall by 37 per cent to €2.1 trillion igher reenes ere particlarl de to the increased olatilit copared to the preios ear the recaliration o share portolios instittional inestors and ch higher trnoer in exchangetraded nds s rading oles in these secrities rose to a new annual record of €250 billion, which was 70 per cent p earonear he strong increase in actiit on part o the priate inestors as an additional drier dring the entire reporting period opeting ith other panropean trading enes etra rther strengthened its position as the reerence aret or trading in constitents increasing its aret share to per cent per cent

39 eutsche rse roup nnual report

xecutive and upervisor oards Management report | Report on economic position inancial statements otes urther information

total of seven initial pulic offerings s too place in as ell as to ne listings By far the largest issue volume was recorded by the IPO of Hensoldt AG at €400 million. The share price of iemens nerg hen it as listed corresponded to a maret capitalisation of approximatel €16 billion.

ndiminished interest in gold as an investment asset again led to ne records for etraold a earer ond aced phsical gold hus gold reserves increased to tonnes as at the end of the financial ear tonnes – representing some €11 billion – and an order book turnover of €6 billion was reported (2019: €3.4 billion). Xetraold thus remains the leading securit in urope aced phsical gold and the estselling security among Xetra’s exchange traded commodities (ETCs). he disposal of egulator ervices m the regulator reporting hu of eutsche rse roup to MarketAxess Holdings, Inc. was completed on 30 November 2020. Income of €19.8 million from this transaction as recognised in net revenue for etra ata

he usiness of radegate ertpapierhandelsan gre ver strongl in thans to much higher activit on the part of the private investors and its euit method measurement had a positive impact on the result from financial investments, taking it to €25.8 million in total

earstrea posttrading segent

learstream posttrading segment e indicators 2020 20191) Change

FINANCIAL KEY FIGURES €m €m % et revenue – ustod ettlement et interest income from aning usiness – ollateral management – hirdpart services – ther incl connectivit account maintenance perating costs – – –

revious ear adusted

Deutsche Börse Group’s settlement and custody activities are reported under the Clearstream (post trading segment n providing the posttrade infrastructure for uroonds and other marets learstream is responsile for the issuance settlement management and custod of securities from more than marets orldide et revenue in this segment is driven mainl the volume and value of securities under custod hich determines the deposit fees he settlement usiness depends primaril on the numer of settlement transactions processed learstream via stoc exchanges as ell as over the counter (OTC). This segment also contains Clearstream’s net interest income from banking usiness


Management report | Report on economic position

– –

rities depository (ICSD). In June, said figure surpassed the €12 trillion mark for the first time. – –

directly related to the volumes outstanding, central banks’ money market measures lead to ample


Management report | Report on economic position

investent und services segent

2020 2019 Change


eam’s Vestima

solution to manage this fund business efficiently from a single source is key to IFS’ success.

– –

of a majority stake in UBS’s fund distribution platform Fondcenter AG is a further distribution services within Deutsche Börse Group with assets under administration of around €290 e’s Clearstream’s global client network which brings additional scope and efficiency in the distribution of

42 eutsche Brse Group Annual report

ecutie and Superisory Boards Management report | Report on economic position Financial statements otes Further information

ontigo inde and anatics business segent

ontigo inde and analytics business segment key indicators 2020 2019 Change

FINANCIAL KEY FIGURES €m €m % et reenue . . F licences . . – change licences . . ther licences . . Analytics . . perating costs –. –. BIA . .

In the ontigo inde and analytics business segment eutsche Brse Group reports on the deelopment of its subsidiary ontigo which was formed through the merger of the inde business S and A with Aioma in September . In the inde business ontigo offers issuers an etensie range of indices thus proiding these issuers with a wealth of opportunities to create financial instruments for een the most dierse inestment strategies. hile the F licence reenues depend on the olume inested in echangetraded inde funds Fs on S and A indices the echange licence reenues are deried mainly from the olume traded in inde deriaties on S and A indices on ure. icence fees from structured products are shown as part of other licence fees. In Analytics ontigo offers its clients risk analytics and portfoliomanagement software.

uropean stock markets and the corresponding indices were buffeted in by a strong outflow of inestment capital as the Coid pandemic unfolded the hope for a rapid economic recoery and the prospect of the deelopment of a accine. Aerage assets under management in Fs on S and A indices fell by per cent in the reporting year een though significant inflows were recorded in the fourth uarter of . As a result the F licence reenues also fell yearonyear. change licences were up by per cent due to a strong first uarter in inde deriaties trading and a moderate performance for the remainder of the year. ther licence reenues benefitted from the growing number of licenced products and on aerage higher back billing effects.

After a strong start to the year in the analytics business the restrictions imposed to contain the Coid pandemic made sales and implementation actiities difficult. Since net reenue in this area depends mainly on the order alue and a significant part of reenue is tied to the date of the transaction rather than distributing reenue oer the course of the contract the restrictions in connection with Coid caused revenue to fluctuate or decline. Axioma’s net revenue is only shown pro rata for as the takeoer of Aioma was closed on September .

43 eutsce rse rou Annual reort

xecutive and uervisor oards Management report | Report on economic position inancial statements otes urter information

Deveopent o proitabiit Deutsche Börse Group’s return on shareholders’ equity expresses the ratio of net income after taxes to averae euit availale to te rou durin te course of . n te reortin ear it as at . er cent . er cent. Adusted for te excetional items descried in esults of oerations te return on euit as . er cent . er cent.

inancia position

ash o

2020 2019 €m €m as flos from oeratin activities excludin ositions . . as flos from oeratin activities . . as flos from investin activities – . – . as flos from financin activities – . . as and cas euivalents at end of eriod . . ter cas and an alances . .

as and cas euivalents at eutsce rse rou i.e. its liuidit comrise cas and an alances – to te extent tat tese do not result from reinvestin current liailities from cas deosits maret articiants – as ell as receivales and liailities from anin usiness it an oriinal maturit of tree monts or less. e increase in rou liuidit ic is reflected in sinificantl ier cas and an alances of €2,506.7 million ecemer €1,467.3 million mainl reflects cas inflos from oeratin activities offset rinciall cas outflos for acuisitions.

n te financial ear eutsce rse rou enerated a ositive cas flo of €370.0 million €302.6 million). The information value of Deutsche Börse Group’s cash flow is limited since te ositions ic are suect to sinificant fluctuations on te reortin date as ell as te inflos and outflos from te anin usiness result in distortions. Adusted for tese effects of €111.0 million ecemer €104.5 million te cas flo in can essentiall e exlained as follos

as flo from oeratin activities as €1,523.0 million €1,030.6 million efore canes in ositions on te reortin date. as flo from oeratin activities stemmed mainl from te ier net rofit of €1,125.1 million €1,035.4 million and te ositive earonear canes in orin caital €. million €. million.

as outflos for investin activities came to €787.7 million in €722.9 million and stemmed larel from te acuisitions of ondcenter A and uantitative roers ic resulted in cas outflos of €448.5 million comared it a cas outflo of €666.4 million in rimaril for te acuisition of Axioma. nvestment in intanile assets roert lant and euiment of €195.4 million as slitl u on te ear €184.7 million.

44 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report

xecutie and uperisory Boards Management report | Report on economic position inancial statements otes urther information

ash outflo for financin actiities came to €254.2 million in inflo of €99.4 million ond issued by Clearstream Banking AG resulted in a cash inflow of €350 million. The dividend of €531.9 million paid in as hiher than the preious year €495.0 million hich is due to the yearonyear increase in the dividend per share from €2.70 to €2.90.

he positie cash flo from operatin actiities sufficient credit lines and its flexile manaement and plannin system mean that Deutsche Börse Group as adequately supplied ith liquidity in

or further details of cash flo see the consolidated cash flo statement and ote to the consolidated financial statements

iuidit anageent Deutsche Börse Group primarily meets its operatin liquidity requirements from internal financin ie y retainin enerated funds – ith a ie toards maintainin sufficient liquidity in order to e ale to meet all of the Groups payment oliations hen due n intraGroup cash pool is used for poolin surplus cash as far as regulatory and legal provisions allow. All of the Group’s cash investments are shortterm in order to ensure rapid aailaility and are larely secured y liquid onds from primerated issuers oreoer Deutsche Börse G has access to external sources of financin such as ilateral and syndicated credit lines as ell as a commercial paper proramme see note to the consolidated financial statements for details of financial ris manaement n recent years Deutsche Börse G has leeraed its access to the capital marets to issue corporate onds in order to meet its structural financin needs

Det instruments issued y Deutsche Börse G outstandin as at Decemer

Type Issue volume ISIN Term to Maturity Coupon Listing (p.a.)

ixedrate earer ond €600 m D years ctoer uxemourranfurt ixedrate earer ond €500 m D years ctoer uxemourranfurt ixedrate earer ond €600 m D years arch uxemourranfurt ixedrate earer ond €600 m D all date une uxemourranfurt hyrid ond yearsfinal une until call maturity in date years


Management report | Report on economic position

apita anageent The Group’s clients generally expect it to maintain conservative interest coverage and leverage

◼ Tangible equity (for Clearstream Banking S.A.): total of at least €1.1

◼ €1,8

◼ The rating relevant FFO in 2020 amounted to €

◼ The rating relevant Group’s net debt is reconciled by first deducting 50 net debt in 2020 amounted to €1,86

◼ – rating relevant interest expenses totalled €53

assets) of Clearstream Banking S.A. below €1,100 million. Clearstream Banking S.A. exceeded this threshold during the year under review, with a figure of €1,46

46 eutsche rse Group nnual report 00

xecutive and upervisory oards Management report | Report on economic position inancial statements otes urther information

The folloing table elevant parameters illustrates the calculation methodology and shos the values for the reporting year

elevant ey performance indicators according to the adusted calculation method Target figures 2020

et debt T ≤ 1.75 0 ree funds from operations net debt ≥ 50 nterest coverage ratio ≥ 14 5 Tangible euity of learstream aning as at the reporting date €m ≥ 1,100

Global atings bases the calculation of ey performance indicators on the corresponding eighted average of the reported or expected results of the previous the current and the folloing reporting period To ensure the transparency of the ey performance indicators the Group reports them based on the respective current reporting period

Dividends and share bubacs eutsche rse Group generally aims to distribute dividends euivalent to beteen 0 and 0 per cent of adusted net profit for the period attributable to the shareholders of eutsche rse G ithin this range the Group manages the actual payout ratio mainly relative to the business performance and based on continuity considerations n addition the company plans to invest the remaining available funds primarily in the Group’s complementary external development. Should the Group not be able to invest these funds additional distributions particularly in the form of share buybacs ould be another possible use for them

or the 00 financial year eutsche rse G is proposing that the nnual General eeting resolve to pay a dividend of €3.00 per nopar value share (2019: €2.90). This dividend is equivalent to a distribution ratio of per cent of adusted net profit for the period attributable to shareholders of eutsche rse G adusted for the nonrecurring items described in the esults of operations 0 per cent also adusted ased on 5 million nopar shares ith dividend rights this would result in a total dividend payment of €550. million (2019: €53 million The number of shares ith dividend rights is produced by deducting 5 million treasury shares from the ordinary share capital of 00 million shares

47 eutsche rse Group nnual report 00

xecutive and upervisory oards Management report | Report on economic position inancial statements otes urther information

Credit ratings

redit ratings Long-term Short-term Deutsche Börse AG Global atings – Clearstream Banking S.A. itch atings Global atings – Clearstream Banking AG Global atings –

eutsche rse G regularly has its credit uality revieed by Global atings hile learstream aning is rated by itch atings and Global atings and learstream aning G by Global atings

n 05 ugust 00 itch atings affirmed the credit rating of learstream aning ith a stable outlook. The rating reflects Clearstream Banking’s leading position in the posttrade business and its diligent liuidity management as ell as its impeccable capitalisation

n 00 Global atings left the credit ratings of eutsche rse G and learstream aning unchanged eutsche rse Gs rating reflects the assumption that the Group ill continue its groth strategy Global atings confirmed the credit rating on ovember 00 in the course of the intended taeover of nstitutional hareholder ervices nc learstream aning s rating reflects its strong ris management minimal debt levels and strong position on the international capital marets especially through its international custody and transaction business

n ovember 00 Global atings gave learstream aning G a credit rating ith a stable outloo The rating reflects its strong position in posttrading and its core importance in the learstream Group

s at ecember 00 eutsche rse G as one of only to listed companies aarded an rating by Global atings

48 eutsche Brse roup nnual report

ecutie and uperisor Boards Management report | Report on economic position inancial statements otes urther information

et assets

aterial changes to net assets are described belo the full consolidated balance sheet is shon in the consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated balance sheet etract

31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 €m €m ASSETS 152,767.7 137,165.3 oncurrent assets . . thereof intangible assets . . thereof goodill . . thereof other intangible assets . . thereof financial assets . . thereof financial assets measured at amortised cos . . daon erfolgsneutral um beiulegenden eitert beertete Beteiligungen . . thereof financial instruments held b central counterparties . . Current assets . . thereof financial instruments held b central counterparties . . thereof restricted bank balances . . thereof other cash and bank balances . .

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 152,767.7 137,165.3 uit . . iabilities . . thereof noncurrent liabilities . . thereof financial instruments held b central counterparties . . thereof financial liabilities measured at amortised cost . . thereof deferred ta liabilities . . thereof current liabilities . . thereof financial instruments held b central counterparties . . thereof financial liabilities measured at amortised cost . . thereof cash deposits b market participants . .

Deutsche Börse Group’s total assets increased year on year by 1 per cent. The increase in intangible assets resulted primaril from the acuisitions of ondcenter and uantitatie Broker. This particularl gae rise to significantl higher goodill.

uch higher cash restricted bank balances and financial instruments held b central counterparties as at the reporting date ere also responsible for the rise.

49 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report

ecutie and uperisory Boards Management report | Report on economic position inancial stateents otes urther inoration

Group euity rose by per cent copared ith the preious year his as ainly due to the net proit or the reportin year less the diidend payent or the preious inancial year

Deutsche Börse Group inested a total o €195.4 illionin the reportin year 1 €184.7 illion in intangible assets and property plant and equipment (capital expenditure, CAPEX). The Group’s largest inestents ere in the learstrea and ure seents

ring aita orin capital coprises current assets less current liabilities ecludin technical closindate ites urrent assets ecludin technical closindate ites aounted to €1,289. illion 1 €898.4 illion s Deutsche Börse Group collects ees or ost o its serices on a onthly basis the trade receiables o €616.6 illion included in current assets as at 1 Deceber ere relatiely lo copared ith net reenue 1 Deceber 1 €447.3 illion he siniicant increase in trade receiables as particularly due to the acuisition o ondcenter G hich led to a siilar increase in trade payables he current liabilities o the Group ecludin technical closindate ites aounted to €1,374.5 illion 1 €1,072.9 illion ecludin technical closindate ites he Group thereore had slihtly neatie orin capital o €84.6 illion at yearend 1 €174.5 illion

enia singdate ites The “financial instruments of the central counterparties” item relates to the function performed by Eurex learin G and uropean oodity learin G since they act as the central counter parties or Deutsche Börse Group’s various markets, their financial instruents are carried in the balance sheet at their air alue he inancial instruents o the central counterparties are described in detail in the ris report and in notes 1 and to the consolidated inancial stateents

aret participants linked to the Group’s clearing houses partly provide collateral in the form of cash deposits hich are subect to daily adustents he cash deposits are enerally inested on a secured basis oerniht by the central counterparties and reported in the balance sheet under “restricted bank balances”. The total value of cash deposits at the reporting dates relevant for the reporting period 1 arch une epteber and 1 Deceber aried beteen €38.2 billion and €62.2 billion 1 beteen €29.6 billion and €32.3 billion

ae added readn an errane alue added is calculated by subtractin depreciation and aortisation as ell as eternal costs ro the copany perorance n the alue added by Deutsche Börse Group aounted to €2,400.7 illion 1 €2,194.8 million). The breakdown shows that large portions of the generated alue added lo bac into the econoy per cent (€577.2 illion beneit shareholders in the or o diidend payents hile per cent (€822.9 illion as attributable to sta costs in the or o salaries and other reuneration coponents aes accounted or 1 per cent (€403.1 illion hile per cent (€49.6 illion as attributable to eternal creditors he per cent alue added that remained in the company (€ illion is aailable or inestents in roth initiaties aon other thins

50 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report

ecutie and uperisory Boards Management report | Report on economic position inancial stateents otes urther inoration

era assessent te eni sitin te etie ard

he ain actor aectin inancial year as the outbrea o the oid1 pandeic its lobal econoic ipact and the challenes o dealin ith the irus and its containent n an etraordinarily olatile aret enironent the Group sa siniicant earnins increases in the irst uarter o hereas arets becae increasinly subdued oer the reainder o the year and prie rates ell to ne los orldide ecular net reenue neertheless rose by per cent across the Group as planned yclical eects and consolidation each contributed another per cent to net reenue roth increasin net reenue oerall by per cent dusted operatin costs ere up by per cent ain contributin actor as the consolidation o copanies acuired durin the course o n an adusted basis the Group increased net profit attributable to Deutsche Börse AG shareholders by 9 per cent to €1,204. illion hich as also in line ith the ecutie Boards epectations

Based on this, the Executive Board considers that Deutsche Börse Group’s financial position remained ery solid durin the reportin period he Group enerated hih operatin cash los as in preious years Deutsche Börse as able to urther iproe the ratio o net debt to BD at Group leel he iure o 1 as siniicantly belo the taret o 1

Deutsche Börse G has oered its shareholders increasin diidends or years – and the inancial year is no eception proposed diidend of €3.00 (2019: €2.90) is 3 per cent higher than the distribution to shareholders in the preious year s a result o the iproeent in earnins the distribution ratio ell ro per cent in the preious year to per cent in the year under reie adusted in each case or eceptional ites and as thus in line ith the ecutie Boards taret rane o to per cent


Management report | Report on post-balance sheet date events

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Consolidated income statement €m €m €m – – – – – €m €m – – – – – €m € Consolidated cash flow statement €m Consolidated balance sheet €m €m €m Performance indicators € Return on shareholders’ equity (annual average) Deutsche Börse shares € €bn Rating key figures

Bonds that will mature in the following year are reported under “other current liabilities” (2014: €139.8 million, 2017: €599.8 AG shareholders / average shareholders’ equity fo shareholders’ equity

of €1 billion on 15 February 2021, divided into two tranches with maturities of five and ten years. The – ’ “”

52 eutshe rse rou nnual reort

eutive and uervisory oards Management report | Combined non-financial statement inanial stateents otes urther inoration

oined noninanial stateent

his oined noninanial stateent or eutshe rse rou and the arent oany eutshe rse is integrated into the oined anageent reort it ulils the rovisions o setions –e and – o the andelsgesetuh ( eran oerial ode) t is also in aordane ith the standards (“Core” option) of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). A detailed overview of all GRI indiators (R inde) is availale at deutsheoerseo ustainaility ratings reorting R ore detailed inoration that is reerened in the noninanial stateent does not or art o the stateent itsel rovided no eliit stateents are ade or the arent oany qualitative inoration ithin the eaning o the oined anageent reort alies to eutshe rse rou and the arent oany eutshe rse n soe ases quantitative details onerning the arent entity are dislosed searately

eutshe rse rou uses not only the inanial igures outlined in the “Group management” section or rou anageent ut also noninanial erorane indiators – seiially the availaility o its trading systes or the ash and derivatives arets and the share o oen in eeutive ositions or details regarding the targets ursued and the results ahieved in the year under revie lease reer to the sections entitled “Social matters – systems availability” and “ororate governane stateent – target figures for the proportion of female executives beneath Executive Board level”

ateriality analysis orising ontinuous analyses and assessents o relevant internal and eternal stakeholders’ expectations and requirements is a key element of Deutsche Börse Group’s sustainability strategy his roess is aied at identiying the issues required to understand the roup’s business erorane oerating results the situation o the oany and the iat o its ativities on non inanial asets hus the rou is ale to identiy oortunities and riss in its ore usiness ativities at an early stage and deine onrete ation areas on this asis n an internal validation o the revious ation areas as arried out hih onired the results ro nly the ateriality o the “Human Capital Development” area of activity was ranked higher by the internal staeholders than in the revious survey

he oined noninanial stateent outlines the oetives ations due diligene roesses alied the involvement of the Group’s management and other stakeholders, as well as the concept outcomes ith reset to eloyee atters (see the “Employees” section) oliane (inluding oating orrution and riery) soial atters and rodut atters

s a servie rovider ith a ous on eletroni aret inrastruture servies eutshe rse rou engages in relatively little environentally sensitive ativity ro a ororate eology ersetive hene in this oined noninanial stateent no detailed reort is rovided in this reset onetheless the rou eels an oligation toards the environent and to ae areul use o natural resoures eutshe rse rou has outlined its environental oliies in its ode o usiness ondut ndiators or its environental sustainaility erorane are availale on its esite deutshe oerseo ustainaility rating reorting indiators nvironental tois are also eoing ore iortant or the struturing o individual roduts and servies tes taen here are desried in the section “Product matters” eutshe rse rou has also ulished a liate strategy aligned ith the reoendations o the as ore on liaterelated inanial islosures ()

53 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report | Combined non-financial statement inancial statements otes urther information

he area of human and employee rights was identified as nonmaterial for Deutsche Börse Group by its stakeholders during the materiality analysis according to HGB and GRI, and is thus not included in the nonfinancial statement. evertheless, active protection of human and employee rights is a key element of Deutsche Börse Group’s corporate responsibility: the Group addresses this at various points along the value chain. In addition, complying with human and employee rights is a key pillar of the Group’s human resources policy. Specific topics (e.g. diversity) are discussed in the “Employees” section and on the website Sustainability ur ESG profile Employees Guiding principles. Deutsche Börse Group furthermore reports on sustainability in procurement management on its website at Sustainability ur ESG profile Procurement management and is aware of its responsibility as a global company. It oined the Global Compact in .

hen the materiality analysis was carried out the stakeholders did not consider taxes to be material either. Deutsche Börse is nonetheless aware of its responsibilities in this area and so reports voluntarily on its tax strategy and handling of tax legislation in the section “Compliance – including combat against corruption and bribery”.

As an international capital markets organiser, Deutsche Börse Group aims to build and grow market participants’ trust in its market structures. As a responsible member of society, it also endeavours to use the expertise it deploys for the successful operation of its core business in a way that enables it to contribute to resolving social problems. In this context, Deutsche Börse Group wishes to set a good example. Please refer to the “Fundamental information about the Group” section for a detailed description of Deutsche Börse Group’s business model. Its sustainability strategy ”Acting with an eye to the future” defines the Group’s understanding of entrepreneurial responsibility and guides its operations.Please see the section entitled “Management approach for a Groupwide commitment to sustainability”.

As a member of the Global Compact (GC) and the Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative (SSE), Deutsche Börse Group has committed itself to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” set by the UN. An overview of Deutsche Börse Group’s contribution to the corresponding targets can be found in the following “Overview: key sustainability aspects” table.

54 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020

Eecutive and Supervisory Boards Management report | Combined non-financial statement Financial statements Notes Further information

Overview: key sustainability aspects

Relevant contents of the non-financial statement according to section 289c Action areas relevant to Deutsche UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) HGB1) Börse Group covered by Deutsche Börse Group

Business model ▪ Overview of Deutsche Börse Group ▪ Economic performance ▪ SDG 7 “Affordable and clean energy” ▪ Obectives and strategies ▪ Stakeholder engagement ▪ SDG 8 “Decent work and economic ▪ Internal management ▪ Brand management growth” ▪ esearch and development activities ▪ SDG 9 “Industry, innovation and infrastructure“ ▪ SDG 10 “Reduce inequalities“ ▪ SDG 12 “Responsible consumption and production“ ▪ SDG 17 “Partnerships for the goals“ Mandatory aspects Employee matters ▪ Staff development ▪ uman Capital Development ▪ SDG 4 “Quality education“ ▪ COID ▪ uman and employee rights ▪ SDG 5 “Gender equality“ ▪ uman resources strategy ▪ SDG “Decent work and economic ▪ romoting diversity and inclusion growth” ▪ Employer attractiveness ▪ SDG 10 “Reduce inequalities“ Social matters ▪ Sustainable financial market initiatives ▪ Economic participation and ▪ SDG 4 “Quality education“ ▪ Stable, transparent and fair markets education ▪ SDG 8 “Decent work and economic • Systems availability ▪ ransparent, stable and fair growth” • Market transparency markets ▪ SDG 9 “Industry, innovation and • Stable financial markets infrastructure“ ▪ SDG 10 “Reduce inequalities“ ▪ SDG 12 “Responsible consumption and production“ ▪ SDG 16 “Peace, justice and strong institutions“ ▪ SDG 17 “Partnerships for the goals“ Anti-corruption and bribery matters ▪ Compliance – organisational structure ▪ Good governance ▪ SDG 8 “Decent work and economic ▪ Code of business conduct growth” ▪ Compliance rules ▪ SDG 10 “Reduce inequalities“ ▪ Compliance training ▪ SDG 16 “Peace, justice and ▪ histleblowing system strong institutions“ ▪ Analysis of compliance risks ▪ Due dilligencecustomer review ▪ Data protection ▪ Inside information ▪ Internaleternal audit ▪ aes Further relevant aspects Product matters ▪ Customer satisfaction ▪ Sustainable product and service ▪ SDG 7 “Affordable and clean energy” ▪ Sustainable inde products portfolio ▪ SDG “Decent work and economic ▪ Eure ESG derivatives growth” ▪ Energy and energyrelated markets ▪ SDG 9 “Industry, innovation and infrastructure“ ▪ SDG 12 “Responsible consumption and production“

) HGB = Handelsgesetzbuch (German Commercial Code).

355 Deutsche rse Group Annual report 2020

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his chapter provides an overview of key indicators reflecting staff developments at Deutsche rse Group at the same time, it satisfies the requirements for reporting on employee matters as part of the nonfinancial statement

ta deeent As at 1 December 2020, Deutsche rse Group employed a total of 7,28 staff 1 December 2019 6,775, drawn from 110 nationalities at 4 locations worldwide he average number of employees in the reporting period was 6,996 2019 6,286 n Group level, this corresponds to an increase of around 11 percent compared to the previous year’s reporting date.

he fluctuation rate was 6 per cent unadjusted 77 per cent 1 December 2019 87 and 106 per cent At the end of the year under review, the average length of service for the company was 8 years 2019 89 years

The number of Deutsche Börse AG’s employees rose by 17 during the year under review to 1,69 as at 1 December 2020 comprising 640 women and 1,05 men 1 December 2019 1,556 employees he average number of employees at Deutsche rse AG for the 2020 financial year was 1,605 2019 1,505 n 1 December 2020, Deutsche rse AG had employees at si locations around the world

or more details, please refer to the table entitled “Key data on Deutsche Börse Group’s workforce as at 31 December 2020”

C he coronavirus pandemic affected Deutsche rse Group across all locations in 2020 and continues to do so In arch 2020, almost the entire workforce started working from home home office After a social distancing strategy and a strict cleaning and disinfection concept had been introduced employees were allowed to return to the office on a voluntary basis from 27 April, but always dependent on the local rules in force at their location A communications programme was set up for employees working from home, to keep them regularly informed about the status of the pandemic and give them tips on how to cope with the new situation ontacts to psychological networks and counsellors were established globally to reflect the etraordinary situation and provide emotional support Altogether, this has made it possible to deal with this difficult situation well so far he steps taken in response to the pandemic will remain in place until the situation has normalied

656 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020

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an resres strateg mployee commitment and highly developed skills are among the cornerstones supporting Deutsche Börse Group’s business success. Its corporate culture is characterised by a sense of responsibility, commitment fleibility and teamwork. Deutsche Börse Group aims to make sure that staff with these ualities continue to oin the company in the future and that they stay for the long term if possible. Deutsche Börse Group’s Executive Board is engaged in employee matters through one of its Board members who is simultaneously Director of abour elations as well as through other regular reporting formats. The workforce is highly diverse and represents a broad range of different age groups genders physical abilities seual identities ethnic origins and beliefs. The company promotes this diversity and benefits from it creating an environment conducive to integration from which the corporate culture benefits. This is also in the interests of Deutsche Börse Group’s business: its broad range of diverse products and services and the international composition of its client base pose specific reuirements regarding the professional and crosscultural epertise of employees.

ithin the scope of its growth strategy the Group promotes a highperformance culture with a distinct focus on clients’ needs and innovation. n order to encourage this culture Deutsche Börse Group has a remuneration system for eecutive staff in place that incorporates growth performance and financial indicators to a greater etent than in previous years.

n uly 201 the upervisory Board adopted the human resources strategy 2020 initiated by the ecutive Board. This strategy is built on a detailed analysis of employee needs and the relevant human resources indicators e.g. recruiting metrics key figures on staff development as well as on the results of an employee survey conducted in February 2019. It rests on the four pillars “attract”, “develop”, “retain” and “lead”. According to these pillars, concepts for employer branding, recruiting, training & development remuneration and fleible working time models have been drawn up.

n the course of implementing the strategy uman esources was split into an operative business partner team and a strategic concept team. oreover epansion of the ervice entre is planned over the medium term.

rtin diersit and insin Diversity is not only apparent in the origins of employees at Deutsche Börse Group but also in the breadth of professional backgrounds and the many other differences that make up each individual personality in the multifaceted team. As a global organisation we stand for recognition appreciation and integration within the working environment and encourage openness and fairness. This is why we signed the “Diversity Charter” and acknowledge our corporate social and societal responsibility as epressed in the ode of onduct that applies throughout the Group.

Diversity and integration are the basis of our corporate culture which is defined by open dialogue trust and mutual acceptance. e see the wealth of different backgrounds and ideas as a key to our success. ur Diversity nclusion statement is an epression of our aspiration to offer our staff and all future talents a fully inclusive and inviting workplace.

357 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020

Executive and upervisory Boards Management report | Combined non-financial statement Financial statements otes Further information

Deutsche Börse Group does not tolerate any discrimination, hether on the grounds of age, gender, disability, sexual identity, ethnic origin or belief and irrespectively of hether behaviour among employees is concerned or the placement of orders ith third parties. Deutsche Börse Groups Eual pportunities fficers safeguard the eual treatment of staff members. oreover, uman esources has implemented processes designed to ensure eual treatment in the selection of personnel and enable the Group to tae prompt action henever discrimination is suspected. In 2020, no incidents of discrimination ere reported at the FranfurtEschborn, uxembourg, rague and Cor locations hich are covered by reporting accordingly, no countermeasures ere reuired.

er attratieness To remain sustainably successful, the recruiting of top talents is of the essence. The Group continued to expand its presence at universities and its social netoring activities ith this aim in mind. In addition, the company’s career page as overhauled and a proect launched to define the employer brand. An attractive entrylevel format as also created for outstanding graduates by introducing a trainee programme on 1 ctober.

Deutsche Börse Group is among the founding partners of the adaFelloship, a multicompany initiative. nce again 0 people from our company too part in this 12month development programme in 2020. It aims to give its participants the sills they need to drive digitisation as digital ambassadors. They are introduced to the main technologies of the future, their potential applications and ho to transfer them to their organisation.

From initial contact to the actual meeting, mentors and mentees can connect on the “Meet your Mentor” platform. Experienced colleagues act as sponsors for other employees, maing their or easier. As mentors, they assist ne colleagues in netoring beyond their on department, help them to get to no the company and offer a comprehensive, crossdivisional understanding.

To increase the share of omen in executive positions the company ensures that omen are identified as candidates. In addition, Deutsche Börse Group offers additional tools to promote female employees, such as targeted succession planning and a mentoring programme ith external mentors. Exchanges among women are encouraged by means of women’s networks. Our Capital Markets Academy also offers training courses for omen on financial planning, investments and retirement saving.

For details regarding targets for female uotas, please refer to the section entitled “Corporate governance statement – target figures for the proportion of female executives beneath the Executive Board” and the section entitled “Comparison with the forecast for 2020”.

Training and professional development have high priority at Deutsche Börse Group. Employees expand and refresh their noledge continuously in the context of specific training courses for exchangerelated subects. These particularly include IT training, e.g. for cloud computing, and career path training, e.g. for proect management and leadership. ith regard to personal development, the Group also offers numerous online and live training courses that are tailored to the target group, e.g. for communication, responsibility or teamor sills. A large proportion of the regular facetoface courses as carried out virtually in 2020 due to the covid19 pandemic. Deutsche Börse also supports its employees and executives in facing their individual challenges by offering a broad range of internal and external professional training and development measures see the “Key data on Deutsche Börse Group’s workforce as at 31 December 2020” table.

58 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020

Executive and upervisory Boards Management report | Combined non-financial statement Financial statements otes Further information

Key data on Deutsche Börse Group’s workforce as at 31 December 2020 part 1

Deutsche Börse AG Deutsche Börse Group

All locations Germany Luxembourg

Male Female Male Female Male Female Employees (HC) 1,053 640 1,890 1,218 680 419 0 years and older 3 12 2 213 102 40−49 years 2 1 00 2 2 1 30−39 years 31 2 3 1 112 nder 30 years 103 11 12 0 Average age 3 0 2 0 2 Fulltime employees 1,01 1,1 2 2 arttime employees 3 1 31 2 13

Length of service nder years 32 2 –1 years 23 2 2 2 23 31 Over 1 years 2 2 2 2 1

Staff turnover oiners 111 230 13 30 eavers 2 1 2 23 23

raining days per employee FE . . . . .3 .

359 Deutsche Börse Group nnua report 2020

ecute and upersory Boards Management report | Combined non-financial statement nanca statements otes urther nformaton

Key data on Deutsche Börse Group’s workforce as at 31 December 2020 (part 2)

Deutsche Börse Group

Czech Republic Ireland Other locations

Total Male Female Male Female Male Female (part 1 and 2)

Employees (HC) 658 374 253 269 1,037 440 7,238 0 years and oder 2 10 1 11 20 1 40−49 years 1 2 110 1 30−39 years 3 231 10 33 13 2 nder 30 years 101 101 211 112 erae ae 3 3 3 3 0 3 0 utme empoyees 331 22 2 101 02 23 arttme empoyees 10 3 1 2 20 3 1

Length of service nder years 1 0 –1 years 1 2 31 3 31 er 1 years 0 0 1 1

Staff turnover oners 31 2 13 0 01 eaers 0 30 20 12 11 3 2

rann days per empoyee 0 3 2 2 2 33 2

Ciane – inding at against rrtin and rier

esponsbe busness operatons mpy adherence to aws and reuatons they are aso based on the prncpe of nterty and ethcay rreproachabe conduct at a tmes Deutsche Börse Group has mpemented a compance manaement system based on reuatory reurements wth the obectes of preentn msconduct and aodn abty and reputatona rsks for the Group ts ea representates eecutes and staff Beyond busnessreated compance reurements the focus s on strenthenn a unform compance cuture throuhout the Group especay wth a ew to enhancn compance awareness he compance manaement system – under the responsbty of and promoted by the ecute Board of Deutsche Börse G – therefore consttutes an ndspensabe eement of ood corporate oernance wth respect to compance uch a system prodes the foundaton for sustanabe rsk transparency specfcay t factates mtatn rsks n the areas of money aundernterrorsm fnancn data protecton corrupton as we as market manpuaton and nsder tradn t aso montors reurements concernn fnanca sanctons and embaroes

he compance manaement system appes to Deutsche Börse G as we as to domestc and nternatona companes n whch Deutsche Börse G hods a maorty nterest whether drecty or ndrecty Deutsche Börse Group pursues an enterprsewde approach to ts ompance functon ensurn that appcabe aws and reuatory reurements are foowed wth respect to nddua ea enttes

060 Deutsche Börse Group nnua report 2020

ecute and upersory Boards Management report | Combined non-financial statement nanca statements otes urther nformaton

he hef ompance ffcers at the companes n the Group that are coered by bankn reuatons hae functona reportn nes to the Group hef ompance ffcer he same appes to the hef ompance ffcers of onto and 30 he Group hef ompance ffcer reports n turn drecty to the ecute Board of Deutsche Börse G ompance reportn ncudes a reeant compance rsk areas wthn the mandate of the compance functon

Deutsche Börse Group s contnuay deeopn ts compance manaement system n order to dea wth rsn compety and ncreasn reuatory reurements Deutsche Börse Group has taken steps to dentfy and mtate compance rsks and to assume ts responsbtes n the eent of any compance ncdents hs appes partcuary to moneyaundern fnancn of terrorsm fnanca sanctons and embaroes market manpuaton nsder tradn and data protecton

or ths purpose and for matera areas of compance rsk Deutsche Börse Group ans ts system wth the recommendations of an internationally recognised standard (ISO 19600 “Compliance Management ystems – Guidelines”). Based on this standard, the Group’s compliance function identifies fields of acton and measures to ensure compance manaement contnues to meet the reurements as they chane

s a member of the Goba ompact Deutsche Börse G has commtted to obsere the reated prncpes notaby the prncpe to work aanst corrupton n a ts forms whch ncudes etorton and brbery n ne wth ts code of busness conduct Deutsche Börse Group prohbts ts empoyees from non themsees n corrupton or from takn part n any actons whch may ead to the mpresson that the Group promses arranes prodes recees or asks for nadmssbe benefts Brbery and factaton payments are prohbted

It is Deutsche Börse Group’s guiding principle that the actions and decisions of all employees are taken obectey and wth nterty anaement pays a partcuary mportant roe n ths contet Deutsche Börse Group s fuy aware of the socalled “tone from the top” for achieving a high level of awareness of the need to manae compance rsks – both wthn the Group and amonst market partcpants n order to sustanaby enshrne ths udn prncpe and to preent Deutsche Börse Group and ts staff from ea sanctons and reputatona damae Group ompance has mpemented a arety of preentate measures n a rskorented approach

Compliance – organisational structure Group ompance sets standards for the key compance rsks affectn a enttes wthn the Deutsche Börse Group n ths contet Group ompance deses rskorented measures n order to contan and manae dentfed rsks and to communcate rsks ncdents and the effecteness of the measures taken t ensures contnuous mproement of the compance manaement system by way of reuar adustments to the reeant nterna poces and processes

Key compance topcs are dscussed n the Group ompance ommttee of Deutsche Börse Group ommttee members are the senor manaers of the busness unts and the reeant contro functons for the Group as a whoe

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Code of business conduct Deutsche Börse Group’s code of business conduct, which is communicated to all members of staff, summarises the most important aspects with regard to corporate ethics and compliance as well as appropriate conduct. he Code focuses on principles to guide decisions – not rules or lists of dos and don’ts. Moreover, Compliance provides employees with compliancerelevant information via the corresponding intranet pages, unless specific confidentiality aspects prevent such communication. or details, see the section entitled “Corporate governance statement”.

Compliance rules Group Compliance has implemented Groupwide policies designed to ensure that the internal stakeholder groups acting on ehalf of Deutsche Börse Group comply with the ehavioural rules set out in such policies, with the oective of countering reaches of compliance throughout the Group in a preventive, investigative and conseuential manner. Groupwide communications via the intranet are geared towards providing employees (including memers of the ecutive Board and Managing Directors) with the necessary guidance in their daily work, and making sure they commit to such guidance.

Compliance training egular compliance training is essential for the compliance culture within the Deutsche Börse Group. mployees of Deutsche Börse Group worldwide are trained in relevant compliance topics. raining focuses particularly on money laundering, financing of terrorism, data protection, corruption, market manipulation and insider trading. Managers eposed to a higher compliance risk y virtue of their work receive additional training as reuired. articipation in training measures covering the compliance topics mentioned aove is mandatory for employees, as well as for managers.

Whistleblowing system Deutsche Börse Group has estalished a whistlelowing system, where employees can relay information y phone or email aout potential or actual reaches of prudential or regulatory rules and ethical standards. he anonymity of whistlelowers is guaranteed. hrough its commitment to compliance awareness, Deutsche Börse Group cultivates an open approach to dealing with misconduct. or this reason, concerns are often passed on directly to the responsile line manager, or to Compliance. During 00, reports were sumitted via the whistlelowing system, or directly via line managers or control functions (such as Compliance).

Analysis of compliance risks In line with regulatory reuirements, Deutsche Börse Group carries out detailed risk analyses andor risk assessments, at least on an annual asis – specifically, it analyses the risk of eing aused for the purposes of money launderingfinancing of terrorism, corruption and securities law infringements. Such risk analyses and assessments comprise the Group’s own business activities as well as business relationships, market participants, products and services. iskmitigating measures are derived from the compliance risks identified.

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Due diligence review of clients, market participants, counterparties, and business partners, plus transaction monitoring Deutsche Börse Group is constantly improving its processes for the onboarding of new clients and the review of existing clients (“Know Your Customer” processes). Depending on the assessment of client risk in each case, client relationships are subect to corresponding diligence duties concerning their establishment, update, and monitoring. Client relationships are not entered into where the risks involved are too high. Deutsche Börse Group analyses transaction data in order to identify activity which might indicate potential money laundering.

Deutsche Börse Group is eposed to the risk of sanctions being imposed upon business partners moreover, there is a risk of bribery and corruption. n this connection, the Group eamines its business partners, whereby their details are crosschecked against relevant data sources such as embargo, sanctions, , terrorist and other “blacklists”). Appropriate measures are taken in the event of any match against such lists.

ey nonfinancial performance indicators corruption and data protection 2020 2019

Corruption unished cases of corruption ercentage of business units for which measures have been taken to address corruption risks umber of employees who were trained in BC measures antibribery and corruption , , Data protection umber of ustified customer complaints relating to data protection

ll Deutsche Börse Group employees must repeat the webbased BC training every two years. s the reiteration and completion of the training takes place in oddnumbered years, the number of training courses completed in the evennumbered year is significantly lower.

Data protection/protection of personal data Deutsche Börse Group has eposure to a plethora of data during the course of its business activities. he Group takes data protection very seriously and has taken measures to ensure compliance with data protection law, in particular the appropriate and transparent processing of personal data. he ecutive Board has appointed a Data rotection fficer and established a data protection organisation to ensure that the data privacy framework and the principles of the General Data rotection egulation, which came into force in , are adhered to. n this basis the data protection organisation informs and advises the individual legal entities with respect to data protection. he data protection organisation also serves as a contact for data protection authorities, and supports the business units in assessing risks related to the issue of data protection risks. t supports a stronger culture of data protection at Deutsche Börse Group by raising awareness and providing training on data protection in the contet of the Group’s business activities.

Since 2019 the data protection organisation’s monitoring framework has been incorporated into the structure of compliance safeguards and controls, as a second line of defence on data protection. he Data rotection fficer informs senior management on an annual basis about its activities to enhance the Data rotection framework.

63 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

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Inside information In its capacity as an issuer of securities, Deutsche Börse Group has access to information which, in accordance with legal requirements, may be classified as inside information. To raise awareness amongst the employees affected, further measures were introduced on a Group-wide basis in 2020. They are designed to mitigate the risks of market manipulation and insider trading for employees’ personal account transactions and are geared towards ensuring that maximum sensitivity is applied to dealing with such information.

Compliance maintains a Group-wide restricted list in which issuers or financial instruments are included if particularly sensitive, compliance-relevant information. Compliance may impose a general trading ban on such issuers or financial instruments or may prohibit certain types of transactions. A confidential watch list is used to summarise compliance-relevant information about other issuers and/or financial instruments. In particular, Compliance uses these lists to monitor personal transactions of employees and Chinese walls.

Internal/external audit At least once a year, the internal audit function checks whether the measures and concepts of the compliance management system comply with the regulatory requirements, in a risk-based manner. Moreover, regulated entities are subject to statutory external audits.

Taxes Its global operations mean that Deutsche Börse Group is liable for tax in many countries. The management of Deutsche Börse Group is aware of its responsibility to pay appropriate taxes in all countries depending on its local value added, since this plays an important role in international relations from an economic and social perspective. This responsibility is reflected in compliance with applicable legislation and regulations to tackle criminal tax offences and in constructive and fair cooperation with tax authorities.

Recent international developments to increase tax transparency require multinational groups to make additional notifications and disclosures to tax authorities. Country-specific reporting of revenue, profits and tax payments should be mentioned in this context, as well as the reporting procedure for cross- border tax arrangements (DAC6). Deutsche Börse Group follows these rules consistently and so contributes to supporting efforts to prevent abusive tax practices, such as the shifting of profits to low-tax countries. In view of the reporting process on cross-border arrangements introduced in Germany as of 1 July 2020, Deutsche Börse Group carried out a comprehensive DAC6 analysis with the support of an external auditing company.

The tax strategy of Deutsche Börse Group defines a uniform framework for the management of all tax matters. It is derived from the business strategy and the code of conduct of Deutsche Börse Group. Its core elements comprise compliance with applicable tax regulations in Germany and abroad and adequate management of tax risks. The tax strategy is supplemented by binding policies for the Group, which ensure a clear division of responsibilities and the involvement of the Group Tax function in all tax- relevant matters.

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Deutsche rse Group has a ax Compliance anagement System to monitor its tax compliance obligations and minimise the related tax and liability risks. t defines clear process flows with integrated controls which are reviewed annually in the course of an adeuacy and efficiency analysis.

ocial matters

As a market infrastructure provider Deutsche rse Group considers its primary responsibility to be the transparency of capital markets. y ensuring such transparency it fosters stability in these markets promoting their economic success. he management is involved through its participation on the Group Sustainability oard its approach on social and sustainability matters is described in detail in the section “Management approach for a Groupwide commitment to sustainability”.

ustainable financial market initiatives he Green and Sustainable inance Cluster Germany e. . is an initiative committed to enhancing the expertise on sustainable finance in the market putting that expertise to efficient use and identifying (as well as taking) specific action to make national and international financial markets structures fit for the future. he Cluster has defined four fields of action sustainable finance – status uo and innovation data and digitalisation metrics and standards dialogue and knowledge development. t coordinates the activities of the participating institutions within these fields of action and brings them together with policymakers regulators civil society and academia. ithin Germany the Cluster collaborates closely with relevant political players in erlin. At a uropean level the Cluster is a member of the technical expert group on sustainable finance and thus actively involved in the European Commission’s Action lan on sustainable finance the Cluster supports the Action lans implementation and is involved in the corresponding consultation process leading to future regulation. Deutsche rse Group and the Cluster are also members of the Sustainable inance Committee to advise the German government and foster dialogue between the financial industry real economy civil society and academia.

table, transparent and fair markets

stems availabilit Deutsche rse AG operates its trading systems for the cash and derivatives markets as redundant server installations distributed across two geographically separated secure data centres. Should a trading system fail it would be operated from the second data centre. ogether with clients Deutsche rse successfully simulated this scenario – as well as the impact of local disruptions – within the scope of the A est (the annual disaster recovery exercise conducted by the utures ndustry Association). ther disruptions such as workstation malfunctions or absences of key personnel were also tested. he ongoing covid19 pandemic has also meant that the emergency workstations have been permanently in use since arch 2020. ultiple testing of the software used its verified rollout and the endtoend monitoring of servers network and applications were not able to prevent two successive complex malfunctions in the internal highspeed network which brought the system availability for the spot market trading system down to 99.1 per cent and the figure for the derivative market trading system down to 99.91 per cent. hese levels corresponded to downtimes of around 2 minutes and minutes respectively during the entire year. ideranging steps were taken to rule out such malfunctions in future which have largely been completed. hey particularly involved accelerating the emergency procedures in order to make the system available again uickly even if the faults cannot be prevented. mergency tests are now carried out more freuently the underlying messaging software has been optimised and is still being revised.

65 eutsche rse Group Annual report

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arket transparenc ection of the rsengeset rsG German Exchange Act authorises exchanges to impose additional admission reuirements and further notification duties upon euity issuers for parts of the regulated maret. ranfurter ertpapierbrse the ranfurt toc Exchange used this authorisation in its Exchange ules section subsection to create the “Prime Standard” in 2003. he rime tandard segment is characterised on the one hand by special postadmission obligations which are monitored by the FWB with any breaches sanctioned by the exchange’s Sanctions Committee; on the other hand admission to the rime tandard is a mandatory reuirement for inclusion in one of eutsche rse AG’s selection indices.

ver and above statutory reuirements under the ertpapierhandelsgeset pG German ecurities rading Act rime tandard issuers must submit their financial reports annual and halfyearly reports as well as their uarterly statements for the first and third uarter to in German andor English and within set deadlines. Moreover rime tandard issuers must submit their calendars of material corporate events to FWB, hold an analysts’ conference at least once a year and publish any inside information in English as well as German. All submissions to must be carried out via the Exchange eporting ystem E. his electronic interface allows for efficient sorting and display of data helping to spot any impending failure to meet a deadline. his allows to support issuers to fulfil their transparency duties in the best possible manner by sending out email reminders prior to each deadline. included additional recommendations in its email reminders in to reflect the information published by the European ecurities and Marets Authority EMA on the impact of the covid pandemic on deadlines for the publication of financial reporting. hey will mae it possible to tae any special circumstances and difficulties into account when investigating breaches of obligations. All reports and data submitted to are subseuently available on www.boersefranfurt.deen the exchange’s website, under the respective issuer’s name. Information is thus accessible to interested investors in a compact easytofind manner creating a particular level of maret transparency within the rime tandard segment. ubmission via E allows for monitoring fulfilment of transparency reuirements – seamlessly and without delay.

n fifteen cases were submitted to the anctions Committee for the delayed disclosure of information. n ten of these cases circumstances and difficulties that arose in connection with the C pandemic were taen into account when proposing the amount of the administrative fines. n another case of an identified breach of duty the initiation of sanction proceedings was waived. Eleven cases had been completed by the expiry of the deadline of anuary n those cases already concluded administrative fines totalling € 310,800 were imposed nine times.

urthermore eutsche rse Group considers it its duty to contribute to regaining lost trust in the capital maret. n fulfilment of this responsibility the exchange operator therefore decided in to subect its rules and regulations to an indepth review and to revise them with the involvement of the various regulators.

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In this context the xchange Council of Franfurt Stoc xchange adopted amendments to the xchange ules that will enable management in future to remove from the Prime Standard insolvent issuers or those that have filed for insolvency. ther activities and proposals to promote the transparency of capital marets aim to speed up penalty proceedings, increase fines for infringements and to provide investors with transparent information about the issuers concerned and the steps and sanctions that have been taen against them.

S td. announced a change to the rules on 2 ugust. nder the new rules, companies in statutory insolvency proceedings will be removed from the selection indices within two trading days. he rules tae effect on ugust. he new rule applies to the companies mentioned above and was agreed in the context of a maret consultation between uly and ugust. Specifically, the change refers to the opening of insolvency proceedings as proceedings defined by law and comprises all the relevant public announcements in this context. Because companies from other states can also be a member of the index, the rule does not apply solely to erman insolvency law. Prior to this change, companies that were members of the Prime Standard segment and were in insolvency proceedings were removed from the index at the next chaining date.

eutsche Brse roup launched a segment for green bonds – bonds issued to raise capital for proects with climate and environmental benefits – on the Franfurt Stoc xchange in ovember 20. his segment currently comprises 2 bonds that meet the reen Bond Principles of the International Capital aret ssociation. hey include the use of issue proceeds, the proect selection process, management and ongoing reporting. he new segment caters to the demand for sustainable financing, which is rising all over the world. Investors who care not only about the economic, but also the ecological return of their investment can find the right strategy at Bonds reen Bonds. he bonds included in Deutsche Börse’s segment are admitted for trading at various uropean stoc exchanges, including the Franfurt Stoc xchange.

Bonds at Franfurt Stoc xchange 2020 otal issue proceeds for bonds € billion ,2 Issue proceeds for green bonds € billion 2

table financial markets he core economic function of an exchange is to preserve economic prosperity and create the right framewor conditions for growth. s a global maret infrastructure provider, eutsche Brse roup operates marets that help enterprises of all sies to raise euity and debt – which in turn enables them to grow, create and protect obs and contribute to a higher level of value creation.

s central counterparty CCP, urex Clearing fulfils its responsibility of promoting sustainable global economic growth and stable financial marets. Furthermore, as a clearing house it is an independent risk manager and ensures a neutral valuation of its members’ risk positions. It also protects members in the event of a maret participant defaulting, thus minimising riss and enhancing both the efficiency of trading and the stability of the financial marets. he bundling of default ris also permits high netting effects, which in turn facilitate sustainable cost savings for the entire maret.

67 Deutsche Börse roup nnual report

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he UK’s decision to leave the EU has caused significant uncertainty for the entire European financial services sector since the referendum on une . ke issue in this contet is the clearing of overthecounter interest rate derivatives hich at approximately €312 trillion account for the largest share per cent of outstanding volumes. t the same time the are the main reason for the strong increase since source BI emiannual Derivatives tatistics une the figure from the Bank for International ettlement tatistics Derivatives derivatives statistics) of approximately €442 trillion as adusted b deducting doublecounting of interdealer volumes source; €/US$ exchange rate as at une US$1.1198/€;ECB]. Since a final decision on many Brexitrelated financial topics has been deferred there is currentl a controversial debate about access to clearing houses outside the creating significant uncertaint amongst market participants. ure learing has come up ith a solution designed to make the potentiall necessar shift of euro clearing to the as straightforard as possible for all market participants the ure learing artnership rogramme. hrough this initiative ure learing is not onl offering the market an attractive alternative for clearing interest rate derivatives outside ondon and ithin the but also anticipating potential market turbulence and taking earl action to counteract it.

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Key nonfinancial perforance indicators social atters 2020 2019

Transparency roportion of copanies reporting in accordance ith aiu transparency standards Security vailaility of cash aret trading syste vailaility of derivatives aret trading syste verage onthly cleared volues across all products € trillion

atio of the aret capitalisation of copanies listed in the rie tandard for shares to the aret capitalisation of all copanies listed on the ranfurter ertpapierrse the ranfurt toc Echange yste availaility rans aongst the ost iportant nonfinancial perforance indicators as defined in and section in conunction ith section sentence of the for hich a forecast is ade verage onthly clearing volue including echangetraded and derivatives as ell as securities and repo transactions learing volues are suect to doule counting

eutsche rse roup pays ages salaries and taes ts coercial activity therefore contriutes to private and pulic incoe – this contriution is ade transparent in the valueadded stateent or details please refer to the “Value added: breakdown of corporate performance” section

roduct matters

ustomer satisfaction eutsche rse roup is eecuting a roupide groth strategy ith hich it ais to strengthen its agility aition effectiveness and clear custoer focus n iproving its organisation the roup ais to etter address changing client needs and gradually tap unutilised potential y eans of a roupide approach to areting sales innovation and product developent

n surveys across the EE Eure and learstrea ere aligned they include coon questions and use a standardised “Net Promoter Score (NPS)” methodology. In this contet usinesses as their clients aout their readiness to recoend the service provider ith the ai of notifying senior anageent and staff of the results shortly after the close of the survey

One example of Deutsche Börse Group’s customer focus is Clearstream’s annual client services survey. his survey ais to identify custoer needs and prioritise and address enhanceent reuests to further iprove products and services he results of this survey are taen up y the learstrea anageent oittee hich includes senior anageent here concrete actions are taen to address custoer needs. The Clearstream senior management is provided with an overview of the items (customers’ needscoplaints raised in the survey


Management report | Combined non-financial statement

ustainable inde products Qontigo’s index provider STOXX is part of Deutsche Börse Group, calculating and distributing around indices, whereas a growing number of which are designed after sustainability aspects. STOXX’s

maintains its broad range of sustainability indices in response to investors’

▪ STOXX ESG-X indices

1 In an effort to realize synergies within Deutsche Börse Group's index business, Deutsche Börse AG (DBAG) has transferred on 21 August 2019 its index administrator role (as defined under the EU Benchmarks Regulation) to STOXX Ltd. and such indices (DAX, eb.rexx, etc.) have also been included in the ESMA Benchmarks register under Art. 36 of the EU Benchmarks Regulation.

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. STOXX & DAX ESG indices The EURO STOXX 50 ESG index and the DAX 50 ESG index remove companies involved in activities that are undesirable or controversial from a responsible-investing perspective, similar to the approach of STOXX ESG-X indices. In addition they integrate sustainability parameters into stock selection, meaning they prioritize or overweight companies with the highest ESG scores while underweighting the laggards. The EURO STOXX 50 ESG index is based on the EURO STOXX 50®, one of Europe’s flagship benchmarks. The DAX 50 ESG is designed to ensure an ESG index whose liquidity and risk-return characteristics are similar to those of Germany’s DAX®.

The EURO STOXX 50® ESG index, the DAX 50 ESG index and STOXX’s suite of ESG-X indices are suitable for underlying mandates, passive funds, ETFs, structured products and listed derivatives with the ambition to increase liquidity and lower the cost of trading.

Overview of STOXX, DAX ESG, Climate Change and Carbon-Emission index offerings:

. STOXX & DAX ESG Benchmark indices . STOXX ESG-X Benchmark indices . STOXX Sustainability indices . STOXX Global ESG Leaders and ESG Specialized Leaders indices . STOXX Climate indices . STOXX Low Carbon indices . ESG Impact indices

In addition to the above-mentioned STOXX and DAX indices, the ÖkoDAX® index focuses on German companies active in the renewable energy business.

iSTOXX ESG offering Under the umbrella of the iSTOXX brand, STOXX also offers a broad range of customised ESG-related indices that cater to specific client requirements. These indices offer specific strategies within the broader STOXX universe of responsible investing indices that track companies that are pioneering or making the most headway in the transition to a low-carbon economy and a fairer and better world from the perspective of ESG principles.

Visit the website for a complete overview of all STOXX, DAX and iSTOXX indices.

Non-financial key indicators: sustainable index products 31 Dec. 2020 31 Dec. 2019

ESG criteria Assets under management in ETFs based on ESG indices from Qontigo1)2) €m 328.5 274.3 Total assets under management in ETFs based on indices from Qontigo1) €bn 100,468.9 99,209.33 Transparency Number of sustainable index concepts 296 224 Number of calculated indices 12,999 12,554 1) STOXX (STOXX Indices) and Qontigo Index GmbH (DAX Indices) are part of Qontigo 2) Based on the ETFs issued in 2016: FlexShares STOXX® Global ESG Impact index and FlexShares STOXX® US ESG Impact index, based on ETFs issued in 2019: EURO iSTOXX ESG-X & Ex Nuclear Power Multi Factor, EURO STOXX ESG-X & Ex Nuclear Power Minimum Variance Unconstrained, EURO STOXX 50 ESG and STOXX Europe 600 ESG-X and based on ETFs issued in 2020: DAX 50 ESG, STOXX Europe 600 Paris-Aligned Benchmark, EURO iSTOXX Ambition Climat PAB and EURO STOXX 50 ESG

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Eurex ESG derivatives offering urex too over a pioneering role by introducing an SG product suite based on uropean benchmars in ebruary . The three futures on the highly liuid uropean STOXX benchmars covering SG xclusions, ow arbon and limate mpact support maret participants to manage sustainabilitydriven challenges. n October the first exchangetraded SG options on a uropean benchmar was added to the product range. t the same time the offering was further complemented by STOXX Select products with futures and options that capture the performance of uropean companies with high dividend payments and low volatility which are selected from the STOXX SG Global eaders index.

ith the introduction of derivatives on sustainable versions of various regional and global benchmars in ebruary and arch urex has achieved a global coverage with its SG offering. n ovember urex went one step further in terms of methodology by introducing futures and options on DX SG and O STOXX SG indices combining screening out undesirable securities and considering SG ranings as part of the selection process.

roducts available for trading on urex

▪ O STOXX ow arbon ndex utures ▪ STOXX urope SGX ndex utures and Options ▪ STOXX urope limate mpact x Global ompact ontroversial eapons Tobacco ndex utures ▪ STOXX urope SG eaders Select ndex utures and Options ▪ STOXX S SGX ndex utures ▪ S SG Screened ndex utures covering S, orld, , and apan ▪ DX SG ndex utures and Options ▪ O STOXX SG utures and Options

n , the second year after their launch, STOXX urope SGX ndex utures and Options, which are by far the most popular contracts, have reached ca. . million traded contracts. SG is one of the maor trends and the product interest is in line with urex expectations. Overall the segment covers products.

urther information is available on marets euity index SG derivatives

Energ and energreated arets Deutsche Börse Group holds a maority shareholding in uropean nergy xchange G X, eipig, Germany. The product and service offerings of X and its subsidiaries focus on trading platforms for energy and energy related marets e.g. power, gas, emission allowances. By providing liuid, secure and transparent marets, X group plays an important role in improving the efficient functioning of these marets that are directly lined to uestions of climate change. This includes the continuous development of new products and services, providing maret solutions to support the longterm transition of Germany’s and Europe’s energy system towards a higher share of carbonfree, renewable energy sources.

X is constantly developing new support within the framewor of the climate and decarbonisation goals as expessed within the uropean Green Deal. This includes longterm strategies such as the ydrogen Strategy.

72 eutsche rse Group nnua report

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EE operates a reguated maret for emissions aowances under the E Emissions rading ystem E E and hosts the centra auction patform for the EE his incudes organising reguar auctions on behaf of the E member states E member states are connected to an Ewide auction patform and separate auctions are hed for Germany and oand his system coud be epanded to tae in further sectors such as heating and transportation

urthermore EE has deeoped hedging instruments to trade energy with an increasing power generation from renewabes EE has introduced throughout the year a number of short term power products to support this deeopment n addition an etension of maturities in the eectricity deriaties maret which wi aow for eectricity production and procurement to be hedged in the ong term is reuired and is thus being deeoped ompanies deeoping renewabe energy and their business partners can aready hedge against price oatiity and counterparty credit riss oer the ong term and these maturities wi be epanded from net year onwards uch trades in ongterm maturity products hae aready occurred throughout and are epected to grow in the future

EE Group further promotes the integration and mareting of renewabes through its roe as a proider of registries for socaed guarantees of origin which are used by eectricity and gas distributors to proe the origin of the energy they suppy ere EE Group aso deeops marets for carbonfree and ow carbon hydrogen Gree part of EE Group actie in operating registries for guarantees of origin is an actie consortium partner to ertify which used to be the first registry for hydrogen guarantees of origin

oarison it te foreast for

ith regard to the deeopment of the nonfinancia performance indicators forecast for the Group was unfortunatey not uite abe to achiee the system aaiabiity of the preious year rading system aaiabiity in the cash maret was beow target at per cent per cent and for the deriaties maret at per cent per cent which in both cases was due to a technica infrastructure faiure easures taen in this regard promise significanty higher operationa reiabiity in the future gainst this bacground the company epects that the aaiabiity of the trading systems for the cash and deriaties maret wi again be at the ery high ee of preious years in the forecast period

n its endeaours to raise the share of women hoding eecutie positions as eary as in the Eecutie oard had adopted a ountary commitment to increase the share of women hoding midde and upper management positions to per cent by and of women hoding ower management positions to per cent he Group maintains this ambition in n a deiation from the statutory obigation the ountary commitment has been formuated more comprehensiey n the one hand the targets set here reate to eutsche rse Group wordwide and on the other hand the management ees management positions hae been defined more comprehensiey so that for eampe team eader positions are aso incuded Gobay these ratios were per cent for senior and midde management at eutsche rse Group as at ecember per cent and per cent for ower management per cent or Germany the ratios were per cent per cent and per cent per cent respectiey

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Eecutie and uperisory oards Management report | Risk report inancia statements otes urther information

is report

Deutsche Börse Group (hereafter also known as “the Group”) includes the following entities which are reguated as credit institutions earstream aning and earstream aning G hereinafter referred to as “Clearstream”, including Clearstream Holding AG), as well as Eurex Clearing AG. earstream aning G is aso an authorised centra securities depository and subect to the entra ecurities epositories eguation Eure earing G and European ommodity earing G continue to be authorised as centra counterparties s and are subect to the reuirements of the European aret nfrastructure eguation E n addition other Group companies hod different icences to proide reguated actiities in the financia serices sector s such these entities are subect to comprehensie statutory reuirements inter aia on ris management for further information on the reguated entities pease refer to “Regulatory capital requirements and regulatory capital ratios” er and aboe the statutory reuirements incuding the E directies and i and their impementation into nationa aw other reguations worth mentioning incude primariy E reguations and E the nationa reuirements of the inimum euirements for is anagement ais issued by the edera inancia uperisory uthority undesanstat fr inandiensteistungsaufsicht ain and circuar issued by the inancia uperisory uthority of uembourg ommission de ureiance du ecteur inancier n this contet significant parts of the ris management are defined in the scope of the socaed second piar of the ase regime for a number of the Group’s companies. Moreover, national regulations implementing the EU aning ecoery and esoution irectie appy to earstream and Eure earing G regarding the estabishment of recoery pans eutsche rse Group foows internationa standards in its ris management and aso appies these without or in addition to such statutory reuirements

he highest reguatory standards within the Group are appicabe to Eure earing G and earstream gien their reguation as credit institutions onsidering this and their economic importance this ris report focuses on these subsidiaries in particuar

is strateg and ris anageent

Deutsche Börse Group’s risk strategy is aigned with its business mode and company strategy he Group proides the infrastructure for reiabe and secure capita marets assists constructiey in their reguation and stries for a eading roe in a of the areas in which it does business eutsche rse Group’s risk strategy is based on three core principles:

1. Risk limitation – protecting the company against liquidation and ensuring its continuing operation “Capital exhaustion should not occur more than once in 5,000 years and an operating loss must not be generated more than once every hundred years.” This means that one goal is to ensure a minimum probabiity of per cent that the tota capita wi not be ost within the net twee months y this approach an economic perspectie is taen when eauating the riss of eutsche rse Group nother obectie is to guarantee for a probabiity of per cent or more that eutsche rse wi at east brea een epressed in terms of its E n other words this principe estabishes how much ris the Group must be abe to withstand whist aso determining its ris appetite Ensuring the continuing operation of eutsche rse Group additionay demands the fufiment of reguatory capita reuirements which refects a normatie perspectie when eauating the riss of eutsche rse Group

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2. Support for growth in the various business segments “Risk management supports the business units in developing their business”. With this principle, the Group promotes its growth strategy. As such, risks are identified, and clearly communicated. This principle includes risk from organic growth, MA activities and the use of transformational technology. The aim is to make wellfounded strategic decisions within the boundaries of the defined risk appetite.

3. Appropriate risk/return ratio “The return on equity should exceed the cost of equity.” Deutsche Börse Group has set itself the goal of ensuring that risk and return should be reasonably balanced, both for specific business areas in general and for individual regions, products and customers.

nternal risk management is based on the Groupwide detection and management of risk, which is focused on its risk appetite, see the chart “Interlocking business strategy and risk strategy”. Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board has overall responsibility, and defines the framework for risk management throughout the Group. Under these Groupwide risk management requirements, each business segment and each regulated company is responsible for managing its own risk.

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Implementation in the Group’s organisational structure and workflow The risk strategy applies to the entire Deutsche Börse Group. Risk management functions, processes and responsibilities are binding for all Group employees and organisational units. To ensure that all employees are riskaware, risk management is firmly anchored in the Group’s organisational structure and workflows. The Executive Board is responsible for risk management overall, whereas within the individual companies it is the responsibility of the respective management. The boards and committees given below receive regular information on the risk situation.

The upervisory Board of Deutsche Börse AG assesses and monitors the effectiveness of the risk management system and its continuing development. The upervisory Board has delegated the regular evaluation of the appropriateness and the effectiveness of the risk management system to the Audit ommittee. In addition, the Risk ommittee examines the risk strategy and risk appetite on an annual basis.

Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board determines the Groupwide risk strategy and risk appetite and allocates the latter to the company’s individual business segments and business units, respectively. It ensures that the Group’s risk appetite is and remains compatible with its short and longterm strategy, business and capital planning, riskbearing capacity and remuneration systems. The Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG also determines what parameters are used to assess risks and how risk capital is allocated. It ensures that the requirements for the risk strategy and risk appetite are met.

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he Group isk ommittee G reviews the risk position of the Group regularly and involves the Executive Board in all important matters he G is a Groupinternal risk committee, chaired by the hief inancial fficer

Group isk anagement G, headed by the hief isk fficer , prepares the proposals for the corresponding risk strategy, risk appetite, the approaches and methods for monitoring risk, capital allocation and procedures G continuously analyses and evaluates risks and produces uantitative and ualitative reports hese are submitted regularly to the G, once a month or as needed ad hoc to the Executive Board, once a uarter to the isk ommittee of the upervisory Board and once a year to the upervisory Board ikewise, the reports to the Audit ommittee on the effectiveness of the risk management system on an annual basis his system ensures that the responsible bodies can regularly check whether the defined risk limits are being adhered to consistently n addition, G recommends risk management measures with which the risks can be controlled accordingly

The Group’s regulated subsidiaries act in the same way, always ensuring that they meet the reuirements of the Group n particular, they adhere to the risk appetite framework allocated to them by Deutsche Börse Group he relevant supervisory boards and their committees are involved in the process, as are the executive boards and the corresponding risk management functions learstream and Eurex learing AG implement the risk strategy with specific features drawn up for their own businesses hey therefore also use metrics and reporting formats adapted to the overarching Group structure n general, the management of the respective subsidiary bears the responsibility for its risk management and risk appetite the observance is monitored by the respective supervisory board

Centrally coordinated risk management – a five-stage process isk management is implemented in a fivestage process he obective is to identify all potential losses in good time, to record them centrally and to evaluate them in uantitative terms as far as possible if necessary, management measures must then be recommended and their implementation monitored see the chart “The fivestage risk management system” he first stage is to identify the risks and the possible causes of losses or operational malfunctions n the second stage, the business areas regularly – or immediately, in urgent cases – report to G the risks that they have identified and uantified n the third stage, G assesses the risk exposure, whilst in the fourth stage, the business areas manage the risks by avoiding, mitigating or transferring them, or by actively accepting them he fifth and final stage involves, for example, monitoring different risk metrics and, where necessary, informing the responsible Executive Board members and committees of significant risks, their assessment and possible emergency measures n addition to its regular monthly and uarterly reports, G compiles ad hoc reports for members of the executive and supervisory boards he risk management functions at learstream and Eurex learing AG submit reports to the respective executive boards and supervisory boards As an independent unit, nternal Audit reviews the risk controlling functions

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pproaces and metods for risk monitoring

eutsche rse Group uses uantitative and ualitative approaches and methods for risk monitoring, with the obective of providing as complete a picture as possible of its risk situation at all times To this end, the Group continuously reviews internal events with regard to their risk properties, whilst also considering regional as well as global developments The Group is thus able to recognise and analyse eisting risks at the same time, it is able to swiftly and adeuately respond to emerging risks, as well as to changes in the market or in the business environment

Existing risks eutsche rse Group employs a range of tools to evaluate and monitor operational, financial and business risk on a continuous basis, applying an economic perspective to uantify and aggregate risks normative perspective is also adopted for the credit institutions learstream and ure learing G The value at risk a model is the main tool used for uantification The purpose of the a model is to determine the amount of capital – given a confidence interval defined e ante – reuired to cover potential losses incurred within twelve months oreover, socalled stress tests are carried out in order to simulate etreme, yet plausible, events and their impact upon the Group’s riskbearing capacity nother approach to risk monitoring, which serves as an early warning system for uantified and non uantifiable inhouse risks, is complementary risk metrics These risk metrics are based on T and security risks, potential losses, credit, liuidity and business risks

1. Economic perspective: what risk can the capital bear? The economic perspective measures risk positions arising from regular operations solely on the basis of ualitative and uantitative criteria, and so regardless of the reuirements of individual accounting or regulatory models This perspective defines the minimum amount of reuired economic capital rinciple of the risk strategy specifies that eutsche rse Group should not ehaust its riskbearing capacity in more than per cent of all years

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or learstream and ure learin G, calculated in this manner also complies ith the reuirements o the second pillar o asel eutsche rse Group determines its riskbearin capacit on the basis o its reported euit in accordance ith nternational inancial eportin tandards s learstream and ure learin G determine their riskbearin capacit on the basis o their reulator capital or details, see section “Regulatory capital requirements and regulatory capital ratios”

or manaement purposes, G reularl determines the ratio o the to the riskbearin capacit his indicator is knon as the utilisation o riskbearin capacit and it ansers a ke risk manaement uestion ho much risk can the Group aord and hat risk is it currentl eposed to he ratio o to riskbearin capacit remained belo the deined maimum throuhout the reportin period this ere not the case, the Group ould in a orstcase scenario ehaust its entire riskbearin capacit and ould become insolvent

2. Normative perspective and other regulatory capital requirements learstream and ure learin G must also calculate their capital reuirements or various risk tpes see the chart “Deutsche Börse Group’s risk profile” in line ith the illar reuirements o asel n addition, ure learin G must ulil capital reuirements hilst learstream ankin G has to compl ith capital reuirements as authorisation as as ranted b ain in anuar learstream ankin is currentl applin or authorisation accordin to learstream and ure learin G use the standard approach or analsin and evaluatin credit and market risk

he to institutions have adopted dierent approaches reardin operational risk learstream uses the considerabl more comple advanced measurement approach in all business units his means that it meets the regulatory capital requirements for operational risk set out in the EU’s Capital euirements eulation ccordin to the method – hich has been approved and is reularl audited b ain – the reuired capital is allocated to the reulated entities n contrast, ure learin G emplos or operational risk the basic indicator approach in order to calculate reulator capital reuirements or details, see section “Regulatory capital requirements and regulatory capital ratios”

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3. Stress tests tress tests are carried out in order to simulate etreme yet plausile eents for all material types of risk Using oth hypothetical and historical scenarios they simulate the occurrence of etreme losses or an accumulation of large losses ithin a single year imilarly inerse stress tests are also carried out hich analyse hich loss scenarios ould eceed the riskearing capacity

4. Risk metrics Risk metrics are used to quantify the eposure to the most important internal risks against set limits hey are complementary to the aR approach and sere to monitor other factors as ell as non quantifiale risks ny reach of these limits seres as an early arning signal hich is reported to the Eecutie Board on a monthly asis urthermore any such reach immediately triggers the requisite risk mitigation processes

meri risks ith regard to risk management Deutsche Börse Group pursues a sustainale longterm strategy y also ealuating risks eyond a telemonth horion or this purpose the Group has deeloped so called risk maps tailored specifically for epected or upcoming regulatory requirements and and information security risks n addition other operational usiness and financial risks are also assessed eyond a telemonth period Risk maps classify risks y their proaility of occurring and y their financial impact should they materialise reie process of Enironment ocial Goernance EG aspects is also carried out as part of the Group Risk Committee

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Risk escriti

he folloing section descries the types of risk that Deutsche Börse Group generally has to manage and presents the risks it actually faces t also eplains the measures that Deutsche Börse Group uses to attempt to preent loss eents and to minimise their financial effects

Risk profile he risk profile of Deutsche Börse Group differs fundamentally from those of other financial serices proiders Deutsche Börse Group differentiates eteen the three standard types of risk operational risk financial risk and usiness risk roect risk also eists ut the Group does not specifically quantify these as their impact is already reflected in the three risk types he maority of risks are of an operational nature see the charts elo “Required economic capital for German universal banks by risk type” and “Required economic capital for Deutsche Börse Group by risk type”

Operational risk greater than financial and business risk Utilisation of riskearing capacity from an economic perspectie is used as the primary internal management indicator throughout Deutsche Börse Group see the section “Approaches and methods for risk monitoring” for an eplanation of these terms n addition to the financial and operational risk already mentioned usiness risk is also identified and assessed his relates in particular to potential threats to reenue such as price pressure or loss in market share as ell as cost risks he economic perspectie reeals that financial risk only accounts for around per cent of all risks at Deutsche Börse Group Business risk accounts for per cent his makes the third risk type all the more important for Deutsche Börse Group at per cent operational risk accounts for tothirds of the REC nformation on the additional capital requirements of other susidiaries is proided in section “Regulatory capital requirements and regulatory capital ratios”

he three risk types applicale to Deutsche Börse Group are descried in detail elo in the order of their importance

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Operational risk or Deutsche Börse Group operational risks comprise the unavailability of systems service deficiency damage to physical assets as ell as legal disputes and business practice see the chart belo “Operational risk at Deutsche Börse Group” uman resources risks are quantified ust like other operational risks he share of operational risk of the R as per cent as at December

Unavailability of systems perational resources such as the etra and trading system are essential for the services offered by Deutsche Börse Group hey should never fail in order to ensure that market participants can trade securities or derivatives at any time and ithout delay he Group therefore calculates the availability of these systems as an important risk indicator. In line with the Group’s risk strategy, the business areas are responsible for monitoring the indicators

he longer the dontime for one of these systems the larger the potential loss An outage could be caused by softare or hardare issues or in unlikely cases the availability of the systems could be affected by acts of cybercrime or terrorist attack n the past only limited failures have occurred both ith etra and ith and its predecessor system n practice there has never been a system failure lasting longer than one day Deutsche Börse Group has taken a number of measures to further minimise the risk of failure lasting an entire day or longer for eample the redundancy of the netork infrastructure Despite all mitigating measures hoever failures of the infrastructure can never be ruled out completely n limited instances of system issues eceeding to hours ere observed imely countermeasures ere taken to address these system issues

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In general, aailability risk represents the largest operational risk or Deutsche Börse Group and is thereore subect to regular tests that siulate not only what happens when its own systes ail but also when suppliers ail to delier.

Service deficiency isks can also arise i a serice proided to a custoer is inadeuate and this leads to coplaints or legal disputes. One eaple would be errors in the settleent o securities transactions due to deectie products and processes or istakes in anual entries. second eaple is handling errors in the collateral liuidation process in the eent o the deault o a large clearing custoer. uch errors hae not occurred to date in the rare case o a ailure. he related processes are tested at least annually.

Other sources o error ay be attributable to suppliers or to product deects istakes that ay lead to the loss o client assets or istakes in accounting processes ust also be considered. he Group registers all coplaints and oral obections as a key indicator o deicient processing risk.

Damage to physical assets atural disasters, accidents, terroris or sabotage also count as operational risks that could, or eaple, cause the destruction o, or seere daage to, a data centre or oice building. Business ontinuity anageent and hysical ecurity easures ai at aerting signiicant inancial daage see the chart Business ontinuity anageent.

Legal disputes and business practice osses can also result ro ongoing legal proceedings. hese can occur i Deutsche Börse Group breaches laws or other reuireents, enters into inadeuate contractual agreeents or ails to onitor and obsere case law to a suicient degree. egal risk also includes losses due to raud and labour law issues. his could entail, or eaple, losses resulting ro insuicient antioney laundering controls or breaches o copetition law or o banking secrecy. uch operational risks can also arise i goernent sanctions are not obsered, e.g. in case o conlicting laws o dierent urisdictions, or in the eent o breaches o other goernental or oerarching regulations.

In its corporate report, Deutsche Börse Group inored about the class action eterson s learstrea Banking .., the irst eterson proceeding, targeting turnoer o certain custoer positions held in Clearstream Banking S.A.’s securities omnibus account with its depository bank, itibank , and asserting direct clais against learstrea Banking .. or daages o . illion. he atter was settled between learstrea Banking .. and the plaintis and the direct clais against learstrea Banking .. were abandoned.

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n ul the S court ordered turnoer o the customer ositions to the laintis ruling that these were owned b Bank arkai the ranian central bank. Bank arkai aealed and the decision was airmed on ul b the Second Circuit Court o Aeals and later b the S Sureme Court on Aril . nce distribution o the unds to the laintis is comlete a related case eiser s Clearstream Banking S.A. also seeking turnoer o the same assets should also be dismissed.

n ecember a number o S laintis rom the irst eterson case as well as other laintis iled a comlaint in the SA targeting restitution o certain assets that Clearstream Banking S.A. holds as a custodian in uembourg. n the deendants in this action including Clearstream Banking S.A. moed to dismiss the case. n ebruar the S court issued a decision granting the defendants’ motions and dismissing the lawsuit. The plaintiffs lodged an appeal against this ruling at the cometent aeals court Second Circuit Court o Aeals which on oember conirmed large ortions o the decision o the court o irst instance. he aeals court reerred the case back to the court o irst instance regarding another asect asking the court to assess whether the assets held in uembourg are subect to eecution in the SA. Clearstream Banking S.A. iled a etition against this ruling with the S Sureme Court on a . he S Sureme Court decided on anuar to reer the second eterson case back to the aeals court or consideration in the light o new S legislation. he aeals court reerred the case back to the court o irst instance and on August the laintis iled a motion or a summar decision with the court o irst instance. Alternatiel the laintis hae reuested a reliminar court decision ordering the transer to the SA o the disuted assets held in custod b Clearstream Banking S.A.

n ctober a number o laintis iled a comlaint in the SA naming Clearstream Banking S.A. and other entities as deendants. he comlaint in this roceeding alish s Clearstream Banking S.A. is based on similar assets and allegations as in the eterson roceedings. he comlaint seeks turnoer o certain assets that Clearstream Banking S.A. holds as a custodian in uembourg. he comlaint also asserts direct claims against Clearstream Banking S.A. and other deendants and urorts to seek damages o u to aroimatel S. billion lus unitie damages and interest. n ctober an amendment to the comlaint was iled in this case with the aim o including additional laintis in the roceedings. n connection with this also urther direct claims or damages o aroimatel S. billion lus unitie damages and interest are asserted against Clearstream Banking S.A. and the other deendants.

n Aril Clearstream Banking S.A. was inormed that the nited States Attorne or the Southern istrict o ew ork has oened a grand ur inestigation against Clearstream Banking S.A. due to Clearstream Banking S.A.’s conduct with respect to Iran and other countries subject to US sanction laws. Clearstream Banking S.A. is cooerating with the S attorne.

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In the contet of the ongoing disputes regarding assets of Bank arkai Clearstream Banking S.A. was sered with a complaint of Bank arkai on anuar naming Banca UBA S.p.A. and Clearstream Banking S.A. as defendants. The complaint filed before the uembourg courts primaril seeks the restitution of assets of Bank arkai which the complaint alleges are held on accounts of Banca UBA S.p.A. and Bank arkai with Clearstream Banking S.A. totalling approimatel US. billion plus interest. Alternatiel Bank arkai seeks damages of the same amount. The assets sought include assets that were preiousl transferred b Clearstream Banking S.A. to Banca UBA S.p.A. urthermore the complaint b Bank arkai concerns assets of approimatel US. billion that were turned oer to US plaintiffs pursuant to a binding and enforceable US court order in a proceeding to which Bank arkai was a part. The lawsuit also concerns client assets of approimatel US. billion which includes assets held b Clearstream Banking S.A. that are currentl subject to litigation in the USA and uembourg brought b US plaintiffs. In iew of this Bank arkai b wa of further proceedings pending in uembourg is seeking the declaration that Clearstream Banking S.A. shall subject to penalties be prohibited from transferring releant assets to the USA. Until a decision in these proceedings Clearstream Banking S.A. due to a preliminar injunction obtained b Bank arkai is prohibited under penalt from transferring releant assets to the USA. Clearstream Banking S.A. has filed a recourse with the uembourg Court of Cassation against the preliminar injunction.

n une Banca UBA S.p.A. filed a complaint against Clearstream Banking S.A. with the uembourg courts. This complaint is a recourse action related to the complaint filed b Bank arkai against Clearstream Banking S.A. and Banca UBA S.p.A and asks that Banca UBA S.p.A. be indemnified and held harmless b Clearstream Banking S.A. in the eent that Banca UBA S.p.A. loses the legal dispute brought b Bank arkai and is ordered b the court to pa damages to Bank arkai.

The plaintiffs in the aboementioned alish case on September made a formal interention concerning the complaint b Bank arkai of anuar . ith this the plaintiffs amongst others reuest that Clearstream Banking S.A. be ordered to pa an amount euialent to US judgments obtained b the plaintiffs against Iran and Bank arkai in the amount of appro. US. billion plus interest.

n oember the plaintiffs in the alish case also sued Clearstream Banking S.A. and other legal entities in uembourg. The lawsuit is essentiall based on similar allegations to those in the alish case pending in the USA and amongst other things asserts direct claims of around US. billion plus interest against Clearstream Banking S.A.

n ecember two US plaintiffs filed a complaint naming Clearstream Banking S.A. and other entities as defendants. The plaintiffs hae claims against Iran and Iranian authorities and persons amounting to approimatel US. million. The complaint in this case ein s. Clearstream Banking S.A. is based on similar assets and allegations as in the second eterson case and the alish case. The complaint seeks turnoer of certain assets that Clearstream Banking S.A. holds as a custodian in uembourg. The complaint also asserts direct claims against Clearstream Banking S.A. and other defendants and seeks damages of up to approimatel US. million plus punitie damages and interest.

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n ecember seeral US plaintiffs from the aforementioned eiser s Clearstream Banking S.A. case filed a new complaint naming Clearstream Banking S.A. and other entities as defendants. The plaintiffs hold claims against Iran and Iranian authorities and persons in ecess of US. million and are seeking turnoer of Iranian assets.

On 26 August 2020, further judgment creditors of Iran (the “Ofisi plaintiffs”) filed a complaint in the USA in which Clearstream Banking S.A. is also named as a defendant. The fisi plaintiffs obtained a US judgment against Iran and others in awarding them damages of approimatel US. billion as a result of terrorist attacks attributed amongst others to Iran. n this basis the fisi plaintiffs are seeking the turnoer of assets attributed to Bank arkai which are alread the subject of other actions brought against Clearstream Banking S.A. urthermore the fisi plaintiffs are claiming damages and punitie damages euialent to the amount of their damage award directl from Clearstream Banking S.A.

Starting on ul the insolenc administrators of airfield Sentr td. and airfield Sigma td. two funds domiciled on the British irgin Islands filed complaints in the US Bankruptc Court for the Southern istrict of ew ork asserting claims against more than financial institutions for restitution of amounts paid to inestors in the funds for redemption of units prior to ecember . n anuar the funds’ insolenc administrators filed litigation against Clearstream Banking S.A. for the restitution of US. million in paments made for redemption of fund units which the funds made to inestors ia the settlement sstem of Clearstream Banking S.A. The proceedings which were suspended for seeral ears are ongoing.

Amongst other legal disputes in connection with the bankruptc of the uerto ico case under SA legislation the legal committee of the uerto ican goernment initiated legal action in to recoer interest paments made from to to holders of goernment bonds S and bonds and compan pension bonds. Clearstream Banking S.A. is named in this US litigation and two lawsuits hae been filed against Clearstream Banking S.A. itself one of the two lawsuits relates to paments in connection with the bond the other to paments in connection with the S bond. The uerto ican goernment is claiming US. million for the bond and less than US for the S bond. Both lawsuits and all other similar litigation hae been suspended since ul .

n August Clearstream Banking S.A. was summoned in legal proceedings in Indonesia between T apuas rima Coal TB and the principal defendant orionte pportunities und SC. Clearstream Banking S.A. is cited as a codefendant in the proceedings. T apuas rima Coal TB claims a breach of contract b IC shareholders and is seeking the return b means of blocking and seiure of IC shares issued b it that are currentl deposited with the codefendant’s custodians including Clearstream Banking S.A.. At the first hearing in oember the court noted it could dismiss the claim if the plaintiff was again not present at a hearing scheduled for April .

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egal disputes hae arisen regarding a ond issued lean nerg A (), hich is held in custod learstream aning A issued the first tranche of the ond in April 20 and the second tranche of the ond in ecemer 20 he gloal certificates for the to tranches ere deliered to learstream aning A the paing agent of the issuer he legal disputes relate to the nonpayment of the bond and the purported lack of validity of the bond. Clearstream Banking AG’s role in the contet of the purported lac of alidit of the ond is primaril to safeeep the gloal certificate as national central securities depositor Insolenc proceedings hae meanhile een opened in respect of the issuer,

A uer of an lean nerg A () ond, hich is held in custod learstream aning A and as listed on the ranfurt toc change, filed a lasuit at a utch court concerning claims for damages against learstream aning A, eutsche rse A and other partners he lasuit as dismissed at first instance in Octoer 2020 the plaintiff filed an appeal against the judgment

On 6 eruar 2020, a plaintiff filed a complaint naming learstream aning A and one other entit as defendants he complaint, hich as filed efore the courts in ranfurt, primaril sees rights to information and the turnover of dividends in the amount of approximately €4.1 million plus interest. The alleged claim relates to diidends from securities that learstream aning A holds as a custodian

In eptemer 20, learstream aning A and learstream aning A ere made aare that the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Cologne had initiated proceedings for tax evasion against an employee of learstream aning A for his alleged inolement in the settlement of transactions of maret participants over the dividend date (cum/ex transactions). On 22 January 2018, the Public Prosecutor’s Office in ologne addressed to learstream aning A a notification of hearing learstream aning A and learstream aning A as potential secondar participants (eeneteiligte) tarting on 2 August 2019, together with other supporting authorities, the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Cologne conducted searches of the offices of learstream aning A, learstream aning A, as ell as other eutsche rse roup companies and sites In the course of these measures, eutsche rse roup entities were made aware that the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Cologne has extended the group of accused persons (eschuldigte) to include current and former emploees of eutsche rse roup companies as ell as eecutie oard memers of susidiaries of eutsche rse A In 2020, eutsche rse ecame aare of a further etension of the group of accused persons among current and former emploees of eutsche Börse AG’s subsidiaries. ue to the still earl stage of the proceedings, it is still not possile to predict timing, scope or conseuences of a potential decision he companies concerned are cooperating ith the competent authorities he do not epect that the could e successfull held liale

In oemer 20, a customer of a trading participant of the ranfurt toc change filed a lasuit at the istrict ourt (andgericht) of ranfurtain against eutsche rse A he plaintiff is claiming damages of approximately €2.6 million from Deutsche Börse AG. The alleged damages are said to have arisen (1) on 7 July 2016, from Deutsche Börse AG’s publication of an inaccurate exdiidend date relating to a financial instrument ia the etra sstem and (2) due to the fact that a client of the plaintiff relied on this inaccurate information to conclude transactions he court dismissed the complaint in its final ruling of 6 oemer 2020

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On ecember the German ederal inancial upervisory Authority Bundesanstalt fr inandienstleistungsaufsicht Bain sent eutsche Börse AG a formal hearing notification in a penalty proceeding hich refers to an allegation of a supposed lack of selfexemption or alternatively an allegedly omitted ad hoc announcement. pecifically in the search for a successor for Carsten engeter eutsche Börse AG had omitted to ualify as a pricerelevant intermediate step the fact that a fe days before the appointment of heodor eimer in ovember to suitable and interested CO candidates had been identified and a decision about the appointment as planned. ven after consulting ith external experts eutsche Börse AG believes this allegation is unfounded.

espite the ongoing proceedings described before the xecutive Board is not aare of any material changes to the Group’s risk situation.

As of ecember in the opinion of xecutive Board and based on the information available there as no provision reuirement for litigation in any of the cases.

Measures to mitigate operational risk eutsche Börse Group takes specific measures to reduce its operational risk. Amongst them are emergency and contingency plans measures to ensure information security and the physical safety of employees and buildings as ell as compliance rules and procedures. n addition eutsche Börse Group has insurance policies that partly cover the potential financial conseuences of operational incidents.

Emergency and contingency plans t is essential for eutsche Börse Group to provide its products and services as reliably as possible. he Group has to maintain its business operations and safeguard against emergencies failures and crises. f its core processes and resources are not available this represents not only a substantial risk for the entire Group but also even a potential systemic risk for the financial markets in general. As a result eutsche Börse Group has set up a system of emergency and crisis plans covering the entire Group business continuity management BC. his covers all processes designed to ensure continuity of operations in the event of a crisis and significantly reduces unavailability risk. easures include precautions relating to all important resources systems orkstations employees suppliers including the redundant design of essential systems and the technical infrastructure as ell as emergency measures designed to mitigate the unavailability of employees or orkspaces in core functions at all important locations. his includes unavailability due to pandemic based events like the recent coronavirus outbreak. his situation is being handled in accordance ith the eutsche Börse Group ncident and Crisis anagement Process. Activities are centrally coordinated to ensure continuity of Deutsche Börse Group’s critical operations as well as employees’ health and safety. Backup locations are subect to regular tests and remote access is also available. xamples of such emergency and contingency measures are listed in the “Business continuity management” chart.

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Preparations for emergencies and crises he Group has introduced and tested a management process for emergencies and crises that enales it to respond uickly and in a coordinated manner. his is intended to minimise the effects on usiness processes and on the market and to enale a uick return to regular operations. ll usiness segments hae appointed emergency managers to act as central contacts and take responsiility during emergencies and crises. he emergency managers inform the ecutie Board or raise the alarm with them in the case of seere incidents. n the eent of a crisis the ecutie Board memer responsile for the affected usiness area acts as the crisis manager or delegates this role. he emergency and contingency plans are tested regularly y realistically simulating critical situations. uch tests are generally carried out unannounced. he test results are ealuated ased on the following criteria

◼ unctionally effectie the measures must e technically successful. ◼ ecutale the employees must e familiar with the emergency procedure and e ale to eecute it. ◼ imely emergency measures must ensure that operations restart within the intended time period namely the recoery time oectie .

Information security ttacks on information technology systems and their data – especially due to cyercrime – represent operational risks for Deutsche Börse Group which is continuously confronted with rising threats in this respect as are other financial serices proiders and the entire sector. nauthorised access change and loss of information as well as nonaailaility of information and serices may all arise as a result of such attacks such as phishing DDo and ransomware attacks. here was no successful attack on Deutsche Börse Group’s core systems in 2020.

In order to maintain the Group’s integrity as a transaction services provider, and in order to reduce and control the risks Deutsche Börse is continuously implementing measures to increase information security. he aim is to proactiely oost the roustness of procedures applications and technologies against cyercrime in such a way that they are adusted to the threatening situation and regulatory reuirements at an early stage. he foundation for this is formed y a set of core processes together with specific control measures ased on the international information security standard .

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he inormation security unction checs that the inormation security and inormation security ris management reuirements are adhered to it aso monitors the systemic integration o and adherence to security standards, ithin the scope o product and appication deveopment.

he Group operates a situation centre omputer mergency esponse eam, , hich detects and assesses threats rom cyercrime at an eary stage, and coordinates ris mitigation measures in cooperation ith the usiness units.

he Inormation ecurity unction operates a Groupide programme designed to raise sta aareness or the responsie handing o inormation, and to improve sta conduct in this aspect. in a, Deutsche Börse Group’s security approach includes overall measures in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001 covering oth the deveopment phase and the operationa phase.

urthermore, Deutsche Börse Group has een a u memer o nationa associations yer ecurity haring and naytics, , trade associations ord ederation o changes and internationa netors inancia ervices Inormation haring and naysis enter, I hich contriute signiicanty toards a orardooing stance visvis cyer threats, and the deveopment o strategies to end o such threats.

Physical security Deutsche Börse Group paces great importance on physica security issues due to the constanty changing goa security riss and threats. orporate ecurity has deveoped an integra security concept to protect the company, its empoyees and vaues rom interna and eterna attacs and threats – in a proactive as e as reactive manner. naysts are continuousy assessing the security situation at Deutsche Börse Group’s locations and are in close contact with authorities (Federal Criminal Police ice – B, edera ice or the rotection o the onstitution – B, etc., security services providers, and security departments o other companies. utieve security processes and contros ensure physical safety at the Group’s locations. Physical access to buildings and values is monitored permanenty it is ased on the access principe o ‘east priviege’ needtohave asis. enetration tests, inter aia, are carried out on a reguar asis to veriy the eiciency and eectiveness as e as the uaity o the security processes at the ocations.

In an increasingy competitive goa maret environment, access to noho and conidentia company inormation ears the potentia o a maor inancia advantage to outsiders or competitors. Deutsche Börse appies stateotheart technoogy to prevent its noedge rom eing otained iegay, e.g. through iretapping.

urthermore, orporate ecurity is tased ith providing support to empoyees hist they are traveing or on oreign assignment, i.e. protecting them rom riss in the areas o crime, civi unrest, terrorism and natura disasters. In this contet, a ordide trave security programme as estaished hich guarantees a ris assessment eore, during and ater traveing, supported y a travetracing system and a centra 2 emergency teephone numer.

Insurance contracts perationa riss that Deutsche Börse Group cannot or does not ish to ear itse are transerred to insurance companies, i this is possie at a reasonae price. he insurance poicies are checed individually and are approved by Deutsche Börse AG’s Chief Financial Oicer.

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Financial risk Deutsche Börse Group divides its financial risk into credit, market and liquidity risk (see the “Financial risk at Deutsche Börse Group” chart below). At Group level, these risks account for about 24 per cent of the EC (this information only includes credit and maret ris liuidity ris is not uantified as part of the EC see note 2 to the consolidated financial statements. hey apply primarily to the Group’s credit institutions. As a result the following comments focus on Clearstream and Eure Clearing AG.

Credit risk Credit ris or counterparty credit ris describes the danger that a counterparty might not meet its contractual obligations or not meet them in full. easurement criteria include the credit rating of the counterparty the degree to which a credit line has been utilised the collateral deposited and concentration ris. Although Clearstream and Eure Clearing AG often have shortterm eposures against counterparties totalling several billion euros overall these are generally secured by collateral deposited by the maret participants. owever Clearstream may have shortterm unsecured eposures with correspondence bans in the course of settling securities transactions. oreover the Group regularly evaluates the reliability of its recovery plans at Clearstream and Eure Clearing AG in various scenarios (including client defaults and the resulting credit ris.

Clearstream grants loans to its clients in order to mae the securities settlement more efficient. his type of credit business is however fundamentally different from the classic lending business. On the one hand credit is etended solely for less than a day and it is generally collateralised and granted to clients with a high credit rating on the other. Furthermore the credit lines granted can be revoed at any time.

Furthermore Clearstream Baning S.A. is eposed to credit ris arising from its strategic securities lending transactions (ASplus. Only selected bans act as borrowers. All borrowing transactions are fully collateralised and only selected bonds with a high credit rating are permitted for use as collateral.

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nder its terms and conditions, ure learin AG only enters into transactions with its clearin members. learin mainly relates to defined securities, subscription rihts and derivatives that are traded on specific stock echanes. ure learin AG also offers this service for overthecounter () products such as interest rate swaps and forward rate areements. As a central counterparty, it intervenes between the parties to a transaction. By offsettin reciprocal claims and requirin clearin members to post collateral, ure learin AG mitiates the credit risk eposure.

o date, no default by a client with a secured credit line has resulted in financial losses. Deutsche Börse Group therefore considers the risk of client default resultin in material losses for the Group to be low. redit risk can also arise from cash investments. he reasury department is responsible here, and has Groupwide authority. reasury larely makes collateralised investments of funds belonin to Group companies as well as cash provided by learstream and ure learin AG customers. he Group has not incurred any losses from such investment activity to date.

learstream and ure learin AG run stress tests to analyse scenarios, such as the default of their larest client. he fiures determined in this way are compared with the limits defined as part of the companies’ riskbearin capacity. n addition, the impact of several clearin members defaultin at the same time is calculated for ure learin AG. oreover, inverse stress tests are run to determine the number of counterparties that would have to default for losses to eceed the risk cover amount. tended stress scenarios were drawn up in 22, especially in view of the coronavirus pandemic and the potential future defaults at banks. he results are analysed continuously and included in the calculation of riskbearin capacity.

Deutsche Börse Group enerally tracks a variety of risk indicators in addition to its risk measures (, reulatory capital requirements and the stress tests performed for credit risk). hese include the etent to which individual clients utilise their credit lines and where credit is concentrated.

Reducing credit risk learstream and ure learin AG assess the creditworthiness of potential customers or counterparties to an investment before enterin into a business relationship with them. he companies do this in the same way they determine the sie of individual customers’ credit lines based on requirements and reular creditworthiness checks, which they supplement with ad hoc analyses if necessary. hey define safety marins for the collateral dependin on the risk involved and review them continuously.

Deutsche Börse Group reduces its risk when investin funds belonin to Group companies and client funds by distributin investments across multiple counterparties, all with a hih credit quality, by definin investment limits for each counterparty and by investin funds primarily in the short term and in collateralised form if possible. nvestment limits are established for each counterparty on the basis of at least annual credit checks and usin ad hoc analyses, as necessary. ince etendin its licence as an investment and credit institution under reditweseneset (German Bankin Act), ure learin AG can also use the permanent facilities at Deutsche Bundesbank and the wiss ational Bank it is thus in a position to manae the maority of client funds in a central bank environment.

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nestment losses on currencies or ic ure learin as no access to te respectie central banks ill be borne on a prorata basis b ure learin and b tose clearin members actie in te currenc ere losses ere incurred e maimum amount ic eac clearin member ill ae to contribute in tis manner is te total amount suc clearin member as pleded it ure learin as cas collateral in tis currenc e maimum amount to be borne b ure learin is €50 million

Given the size and volatility of its clients’ liabilities, Eurex Clearing AG has developed a leadingede marinin sstem ic is described in detail in te olloin section

Safety for participants and the clearing house ac clearin member must proe tat it as liable capital or in te case o inestment unds assets under manaement equal to at least te amounts tat ure learin as deined or te dierent markets e amount o liable capital or assets under manaement or ic eidence must be provided depends on the risk. To mitigate Eurex Clearing AG’s risk that clearing members might default beore settlin open transactions members are oblied to deposit collateral in te orm o cas or securities marins on a dail basis and i required to meet additional intrada marin calls

ure learin onl permits securities it a i credit qualit and liquidit to be used as collateral to coer marin requirements nternal ealuations and eternal ratins are used to determine te credit qualit n te basis o tese consolidated ratins onl collateral tat is classiied at least as inestment grade is permitted. The limits for bank bonds are raised to at least “A–” due to the potential wronga risks e admission criteria are reieed continuall and market risk is coered b aircuts it a conidence leel o at least per cent ence securities o issuers it lesser credit qualit are subect to ier aircuts tan tose applied to securities it ier credit qualit liible collateral tat no loner meets te i credit ratin requirements at a later point in time e due to a ne consolidated ratin is ecluded isk inputs are cecked montl and te aircuts are recalculated dail or eac securit n addition a minimum aircut applies to all securities

arins are calculated separatel or clearin member accounts and client accounts ains and losses resultin rom intrada canes to te alue o inancial instruments are eiter settled in cas b te counterparties ariation marin or deposited it ure learin as collateral b te seller due to te cane in te equialent alue o te item premium marin n te case o bond repo or equit transactions te marin is collected rom eiter te buer or te seller current liquidatin marin dependin on o te transaction price perorms compared to te current alue o te inancial instruments e purpose o tese marins is to oset accumulated ains and losses

n addition ure learin uses additional collateral to protect itsel in te case o deault b a clearing member against any risk that the value of the positions in the member’s account will deteriorate in te period beore te contained positions are closed and te account is settled is additional collateral is knon as te initial marin e taret conidence leel ere is at least per cent it a minimum toda oldin period or ecanetraded transactions or per cent it a minimum ieda oldin period or transactions ure learin cecks dail eter te marins matc te requested conidence leel te initial marin is currentl calculated usin bot te standard riskbased marinin metod and te ure learin risma metod

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The Eurex Clearing risma method is available for all traded derivatives contracts and takes the clearing member’s entire portfolio – as well as historical and stress scenarios – into account when calculating margin reuirements. The obective is to cover market fluctuations for the entire liuidation period until the account is settled. At present, the riskbased margining method is still used for cash market products and physical deliveries, as well as for securities lending and repo transactions.

n addition to the margins for current transactions, each clearing member contributes to a default fund, with the contributions based on its individual risk profile. This fund is ointly liable for the financial conseuences of a default by a clearing member to the extent that this cannot be covered by the member’s individual margin, and its own and Eurex Clearing AG’s contributions to the default fund. Eurex Clearing AG uses daily stress tests to check whether its default fund is adeuate enough to absorb a default of its two largest clearing members. This involves subecting all current transactions and their collateral to market price fluctuations at a confidence level of at least . per cent. n order to be able to determine potential losses in excess of a clearing member’s individual margins, the impact on the default fund of a potential default is simulated. Eurex Clearing AG has defined limits which, when exceeded, trigger an immediate adustment to the size of the default fund if necessary. The following lines of defence are available in case a clearing member is unable to meet its obligations to Eurex Clearing AG due to a delay in performance or a default

◼ irst, Eurex Clearing AG may net the relevant clearing member’s outstanding positions and transactions andor close them – in terms of the risk involved – by entering into appropriate backtoback transactions, or settle them in cash. Clients segregation models are taken into account accordingly. ◼ Any potential shortfall that might be incurred in connection with such a closing or cash settlement, as well as the associated costs, would be covered in the first instance by the collateral provided by the clearing member concerned. As at ecember , collateral amounting to €66,598 million had been provided for the benefit of Eurex Clearing AG after haircuts. ◼ After this, the relevant clearing member’s contribution to the default fund would be used to cover the open amount. Contributions ranged from €1 million to €487.3million as of 31 December 2020. ◼ Any remaining shortfall would initially be covered by a contribution to the default fund by Eurex Clearing AG. Eurex Clearing AG’s contribution amounted to €200.0 million as of ecember . ◼ Only then would the other clearing members’ contributions to the default fund be used proportionately. As at ecember , aggregate default fund contribution reuirements for all clearing members of Eurex Clearing AG amounted to €4,536 million. After the contributions have been used in full, Eurex Clearing AG can reuest additional contributions from each clearing member, which can be at most twice as high as their original default fund contributions. n parallel to these additional contributions, Eurex Clearing AG provides additional funds of up to €300.0 million, provided via a letter of comfort from eutsche rse AG see below. These additional funds will be used together with the additional clearing member contributions, on a prorata basis. ◼ ext, the portion of Eurex Clearing AGs euity which exceeds the minimum regulatory capital reuirements would be realised. ◼ inally, the remaining euity of Eurex Clearing AG would be drawn upon.

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◼ eutsche rse AG has issued a letter of comfort in favour of Eurex Clearing AG. ith this letter of comfort, eutsche rse AG commits to provide Eurex Clearing AG with the funds reuired to meet its obligations – including the obligation to provide additional funds of up to €300.0 million, as mentioned before. The maximum amount to be provided under the comfort letter amounts to €600.0 million, including payments already made. hird parties are not entitled to any rights under the comfort letter.

n the event of default by a clearing member, Eurex Clearing AG carries out a efault anagement rocess , with the obective of closing out all positions assumed as a result of the default. ithin the scope of the , any costs incurred in connection with such closeout are covered using collateral from Eurex Clearing AG’s lines of defence. Essentially, within the DMP framework, products which share similar ris characteristics are assigned to liuidation groups that are liuidated using the same process. ithin a liuidation group, Eurex Clearing AG will balance its position by transferring defaulted positions to other clearing members, either via an auction or by way of bilateral independent sales. otential claims against Eurex Clearing AG, arising from the settlement of positions assumed from the defaulted clearing members, are covered by the collateral from the multiple lines of defence. henever necessary, these collateral items are disposed of in the maret by way of bilateral independent sales, in order to cover the outstanding claims from settling the open positions. he will therefore not only contribute to the security and integrity of capital marets, but will also protect nondefaulted clearing members from any negative effects resulting from the default.

n the past, the of Eurex Clearing AG has been used four times, involving the defaults of Gontard etallan , ehman rothers , Global and aple an . n all of the cases mentioned before, the funds pledged as collateral by the defaulted clearing member were sufficient to cover losses incurred upon closing out positions – in fact, a significant portion of resources was returned to the defaulted clearing member.

Market risk aret ris include riss of an adverse development of interest rates, exchange rates or other maret prices. eutsche rse Group measures these riss using onte Carlo simulations based on historical price data, as well as corresponding stress tests.

Clearstream and Eurex Clearing AG invest parts of their euity in securities with the highest credit uality. he maority of these securities have a variable interest rate, interest rate ris is low. he Group avoids open currency positions whenever possible. urthermore, maret ris could result from eutsche Börse Group’s ringfenced pension plan assets Contractual rust Arrangement CA, Clearstream’s pension fund in uxembourg. he Group reduced its ris of extreme losses by deciding to invest the bul of the CA on the basis of a value preservation mechanism.

Liquidity risk iuidity ris arises if a eutsche rse Group company is unable to meet its daily payment obligations or if it can only do so at a higher refinancing cost. Operational liuidity reuirements are met primarily internally by retaining funds generated with a view towards maintaining sufficient liuidity in order to be able to meet all of the Group’s payment obligations when due.


Management report | Risk report

Since Clearstream’s investment strategy aims to be able to repay customer deposits at all times, maturity

liquidity guidelines. In addition, Eurex Clearing AG can use Deutsche Bundesbank’s permanent facilities.

– – liquidity, following a market disruption, would increase Deutsche Börse Group’s liquidity risk exposure. – –

Business risk initiatives. It therefore expresses the risks associated with the Group’s business environment and sector. Group’s REC. Business risk ma

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Additional business risk may arise from regulatory requirements, or from the geopolitical or economic environment – for example, in the event of an innerEuropean crisis affecting the monetary union, the impact of negative interest rates or a tariff conflict, having adverse effects on trading activity.

In recent years Deutsche Börse Group has taken steps to reduce the direct risks associated with “Brexit” – the departure of the nited ingdom from the European nion E. hey focus on customer access to the Group’s systems, on market access to the UK for the Group’s business units and on establishing an alternative pool of liquidity within the E for clearing interest rate swaps denominated in euros. Despite this, it will be necessary to keep a close eye on how the relationship evolves in the future. hese relations are expected to have an impact on issues of general market access and on the development of the regulatory frameworks in the respective markets. In the medium to long term, the latter could diverge and so eopardise market access or result in higher operating costs. It could also result in different competition rules, which may lead to uncertainty, additional costs and lost revenue for the Group and for market participants.

In terms of political tax discussions, the financial transaction tax to which some European states still aspire represents a variable which could have an adverse effect on the Group’s business. Steps to introduce a digital tax or a nionwide taxation of financial services could also have a negative impact on the Group, depending on how the scope of application is defined.

ther regulatory risks exist in connection with the forthcoming review of the directive and regulation on markets in financial instruments iID IIiIR. In terms of trading, the main risks for volumes at the Eurex Exchange and the Group’s spot market would be if any competitive disadvantages caused trading activities to move to alternative venues. urthermore, rules on nondiscriminatory access to clearing and trading in financial instruments could have an adverse impact on trading volumes and revenue. inally, it should be noted that ideas and initiatives concerning a consolidated data storage system, particularly in combination with stricter regulation of pricing for market data, could result in business risks for the Group’s market data business.

In connection with the review of the Central Securities Depository Regulation CDSR there are also risks for the business of Eurex Securities ransaction Services if the conditions for mandatory buyin transactions, which are linked to the rules on settlement discipline, are changed. In addition, there are a number of risks for the securities depositories in the Group, which may also entail changes to their organisational structure. A review of the framework could also lead to restrictive practices and so represent a risk to revenue. Finally, the Group’s securities depositories could also be exposed to revenue risk as a result of the work carried out by the contact group for the primary market at the European Central Bank.

In its clearing business there are some risks for the Group concerning the final structure of the framework for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties, as well as from the ongoing development of global standards. he former relate particularly to the liability and capital requirements of operators of central counterparties in relation to market participants and so could represent a revenue and cost risk for the Group. In addition, further implementation of the European arket Infrastructure Regulation . EIR . on the work of the Supervisory Committee for Central Counterparties could affect the ongoing development of the Eurex Clearing artnership rogramme in the field of interest rate derivatives.

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he ongoing review of the European arket nfrastructure . E . could also distort competition due to changes affecting riskmitigation services in posttrading and so cause a loss of revenue.

ther business risks exist in the medium term from legislative initiatives from the European ommission on the igital Finance ackage. o encourage the use of distributed ledger technology in financial markets the European ommission is proposing limited and experimental pilot regimes to introduce multilateral trading facilities F as novel market infrastructures. hey would be admitted for trading securities that are transferred via , which are not recorded with a central depository but rather in a distributed ledger of the same F. his potentially poses risks to existing business models in the Group, to the extent that the proposed exceptions are established within the existing regulatory framework. nother proposal by the European ommission, the igital perational esilience ct , provides for the EUwide harmonisation of the reuirements for the digital operational resilience of all financial market participants in terms of information and communications technologies . he proposal also includes a new prudential regime for thirdparty providers and critical services, including cloud services. creates a risk of higher costs and increasing complexity and inflexibility for the operation of the Group’s IT infrastructure. Furthermore, the proposal could have an adverse impact on the Group’s multicloud strategy by making it more difficult to use cloud services in the financial industry.

Similar risks could also arise from the implementation in Germany of the EU irective on the Security of etwork and nformation Systems S irective. he provisions of the current draft of the Second ct to ncrease the Security of nformation Systems SiG . must be considered to be significant for the companies concerned. longside new standards and specifications, new responsibilities, technical access rights and powers are defined for the German Federal ffice for Security BS, and the German Federal inistry of the nterior, Building and ommunity B is given the right to issue orders. The current situation is that the Group would be classified in the legislation as an entity of “particular public interest”, which could potentially result in new liability risks, duties and additional costs.

n the field of ongoing environmental, social and governance ESG regulation there are also a number of risks for the Group’s market data and index business. A strict and prescriptive regulatory approach to environmental standards in the finance sector could also cause disruption in the Group’s traditional business areas and so raise uestions in terms of market uality, market depth, pricing and risk management. hese business risks could be supported by further regulatory initiatives in the field of sustainable corporate governance and so represent revenue risks.

BaFin is assessing on a regular basis whether eutsche Brse G could potentially be classified as a financial holding company. urrently, eutsche Brse G is not classified as a financial holding company. n the basis of the business portfolio and the criteria which are, to the knowledge of eutsche Brse G, applied by BaFin when classifying a company as a financial holding company, the Executive Board of eutsche Brse G is not of the opinion that eutsche Brse G ualifies as a financial holding company. Such ualification could, inter alia, have an impact on the capital base of eutsche Brse G.

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eur i reuireens n reur i ris

As in the past, learstream anking .A., learstream anking AG and urex learing AG, in their capacity as credit institutions, are subect to solvency supervision by the German or uxembourg banking supervisory authorities undesanstalt fr Finandienstleistungsaufsicht, aFin, and ommission de urveillance du ecteur Financier, F, respectively. The same applies to the learstream olding at a regulatory group level. urex epo Gmb and Treasury ystems AG are also subect to specific provisions applicable to certain investment firms under aFin prudential supervision.

ince the authorisation of both urex learing AG and uropean ommodity learing AG as central counterparties in , these companies have been subect to the capital reuirements defined in Article I. These reuirements apply to urex learing AG as an authorised central counterparty in parallel to the prudential supervision reuirements the higher reuirement applies. Irrespective of its status as an other credit institution according to German law, uropean ommodity learing AG is only subect to I capital reuirements.

ince learstream anking AG was authorised as a central securities depository on anuary , it has been subect to the capital reuirements defined in Article . These reuirements apply to learstream anking AG at the same time as the prudential supervision reuirements the higher reuirement applies. The applications filed for learstream anking AG pursuant to Article and learstream anking .A. are currently being reviewed by the respective supervisory authorities. In addition to the above mentioned capital reuirements, learstream anking AG and learstream anking .A. will also be subect to a capital surcharge for the provision of intraday credit risk pursuant to Article d .

odal lear, is a erivatives learing rganisation subect to regulation by the ommodity Futures Trading ommission FT.

GIT .A., as a trade repository according to I, is subect to supervision exercised by the uropean ecurities and arkets Authority A.

one of the eutsche rse Group entities are trading book institutions. arket risk exposures consist only of relatively small open foreign currency positions. The companies concerned uniformly apply the standardised approach for credit risk. As a result of the specific business of the central securities depositories and central counterparties belonging to eutsche rse Group, their recognised assets are subect to wide fluctuations. This leads to correspondingly volatile total capital ratios especially at the learstream companies. The volatility of the ratio is subect to maor fluctuations on a daytoday basis in the course of the year. ue to a high degree of secured or eroweighted cash investments, the own funds reuirements for credit exposures of urex learing AG and uropean ommodity learing AG are relatively stable despite volatile total assets in the course of the year.

To calculate operational risk, urex learing AG and uropean ommodity learing AG use the basic indicator approach, whilst the learstream companies apply the advanced measurement approach.

99 eutsche rse Group Annual report

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ue to the specific arrangements for the investment firms urex epo Gmb, Treasury ystems AG and urex ecurities Transactions ervices Gmb, no explicit own funds reuirements for operational risk are determined in accordance with Article . Instead, the total own funds reuirement is determined either as the own funds reuirement amount for credit and market risk or as per cent of fixed overhead costs, depending on which is higher. ince credit and market risks are low, the relevant criterion for these companies is the own funds reuirement on the basis of overhead costs.

one of the Group companies subect to prudential supervision has either Additional Tier or Tier capital.

A minimum total capital ratio of per cent generally applies to institutions subect to the . In addition, I introduced various capital buffers, which the supervised credit institutions generally have to meet on top of the minimum total capital ratio of per cent, although they may temporarily fall below these levels. The current capital conservation buffer is . per cent.

As at ecember , the bankspecific countercyclical buffer reuirement amounted to . per cent of riskweighted assets for learstream anking .A, to . per cent for learstream anking AG and to . per cent for learstream olding Group whereas urex learing AG has to hold . per cent. As at ecember , the systemic risk buffer was not reuired by the authorities in uxembourg or Germany. one of the Group companies has been defined as of global systemically important institution. learstream anking .A. has been defined by F o 07 as an “other systemically important institution” (OII since anuary and reuires an additional buffer of . per cent.

The individual companies’ capital resources sufficiently reflect the fluctuation in riskweighted assets. In addition, buffers are taken into account for the calculation of the recovery indicators specified in the recovery plans. The obective of these indicators is to prevent triggering recovery events. The capital reuirements determined in this way will be used for the midterm capital planning.

The own funds reuirements of learstream Group increased slightly in the reporting period. The capital reuirements for learstream anking AG increased, whilst for learstream anking .A. they decreased. hanges occurred regarding own funds reuirements for operational risks as well as credit and market risks, both at the singleentity and Group levels.

In the medium to long term, the learstream Group expects increasing own funds reuirements at a regulatory group level for the following reasons ▪ The future applicability of own funds reuirements based on already applicable to F ▪ The establishment of own funds reuirements resulting from the introduction of minimum reuirements for euity and eligible liabilities as a result of irective ▪ The implementation of the socalled II package and other amendments under asel III

Eurex Clearing AG’s own funds requirements increased compared with the previous year. Given the increase in revenues in the past years, own funds reuirements for operational risk rose according to the model, whilst own funds reuirements for credit and market remained stable.

100 eutsche rse Group Annual report 00

Executive and upervisory oards Management report | Risk report inancial statements otes urther information

The own funds requirements for operational risk calculated with Eurex Clearing AG’s internal risk model are higher than the own funds requirements derived from the asic indicator approach which is ased on the profit and loss statement as prescried y C ence Eurex Clearing AG always applies additional capital uffers for such riss surpassing regulatory minimum requirements Against this acground aning supervisors requested in 0 that Eurex Clearing AG increase the asis for the calculation of regulatory own funds requirements y considering an appropriate share of clearingrelated fees received for the account of operating entities The own funds requirements for operational ris are calculated once a year ased on a threeyear average of historical income including the assumed clearing fees and are therefore not suect to daily fluctuations Compliance with the minimum regulatory ratio is maintained at all times due to the sufficient capital uffer for uncollateralised cash investments

Composition of own funds requirements

Own funds requirements for Own funds requirements for operational risk credit and market risk Total capital requirements

31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 €m €m €m €m €m €m Clearstream olding Group 0 Clearstream aning A 07 777 Clearstream aning AG 0 7

Eurex Clearing AG 0 0 0

n 00 the parent company Clearstream Holding AG made a contribution of €50.0 million to the capital reserve of Clearstream aning AG Eurex Clearing AG received contriutions to its capital reserve of €135.0 million in 2020 from the parent company Eurex ranfurt AG urther contriutions are scheduled for the coming years in order to strengthen their capital ase

egulatory capital ratios according to C

Own funds requirements Regulatory equity Total capital ratio

31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 €m €m €m €m Clearstream olding Group 777 0 Clearstream aning A 777 0 Clearstream aning AG 0 7 7

Eurex Clearing AG 0 7 7 0

Clearstream Banking AG’s capital requirements according to CSDR are currently significantly above CRR and C capital requirements The capital requirements under Article 7 C do not stipulate a specific ratio nstead the regulatory capital are compared with the capital requirements and has to e at least the same

101 Deutsche Brse Group Annual report

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report | Risk report inancial statements otes urther information

Capital adequacy requirements under CSDR

Clearstream Banking AG

31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 €m €m wn funds requirement for operational credit and market risk na ther CSDR capital requirements na Total CSDR capital requirements under Article 47 CSDR 311.4 n/a

CSDR capital 419.9 n/a

Eurex Clearing AG’s capital requirements according to EMIR are currently significantly above CRR and CRD capital requirements As with the CSDR the capital requirements under Article ER do not stipulate a specific ratio or both Eurex Clearing AG and European Commodity Clearing AG this means that ER capital coverage of at least per cent is required A reporting requirement to the competent authority – in this case Bain – is triggered when this ratio falls below per cent

he capital resources of Eurex Clearing AG and European Commodity Clearing AG are currently well above the regulatory requirements As at the reporting date total equity for both entities as disclosed in the financial statements was fully available to cover the risks according to Article of ER as this equity fulfils the liquidity requirement. Eurex Clearing AG’s own contribution to the default fund is €200.0 million. The own contribution to the default fund of European Commodity Clearing AG was also constant at €15.0 million and so also above the regulatory minimum.

Capital adequacy requirements under ER

Eurex Clearing AG European Commodity Clearing AG

31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 €m €m €m €m wn funds requirement for operational credit and market risk ther ER capital requirements Total EMIR capital requirements under Article 16 EMIR 190.8 173.0 84.9 67.1 Equity ER deductions wn contribution to default fund – – – – EMIR capital 549.8 414.8 116.9 103.9


Management report | Risk report

Own funds requirements for Own funds requirements on the Own funds requirements to be credit and market risk basis of fixed overheads met

31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 €m €m €m €m €m €m

Own funds requirements Regulatory equity total capital ratio

31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 €m €m €m €m

Own funds requirements Regulatory equity Equity ratio

31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 €m €m €m €m


Management report | Risk report

er ssessen e risk siuin e euie Br

Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board is responsible for risk management throughout the Group and regularly reviews the entire Group’s risk situation. The Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG confirms

ur Deutsche Börse Group’s

As at 31 December 2020, the Group’s REC amounted to €3,157 year (31 December 2019: €2,696 million).

uk and based on the risk management system, Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board concludes that the Group’s existence as a going concern.

104 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

Executive and upervisory Boards Management report | Report on opportunities inancial statements otes urther information

eport on opportunities

rnisin runiies neen

Deutsche Börse Group’s opportunities management aims to identify, evaluate and assess opportunities as early as possible and to take appropriate measures in order to transform opportunities into business success.

Deutsche Börse Group evaluates organic growth opportunities in the individual business areas both on an ongoing basis throughout the year and systematically at the Group level as part of its annual budget planning process. The process begins with a careful analysis of the market environment, which considers both what the customer wants, as well as market developments, competitors and regulatory changes. deas for growth initiatives are developed further using uniform, Groupwide templates and subected to a profitability analysis. n this basis, the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG makes the final decision as to which initiatives are to be implemented.

rni r runiies

Deutsche Börse Group has a very broad portfolio of products and services with which it covers all areas of a market infrastructure provider’s value creation chain. This makes the Group one of the most broadly based stock exchange organisations in the world. n order to maintain and expand this position the company is pursuing a new mediumterm growth strategy called ompass . Among other things Deutsche Börse Group is focusing on organic growth opportunities in order to achieve its strategic goals. The Group makes a basic distinction between secular and cyclical opportunities secular opportunities arise for example as a result of regulatory changes, new client reuirements such as the growing demand for exchangetraded solutions to overthecounter T transactions or from the trend whereby an increasing portion of assets are allocated in passive investment strategies e.g. index funds. The company can actively exploit these opportunities. yclical opportunities on the other hand cannot be influenced directly by the Group and are driven by macroeconomic changes. n addition Deutsche Börse Group intends to seie longterm opportunities arising as a result of the technological transformation. Growth from A is another aspect of the new strategy which is becoming more important.

eur r runiies hen exploiting secular growth opportunities Deutsche Börse Group focuses on product innovations, increasing market share and winning new customers. The Group expects to see its highest revenue growth in trading and clearing in the coming years, due in part to the clearing of new financial derivatives, T derivatives and further growth in the trading of energy and gas products. oreign exchange trading via T is also expected to provide a contribution to net revenue growth. osttrading will focus on the further development of investment fund business. The growth focus in pretrading lies in expanding the index, analytics and EG business. The commercial potential of the initiatives mentioned here is described in more detail below.

105 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report

ecutive and upervisory Boards Management report | Report on opportunities inancial statements otes urther information

e inni eriies Deutsche Börse Group operates ure, one of the leading global derivative echanges. n addition to a broad range of established international benchmark products, a large number of ne products have been introduced in recent years, such as , total return, dividend and G derivatives. These ne products reflect changes in customer preferences and regulatory reuirements. The company anticipates further strong groth in these and other ne products still to be launched in the years ahead.

erin eriies The liuidity problems eperienced by maor market participants during the financial crisis ere triggered by the failure to settle bilateral T transactions that ere mainly entered into on an unsecured basis. n light of this, the leading industrialised nations G agreed to create an effective regulatory environment to make offechange derivatives transactions more transparent and more secure. onseuently, the uropean nion has created the uropean arket nfrastructure egulation . involves the obligation to clear standardised T derivative transactions using a central counterparty. ure learing G and its market partners created an alternative for clearing interest rates saps in the in , hich since then has seen continuous groth in notional outstanding volumes and market share.

rin n erin er n s rus n eipigbased uropean nergy change G allos Deutsche Börse Group to offer a broad product range for trading and clearing of spot and derivatives contracts on poer and gas as ell as emission certificates. has become the central market for energy in ontinental urope and its product range includes the markets Germany, rance, the etherlands, Belgium, taly and pain. t has also been active in the market through its acuisition of odal change in . s groth is mainly based on the groing importance of reneable energies for generating energy. ing to the high degree of fragmentation, as ell as the inefficiency of T markets, the demand for onechange trading and clearing solutions has also increased over recent years. believes it is ell positioned in this changing competitive environment to achieve structural groth and gain additional market share.

r in reinene rin T is a leading global platform for currency trading, hose broad customer base includes companies, buyside customers and banks. By combining Ts knoledge and eperience in the foreign echange market ith Deutsche Börse Groups T epertise, the Group ill be able to tap the additional revenue potential. T has made progress ith various measures for achieving synergies. including the launch of its futures and clearing services. Thanks to its leading position, Deutsche Börse also benefits from a structural trend even though, at present, the vast maority of daily foreign echange trading volumes is still eecuted offechange, demand for transparent, electronic multibank trading platforms such is rising.

106 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report

ecutive and upervisory Boards Management report | Report on opportunities inancial statements otes urther information

rssrer seeen inesen uns Clients of Deutsche Börse Group can use Clearstream’s settlement and custody services for their entire fund portfolio – covering traditional investment funds, echangetraded funds Ts as ell as hedge funds. Given that supervisory authorities are also calling for more efficient settlement and custody solutions in order to guarantee maimum security for client assets under custody, the Group epects to acuire additional client portfolios in the future. The Group is also continuously epanding its range of products and services. learstream, for eample, is etending its range of fund services to include management of distribution agreements, as ell as data compilation through acuisitions. tending the product and service range, learstream epects to generate additional net revenue by realising revenue synergies.

nsin e ine n nis usiness Deutsche Börse Groups obective in its inde business is to give the already established uropean inde provider T an even more global profile, in order to develop and market other indices orldide in addition to its D and T inde families. n addition, Deutsche Börses inde business ill continue to take advantage of the structural trend toards passive investment products Ts. n increasing number of private clients and asset managers no follo this trend not only are the costs loer, but many active investment strategies have been returning underaverage performance. n order to support these trends more effectively, in Deutsche Börse G acuired ioma, a leading provider of portfolio and risk management solutions. The combination created ontigo a fully integrated leading information provider for institutional investors, serving the groing market demand for products and analysis in this area.

The trend toard sustainable investing constitutes another structural groth opportunity for Deutsche Börse Group, hich has been given etra momentum by the ovid pandemic. The Group aims to support market participants ith highuality G data, specialised G indices and the corresponding trading and hedging options. first step in this direction as taken in ovember hen the acuisition of nstitutional hareholder ervices as announced. urthermore, the company epects additional structural groth from developing ne products and inning ne customers.

i runiies n addition to its secular groth opportunities, Deutsche Börse Group has cyclical opportunities, for instance as a result of positive macroeconomic developments. lthough the Group cannot influence these cyclical opportunities directly, they could lift Deutsche Börse Group’s net revenue and net profit for the period attributable to Deutsche Börse G shareholders significantly in the medium term

◼ The volumes of interest rate derivatives traded on the Group’s derivatives markets could rise if speculation on trends in longterm yields on German and other uropean government bonds gros, and if the spread beteen the various uropean government bonds continues to narro.

◼ n the cash euities and financial derivatives market segment – etra cash euities and ure financial derivatives – an economic recovery after the ovid pandemic and a lasting increase in investor confidence in capital markets could stimulate trading activity by market participants and increase trading volumes.

107 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report

ecutive and upervisory Boards Management report | Report on opportunities inancial statements otes urther information

eni runiies e developments such as cloud services, in the contet of artificial intellience , i data, rootics, lockchain technoloy, comined ith the potential for innovation offered y fintech companies, are drivin chane in the financial sector This ne ave of technoloy miht help overcome arriers to market harmonisation, hile creatin additional efficiency and mitiatin risks This development has een reinforced y the ne environment resultin from the Covid pandemic and is epected to continue in the years to come The challene for incument providers is in findin the riht ay to open up ne usiness models and innovative technoloies

The Group has optimised its internal processes particularly ith reard to cloud services processes, purchasin and settlement of travel epenses, amon others, are no processed in the cloud This has led to a sinificant streamlinin of processes, and also has a positive effect on the Groups costs The Group is also orkin on transferrin services and processes ith clients to the cloud or instance, the introduction of ne tradin platforms and updatin of eistin infrastructure miht e tested eforehand y clients, via the cloud This ould lead to sinificantly more aile processes ithin the Group, as ne processes ould e introduced at more freuent intervals, alloin the Group to respond more effectively to clients’ requirements. Deutsche Börse has signed agreements with a number of key cloud service providers, positionin itself at the forefront of cloud use in the uropean financial services sector

Blockchain technoloy constitutes another aspect of technoloical opportunities t is considered a disruptive technoloy at times – ut at present, the financial services sector is increasinly eplorin its opportunities Thanks to its decentralised nature, it facilitates direct interaction eteen participants, thus offerin the potential for simplifyin comple processes stalished market infrastructure providers such as Deutsche Börse Group, hich covers the entire value creation chain from a sinle source, play an important role hen it comes to tappin this potential – meetin eistin industry standards at the same time Besides leal and reulatory reuirements, this also involves adherin to security standards, as ell as limitin risks and ensurin cost efficiency

r runiies

Groth from is another aspect of the ne Compass stratey hich is ecomin more important Deutsche Börse Group focuses on transactions that are closely related to its strateic roth areas, hich include its inde and analytics usiness, G, commodities, forein echane tradin, fied income tradin and investment fund services t aims to accelerate roth in these areas y means of acuisitions and make the usinesses even more scalale

108 Deutsche Börse rou nnual reort

ecutive and uervisory Boards Management report | Report on expected developments inancial statements otes urther information

eort on eected develoments

The forecast describes Deutsche Börse Group’s expected performance for the 2021 financial year. It contains statements and information on events in the future, and is based on the company’s eectations and assumtions at the time of ublication of this cororate reort. n turn these are subect to known and unknown oortunities risks and uncertainties. umerous factors many of which are outside the company’s control, influence the Group’s success, its business strategy and its financial results. hould oortunities risks or uncertainties materialise or should one of the assumtions made turn out to be incorrect, the Group’s actual performance could deviate either positively or negatively from the eectations and assumtions contained in the forwardlooking statements and information contained in this reort on eected develoments.

eeens in e erin enirnen

reni enirnen he ovid andemic uneectedly ushed the global economy into an unrecedented recession in but Deutsche Börse rou eects a significant economic recovery over the forecast eriod. t will be boosted by government stimulus rogrammes ultraloose monetary olicy by central banks worldwide and an increasing number of ovid vaccinations.

uure eeen resus erins iven its diversified business model and multile sources of revenue and desite the etraordinary macroeconomic environment Deutsche Börse rou believes it is very well ositioned to further imrove its results of oerations in the medium and long term. his eectation is based on among other things the structural growth oortunities that the rou intends to eloit for details see the ortunities reort as well as on additional contributions from acquisitions.

s in revious years Deutsche Börse rou eects net revenue from secular growth oortunities to increase by at least er cent in the forecast eriod. he rou is driving this growth through investments. n doing so it aims to shift further market share from overthecounter trading and clearing to the onechange segment and to further eand its ositions in eisting asset classes by introducing new roducts and functionalities and acquiring new customers. n contrast the develoment of business divisions relying on cyclical factors continues to deend mainly on the degree of seculation regarding the future interest rate develoment and the level of volatility on equities markets. iven the ecetionally high market volatility and interest rate cuts in the first quarter of it is very likely that the Group’s cyclical net revenue will go down over the forecast period. Acquisitions, particularly the acquisition of ondcenter from B on etember and the acquisition of as at ebruary are eected to deliver additional net revenue. n total the comany anticiates net revenue of around €3.5 billion for the forecast period.

109 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020

xecutive and upervisory Boards Management report | Report on expected developments inancial statements otes urther information

ithin the scope of its growth strategy, Deutsche Börse Group pursues clearly defined principles for managing operating costs. ssentially, the Group achieves the necessary flexibility in managing operating costs by a continuous process of improving operating routines. The company expects earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) to go up to around €2.0 billion in the forecast period. The Group would then be fully in line with its mediumterm growth targets of 10 per cent per year on average for net revenue and BITDA over the period from 201 to 202.

orecast for results of operations 2021

Based on Forecast for 2020 2021 €m €bn

et revenue ,21. . arnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation BITDA 1,. 2.0

rens in nninni errne inirs

Initiatives to promote the transparency and security of the marets will continue to be a ey focus during the forecast period, ensuring that Deutsche Börse Group adds value to society. ith regard to the development of the nonfinancial performance indicators forecast for 2020, the Group was unfortunately unable to maintain system availability compared with the previous year, which was due to a technical infrastructure failure. easures taen in this regard promise significantly higher operational reliability in the future. Against this bacground, the company expects that the availability of the trading systems for the cash and derivatives maret will again be at the very high level of previous years in the forecast period.

esponsible management that focuses on longterm value creation is of considerable importance for Deutsche Börse Group as a service provider. Given demographic change and the resulting shortage of specialist staff, the company aims to continue to position itself adequately and – amongst other things – to increase the number of women in management positions.

Deutsche Börse AGs xecutive Board has defined target quotas for women on the two management levels beneath the xecutive Board, in accordance with section AtG, in each case referring to Deutsche Börse AG. By 1 December 2021, the proportion of women holding positions in the first and second management levels beneath the xecutive Board is planned to reach 1 per cent and 20 per cent, respectively.

oreover, as early as in 2010, the xecutive Board had adopted a voluntary commitment to increase the share of women holding middle and upper management positions to 20 per cent by 2020, and of women holding lower management positions to 0 per cent during the same period. The Group maintains this ambition, and has extended the scope of its voluntary commitment, over and above legal requirements. irstly, the target figures determined in this context relate to Deutsche Börse Group including subsidiaries worldwide. econdly, the definition of management levelspositions was extended to also include heads of teams, for example.


Management report | Report on expected developments

Future development of the Group’s financial position

The company expects operating cash flow, which is Deutsche Börse Group’s primary funding instrument, invest around €200 million in intangible assets and will propose a dividend of €3.00 per share to the Annual General Meeting to be held in May 2021. This would represent a cash outflow of about €551 were expected to impact the Group’s liquidity at the time the combined management report was

primarily into the Group’s inorganic growth. Should the Group be unable to invest these funds, additional

verall assessment the ecutive oard

part of the growth strategy is to further accelerate the Group’s growth. In this the Executive Board expects net revenue to rise to around €3.5 b Executive Board expects EBITDA to go up to around €2.0 billion in the forecast period. Overall, the

111 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report

xecutie and uperisory Boards Management report | Deutsche Börse AG (diclosures based on the HGB) inancial statements otes urther information

Deutsche Börse G diclosures ased on the GB

The annual financial statements of Deutsche Börse G are prepared in accordance with the proisions of the German ommercial ode andelsgesetuch, GB and the supplementary proisions of the German toc orporation ct tiengeset, tG and are the underlying asis for the explanations that follow

usiness and operatin environment

General position Deutsche Börse AG is the parent company of Deutsche Börse Group. The parent company’s business actiities include first and foremost the cash and deriaties marets, which are reflected in the urex financial deriaties and etra cash euities segments, as well as index usiness Deutsche Börse G also operates essential parts of Deutsche Börse Group’s information technology. The deelopment of Deutsche Börse Group’s Clearstream (posttrading segment is reflected in Deutsche Börse AG’s business deelopment, primarily due to the profit and loss transfer agreement with learstream olding G Deutsche Börse Group’s IFS (investment fund services) segment, in contrast, plays a lesser role for Deutsche Börse G onetheless, Deutsche Börse AG’s business and operating environment is essentially the same as that of Deutsche Börse Group this is descried in the “Macroeconomic and sectorspecific environment” section

Deutsche Börse AG’s course of business in the reporting period Deutsche Börse AG’s revenues increased by 9.8 per cent in the financial year, so aoe the company’s expectations. Total costs (staff costs, amortisation of intangible assets and depreciation of property, plant and euipment and other operating expenses rose y per cent et profit went up y per cent compared with the preious year Deutsche Börse Gs xecutie Board considers the company’s performance in the 2020 financial year to be good.

erformance figures for Deutsche Börse G ales reenue y segment

2020 2019 Change 2020 2019 Change €m €m €m €m

ales reenue , , urex financial , Total costs deriaties et income from commodities euity inestments T foreign exchange BTD , , etra securities trading et profit for the , learstream posttrading period inestment fund arnings per share serices (€) ontigo index and analytic usiness alculation ased on weighted aerage of shares outstanding Total 1,563.3 1,423.5 9.8

reious year adusted

112 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020

xecutive and Supervisory Boards Management report | Deutsche Börse AG (diclosures based on the HGB) Financial statements otes Further information

esuts of opertions of Deutsche Börse AG

Deutsche Börse AG’s net revenue rose by 9.8 per cent in 2020 to €1,563.3 million (209 €1,423.5 million). At €1,017.7 million, the largest contribution to revenue came from the Eurex (financial derivatives) segment (209 €92. million). The breadon of revenue by company segment is provided in the “Sales revenue by segment” table.

For more information on the development of the urex (financial derivatives) segment, please refer to the “Eurex (financial derivatives) segment” section.

The revenue contributed by the (commodities) and 0T (foreign exchange) segments is generated mainly by IT services. Therefore, the explanations in the “EEX (commodities) segment” and “360T (foreign exchange) segment” sections relate only indirectly to Deutsche Börse AG. The earnings situation of the ontigo (index business) segments is shon in the section “Qontigo (index business) segment”. It is orth noting that the business development of the ST td. subsidiary does not directly impact upon the business performance of Deutsche Börse AG. Comments on the business development in the etra (cash euities) segment can largely be found in the “Xetra (cash equities) segment” section. evenues attributable to the Clearstream (posttrading) and IFS (investment fund services) segments result from the IT services Deutsche Börse AG provides to companies belonging to the Clearstream olding subgroup.

Other operating income went up to €50.4 million during the year under review (2019: €36.3 million).

Out of the total revenues in 2020 €232.8 million belong intercompany revenues.

The company’s total costs of €957.7 million ere up 8. per cent yearonyear (209 €884.6 million). For a breakdown, please refer to the table “vervie of total costs”. Staff costs were down by 2.2 per cent yearonyear during the year under review, to €243.1 million (2019: €248.6 million). The decline in staff costs is mainly due to the restructuring programme and streamlining of the management structure. Staff numbers increased from an average of ,2 in the prior year to ,2 in the 2020 financial year.

Amortisation of intangible assets and depreciation of property, plant and euipment increased to a total of €63.2 million in the year under review (2019: €59.1 million).

ther operating expenses ere up 2.9 per cent yearonyear, to €651.4 million (2019: €576.9 million).

The intercompany expenses for 2020 result to €333.7 million.

Deutsche Börse Group’s result from equity investments for the 2020 financial year totalled €.2 million (2019: €542.9 million). It consisted of dividend income of €348.2 million (2019: €305.7 million), and income from the transfer of profits of €0. million (2019: €228.1 million).

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased to €1,40.2 million (2019: €1,181.2 million). Net profit for the period amounted to €1,.9 million, representing an increase of 0. per cent (2019: €825.9 million).

1139 Deutsche Börse Grou Annu reort

ecutve n uervsory Bors Management report | Deutsche Börse AG (diclosures based on the HGB) nnc stteents otes urther norton

Deeopent of profitbiit Deutsche Börse AG’s return on equity expresses the ratio of net income after taxes to average equity vbe to the cony urn the course o . eturn on euty ncrese ro 9.9 er cent n 9 to . er cent n the yer uner reve.

innci position of Deutsche Börse AG

As at the reporting date, cash and cash equivalents amounted to €518.4 million 9 €849.3 on n ncue bn eosts on current ccounts s e s ter eosts n other shortter eosts. hs oston s or the ost rt e u ro csh.

Deutsche Börse AG has external credit lines available of €605.0 million (2019: €605.0 million), which ere not yet rn s t Deceber . oreover the cony hs coerc er rore n ce hch os or ebe n shortterm financings of up to €2.5 billion, in various currences. At the en o the yer there s no coerc er outstnn.

hrouh Groue cshoon syste Deutsche Börse AG ensures n otu octon o uty throuhout Deutsche Börse Grou n ths y the rent entty es sure tht subsres re n oston to honour ther yent obtons t ny te.

Deutsche Börse AG has issued three corporate bonds with a nominal value of €600 million each and one corporate bond with a nominal value of €500 million. For more details concerning these bonds, ese reer to the “Financial position” section.

n the nnc yer Deutsche Börse AG enerte csh o ro oertn ctvtes o €889.9 million (2019: €945.1 million). The reduction is particularly due to significantly higher recevbes ro te cones.

sh o ro investing activities amounted to €.9 million (2019: €495.0 million). The decline is rete rtcury to the nvestents e n the reortn yer. he euty nvestents n erstre Holding AG increased by €150 million, in DBS Inc. by €98.4 milon n n resury ystes AG by €37.5 million.

verve o tot costs sh o stteent conense

2020 2019 Change 2020 2019 €m €m €m €m

t costs . 8. . sh o ro oertn ctvtes 889.9 9. Derecton n . 9. .8 ortston sh o ro nvestn ctvtes .9 9. ther oertn . .9 .9 sh o ro nncn ctvtes . 8. eenses Cash and cash equivalents as at 48.8 47.3 Total 957.7 884.6 8.3 31 December

1149 Deutsche Börse Group Annua report

xecutive an upervisory Boars Management report | Deutsche Börse AG (diclosures based on the HGB) inancia statements otes urther information

Cash flow from financing activities amounted to € miion in the year uner revie (2019: €486.1 million). A dividend of €531.9 million was paid for the 2019 financial year. Cash and cash equivalents amounted to € miion as of the reporting ate Decemer (2019: €47.3 million). It is made up of liquid funds of €518.4 million (2019: €849.3), ess cashpooling liabilities of € million (2019: €801.9 million).

Assets of Deutsche Börse AG

As at Decemer the noncurrent assets of Deutsche Börse AG amounted to €5, miion (2019: €5,349.8 million). At €5, miion most of the noncurrent assets as attriutae to shares in affiliated companies (2019: €5,007.5 million), mainly from the investments in Clearstream oing AG reasury ystems AG urex ranfurt AG an ontigo Gm

Deutsche Börse AG’s investments in intangible assets and property, plant and equipment totalled €6 million during the year under review (2019: €60.4 million). This rise was related to payments on account for construction in progress in various ocations Depreciation an amortisation in amounted to €63.2 million (2019: €59.1 million).

eceivaes from an iaiities to affiiate companies incue invoices for intraGroup services an amounts investe y Deutsche Börse AG ithin the scope of cashpooing arrangements he receivaes from affiiate companies reate to invoices for intraGroup services ut primariy to earstream oing AG for the company’s profit transfer of € miion iaiities to affiiate companies resute mainy from cashpooing amounting to € million (2019: €801.9 million) and trade liabilities of € million (2019: €46.1 million).

Working capital amounted to € million in 2020 (2019: € miion he change stems mainy from the receivae from earstream oing AG for profit transfer

oncurrent assets conense

2020 2019 €m €m

ntangie assets roperty pant an equipment inancia assets

Non-current assets as at 31 5,672.4 5,349.8 December

115 Deutsche Börse Group Annua report

xecutive an upervisory Boars Management report | Deutsche Börse AG (diclosures based on the HGB) inancia statements otes urther information

Deutsche Börse AG epoees

he numer of empoyees at Deutsche Börse AG accoring to GB rose y in the reporting year an totae as at Decemer Decemer he average numer of empoyees at Deutsche Börse AG in the financia year as

During the financia year empoyees eft Deutsche Börse AG resuting in a staff turnover rate of per cent

n Decemer Deutsche Börse AG ha empoyees at six ocations aroun the or Information on the countries, regions, the employees’ age structure and length of service are provided in the taes that foo

As at Decemer per cent of Deutsche Börse AG’s employees were graduates. The ratio is ase on the numer of empoyees hoing a egree from a university coege or vocationa acaemy as e as the empoyees ho have compete egrees aroa n the company investe an average of ays in training per empoyee

Age structure of empoyees mpoyee ength of service

31 Dec 2020 % 31 Dec 2020 %

ner years ner years 30−39 years 5−15 years 40−49 years ore than years ore than years Total Deutsche Börse AG 1,636 100

Total Deutsche Börse AG 1,636 100

mpoyees per countryregion

31 Dec

2020 % Germany Great Britain rance ther uropean countries Asia Total Deutsche Börse AG 1,636 100

1 No employees are i.e. legal representatives of the corporation, apprentice and employees on parental leave

116 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

ecutive and upervisory Boards Management report | Deutsche Börse AG (diclosures based on the HGB) inancial statements otes urther information

eunertion report of Deutsche Börse AG

The principles governing the structure and design of the remuneration system at Deutsche Börse AG are the same as those for Deutsche Börse Group, so reference is made to the emuneration report for Deutsche Börse Group.

orporte goernnce stteent in ccornce ith to section f GB

The corporate governance statement in accordance with section f GB is the same as that for Deutsche Börse Group. eference is therefore made to the section “orporate governance statement”.

pportunities n riss fcing Deutsche Börse AG

The opportunities and riss of Deutsche Börse AG and the activities and processes to manage these riss and opportunities are largely the same as for Deutsche Börse Group, so reference is made to the is report and the pportunities report. As a rule, Deutsche Börse AG shares the opportunities and riss of its euity investments and susidiaries in accordance with its euity interest. iss that could potentially threaten the eistence of the ure learing AG susidiary would also have a direct influence on Deutsche Börse AG ased on a letter of comfort issued y Deutsche Börse AG. As of the reporting date, there were no risks jeopardising the company’s existence. Further information on the letter of comfort issued to ure learing AG is availale in the section “Other financial obligations and off balance sheet transactions” in the notes to the annual financial statements of Deutsche Börse AG.

The description of the internal control system I, reuired y section of the GB, is provided in the “Group management” section.

orecst for Deutsche Börse AG

The expected developments in Deutsche Börse AG’s business are largely subject to the same factors as those influencing Deutsche Börse Group. The relevant disclosures and uantitative information on Deutsche Börse AG are provided in the orecast.

117 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

xecutive and upervisory Boards Management report | Remuneration report Financial statements otes Further information

emuneration report


The remuneration report explains the general principles of the remuneration system for the members of the xecutive Board and the upervisory Board of Deutsche Börse AG and describes the amount and structure of the remuneration of the Board members for financial year . The report complies with the reuirements of the andelsgesetbuch German ommercial ode – “GB”, the nternational Financial eporting tandards F and German Accounting tandard o. . Furthermore, the remuneration report already largely takes into account the reuirements of ection of the Aktiengeset German tock orporation Act “AktG”, which will not be mandatory until the year .

n arch , the German orporate Governance ode GG as amended on December , , also came into force. The upervisory Board of Deutsche Börse focuses on good corporate governance and transparency – also with regard to the remuneration of its Board members. Both the remuneration system for the xecutive Board and the remuneration system for the upervisory Board as well as the remuneration report comply with the principles, recommendations and suggestions of the GG.

The present remuneration report describes the remuneration of the xecutive Board under the remuneration systems and in accordance with the applicable regulatory reuirements. The upervisory Board intends to submit a new remuneration system for the xecutive Board to the Annual General eeting in ay for approval. The remuneration under this new system will then be reported in . The corresponding remuneration report will be submitted to the Annual General eeting for approval.

eie of finnci er

The previous remuneration system for the xecutive Board members was partially modified by a resolution of the upervisory Board with effect from anuary , and submitted to the Annual General eeting on ay , for approval. The Annual General eeting approved this system by . of votes cast. n addition, the adjusted remuneration system for members of the upervisory Board was submitted to the Annual General eeting for approval and was approved by ..

A clear link between the remuneration of the members of the xecutive Board and their performance pay for performance is of crucial importance for the upervisory Board. n addition to a strong financial performance of Deutsche Börse Group and the achievement of central strategic goals, this also includes responsibility for employees, the environment and society.

Despite the global economic impact of the OD pandemic, Deutsche Börse Group was able to continue its growth path and achieve a good financial performance in . Based on the whole financial year , Deutsche Börse Group was not affected by the impact of OD to such an extent that would have reuired a change in targets. There was no need to resort to shorttime working or other government aid in this context. ikewise, the dividend paid to the shareholders was increased once again.

Adjusted net income growth as the key financial performance criterion in the performance bonus and the resulting target achievement in financial year are as follows


Management report | Remuneration report

Adjusted net income growth compared to 2019 Target achievement adjusted net income growth

section „Target achievement in the financial year 2020“

“ ” “ ”

Ø Target achievement Target achievement Total target achievement adjusted net income growth TSR Performance PSP Tranche 2016

section „ “

ecutie Bor reunertion in finnci er

Gener principes of the reunertion sste for the ecutie Bor Within the framework of its corporate strategy, Deutsche Börse’s goal is to strengthen – – ambitions over the long term. Hence, the company’s primary strategic focus is on growth. Deutsche

▪ external targets ensure the focus is on the company’s goal of above ▪ ▪

119 Deutsche Börse roup nnual report 2020

xecutive an upervisory Boars Management report | Remuneration report inancial statements otes urther information

roceure for eterining ipeenting n reieing the reunertion sste The upervisory Boar, avise by its omination ommittee, etermines the remuneration system for the members of the xecutive Boar. The remuneration system aopte by the upervisory Boar is submitte to the nnual eneral eeting. The upervisory Boar reviews the remuneration system on a regular basis, supporte by its omination ommittee, an submits the remuneration system to the nnual eneral eeting for approval in the event of any material changes – in any case, every four years. The upervisory Boar may retain the support of inepenent external experts when necessary.

Deterintion n ppropriteness of the reunertion of the ecutie Bor xecutive Boar remuneration is set by the upervisory Boar on the basis of the remuneration system in force; the Nomination Committee is responsible for preparing the Supervisory Board’s decision. In oing so, the upervisory Boar shall ensure that remuneration is appropriate to the corresponing xecutive Boar member’s tasks and performance, as well as to the company’s financial situation, and that it oes not excee the prevailing market level of remuneration without specific reasons. or this purpose, the upervisory Boar shall conuct a horiontal an vertical peergroup comparison on a regular basis at least every two years.

or this purpose, the upervisory Boar may seek the avice of an external expert who is inepenent of the xecutive Boar an the company. The horiontal comparison is conucte on the basis of relevant national an international peer groups. The upervisory Boar selects the peer groups on the basis of country, sie an inustry as efine by the kt. Due to their comparable sie an taking into account the country criterion, D companies were most recently use as a suitable peer group for conucting a horiontal comparison. n aition, uropean financial institutions as customers an competitors of Deutsche Börse were use as a further peer group. n orer to reflect the inustry criterion, stock exchange operators serve as an aitional peer group.

n accorance with the recommenations of the , the upervisory Boar also takes into account the relationship between the remuneration levels of the xecutive Boar an that of senior management an the entire workforce, as well as the evelopment over time of the various salary levels over a two year perio in orer to assess the customary practice within the company. n this context, senior management comprises two management levels below the xecutive Boar. The upervisory Boar consiers the remuneration levels compare to employees of Deutsche Börse as well as to the overall workforce of Deutsche Börse roup.

The upervisory Boar takes the results of this examination into account when setting target remuneration for members of the xecutive Boar, an thus also ascertains that xecutive Boar remuneration is appropriate.

target remuneration in line with prevailing market levels is assigne to each xecutive Boar member. This target remuneration is predominantly based on the skills and experience required for that member’s tasks, as well as on the target remuneration for the other xecutive Boar members. The remuneration for the hairman of the xecutive Boar hief xecutive fficer is roughly twice the target remuneration for the other xecutive Boar members.

The target remuneration for the xecutive Boar members was not auste in financial year 2020. The respective service contracts with Dr Theoor Weimer, Dr hristoph Böhm, Dr Thomas Book an Dr tephan eithner were also renewe without changing the target remuneration. s Heike ckert was appointe for the first time with a corresponing target remuneration.

120 00 eutsche Brse roup nnual report

xecutive and Supervisory Boards Management report | Remuneration report inancial statements Notes urther information

In accordance with CC recommendation ., targets and reference parameters set by the Supervisory Board for variable remuneration components for each new financial year may not be changed retrospectively.

esures to oi conficts of interest Deutsche Börse Group’s rules for avoiding and dealing with conflicts of interest are also applicable to the procedures for determining, implementing and reviewing the remuneration system. here conflicts of interest occur in exceptional cases, they must be disclosed. The Board members concerned may be excluded from discussion and decisionmaking processes, amongst other consequences. No conflicts of interest occurred in financial year .

Appicbe reunertion sstes in finnci er xecutive Board members are remunerated in accordance with the remuneration system applicable to them. The previous remuneration system for the xecutive Board members was adopted by the Supervisory Board, effective anuary , and was approved by the nnual eneral eeting with . on ay in accordance with Section kt old wording hereinafter “remuneration system 2016”). This remuneration system was adjusted to some extent, effective anuary , by a Supervisory Board resolution. The adusted remuneration system was submitted to the nnual eneral eeting on ay for approval in accordance with Section a kt and was approved by 65.45% (hereafter “remuneration system 2020”). Thereby, the adjusted remuneration system for the xecutive Board applies to all service contracts with xecutive Board members entered into or extended on or after anuary . ue to the appointment of s eike ckert as member of the xecutive Board as of uly , the remuneration system has been applied to her. In accordance with the CC and Section of the infhrungsgeset um ktiengeset Introductory aw to the erman Stock Corporation ct, kt, the existing remuneration system shall continue to apply to all existing service contracts with members of the xecutive Board. ccordingly, the remuneration system is applied to r Theodor eimer, r Christoph Bhm, r Thomas Book, r Stephan eithner, r regor ottmeyer and s auke Stars.

erie of the reunertion sste for ebers of the ecutie Bor

rget reunertion n structure In designing the remuneration structure, the Supervisory Board strives to ensure that the overall structure of the remuneration of the xecutive Board is as uniform as possible. The remuneration system for xecutive Board members consists of nonperformancerelated and performancerelated remuneration components.

The nonperformancerelated remuneration components consist of the base salary, contractual ancillary benefits and pension contributions. The performancerelated component consists of the performance bonus as well as the performance shares.

n aggregate, base salary, contractual ancillary benefits, pension contributions, the target value of the performance bonus and the target value of the performance shares make up the target total remuneration.

121 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report 2020

xecutive and upervisory Boards Management report | Remuneration report inancial statements otes urther information

To ensure that the remuneration of the xecutive Board follows the principle of pay for performance, the target direct remuneration (base salary, performance bonus and performance shares) is made up of around 0 per cent performancerelated remuneration components. n addition, around 0 per cent of the performancerelated remuneration has a multiyear assessment basis and is also sharebased. This ensures that the remuneration structure is geared to the sustainable and longterm development of the company and that the variable remuneration, which is based on the achievement of longterm goals, exceeds the shortterm goals and aligns the interests of the xecutive Board with those of the shareholders.

Base salary accounts for around 0 per cent of the target direct remuneration. The performance bonus, which is paid out after the respective financial year, accounts for around 22.5 per cent of the target direct remuneration. The performance bonus, which the members of the xecutive Board will not receive until after three further financial years, also accounts for around 22.5 per cent of the target direct remuneration. The performance shares account for around 25 per cent of the target direct remuneration.

In addition, the company’s share ownership guidelines require Executive Board members to invest a substantial amount of money in Deutsche Börse G shares during their term of office.

122 102 eutsche Brse roup nnual report

Executive and upervisory Boards Management report | Remuneration report inancial statements otes urther inormation

iu reunertion he maximum annual remuneration – comprising base salary, variable remuneration components, ancillary beneits and pension expenses – is capped at an aggregate gross amount of €9.5 million (total cap or each Executive Board member In the remuneration system , ancillary beneits are not included in the maximum remuneration, whereas they are included in the remuneration system

In the interest o shareholders, the company will continue to provide competitive incentives or outstanding personal perormance and the companys longterm sustainable success to Executive Board members, whilst preventing any unintended excesses which might otherwise be possible

he reunertion coponents in eti

onperforncerete reunertion coponents

Bse sr he members o the Executive Board receive a ixed base salary, which is payable in twelve equal monthly instalments hen determining the amount o the base salary, the upervisory Board is guided by the nowledge and experience o the respective member o the Executive Board relevant or the tass

ontrctu ncir benefits ontractual ancillary beneits are granted to members o the Executive Board, such as the provision o an appropriate company car or business and personal use hey also receive taxable contributions towards private pensions In addition, the company may tae out insurance cover or them within reason urrently this includes personal accident insurance and directors oicers insurance or Executive Board members ther ancillary beneits may include a temporary or permanent reimbursement o expenses or a second household, ourneys home, moving costs, cost coverage or security measures, the use o car pool vehicles or transport services

roisions for retireent n ris protection s a urther nonperormancerelated component o the remuneration system, the members o the Executive Board receive coverage or oldage as well as in the event o their incapacity to wor and death

he members o the Executive Board are generally entitled to receive retirement beneits upon reaching the age o , provided that they are no longer in the service o eutsche Brse at that time – or r homas Boo, this applies on reaching the age o he upervisory Board reviews and determines the pensionable income that is used as the basis or retirement beneits Executive Board members normally receive a deined contribution pension n exception to this rule applies to members o the Executive Board who continue being subect to an existing agreement rom prior appointments within eutsche Brse roup and may thereore receive a deined beneit pension instead mong the active members o the Executive Board, the deined beneit pension system only applies to r homas Boo


Management report | Remuneration report

Define contribution pension sste

Define benefit pension sste

The replacement rate depends on the Executive Board member’s term of office and the number of

Executive Board member or would justify termination without notice of the Executive Board member’s –

Benefits in cse of pernent incpcit to or n eth

124 eutsche Brse roup nnual report

Executive and upervisory Boards Management report | Remuneration report inancial statements otes urther information

Executive Board members with a defined contribution pension plan receive the plan assets that have accrued at the time when the benefits fall due plus a supplement correspondin to the full annual pension contribution that would have been due in the year in which the Executive Board member left the company’s service, multiplied by the number of years between the time at which the benefits fell due and the Executive Board member reachin the ae of

f an Executive Board member dies his or her spouse receives per cent and each dependent child receives per cent of the above amount per cent for full orphans up to a maximum of per cent of the pension contribution

rnsition pents n the event that an Executive Board member becomes permanently incapable of worin the defined benefit pension areements for Executive Board members provide for a transitional payment The amount of this payment corresponds to the taret variable remuneration performance bonus and performance shares in the year in which the event trierin the benefits occurs t is paid out in two tranches in the two followin years f an Executive Board member dies his or her spouse receives per cent of the transitional payment

The pensionable income and the present value of the pension commitments existin as of ecember are shown per member of the Executive Board on a consolidated basis in the followin tables

etirement benefits part

Pensionable Present value/defined

income Replacement rate benefit obligation Pension expense

as at as at as at as at 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 2020 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. Defined contribution system Theodor eimer hristoph Bhm eie Ecert – – – tephan eithner reor ottmeyer aue tars Total 3,700.0 – – 11,054.2 8,589.3 2,708.0 1,863.6

etirement benefits part

Pensionable Present value/defined

income Replacement rate benefit obligation Pension expense

as at as at as at as at 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 2020 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. Defined benefit system Thomas Boo Total 500.0 50.0 50.0 7,354.1 6,992.8 514.8 384.9

125 eutsche rse roup nnual report

ecutive and upervisory oards inancial statements otes urther information

erforncerete reunertion coponents

he performancerelated remuneration components account for the maority of the remuneration of ecutive oard members he performancerelated remuneration is divided into a performance bonus and performance shares n order to ensure the sustainable and lonterm development of eutsche rse and to alin the interests of the ecutive oard and shareholders, the performancerelated remuneration components are mainly desined to be multiyear and sharebased erformancerelated remuneration is larely calculated on a lonterm basis, with various performance criteria bein assessed over a period of five years performance shares or four years sharebased performance bonus oneyear performance period and threeyear holdin period for shares to be invested he cash component of the performance bonus annual payout is the only shortterm variable remuneration component

he followin overview illustrates the payforperformance aspect as the central idea behind the ecutive oard remuneration of eutsche rse based on the minimum taret achievement, a taret achievement of per cent and the maimum taret achievement usin the eample of an rdinary oard ember remuneration system , not tain into account the share price performance

126 eutsche rse roup nnual report

ecutive and upervisory oards inancial statements otes urther information

erfornce bonus

rincipes of the perfornce bonus he performance bonus is split between a sharebased component sharebased performance bonus and a cash component

ased on the , a performance bonus with a certain taret value is indicated to the ecutive oard members for each year he etent to which ecutive oard members have met their tarets for the performance bonus is determined for each financial year on the basis of the he basic assessment procedure is based on two components

wo thirds of the bonus reflect the increase in adusted net profit attributable to eutsche rse shareholders for the remuneration year concerned hereinafter referred to as net income and thus reflect the strateic rowth orientation of eutsche rse

nethird reflects the Executive Board members’ individual performance, which is assessed particularly with a view to whether strateic and operatin tarets with strateic relevance were achieved his way, the performance bonus recognizes the implementation of Group Deutsche Börse’s business strategy, thus contributing to the company’s longterm development nce the upervisory oard has determined the overall etent to which oard members have met their tarets usin these two components, it may then review this fiure and adust it usin a performance multiplier in eceptional situations if so reuired this can be done either for individual ecutive oard members or for the ecutive oard as a whole he total performance bonus is paid out in cash, at the latest toether with the reular salary payment for the calendar month following the approval of Deutsche Börse AG’s consolidated financial statements for the year o strenthen the lonterm incentive effect, the ecutive oard members are oblied to invest per cent of the total payout after ta in eutsche rse shares, which they have to hold for at least three years

127 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

Executive and upervisory Boards inancial statements otes urther information

Auste net incoe groth et income growth is calculated independently of the financial planning by comparing the adusted net income for the remuneration year with the prioryear figure he target achievement rate in the remuneration system may range between per cent and per cent a decrease in net income of per cent or more corresponds to a per cent target achievement rate floor rom the upervisory Boards point of view, the resulting linear target achievement curve between the floor and the target value reflects to a high degree the desired performance culture of Deutsche Börse At the same time, if net income declines slightly the upervisory Board considers the floor to be appropriate for the oneyear performance period in the remuneration system uch net income fluctuations are often also based on external factors and should not lead to a total loss of the performance bonus

here net income remains stable ie unchanged yearonyear, this is deemed to represent a target achievement rate of per cent, while a per cent increase is euivalent to a target achievement rate of per cent target value et income growth of per cent or more corresponds to a per cent target achievement rate cap to reward aboveaverage net income growth even more his means that there is a stronger incentive to achieve net income growth of between per cent and per cent

128 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

Executive and upervisory Boards inancial statements otes urther information

n the remuneration system , the target achievement of adusted net income growth is determined as follows

he adusted net income growth is also determined independently of the budget by comparing the adusted net income growth for the remuneration year with that of the previous year arget achievement may range between per cent and per cent a net income decrease of per cent or more corresponds to a target achievement of per cent floor table net income, ie unchanged from the previous year, leads to a target achievement of per cent A net income increase of per cent corresponds to a target achievement of per cent target value An increase in net income of per cent or more corresponds to a target achievement of per cent cap

Auste net incoe groth The Supervisory Board defines the Executive Board members’ individual targets and their weighting for the upcoming financial year or as of the appointment date in the event that a member is elected during the year ndividual targets can also be determined for the entire Executive Board or several Board members collectively ndividual targets should contribute to an implementation of the corporate strategy as well as to a longterm, sustainable development at Deutsche Börse Group and can be financial as well as nonfinancial n addition, sustainability targets according to environmental, social and governance EG criteria are part of the individual targets he upervisory Board must select at least one performance criterion from the catalogue of sustainability topics each year, unless it waives this in individual cases due to extraordinary circumstances By setting financial and nonfinancial targets and assessing their achievement, the upervisory Board ensures that the implementation of the corporate strategy is pursued and sustained and that Deutsche Börse Groups corporate success is taen into account in a holistic manner

he individual targets must be demanding and ambitious urthermore, they must be specific enough to allow for target achievement to be measured, ie, specific figures or expectations for target achievement are determined o avoid dilution, not more than four targets per year are set for each Executive Board member

129 eutsche Brse roup nnual report

Executive and Supervisory Boards inancial statements otes urther information

The targets are derived from the roup or corporate strategy or its respective parts and include their implementation Strategic proects and initiatives can directly serve to implement the corporate strategy as can operating measures The latter can also be agreed as targets if they indirectly contribute to strategy implementation for example by creating an essential foundation for the company’s structure, organiation function and longterm development

atalogue of performance criterions bectives of the corporate strategy ustomer satisfaction Business development Employee satisfaction roduct development and innovation iversity aining maret share is management Exploring ne marets ompliance Strategic proects orporate governance orporate Social esponsibility ompany structure organisation and function arbon emission reductionconsiderate use of resources Efficiency enhancement eporting and communication iuidity planning Succession planning

dvised by the omination ommittee the Supervisory Board assesses the extent to hich each member of the Executive Board has achieved his or her targets after the end of the remuneration year in uestion floor of per cent and a cap of per cent have been defined for the target achievement rate of individual targets

Deterining the perfornce utipier The performance multiplier for the performance bonus can be used by the Supervisory Board in special situations hen considering additional success and performance aspects not taen into account sufficiently in the previously determined targets s such the performance multiplier can be used eg in the event of mergers acuisitions or divestments to allo the Supervisory Board to account for any dilution of euity or to reflect the achievement of ualitative or uantitative targets especially integration parameters hen finally assessing the extent to hich an Executive Board member has achieved his or her overall targets The performance multiplier has a minimum value of and a maximum value of it is multiplied by the performance assessment for the performance bonus taing the per cent cap remuneration system per cent into account

rget chieeent in the perfornce bonus in finnci er To thirds of the performance bonus are based on yeartoyear groth in adusted net income

eutsche Brse ’s adjusted net income increased from €1,105.6 million in financial year 2019 to € million in financial year 2020. It differs from the unadjusted net income (€ million due to the adustment for special effects resulting from organisational restructuring measures among others from the implementation of the corporate strategy “oadmap ” and activities n addition costs for legal disputes ere adusted

130 eutsce rse roup nnua report

ecute an upersory oars nanca statements otes urter normaton

uste net ncome rot €m €m et ncome , , – ustments – uste net ncome , ,

e auste net ncome acee correspons to a rot o per cent s resuts n a taret aceement o per cent n te remuneraton system as e as n te remuneraton system

uste net ncome rot n te remuneraton system €m oer mt – aue , pper mt , ctua aue ,

uste net ncome rot n te remuneraton system €m oer mt aue , pper mt , ctua aue ,

n aton, one tr o te perormance onus s ase on nua tarets ese ncue ot coecte an nua tarets t te ennn o nanca year , our nua tarets ere set or eac ecute oar memer

e tarets to e met coectey y te ecute oar ncue te mpementaton o te corporate stratey “oamap ”, steern usness acttes n partcuar t rear to reuaton appcae trouout te roup, an sustanaty tarets

n orer to mpement te corporate stratey “oamap ”, one reurement as or te ecute oar to acee a structura rot taret t te same tme, noranc rot opportuntes ere to e encourae n te contet o te ene roamap


, , , ,

, , ,

, , “ ”


“ ”

, ,



erfornce shres and especially Deutsche Börse AG’s long

Börse AG’s consolidated fi

133 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

ecutie and uperisory Boards inancial stateents otes urther inforation

Auste net incoe groth for the perfornce shres he uperisory Board deterines and sets the target achieeent rate for adusted net incoe groth at the end of each financial year during the fieyear perforance period he target achieeent rate at the end of the perforance period in uestion is the aerage of the annual target achieeent rates for each of the fie years arget achieeent rates ay range eteen and per cent f net incoe declines or reains unchanged yearonyear this is deeed to represent a target achieeent rate of per cent floor hile a per cent increase corresponds to a target achieeent rate of per cent et incoe groth of per cent reuneration syste or ore corresponds to a per cent target achieeent rate cap he target achieeent cure is copletely linear eteen floor and cap

134 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

ecutie and uperisory Boards inancial stateents otes urther inforation

otithstanding this target achieeent cure net incoe groth of per cent or ore corresponds to a target achieeent of per cent cap in the reuneration syste

perfornce he total shareholder return perforance for Deutsche Börse shares is deried fro Deutsche Börse AG’s ranking relatie to the copanies included in the urope inancials inde he target achieeent rates for ecutie Board eers can range fro per cent floor to per cent cap A per cent target achieeent rate is assued here Deutsche Börse AG’s fiveyear relatie does not eceed the edian ie here it is loer than that for at least half of the inde constituents. Where Deutsche Börse AG’s TSR has performed in line with 60 per cent of index constituents this represents a target achieeent rate of per cent he cap of per cent target achieeent is reached hen the for Deutsche Börse shares euals or eceeds the of per cent reuneration syste of the copanies included in the enchar inde he target achieeent cure for perforance is thus copletely linear he aitious target achieeent cure ith payouts only starting once half of the inde copanies hae een outperfored the uperisory Board also ephasies the payforperforance aspect of ecutie Board reuneration in ters of total shareholder return

135 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 00

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otwithstanding this target achievement curve the maximum possile target achievement of 0 per cent is reached in the remuneration sstem 06 as soon as Deutsche Börse AG’s TSR ranks in the top 0 per cent of companies in the index – in other words if it is in the 0th percentile of the index or higher.

Grnt of the trnche The S tranche 00 was granted at the eginning of the financial ear 00. The relevant allocation price for the PSP tranche 2020 was €138.48. The performance period of the PSP tranche 2020 ends on Decemer 0. The individual target value the allocation price the numer of phantom performance shares granted and the possile maximum numer of performance shares at the end of the performance period can e summaried as follows for the individual xecutive Board memers

Grant of the S tranche 00 Target value € thous. Share price at grant € Theodor Weimer 00.0 . 0 hristoph Böhm 60.0 . 0 00 Thomas Book 6. . eike ckert . . 66 66 Stephan eithner 60.0 . 0 00 Gregor ottmeer 60.0 . 0 00 auke Stars .6 .

136 6

out of the trnche

“ ” “ ”

amount € € thous. at grant € period €

1) Plus dividends paid per share of €12.65 during the performance period.


Aition infortion

€ thous. € thous. € thous. € thous.



hre onership guieines

In addition, the company’s share ownership guidelines, being part of the remuneration system, require

Deutsche Börse’s share ownership guidelines are a key element in order to ensure that remuneration for shareholders’ interest as well as the long

140 Deutsche Börse roup nnual report

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hare wnership uidelines

Amount € thous. heodor eimer , December hristoph Böhm , December homas Book , December eike ckert , December tephan eithner , December regor ottmeyer , December

ecoer cbc or reuction us of ribe reunertion

n the basis of the serice contract for ecutie Board members and the remuneration system the uperisory Board is entitled in eents of serious misconduct by ecutie Board members to demand repayment of all or part of the ariable remuneration under the performance bonus plan or the performance share plan compliance clawback, or to reduce ariable remuneration not yet disbursed accordingly compliance malus ny such clawback is limited to the calendar year in which the reason for the claim arose he uperisory Board is entitled to assert a clawback claim een after an ecutie Board member has left the company, for a period of up to two years following termination of the serice contract ny claims for damages remain unaffected by the clawback of ariable remuneration

In financial year Deutsche Börse did not recoer or reduce any ariable remuneration components

erintion of the serice contrct

eernce pents In the event that an Executive Board member’s contract of service is terminated early for a reason other than good cause, any payments made to the ecutie Board member may not eceed the remuneration for the residual term of his or her contract of serice, and may also not eceed the alue of two total annual remuneration payments seerance cap he payment is calculated on the basis of the total remuneration for the past financial year and, where appropriate, the epected total remuneration for the current financial year erformance bonus claims and performance shares that hae been granted will lapse if the company has good cause for an extraordinary termination of the Executive Board member’s employment or if an ecutie Board member terminates his or her contract before the end of the performance period without good cause and without reaching a mutual agreement

141 eutsche Brse rou nnual reort

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hnge of ontro ccording to the remuneration system there is no rovision for a change of control

ccording to the remuneration system in the event of a change of control the folloing rules aly If an Executive Board member is ased to stand don ithin six months of a change of control he or she is entitled to a severance ayment eual to to total annual remuneration ayments or the value of the residual term of his or her contract of service here this is less than to years his entitlement may be increased to er cent of the severance ayment If an Executive Board member resigns ithin six months of the change of control taing effect because his or her osition as a member of the Executive Board is negatively imacted to a significant degree as a result of the change of control the uervisory Board may decide at its discretion hether to grant a severance ayment in the above mentioned amount In the case of a change of control all current erformance eriods shall end on the day on hich the contract of service is terminated he corresonding erformance shares ill be settled early

ostcontrctu noncopete cuse ostcontractual noncomete clause alies to members of eutsche Brse ’s Executive Board his means that the Executive Board members in uestion are contractually rohibited from acting for a cometing comany or from undertaing cometing activities for one year folloing the end of their service

Compensation of 75 per cent of the member’s final fixed remuneration and 75 per cent of his or her final cash bonus is ayable during the noncomete eriod ension agreement benefits are offset against the comensation In addition er cent of other earnings are deducted if these – together ith the comensation – exceed the Executive Board member’s final remuneration

he comany may aive the ostcontractual noncompete clause before the Executive Board member’s contract of service ends

ccording to remuneration system any severance ayments ill also be offset against comensation in addition to ension agreement benefits

urther contrctu ters

ons to ecutie Bor ebers he comany did not grant any loans or advances to members of the Executive Board during financial year and there are no loans or advances from revious years to members of the Executive Board

eunertion fro group copnies In financial year r homas Boo received a art of his remuneration from Eurex ranfurt from anuary to une

niiu iscosure of the ecutie Bor reunertion he folloing tables contain the figures for the individual Executive Board remuneration comonents mentioned above for financial years and he information disclosed in accordance ith ection B is shon in the “Benefits received” tables

142 eutsche Brse roup nnual report

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s in previous ears the remuneration amounts are reported individuall on the basis of the sample tables “benefits ranted” and “benefits received” in the version of the CC dated 7 ebruar 7 in order to ensure a transparent presentation of the respective rants and inflos for the financial ears and

Benefits ranted part

€ thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. ixed remuneration 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 ncillar benefits 55 55 55 7 neear variable remuneration Cash component performance bonus 5 5 5 ultiear variable remuneration no max no max hare component performance bonus 5 ear holdin period no max 5 no max 5 erformance shares 5ear term no max 5 no max 5 ension expense 7 7 7

Benefits ranted part

€ thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous € thous. ixed remuneration 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ncillar benefits 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 neear variable remuneration Cash component performance bonus 5 5 5 5 5 ultiear variable remuneration no max no max hare component performance bonus 5 ear holdin period 5 no max 5 5 no max 5 erformance shares 5ear term 5 no max 5 5 no max 5 ension expense 7 7 7 7 7 7 7


€ thous. € thous. € € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. – – – – – – – – – –

€ thous. € thous. € thous. € thous.

– “orporate governance statement” section – “ ” 3) The total remuneration (excluding ancillary benefits) is capped at €9.5 million.


€ thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous. – – –

– – – – – – – – – – – –

– –

– – – – – – – – – – –


€ thous. € thous. € thous. € € thous. € thous. € thous. € thous.

– – – –

– – – –

The total remuneration (excluding ancillary benefits) is capped at €9.5 million. (€


eunertion of forer ebers of the ecutie Bor for finnci er Former members of the Executive Board or their surviving dependants received payments of € in financial year 2020 (2019: €9.7 million). The actuarial present value of the pension obligations in al year 2020 as at the reporting date was € million (31 December 2019: €84.8 million).

▪ € ▪ € ▪ ▪ €1

€ thous. at grant € period € € thous.

1) Plus dividends paid per share of €12.65 during the performance period.

“P ”

CPIP, he used private funds to invest €4,500,000 in Deutsche Börse AG shares (investment shares). In “Performance shares”


performance shares is measured on the basis of (i) Deutsche Börse AG’s amounting to €2.1 million and another one as of 31 March 2020 amounting to €5.5 million. Final payout of the outstanding amount of €5. performance shares for Mr Kengeter and thus a payout amount of € Kengeter’s resignation in 2017, no agreement had been concluded with him for the “Maximum remuneration”

eunertion of the uperisor Bor in finnci er

eunertion sste of the uperisor Bor

December 2020. The Supervisory Board’s remuneration, providing for fixed remuneration only, strengthens the Supervisory Board’s independence and provi Executive Board remuneration, which is mainly variable and aligned with Deutsche Börse Group’s growth strategy. Supervisory Board’s remuneration therefore contributes to the implementation of the and thus promotes Deutsche Börse Group’s long

The members of the Supervisory Board receive fixed annual remuneration of €85,000 (until 30 April 2020: €70,000). In accordance with recommendation G.17 of the GCGC 2020 as Chairman of the Supervisory Board amounts to €220,000 (until 30 April 2020: €170,000); the remuneration for the Deputy Chair to €125,000 (until 30 April 2020: €105,000). Members of Supervisory Board committees receive additional fixed annual remuneration of €30,000 for each mbers of the Audit Committee is €35,000. The remuneration paid to committee chairs is €40,000, or €75,000 (until 30 April 2020: €60,000) in

148 Deutsche Börse Group Annua report

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embers of the uperisor Board or a uperisor Board committee receie an attendance fee of €1,000 for each Board or committee meeting that they attend in person either as a member or as a uest here to or more meetins are hed on the same da or on consecutie das the attendance fee is on paid once

After preparation b the nomination committee the uperisor Board eamines on a reuar basis whether its members’ remuneration is appropriate, given their tasks and the situation of the company. or this purpose the uperisor Board sha conduct a horionta maret comparison and ma see the adice of an independent eterna epert n ie of the specia nature of the or of the uperisor Board hen reiein the remuneration of the uperisor Board usua no ertica comparison ith the remuneration of empoees of Deutsche Börse AG or Deutsche Börse Group is conducted

Depending upon the result of the comparative analysis and the Supervisory Board’s assessment of this resut the uperisor Board and the ecutie Board ma submit a oint proposa to the Annua Genera eetin for adustments to uperisor Board remuneration rrespectie of such a proposa the Annua Genera eetin passes a resoution on the remuneration of uperisor Board members (incudin the underin remuneration sstem) eer four ears at the atest accordin to ection () AtG the reeant resoution ma aso confirm the current remuneration

149 Deutsche Börse Group Annua report

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eunertion of the uperisor Bor ebers for finnci er

uperisor Board remuneration)

T€ T€ artin etter (hairman) fu ear fu ear oachim aber (former hairman) an– a fu ear adine Absener fu ear fu ear Annristin Acheitner – an– a – arus Bec fu ear fu ear ichard Beriand – an– a – arein öther fu ear fu ear Andreas Gottschin) u– Dec – – usann ustar fu ear fu ear Achim are fu ear fu ear orneis ohannes icoaas ruissen fu ear fu ear Barbara ambert fu ear fu ear oachim ae) an– une fu ear ichae dier) a– Dec – – arsten chfer fu ear fu ear hares G tonehi fu ear a– Dec arahristina treit fu ear a– Dec utta tuhfauth (Deput hairperson) fu ear fu ear Gerd ausendfreund fu ear fu ear Am ip fu ear fu ear

) he recipient of the remuneration is determined indiidua b the members of the uperisor Board ) emuneration incudin indiidua attendance fee ) eft the uperisor Board on a ) Appointed to the uperisor Board b court order on u ) eft the uperisor Board on une ) ected to the uperisor Board on a

o areements for adisor and aenc serices had been entered into in the reportin period ith members of the uperisor Board or ith companies that empo members of the uperisor Board of Deutsche Börse AG or in hich uperisor Board members hod an interest


oprtie presenttion of the reunertion eeopent of the ecutie Bor ebers the uperisor Bor ebers s e s the orforce n the ernings eeopent of the copn

€ thous. € thous. – – – – – –

– – – – –

Adjusted net income Mio. €


nne resoution on the reunertion sste of the ecutie Bor t the Annu Gener eeting in finnci er

Börse Group’s current strategy “ ” ’

principle 22 of the Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex (the “Code”, German Corporate Governance


152 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report 22

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he xecutive Board and the upervisory Board of Deutsche Börse G declare that the recommendations of the GCGC in its respective version have een and are eing complied ith almost in full since the last declaration of conformity dated Decemer 2 lso, it is intended to fully comply ith the recommendations of the GCGC in the future or details, please see elo

greement of severance payment caps hen concluding xecutive Board contracts (no 2 ( GCGC 2, recommendation G GCGC 2

everance payment caps agreed upon in all contracts ith the memers of the xecutive Board complied and ill continue to comply ith recommendation no 2 ( GCGC 2recommendation G GCGC 2 n the past, hoever, the upervisory Board reserved the right to deviate from no 2 ( GCGC 2, as it as of the opinion that a deviation may ecome necessary in extraordinary cases n connection ith the introduction of an adusted remuneration system for the xecutive Board from anuary 22, the upervisory Board generally aandoned this reservation he recommendation – also in its ne version – has therefore een complied ith in full since then

2 Caps on total amount of remuneration (no 2 (2 (sentence GCGC 2, recommendation G , first indent GCGC 2 and disclosure in the remuneration report (no 2 ( GCGC 2

o 2 (2 (sentence GCGC 2 recommended that the amount of management compensation shall e capped, oth as regards variale components and in the aggregate his recommendation has not een fully complied ith in the past he annual remuneration, comprising fixed and variale remuneration components and pension enefits, as capped at million (total cap for each memer of the xecutive Board oever, ancillary enefits ere not included in the overall cap n addition, the shareased longterm variale remuneration components ere capped regarding the numer of shares granted, ut no dedicated cap on the maximum achievale onus amount as provided for ith regard to the shareased variale remuneration components, the maximum achievale remuneration therefore could not e reported either – as recommended in no 2 ( (first suitem GCGC 2

ith the introduction of the adusted remuneration system for the xecutive Board on anuary 22, the annual remuneration of a fixed salary, variale remuneration components, pension expenses and ancillary enefits for each xecutive Board memer is no capped at a maximum amount of million (total cap egarding the xecutive Board service contracts that have een nely concluded or extended since anuary 22, no 2 (2 sentence GCGC 2 and recommendation G, first indent GCGC 2 – according to hich, inter alia, in the remuneration system it should e determined hat amount the total remuneration may not exceed (maximum remuneration – is therefore complied ith ith the intended corresponding adustment of the remaining xecutive Board service contracts ith regard to the provision on maximum remuneration, recommendation G GCGC 2 ill e complied ith in the future in full

Composition of the omination Committee (no GCGC 2, recommendation D GCGC 2

ccording to no GCGC 2, recommendation D GCGC 2, the upervisory Board shall form a omination Committee composed exclusively of shareholder representatives n accordance ith ection of the German toc xchange ct, the omination Committee, hoever, also assists the upervisory Board of Deutsche Börse G in selecting candidates for the xecutive Board s in particular this tas shall not exclusively e performed y the shareholder representatives on the upervisory Board, the omination Committee also includes employee representatives


n the Committee.”

“shall”), which are (denoted in the text by the use of the word “should”). Deutsche Börse AG fully complies with them.

onuct poicies Deutsche Börse Group’s global orientation means that binding po apply at all of the Group’s locations around the world. Specifically, the main objectives of these addition to focusing on generating profit, Deutsche Börse Group’s business is manag

154 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

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oe of business conuct for epoees Acting responsibly means having values that are shared by all employees throughout the Group. n 2017, Deutsche Börse AG’s xecutive Board adopted an extended code of business conduct. his document, which is applicable throughout the Group, defines the foundations of ey ethical and legal standards, including – but not limited to – the following topics

◼ Confidentiality and the handling of sensitive information ◼ Conflicts of interest ◼ ersonal account dealing, as well as the prevention of insider dealing and maret manipulation ◼ Company resources and assets ◼ Combat of bribery and corruption ◼ is management ◼ histleblowers ◼ nvironmental awareness ◼ ual opportunities and protection against undesirable behaviour

he code of business conduct applies to members of the xecutive Board, all other executives and all employees of Deutsche Börse Group. n addition to specifying concrete rules, the code of business conduct provides general guidance as to how employees can contribute to implementing the defined values in their everyday woring life. he goal of the code of business conduct is to provide guidance on woring together in the company on a daytoday basis, to help resolve any conflicts and to resolve ethical and legal challenges. All newly hired employees receive the code of business conduct as part of their employment contract documentation. he code of business conduct is an integral part of the relationship between employer and employees at Deutsche Börse Group. Breaches may lead to disciplinary action. he document is available on Sustainability ur SG profile mployees Guiding principles.

oe of conuct for suppiers n serice proiers Deutsche Börse Group not only reuires its management and staff to adhere to high standards – it demands the same from its suppliers and service providers. he code of conduct for suppliers and service providers reuires them to respect human rights and employee rights and comply with minimum standards. mplementing a resolution of the xecutive Board, the code of conduct for suppliers was amended in to include the reuirements set out in the odern Slavery Act, applicable to all corporations conducting business in the nited ingdom. ost suppliers have signed up to these conditions all other ey suppliers have made voluntary commitments, which correspond to, or in fact, exceed Deutsche Börse Group’s standards. Service providers and suppliers must sign this code or enter into an euivalent voluntary commitment before they can do business with Deutsche Börse Group. he code of conduct for suppliers is reviewed regularly in the light of current developments and amended if necessary. It is available on Deutsche Börse Group’s website Sustainability ur SG profile rocurement management.

155 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020

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ues Deutsche Börse Group’s business activities are based on the legal raewors and ethical standards o the dierent countries in which it operates. A ey way in which the Group underscores the values it considers iportant is by oinin initiatives and oranisations that advocate enerally accepted ethical standards. elevant eberships are as ollows

United Nations Global Compact www.unlobalcopact.or this voluntary business initiative established by the nited ations ais to achieve a ore sustainable and ore euitable lobal econoy. At the heart o the copact are ten principles coverin the areas o huan rihts, labour, environent protection and anticorruption. Deutsche Börse Group has subitted annual counications on proress s on its ipleentation o the Global opact since 200.

Diversity Charter as a sinatory to the Diversity harter, the copany has coitted to acnowledin, respectin and prootin the diversity o its wororce, custoers and business associates – irrespective o their ae, ender, disability, race, reliion, nationality, ethnic bacround, sexual orientation or identity.

International Labour Organization www.ilo.or this aency is the international oranisation responsible or drawin up and overseein international labour standards it brins toether representatives o overnents, eployees and eployers to proote the oint developent o policies and programmes. Deutsche Börse Group has signed up to the ILO’s labour standards and hence has areed to abide by the.

Frankfurt Declaration www.deutscheboerse.coranurtdeclaration the ranurt Declaration demonstrates the signatories’ intention to define the framework conditions for sustainable finance and to put concrete initiatives in place in the ranurt inancial centre. hese are directed towards the identiication o innovative business areas and the responsible handlin o riss, aonst other thins. he potential o sustainable inance inrastructures ust thereore be ully encouraed in order to support positive econoic and social developent ounded on the unconditional protection o the natural basis o lie.

or urther inoration on sustainability at Deutsche Börse Group, please see the chapter “Combined nonfinancial statement” or o to ustainability.

ectorspecific poicies Deutsche Börse Group’s pivotal role in the financial sector requires that it handles information – and especially sensitive data and acts – responsibly. A nuber o rules are in orce throuhout the Group to ensure that eployees coply with this. hese cover both leal reuireents and special policies applicable to the relevant industry seents, such as the whistleblowin syste and ris and control anaeent policies.

histeboing sste Deutsche Börse Group’s whistleblowin syste provides a channel to report noncopliant behaviour. It is aied priarily at eployees and external service providers. he Group had previously enaed the auditin and consultin copany Deloitte to act as an external obudsan and receive any such inoration subitted by phone or eail. his enaeent was transerred to Business eeper AG in Deceber. histleblowers’ identities are still not revealed to Deutsche Börse Group.

156 1 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report

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isk and control management policies Functioning control systems are an important part of stable business processes. Deutsche Börse Group’s enterprisewide control sstems are embedded in an overarching framework. his comprises amongst other things the legal requirements the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code international regulations and recommendations and other companspecific policies. he eecutives responsible for the different elements of the control sstem are in close contact with each other and with the ecutive Board and report regularl to the upervisor Board or its committees. quall the Group has an enterprisewide risk management sstem that covers and provides mandator rules for functions processes and responsibilities. Details of the internal control sstem and risk management at Deutsche Börse Group can be found in the “Internal management” and “Risk report” sections.

n important fundamental principle of the German tock Corporation ct is the dual board sstem – which assigns separate independent responsibilities to the ecutive Board and the upervisor Board. hese responsibilities and their implementation at Deutsche Börse G are set out in detail in the following paragraphs.

Both boards perform their duties in the interests of the compan and with the aim of achieving a sustainable longterm increase in value. heir actions are based on the principle of responsible corporate governance. herefore Deutsche Börse G’s Executive Board and Supervisory Board work closel together in a spirit of mutual trust with the ecutive Board providing the upervisor Board with comprehensive information on the company’s and the Group’s position and the course of business in a regular and timel manner. In addition the ecutive Board regularl informs the upervisor Board concerning issues relating to corporate planning the risk situation and risk management compliance and the company’s control systems. The strategic orientation of the compan is eamined in detail and agreed upon with the upervisor Board. Implementation of the relevant measures is discussed at regular intervals. he Chief ecutive Officer reports to the upervisor Board without undue dela orall or in writing on matters that are of special importance to the compan.

In addition the CO keeps the Chair of the upervisor Board continuousl and regularl informed of the current developments affecting the company’s business, significant transactions, upcoming decisions and the longterm outlook and discusses these issues with them. he upervisor Board ma also request reports from the ecutive Board at an time especiall on matters and business transactions at Deutsche Börse G and subsidiaries that have a significant impact on Deutsche Börse AG’s position. The blaws for the ecutive Board and upervisor Board govern the corresponding information rights and obligations of the ecutive Board and upervisor Board in detail.

Deutsche rse AG’s Executive Board he ecutive Board manages Deutsche Börse G and Deutsche Börse Group it had si members during the reporting period. The main duties of the Executive Board include defining the Group’s corporate goals and strategic orientation managing and monitoring the operating units as well as establishing and monitoring an efficient risk management sstem. he ecutive Board is responsible for preparing the annual and consolidated financial statements of Deutsche Börse G as well as for producing financial information during the course of the year. In addition, it must ensure the company’s compliance with legal requirements and official regulations.

157 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

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The members of the Executive Board are ointly responsible for all aspects of management. Irrespective of this collective responsibility, the individual members manage the company’s business areas assigned to them in the Executive Board’s schedule of responsibilities independently and are personally responsible for them. In addition to the business areas, the functional areas of responsibility are that of the hief Executive fficer E, the hief Financial fficer F, the hief Information fficer hief perating fficer I and R ompliance. The business areas cover the operating business units, such as the company’s cash market activities, the derivatives business, securities settlement and custody and the market data and financial information business. Details can be found in the “Overview of Deutsche Börse Group – Organisational structure” section.

Further details of the Executive Board’s work are set out in the bylaws that the Supervisory Board has adopted for the Executive Board. Amongst other things, these list issues that are reserved for the entire Executive Board, special measures reuiring the approval of the Supervisory Board, other procedural details and the arrangements for passing resolutions. The Executive Board holds regular meetings these are convened by the E, who coordinates the Executive Board’s work. Any Executive Board member can reuire a meeting to be convened. In accordance with its bylaws, the entire Executive Board normally takes decisions on the basis of resolutions passed by a simple maority of the members voting on them in each case. If a vote is tied, the E has the casting vote.

More information on the Executive Board, its composition, members’ individual appointments and biographies can be found at www.deutscheboerse.comexecboard.

Deutsche Börse AG’s Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board supervises and advises the Executive Board in its management of the company. It supports the Executive Board in significant business decisions and provides assistance on strategically important issues. The Supervisory Board has specified measures reuiring its approval in the bylaws for the Executive Board. In addition, the Supervisory Board is responsible for appointing the members of the Executive Board, deciding on their total remuneration, examining Deutsche Börse AG’s annual and consolidated financial statements and the combined management report including the combined non financial statement. Details of the Supervisory Board’s work during the 2020 financial year can be found in the report of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board consists of members, made up of an eual number of shareholder representatives and employee representatives in line with the German itbestimmungsgeset itbestG, German odetermination Act. The term of office of the shareholder representatives on the current Supervisory Board ends at the Annual General eeting in . As a rule, the same applies to the employee representatives. owever, the ID pandemic meant that the elections for employee representatives, which had already begun, had to be interrupted. The plan is therefore to have the employee representatives appointed by court order until the election process can be completed.

158 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020

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he Supervisory Board holds at least six regular meetings every year. n addition, extraordinary meetings are held as reuired. he committees also hold regular meetings. nless mandatory statutory provisions or the Articles of Associations call for a different procedure, the Supervisory Board passes its resolutions by a simple maority. f a vote is tied, the hairman has the casting vote. n addition, the Supervisory Board regularly reviews the structure, sie, composition and performance of the work of the Executive and Supervisory Boards as well as the effectiveness of its own work, and discusses potential areas for improvement and adopts suitable measures, where necessary.

he Supervisory Board hair is in regular contact with the representatives of shareholders and employees on the Supervisory Board, in addition to the scheduled meetings.

The Supervisory Board’s goal in establishing committees is to improve the efficiency of its work by examining complex matters in smaller groups that prepare them for the plenary meeting of the Supervisory Board. Additionally, the Supervisory Board has delegated individual decisionmaking powers to the committees, to the extent that this is legally permissible. At the start of the reporting period the Supervisory Board had eight committees, whereby the hairman Selection ommittee was established solely to prepare the election of the new Supervisory Board hair after the Annual General Meeting 2020. he committee was dissolved automatically after the election of Martin etter as the new Supervisory Board hair on May 2020, bringing the number of committees back to seven. For details of the committees, please refer to the tables “Supervisory Board committees during 2020: composition and responsibilities”. Their individual responsibilities are governed by the Supervisory Board’s bylaws. he committees’ rules of procedure correspond to those for the plenary meeting of the Supervisory Board. Details of the current duties and members of the individual committees can be found online, at www.deutscheboerse.comsupervboard ommittees.

he chairs of the individual committees report to the plenary meeting about the subects addressed and resolutions passed in the committee meetings. Information on the Supervisory Board’s concrete work and meetings during the reporting period can be found in the report of the Supervisory Board.

More information on the Supervisory Board and its committees, the individual members and their appointments and biographies, can be found at www.deutscheboerse.comsupervboard.

159 eutsche Brse roup nnual report 2020

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Supervisory Board committees during 2020: composition and responsibilities

udit ommittee

▪ Barbara ambert hair ▪ t least four members who are elected by the Supervisory Board ▪ adine bsenger ▪ rereuisites for the chair of the committee: the person concerned must be independent and must ▪ arkus Beck have specialist knowledge and eperience of applying accounting principles as well as internal control and risk management processes financial epert ▪ arlein lther until ay 2020 ▪ ersons who cannot chair the committee: the hair of the Supervisory Board former members of the company’s Executive Board whose appointment ended less than two years ago ▪ ndreas ottschling

since ul 2020 ▪ oachim agel until 0 un 2020 ▪ ichael diger since ay 2020 ▪ eals with issues relating to the preparation of the annual budget and financial topics particularly ▪ utta Stuhlfauth capital management ▪ Deals with issues relating to the adequacy and effectiveness of the company’s control systems – in particular to risk management compliance and internal audit

▪ eals with audit reports as well as accounting issues including oversight of the accounting and reporting process ▪ alfyearly financial reports plus any uarterly financial reports discusses the results of the reviews with the auditors ▪ amines the annual financial statements the consolidated financial statements and the combined management report including the combined nonfinancial statement discusses the audit report with the eternal auditors and prepares the Supervisory Board’s resolutions adopting the annual financial statements and approving the consolidated financial statements as well as the resolution on the Executive Board’s proposal on the appropriation of the distributable profit ▪ Prepares the Supervisory Board’s recommendation to the nnual eneral eeting on the election of the eternal auditors of the annual financial statements the consolidated financial statements and the halfyearly financial report to the etent that the latter is audited or reviewed by eternal auditors and makes corresponding recommendations to the Supervisory Board ▪ eviews the nonfinancial reporting sections 2b b B ▪ onitors the audit particularly the independence and uality of the auditors and the nonaudit services provided by the auditors ▪ Issues the engagement letter to the eternal auditor of the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements – including in particular the review or audit of halfyearly financial reports and determines focal areas of the audit and the audit fee ▪ Prepares the Supervisory Board’s resolution approving the statement on the German Corporate overnance ode pursuant to section kt and the corporate governance statement in accordance with section 2f B ▪ ontrol procedures on relatedparty transactions pursuant to section a 2 sentence 2 kt

mployee representative

160 0 Deutsche Brse Group nnual report

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omination Committee

▪ artin etter ▪ Chaired by the Chair of the Supervisory Board Chair since ay ▪ t least five other members who are elected by the Supervisory Board ▪ oachim aber ▪ ember and Chair until ay ▪ arus Bec ▪ ddresses succession planning for the Executive Board and identifies candidates to fill vacancies in the Executive Board ▪ ichael diger since ay ▪ Develops a diversity concept for the Supervisory Board ▪ utta Stuhlfauth ▪ Deals with the annual assessment of the structure sie composition and performance of the ▪ Gerd ausendfreund Executive Board and Supervisory Board as well as possible improvements ▪ my ip ▪ Deals with the annual assessment of the qualification requirements of individual members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board and the Executive Board and Supervisory Board as a whole ▪ eviews the policy for selection and appointment of members of the Executive Board and maes recommendations to the Supervisory Board in this regard ▪ Proposes suitable candidates to the Supervisory Board for inclusion in the Supervisory Board’s election proposal to the nnual General eeting by shareholder representatives ▪ Enters into amends or terminates service agreements within the framewor defined by the Supervisory Board ▪ Deals with aggregate remuneration and retirement benefits of individual Executive Board members and determines payments to surviving dependants and any other similar payments regularly reviews the reasonableness of Executive Board remuneration and develops proposals for any adustments where required ▪ Consents to the assumption of mandates by members of Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board as member of an executive board supervisory board advisory board and similar mandates as well as secondary activities and honorary offices or grants relief from the consent requirement ▪ Consents to the granting or revocation of general powers of attorney ▪ pproves cases in which the Executive Board grants employees retirement benefits or other personal pension benefits or proposes wors agreements establishing pension plans ▪ Decides on delaying the publication of insider information and on drafting ad hoc announcements on information for which the Supervisory Board is responsible ▪ ther tass and duties set forth in section b BrsG

Employee representative

is Committee

▪ ndreas Gottschling ▪ t least four members who are elected by the Supervisory Board ember and Chair since ul ▪ oachim agel ember and Chair until un ▪ eviews the ris management framewor including the overall ris strategy ris appetite and the ris management roadmap ▪ Susann ustarx ▪ aes note of and reviews the periodic ris management and compliance reports ▪ Cornelis ruissen ▪ Oversees monitoring of the Group’s operational, financial and business risks ▪ Barbara ambert ▪ aes note of and discusses the annual reports on significant riss and the ris management ▪ systems at regulated Group entities to the extent legally permissible

Employee representative

161 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

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Strategy Committee

▪ artin etter ▪ Chaired by the Chair of the Supervisory Board member and Chair since ay ▪ At least five other members ho are elected by the Supervisory Board ▪oachim aber ember and Chair until ay ▪ Advises the Executive Board on matters of strategic importance to the company and its affiliates ▪ Addresses issues concerning the Company’s orientation in terms of fundamental corporate policy ▪ Susann ustarx and entrepreneurship, as ell as proects important to Deutsche Börse Group ▪ Achim arle ▪ Carsten Schfer ▪ Charles Stonehill ▪ ClaraChristina Streit

Employee representative

echnology Committee

▪ arlein löther ▪ At least four members ho are elected by the Supervisory Board Chair since ay ▪ artin etter ember and Chair until ay ▪ Supports the Supervisory Board in meeting its supervisory duties ith respect to the information technology used to execute the Group’s business strategy and with respect to information security ▪ Achim arle ▪ Advises on strategy and architecture ▪ Cornelis ruissen ▪ Oversees monitoring of technological innovations, the provision of services, the technical ▪ Carsten Schfer performance and stability of systems, operational risks, and information security services and ▪ Charles Stonehill risks since ay ▪ Amy ip

Employee representative

Chairman’s Committee

▪ artin etter ▪ Chaired by the Chair of the Supervisory Board Chair since ay ▪ Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board as ell as one shareholder representative and one ▪ oachim aber employee representative ho are elected by the Supervisory Board ember and Chair until ay ▪ adine Absenger ▪ imesensitive affairs ▪utta Stuhlfauth

▪ ClaraChristina Streit since ay

Employee representative

162 eutsche rse Group Annual report

xecutie and uperisory oards inancial statements otes urther information

ediation Committee

▪ artin etter ▪ Chaired by the Chair of the uperisory oard Chair since ay ▪ eputy Chair of the uperisory oard as well as one shareholder representatie and one ▪ oachim aber employee representatie ember and Chair until ay ▪ arlein lther ▪ ass and duties pursuant to section itbestG ▪ usann ustarx ▪ utta tuhlfauth

mployee representatie

Chairman election Committee until ay

▪ arbara ambert Chair ▪ As determined by the uperisory oard ▪ arus ec ▪ oachim aber ▪ utta tuhlfauth ▪ Gerd ausendfreund ▪ repares the new election of the uperisory oard Chair in particular recommends candidates to ▪ Amy ip be elected by the uperisory oard

mployee representatie

arets or copositio ad uaiicatio reuireets o the Supervisory Board

n accordance with recommendation C of the Code the uperisory oard has adopted a catalogue of specific targets concerning its composition that aboe all should sere as a basis for the future nomination of its members his catalogue comprises ualification reuirements as well as diersity targets urthermore members shall hae sufficient time as well as the personal integrity and suitability of character to exercise their office n addition more than half the shareholder representaties on the uperisory oard shall be independent

163 eutsche rse Group Annual report

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uaiicatio reuireets Gien their nowledge sills and professional experience members of the uperisory oard shall hae the ability to perform the duties of a superisory board member in a company with international business actiities he uperisory oard has determined indiidual basic as well as general ualification reuirements asic reuirements are deried from the business model the concrete targets as well as from specific regulations applicable to eutsche rse Group

deally each uperisory oard member holds the following basic ualifications

◼ nderstanding of commercial issues ◼ Analytical and strategic sills ◼ nderstanding of the corporate goernance system ◼ nowledge of the financial serices sector ◼ Understanding of Deutsche Börse AG’s activities ◼ Understanding of Deutsche Börse Group’s structure ◼ Understanding of the member’s own position and responsibilities

he general ualifications refer to the uperisory oard in its entirety At least two of its members should hae sound nowledge especially concerning the following topics

◼ usiness models of exchanges and the capital marets ◼ Accounting finance audit ◼ is management and compliance ◼ nformation technology and security digitalisation ◼ Clearing settlement and custody business ◼ egulatory reuirements

he current composition of the uperisory oard fulfils these criteria concerning the ualification of its members

Supervisory Board members’ general qualification requirements

nformation technology and

artin etter Chair arlein lther Andreas Gottschling arbara ambert ichael diger Charles tonehill ClaraChristina treit Amy ip

164 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

ecutive and Supervisory Boards inancial statements otes urther information

n accordance with recommendation of the ode the Supervisory Board shall be comprised of what it considers to be an appropriate number of independent members herefore the Supervisory Board decided that at least half the shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board shall be independent Supervisory Board members are considered to be independent within the meaning of recommendation of the ode if they are independent of the company and its ecutive Board and independent of any controlling shareholder n particular Supervisory Board members are no longer to be considered independent if they have a personal or business relationship with the company or its ecutive Board that may cause a substantial and not merely temporary conflict of interest According to recommendation of the ode more than half the shareholder representatives shall be independent of the company and the ecutive Board

he Supervisory Board regards all of its shareholder representatives as being independent

Diversity cocept or the ecutive Board ad the Supervisory Board

he diversity concept for the ecutive Board and the Supervisory Board as adopted by the Supervisory Board in accordance with section f no GB has the obective of ensuring a wide range of perspectives and eperience through the composition of both bodies he concept is implemented within the scope of selecting and appointing new ecutive Board members or regarding proposals for election of new Supervisory Board members

he Supervisory Board considers the fleible age limit stipulated in the bylaws generally years when nominating candidates for election by the Annual General Meeting. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board’s bylaws provide for a general limitation to members’ maximum term of office to twelve years, which the Supervisory Board shall also consider in its nominations of candidates to the Annual General eeting

he fleible age limit for members of the ecutive Board provides for the term of office to epire at the end of the month during which a member reaches the age of years rom the month during which an ecutive Board member has reached the age of reappointment is permitted for a period of one year in each case provided that the last term of office shall epire at the end of the month during which the ecutive Board member reaches the age of hen appointing members of the ecutive Board the Supervisory Board pursues the obective of achieving an optimal composition of the ecutive Board from the company’s perspective. In this context, experience and industry knowledge, as well as professional and personal qualifications play a maor role Depending on the ecutive Board position to be filled it is not ust the scope and depth of sills that is decisive but also whether the specific sills are up to date he fleible age limit has been deliberately worded to preserve the Supervisory Boards fleibility in taing decisions on appointments

At present, no Executive Board member has passed the age limit of 65 years. Theodor Weimer’s term of office as Chairman of Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board runs until 31 December 2024. Theodor eimer will reach the age of in n view of his longstanding eperience and nowledge of the sector and his professional and personal qualifications the Supervisory Board decided whilst maintaining the general rule on a flexible age limit, against only renewing Theodor Weimer’s term of office on an annual basis once he reached the age of

165 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Financial statements otes Further information

With regard to the Supervisory Board, the legally prescribed gender uota of 30 per cent in accordance with section 6 2 of the AktG applies. In order to prevent the possible discrimination of either shareholder representatives or employee representatives, and in order to increase the planning security in the relevant election procedures, the shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board have opposed the overall compliance of the uota in accordance with section 6 2 sentence 2 AktG. Thus, the minimum proportion of 30 per cent is to be complied with for each gender with regard to the shareholder representatives and the employee representatives. This means that at least two women and two men from each the shareholder representatives and from the employee representatives must be on the Supervisory Board. Currently, there are three women each from the shareholder representatives and from the employee representatives. The legally prescribed gender uota is thus complied with.

Deutsche Börse AG’s Supervisory Board has defined a target quota for women on the Executive Board in accordance with section 111 5 AktG. The first minimum target – 20 per cent of the Executive Board members were to be women – was complied with by the end of the implementation period on 30 une 201. The uota of women on the Executive Board was 20 per cent at this time. Effective 1 uly 201, the Supervisory Board decided to extend the 20 per cent target uota of women on the Executive Board until 31 December 2021. This uota, however, declined due to the increase of the Executive Board to six members as of 1 uly 201, despite the fact that the actual number of women on the Executive Board did not change. The uota of women on the Executive Board is currently 16. per cent.

The Supervisory Board intends to comply with the 20 per cent target uota for women on the Executive Board and also intends to further increase the uota for women on the Supervisory Board. This will be taken into account in future personnel decisions.

The composition of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board shall reflect the company’s international activities. With Barbara ambert, Charles Stonehill, ClaraChristina Streit and Amy ip, there are four shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board holding non or nonexclusive German citienship. Cornelis ruissen, employee representative on the Supervisory Board, has the Dutch nationality. In addition, many of the members of the Supervisory Board have longterm professional experience in the international field or are working abroad on a permanent basis. The Supervisory Board will therefore continue to meet the obectives concerning its international composition.

The same applies to the Executive Board, where Stephan eithner holds nonGerman citienship, and whose members have gained longstanding international working experience as well.

The Supervisory Board has set itself the obective of considering an appropriate range of educational and professional backgrounds regarding its own composition, as well as regarding the composition of the Executive Board. The composition of both the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board reflect these obectives. In addition to possessing professional experience in the financial services industry, members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board also have a professional background in consultancy, the IT sector, auditing, administration and regulation. In terms of academic education, most members have economics or legal degrees, in addition to backgrounds in IT, engineering and other areas. Education and professional experience thus also contribute to fulfilling the previously mentioned ualification reuirements for Supervisory Board members.

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The composition of both Deutsche Börse AG’s Supervisory Board and Executive Board is in line with the oectives stated aove lease refer to wwwdeutscheoersecomsupervoard for further information concerning the memers of the Supervisory Board and its committees or further information concerning the memers of the Executive Board please see wwwdeutscheoersecomexecoard

repari the eectio o sharehoder represetatives to the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Boards omination ommittee – whose tas it is to propose suitale candidates to the Supervisory Board for its proposal to the Annual General eeting – has concerned itself with preparing the election of shareholder representatives to the Supervisory Board at the Annual General eeting in Amy ip has decided not to stand again for the Supervisory Board The shareholder representatives in the omination ommittee decided on eruary to propose eight candidates for the election of shareholder representatives y the Annual General eeting to the Supervisory Board Seven of the eight proposed candidates were already memers of the Supervisory Board one candidate has not previously een a memer The committee memers ensured that the selected candidates met all the criteria mentioned aove To this end the shareholder representatives in the omination ommittee first drew up a long list of suitale candidates After interviewing the candidates on the list the shareholder representatives in the committee agreed on the new candidate for the Supervisory Board elections in nformation on all candidates including their will e availale in the agenda for the Annual General eeting on ay and can e accessed in advance of the Annual General eeting at wwwdeutscheoersecomhv

raii ad proessioa deveopet easures or eers o the Supervisory Board

As a matter of principle Supervisory Board memers are responsile for their continuing professional development Deutsche Börse AG follows recommendation D of the ode and the guidelines of the European Securities and arets Authority ESA on management odies of maret operators and data reporting services providers and supports Supervisory Board memers in this endeavour or example it organises targeted introductory events for new Supervisory Board memers and worshops on selected strategy issues as well as on professional topics if required Thus in addition to one strategy and two technology worshops the Supervisory Board held a worshop on legal and compliance matters in the reporting period n individual cases Deutsche Börse AG assumes the costs incurred for thirdparty training, as part of its own training programme “Qualified Supervisory Board” for Supervisory Board memers for instance

aiatio o the eectiveess o Supervisory Board or

Deutsche Börse AG regards regular reviews of the effectiveness of Supervisory Board wor – in accordance with recommendation D of the ode – as a ey component of good corporate governance The annual selfassessment is supported y an external service provider every third year most recently in The effectiveness examination was completed in the third quarter y means of a structured questionnaire and focusing on the tass and composition of the Supervisory Board cooperation etween Supervisory Board memers and etween the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board Supervisory Board meetings and Supervisory Board committees The review yielded positive results oth in terms of overall effectiveness as well as regarding the audited suect areas here it identifies room for improvement optimising proposals were discussed y the Supervisory Board and measures for their execution implemented

167 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

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n the second half of the Supervisory Board discussed the efficiency of its wor at the initiative of the new Supervisory Board Chair Martin Jetter. Under his leadership the members of the Chairman’s ommittee, the hair of the Audit ommittee and the hair of the is ommittee developed concrete measures to increase the time available to individual Supervisory Board members for exercising their advisory function on business and strategyrelated topics The first organisational measures were implemented when the Supervisory Board meeting was prepared and held in December

oter successio pai or the ecutive Board

Together with the Executive Board, the Supervisory Board ensures that longterm succession planning taes place or this purpose the Supervisory Board, or its omination ommittee, regularly – at least once a year – concerns itself with potential candidates for the Executive Board The hair of the Executive Board is involved in these considerations, provided that the discussions do not refer to their own succession The Supervisory Board prepares an applicant profile for vacant Executive Board positions The Supervisory Board taes care to ensure that the nowledge, expertise and experience of all Executive Board members is diverse and well balanced, and adheres to the adopted diversity concept oreover, the Supervisory Board ensures it is informed regularly about the succession planning at the first level beneath the Executive Board, and provides advice to the Executive Board in this regard

aret iures or the proportio o eae eecutives eeath the ecutive Board

Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board has defined target uotas for women on the two management levels beneath the Executive Board, in accordance with section AtG, in each case referring to Deutsche Börse AG By December , the proportion of women holding positions in the first and second management levels beneath the Executive Board is planned to amount to per cent and per cent, respectively As per December , the share of women holding positions on the first and second management levels beneath the Executive Board at Deutsche Börse AG in Germany was per cent and per cent, respectively

oreover, as early as in , the Executive Board had adopted a voluntary commitment to increase the share of women holding middle and upper management positions to per cent by and of women holding lower management positions to per cent during the same period The Group maintains this ambition for , and has extended the scope of its voluntary commitment over and above the legal reuirements irstly, the target figures determined in this context relate to Deutsche Börse Group including subsidiaries worldwide Secondly, the definition of management levelspositions was expanded to include heads of teams, for example n a global level, as at December , these uotas stood at per cent for upper and middle management levels and per cent for lower management positions or Germany, the uotas were per cent and per cent, respectively Deutsche Börse Group will continue its existing activities to reach the target uotas and implement additional measures

168 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report

ecutive and upervisory Boards inancial statements otes urther information

Sharehoder represetatio trasparet reporti ad couicatio

hareholders eercise their rihts at the Annual General Meetin AGM. n the spirit of ood corporate overnance Deutsche Börse AG aims to mae it as easy as possible for shareholders to eercise their shareholder rihts. or instance Deutsche Börse AG shareholders may follo the AGM over the internet and can be represented at the AGM by proies nominated by Deutsche Börse AG. hese proies eercise voting rights solely in accordance with shareholders’ instructions. Additionally, shareholders may exercise their votin rihts by post or online. Amonst other thins the AGM elects the shareholder representatives to the upervisory Board and decides on formal approval for the actions of the ecutive Board and the upervisory Board. t also passes resolutions on the appropriation of the unappropriated surplus resolves on capitalisation measures and approves intercompany areements and amendments to Deutsche Börse AG’s Articles of Association and appoints the external auditors. Ordinary AGMs – at hich the ecutive Board and the upervisory Board ive an account for the past financial year – tae place once a year.

or the reportin year Deutsche Börse AG decided in vie of the CD pandemic to hold the Annual General Meetin as a virtual event ithout the physical presence of shareholders or their proies as provided for by the “Gesetz über Maßnahmen im Gesellschafts Genossenschafts ereins tiftuns und ohnunseientumsrecht ur Bempfun der Ausirunen der CDPandemie” (“Act on Measures in Corporate Cooperative Association oundation and esidential roperty a to Combat the ffects of the Covid19 pandemic as of 27 March 2020”). This was done, in particular to ensure that all resolutions includin on the appropriation of profits could be taen at the scheduled time. hareholders ere able to follo the entire Annual General Meetin live online and eercise their votin rihts by means of postal votin or appointin the company proies. uestions could be submitted to the company electronically up to to days before the Annual General Meetin and ere ansered in full durin the meetin. Additionally the company published the speeches by the Chairs of the ecutive Board and upervisory Board ahead of the Annual General Meetin enablin shareholders to submit uestions about them in advance too.

o maimise transparency and ensure eual access to information, Deutsche Börse AG’s corporate communications enerally follo the rule that all taret roups should receive all relevant information simultaneously. Deutsche Börse AG’s financial calendar informs shareholders, analysts, shareholders’ associations the media and interested members of the public of ey events such as the date of the AGM or publication dates for financial performance indicators.

Ad hoc disclosures, information on directors’ dealings and voting rights notifications, corporate reports and interim reports and company nes can all be found on Deutsche Börses ebsite .deutsche Deutsche Börse AG provides information about its annual and consolidated financial statements as ell as interim reports in conference calls for analysts and investors. urthermore a reular investor day is held and Deutsche Börse continuously outlines its stratey and business developments to everyone ho is interested abidin by the principle that all taret roups orldide must be informed at the same time.

Additionally Deutsche Börse AG submitted a Communication n roress C for to the U Global Compact. Good corporate governance is one of Deutsche Börse Group’s core concerns, is why it has complied with the Global Compact’s principles for many years. ublic records of this have been available since the company officially oined the initiative in ustainability ur G profile Global initiatives U Global Compact.

169 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020

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Accouti ad auditi

Deutsche Börse AG’s annual report provides shareholders and interested members of the public with detailed information on Deutsche Börse Group’s business performance during the reporting period. Additional information is published in its halfyearly financial report and two uarterly statements. The annual financial statement documents and the annual report are published within 90 days of the end of the financial year (1 December) intrayear financial information (halfyearly financial report and uarterly statements) is made available within days of the end of the relevant uarter or sixmonth period. ollowing preparations by the Audit Committee, the annual and consolidated financial statements are discussed by the entire upervisory Board and with the external auditors, examined, and then approved. The xecutive Board discusses the halfyearly report and the uarterly statements for the first and third quarters with the Supervisory Board’s Audit Committee prior to their publication. The half yearly financial report is reviewed by the external auditors. n line with the proposal by the upervisory Board, the 2020 AGM elected PMG AG irtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin, (PMG) to audit its 2020 annual and consolidated financial statements and to review its halfyearly financial report in the year under review. PMG was also instructed to perform a review of the contents of the combined non financial statement during the 2020 financial year. The lead auditor, venOlaf eitz, and the deputy lead auditor, lauslrich Pfeiffer, have been responsible for the audit since 201. The upervisory Board’s proposal was based on the recommendation by the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee obtained the necessary statement of independence from PMG before the election. This states that there are no personal, business, financial or other relationships between the auditor, its governing bodies and audit managers, on the one hand, and the company and the members of its xecutive and upervisory Boards, on the other, that could give cause to doubt the auditor’s independence. The Audit Committee checed that this continued to be the case during the reporting period. t also oversaw the financial reporting process in 2020. The upervisory Board was informed in a timely manner of the Committee’s wor and the insights gained there were no material findings. nformation on audit services and fees is provided in note to the consolidated financial statements.

Based on the resolution taen on 7 ovember 2019, the upervisory Board of Deutsche Börse AG will propose to the Annual General Meeting 2021 to appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers Gmb irtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft with its registered office in ranfurt am Main as auditor and Group auditor for the financial year 2021. n accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 1 (2) of the Auditor egulation (regulation () o 7201 of the uropean Parliament and of the uropean Council of 1 April 201), the decision proposal was preceded by an extensive selection process, as a result of which the Audit Committee recommended PricewaterhouseCoopers Gmb irtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft as the future external auditor.

170 10 Consolidated financial statements/notes

171 Consolidated financial statements

172 Consolidated income statement

173 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

174 Consolidated balance sheet

176 Consolidated cash flow statement

178 Consolidated statement of changes in equity

179 Notes to the consolidated financial statements

179 Basis of preparation

188 Consolidated income statement disclosures

204 Consolidated Balance sheet disclosures

252 Other disclosures

277 Responsibility statement by the Executive Board

278 Independent Auditor’s Report Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements | Consolidated income statement Notes Further information

Consolidated income statement

for the period 1 January to 31 December 2020

Note 2020 20191) €m €m Sales revenue 4 3,519.3 3,054.2 Treasury result from banking business 4 196.6 247.7 Other operating income 4 40.5 13.5 Total revenue 3,756.4 3,315.4

Volume-related costs 4 – 542.6 – 379.4 Net revenue (total revenue less volume-related costs) 3,213.8 2,936.0

Staff costs 5 – 822.9 – 747.8 Other operating expenses 6 – 545.8 – 516.6 Operating costs – 1,368.7 – 1,264.4

Result from financial investments 8 24.3 6.7 Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) 1,869.4 1,678.3

Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses 10 – 264.3 – 226.2 Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) 1,605.1 1,452.1

Financial income 8 26.0 10.7 Financial expense 8 – 102.9 – 64.4 Earnings before tax (EBT) 1,528.2 1,398.4

Other tax – 0.5 – 0.4 Income tax expense 9 – 402.6 – 362.6 Net profit for the period 1,125.1 1,035.4 Net profit for the period attributable to Deutsche Börse AG shareholders 1,079.9 1,003.9 Net profit for the period attributable to non-controlling interests 45.2 31.5

Earnings per share (basic) (€) 21 5.89 5.47 Earnings per share (diluted) (€) 21 5.89 5.47

1) Previous year adjusted

172 152

€m €m

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


€m €m


€m €m – – – – Shareholders’ equity


iaial stateets osolidated ash lo stateet

ote €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – ash los ro oerati atiities eludi ositios – – ash los ro oerati atiities

– – – – – – – – – – – – ash los ro iesti atiities – –

– – – – – – – ash los ro iai atiities –

et hae i ash ad ash equialets


€m €m

– – – – –


€m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

178 – –

Company information

“company”) has its registered office in Frankfurt/Main,

Basis of reporting

Deutsche Börse AG’s consolidated financial statements have been prepared in euros, the functional (€m

179 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report DAF – – strictly confidential

ecutive and upervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Further information published F guidelines, unless this is considered crucial to enhance transparency he annual financial statements of subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the Groupide accounting policies based on F that are described in the folloing hey ere applied consistently to the periods shon

he listing of the composition of items of assets and liabilities and items of the consolidated statement of comprehensive income is based on materiality Deutsche Börse Group defines materiality as a share of approimately percent of the relevant total

New accounting standards – implemented in the year under review

n the reporting period, the folloing standards and interpretations issued by the AB and adopted by the uropean ommission ere applied to Deutsche Börse Group for the first time hey ere not applied earlier than reuired

tandard/Amendment/nterpretation A , A Amendment Definition of Material an nonematerial F Amendment Definition of a Business an none F , A , F B eform amendments of F , A and F an none F Amendment Drelated to rent concessions une none evised Frameork an nonematerial

New accounting standards – not yet implemented

he AB issued the folloing ne or amended tandards and nterpretations, hich ere not applied in the consolidated financial statements, because endorsement by the as still pending or the application as not mandatory he ne or amended tandards and nterpretations must be applied for financial years beginning on or after the effective date ven though early application may be permitted for some standards, Deutsche Börse Group does usually not use any early application options

180 – –

IFRS 17 “Insurance Contracts”

181 – –

controlling interest shareholders are carried under “non interests” within equity. Where these are classified as “puttable instruments”, they are reported under “liabilities” at cost.

Currenc transaton

Transactions denominated in a currency other than a company’s functional currency are translated into “retained earnings”.

“retained earnings”. When the relevant subsidiary is sold, these exchange rate differences are recognised

182 eutsche rse roup nnual report T – .. – strictly confidential

xecutive and upervisory oards anagement report inancial statements urther information

The following euro exchange rates of consequence to eutsche rse roup were applied

xchange rates wiss francs r. . . . . dollars . . . . ech oruna CZK (Kč) . . . . ingapore dollar . . . . ritish pound . . . .

ny goodwill arising on the acquisition of a foreign operation and any fair value adustments to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities arising from initial consolidation are reported in the functional currency of the foreign operation and translated at the closing rate.

et nestents n a oren oeraton Translation differences arising from a monetary item that is part of a net investment in a foreign operation of eutsche rse roup are initially recognied in other comprehensive income and reclassified from equity to profit or loss on disposal of the net investment.

Susares an usness conatons

eutsche rse and all subsidiaries directly or indirectly controlled by eutsche rse are included in the consolidated financial statements. eutsche rse controls a company if it is exposed to variable returns resulting from its involvement with the company in question or has rights to such returns and is able to influence them by using its power over the company.

nitial consolidation of subsidiaries in the course of business combinations uses the purchase method. The acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities are recognised at their acquisition date fair values. Any excess of cost over the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the subsidiary’s net identifiable assets is recognised as goodwill. oodwill is reported in subsequent periods at cost less accumulated impairment losses.

Deutsche Börse AG’s equity interests in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures as at ecember included in the consolidated financial statements are presented in the list of shareholdings in note .

183 Deutsche Börse Grou Annual reort DAT – .. – strictly confidential

xecutive and uervisory Boards anaeent reort inancial stateents urther inforation


Foncenter urc Steran Foncenter n the third quarter of learstrea oldin AG, ranfurt, Gerany a hollyoned subsdiary of Deutsche Börse AG coleted the acquisition of . er cent of the shares in ondcenter AG urich, iterland since renaed learstrea und entre AG for a urchase rice of . illion st tranche. learstrea oldin AG ill acquire the reainin . er cent of the shares in the course of a second transaction nd tranche. The acquisition of the nd tranche is exected to tae lace in the second quarter of . Deutsche Börse Grou reconised the related urchase rice liability of . illion in the category “Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost” when the 1st tranche was consolidated as of 30 September 2020 and so does not present an “Equalisation item for noncontrolling interests”. This liability is measured at the expected settlement aount usin the effective interest ethod.

The ne entity ill be the centre of excellence for fund distribution services ithin the Deutsche Börse Grou and is resented in the seent. obinin it ith the existin services fro learstrea und Des forerly isscanto unds creates a leadin rovider of fund services, ith reat benefits for the custoers of B and learstrea.

Deutsche Börse Grou exects the transaction to deliver considerable syneries both in ters of revenue and cost effects. uch syneries are reflected in articular by the oodill resultin fro the transaction. The urchase rice allocation – reliinary as at the reortin date – yielded the folloin effects

Goodill resultin fro the business cobination ith ondcenter AG

€m urchase rice in cash . ffective art of the cashflo hede . ut otions . Acquired ban balances – .

ustoer relationshis . oftare . ther noncurrent assets . urrent assets . Deferred tax assets . ension rovisions less lan assets – . ther noncurrent liabilities – . urrent liabilities – .

184 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020 Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes | Basis of preparation Further information

The full consolidation of Fondscenter resulted in an increase in net revenue of €14.1 million as well as an increase in earnings after tax amounting to €8.1 million. If the company had been fully consolidated as at 1 January 2020, this would have resulted in an increase in net revenue of €46.2 million as well as an increase in income after tax amounting to €11.1 million.

Quantitative Brokers, LLC, New York, USA (Quantitative Brokers) In the fourth quarter 2020 Deutsche Boerse Systems Inc., Chicago, USA (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Deutsche Börse AG) completed the acquisition of 72.8 per cent of the shares in Quantitive Brokers, LLC, New York, USA, for a purchase price of US$ 108.9 million. The parties also agreed on reciprocal options that may over time lead to a complete acquisition of the shares in Quantitative Brokers. Since Deutsche Börse Group can choose to fulfil these options with treasury shares, the shares are classified as equity and no financial liability is recognised.

Quantitative Brokers is an independent provider of sophisticated execution algorithms and data-based analytics applications for global futures, option and interest rate markets. The transaction is allocated to the Eurex segment. Deutsche Börse Group is expecting significant synergies from the transaction, particularly in revenue, which is reflected in the goodwill resulting from the transaction. The purchase price allocation – preliminary as at the reporting date – yielded the following effects:

Goodwill resulting from the business combination with Quantitative Brokers, LLC

Preliminary goodwill calculation 1 Dec 2020 €m Consideration transferred Purchase price in cash 90.5 Cash-Flow Hedge 0.5 Acquired bank balances – 8.1 Total consideration 82.9

Acquired assets and liabilities Customer relationships 29.5 Software 10.2 Property, Plant & Equipment 1.7 Current assets 3.0 Non-current liabilities – 1.4 Current liabilities – 8.4 Deferred tax liabilities on temporary differences – 4.1 Non-controlling interests – 11.7 Total assets and liabilities acquired 18.8

Goodwill (bot tax-deductible) 64.1

185 165 eutsche rse roup nnual report 2020 FT – 01.03.2021 – strictly confidential

Executie and Superisory oards anagement report Financial statements Further information

The full consolidation of Quantitative Brokers resulted in an increase in net revenue of €1.3 million as well as a reduction of earnings after tax amounting to €– 0.2 million. f the company had been fully consolidated as at 1 anuary 2020 this would have resulted in an increase in net revenue of €18.8 million as well as a reduction of income after tax amounting to €– 3.3 million.

oa Inc e or S oa n the context of the acquisition of xioma nc ew or S xioma on 13 September 201 there was an adustment to the opening balance sheet with an effect on the preliminary goodwill within the 12month period. This adustment resulted in a reduction of current financial assets and a corresponding increase in goodwill of €.3 million.

The final purchase price allocation is as follows

oodwill resulting from the business combination with xioma nc.

€m urchase price in cash .3 oncontrolling interests .0 cquired ban balances – 1.

ustomer relationships 3.3 Trade names .0 Software 0.3 Software in deelopment 1.2 ther noncurrent assets 1.2 ther current assets without cash 3.2 eferred tax liabilities – 3. ther noncurrent and current liabilities – 1. ontract liabilties – 21.

Insttutona Sareoer Serces Inc Roce S ISS eutsche rse announced on 1 oember 2020 that it had signed binding contracts for the acquisition of nstitutional Shareholder Serices nc. SS a leading proider of goernance solutions ES data and analytics.

eutsche rse will hold a maority share of approximately 1 per cent of SS. The transaction is based on a aluation of S 22 million cash and debtfree for 100 per cent of SS. eutsche rse financed €1 billion of the transaction with debt and the remainder with cash.

186 1 – –

ESG data. The two companies’ business is largely complementary a

ISS will be reported in Deutsche Börse Group’s


for using the equity method upon subsequent measurement. Where Deutsche Börse Group’s share of the per cent, Deutsche Börse Group’s significant influence is exercised through the Group’s representation on the supervisory board or the board of

to better emphasise the Group’s growth areas. The former GSF (collateral management) segment has

greater transparency concerning the Group’s financial performance. The former item “Net interest income from banking business” has been renamed “Treasury result from banking business”. “Net from strategic investments” was renamed “Result from financial investments”, since this is a more

187 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report DRFT – .. – strictly confidential

Executive and Supervisory Boards anagement report Financial statements Further information

Notes on the consolidated income statement

. Net revenues

Reconton o ncoe an eenses

Overall, Deutsche Börse Group’s net revenue comprised the following items

◼ Revenue, ◼ Treasury result from banking business, ◼ ther operating income, and ◼ olumerelated costs.

Reenue reconton This section comprises details on revenue from contracts with customers. This includes in particular revenue recognition, trade receivables as well as contract liabilities (see note concerning the balances of contractual liabilities). Revenue is recognised in Deutsche Börse Group’s segments as follows:

ure nanca erates Revenue in the derivatives business is generated primarily from equity index derivatives, interest rate derivatives and equity derivatives, fees that are charged for transactions with regard to the matchingregistration, administration and regulation of order book and offbook transactions on Eurex Germany. Fees, as well as any reductions are specified in price lists and circulars. Rebates depend mainly on monthly volumes or the monthly fulfilment of liquidity provisioning obligations in certain products or product groups. Revenue for transactions in listed derivatives is recognised as soon as contracts are matchedregistered and there is no unfulfilled obligation towards the customer. Receivables are recognised if the agreed service is rendered at a specific point in time and the claim to the consideration solely depends on the course of time. Transaction fees are invoiced on a monthly basis and are payable when invoiced. Since discounts are generally granted on a monthly basis, the recognition of a contractual liability is not necessary. ayments are generally debited directly from the clearing member immediately after invoicing.

Fees are also collected for clearing and settlement services provided for offexchange (overthecounter, T) transactions, mainly comprising posting and administration fees. Fees for these transactions and the related discounts are also specified in price lists and circulars of Eurex learing G. In the case of T transactions, posting fees are recognised at novation on a monthly basis. These fees are recognised at a specific point in time namely, when the promised service is transferred at a specific point in time, and the entitlement to consideration depends solely on the passage of time. T administrative fees are recognised over time as the service is provided until the transaction has been closed, terminated or has matured. receivable is recognised monthly based on the usage within the respective month, provided that the respective position is still open at month end. In general, the payments are directly debited from the clearing member.

In addition, infrastructure fees are charged for the technical connections to the trading and clearing systems of Deutsche Börse Group. The customer has use of the company’s service and uses the service as it is performed over the life of the contract. s the smallest reporting period is the same as the contract term, the percentage of completion equals per cent. The infrastructure revenue generated from this is usually realised monthly with invoicing.

188 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report DRT – .. – strictly confidential

ecutive and upervisory Boards anagement report inancial statements urther information

aret participants subscribe to realtime trading and maret signals or licence these services for their own use, processing, or dissemination. The customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the entity’s performance during the contract term. ustomers report their usage, and fees are charged in the month after usage. Deutsche Börse Group puts together monthly estimates that are based on the trend of the preceding months. Revenue estimates are revised when warranted by the circumstances. ncreases and decreases in estimated revenue are reflected in the consolidated income statement in the period in which the circumstances that give rise to the revision become nown by the management. Revenue is recognised based on the price specified in the price list. ustomers are invoiced on a monthly basis, and consideration is payable when invoiced.

cootes ts product portfolio comprises contracts on power, natural gas and emission allowances, as well as freight rates and agricultural products. Revenue is generated primarily from fees that are charged for echange trading and clearing of commodity products. Transaction fees are specified in the price list. Rebates are granted primarily in the form of monthly rebates for the provision of a certain volume or level of liuidity. These types of rebates are dependent upon the total monthly volume or the monthly fulfilment of certain liuidity provision obligations. Revenue is recognised as soon as contracts are matchedregistered and there is no unfulfilled obligation towards the customer as the service has already been performed by this point in time. recognises receivables when the promised service is provided at a certain time and the entitlement to consideration depends solely on the passage of time. ost of the invoiced amounts are debited directly from the clearing members. nfrastructure fees are accounted for in the same way as described in the section “Eurex (financial derivatives)”.

oren ecane T is a provider of optimised services covering the entire trading process of foreignechange products and generates commission income from trading fees. n addition, T generates other fees in the form of access fees to use the trading platform, installation fees from the onboarding of customers on its trading platform, as well as user setup fees and fees for the programming and maintenance of necessary interfaces. Revenue is recognised when the contractually agreed service is provided to the customer. Revenue from the use of the platform and maintenance fees are recognised on a prorata basis. ccess fees, transaction fees, as well as trading platform fees, contain different discount schedules on a monthly basis. uch discounts are considered accordingly in the month in which the services are rendered and reduce the sales revenue of such period. They are invoiced on a monthly basis. aintenance fees are invoiced on an annual basis.

189 eutsche rse roup nnual report – – strictly confidential

Executive and upervisory oards anaement report inancial statements urther information

etra securtes tran s a eneral rule securities intended for tradin on the reulated maret of anfurter ertpapierbrse ( the ranfurt toc Exchane) are subect to the admission and listin or inclusion resolved by FWB’s Exchange Management. Deutsche Börse AG, as the operator of the publicsector exchane chares fees for the admission listin inclusion and uotation of securities on the reulated maret ees chared for the admission and inclusion of securities ith definite maturities on the reulated maret are realised usin the proected useful lives of the underlyin securities ccordinly the fees chared for the listin of securities on the reulated unofficial maret are realised usin the proected useful lives of the underlyin securities he method for measurin the percentae of completion of the performance obliation on the basis of proected useful lives is considered appropriate ithin the meanin of nvoicin is made on a uarterly basis and receivables are payable upon receipt of invoice

istin fees are levied for the activity of all bodies of hich supervise the tradin and the settlement of trades as ell as ensure the proper functionin of all tradin activities (permanent possibility to mae use of exchane facilities) istin fees are recurrin fees hich are chared for a service that is delivered over time ccordinly revenue is realised on a prorata basis evenue from fees for listins on the reulated unofficial maret is realised in a similar manner his revenue is presented under “Listing revenue”.

ontracts for tradin and clearin cash maret products contracts for tradin data and maret sinals and contracts for infrastructure services in the etra (securities tradin) sement are accounted for in the same ay as described in the section “Eurex (financial derivatives)”

Cearstrea osttran learstream provides posttradin infrastructure and services it offers transaction settlement services as ell as administration and custody of securities he fees are calculated in accordance ith the prices set in the price list as ell as ith any relevant discounts ranted n accordance ith the eneral terms and conditions the customer authorises direct debitin and conseuently no financin component has been identified ustomers in the custody business receive the benefit from the service provided and consume it at the same time as the performance is fulfilled durin the contract period he revenue enerated from this is enerally realised on a monthly basis upon invoicin

ees collected for the administration of securities and for settlement services are reconised hen the areed service is provided to the customer his occurs hen instructions are received and the transactions are processed he service has been fulfilled at this point in time eceivables are reconised if the areed service is rendered at a specific point in time and the claim to the consideration solely depends on the course of time ince discounts are enerally ranted on a monthly basis the reconition of a contractual liability is not necessary ustomers are invoiced on a monthly basis and consideration is payable hen invoiced

ia learstream eutsche rse roup provides a comprehensive rane of lobal securities financin () services ith the to most prominent bein collateral manaement and securities lendin services ustomers of collateral manaement services simultaneously receive and consume the benefits with the company’s performance of the service. Revenue is recognised over time concurrent ith the provision of collateral manaement services ervices in the securities lendin business on the other hand are provided at a specific point in time

190 Deutsche Börse Group Annua report DRAF – .. – stricty confidentia

Executive and upervisory Boards Management report Financia statements Further information

n addition, infrastructure fees are charged for the technica connections to the custody and cearing systems of Deutsche Börse Group. hey are accounted for in the same way as descried in the section “Eurex (financial derivatives)”.

IFS nestent un serces he F segment provides services to standardise fund processing and to increase efficiency and safety in the investment fund sector. he services offered comprise order routing, settement and asset administration, as we as custody services. With the acuisiton of Fondcenter AG now earstream Fund entre AG, F expands its range of services to incude the distriution and pacement of domestic and foreign coective investments schemes. ervices and distriution agreements are concuded with fund providers and asset managers. he socaed raier Fee n is incurred these fees are presented in “Funds Distribution”. The trailer fee margin, which is the difference between the trailer fees paid by the fund providers for the distriution of their funds and the traier fees utimatey paid y the Fund entre to the distriution partners, is incuded in the et Revenue. n addition, service fees are recognised for the administration of the distriution agreements and for granting access to the fund patform. Revenue is recognised when the promised service is transferred to the customer. his occurs when instructions are received and the transactions are processed. he service has een fufied at this point in time. Revenue is recognised ased on the price specified in the price ist and reduced y the corresponding reates. ustomers are invoiced on a monthy asis and consideration is payae when invoiced.

onto ne an anatcs usness he ontigo segment comprises the index and anaytics usiness. he index offering ranges from ue chip to enchmar to strategy to sustainaiity to smarteta indices. he Group generates revenue from cacuating and mareting indices, which financia maret participants use as underyings for financia instruments or as a enchmar for the performance of investment funds. n its anaytics usiness ontigo offers its cients risanaytics and portfoioconstruction toos.

ustomers in the index usiness simutaneousy receive and consume a of the enefits provided during the contract term. he recognition of revenue for index icences is ased on fixed payments, variae payments usageased voumes mosty assets under management, or a comination of the two. For variae payments, customers report their usage, and fees are invoiced in the uarter after usage monthly estimates are recognised. This is determined either based on the customer’s average usage over the previous tweve months, adusted to tae into account current deveopments in the marets, or ased on the rea data in the marets on a customer eve. Revenue estimates are revised when warranted y the circumstances. ncreases and decreases in estimated revenue are refected in the consoidated income statement in the period in which the circumstances that give rise to the revision ecome nown y the management. For two fee components minimum fee and usageased fee, a contract iaiity is recognised and reduced each month ased on the usage that has een recognised each month. ustomers are invoiced on a uartery asis, and consideration is payae when invoiced.

191 Deutsche rse roup nnual report DFT – .. – strictly confidential

Executive and upervisory oards anagement report Financial statements Further information

ustomers of the analytics business either receive the right to access the intellectual property, or receive the right to use the intellectual property. The intellectual property licences are granted for software products, which are subseuently referred to as “SaaS Front Office” and “SaaS Middle Office”. Revenue generated with aa Front ffice fees is recognised at a specific point in time because all contractual obligations are fulfilled, and the customer obtains control of the asset, as soon as the licence ey is transferred to the customer. aa iddle ffice fees are recognised over time, i.e. the contractual term. Fees are also charged for the maintenance and servicing (summaried as aintenance) of the software products, which are realied over the contract term. For this purpose, the transaction price for maintenance is calculated and allocated according to the expected cost plus a margin approach. This revenue is presented under “Axioma”.

reasur resut ro ann usness The treasury result from baning business stems mainly from investing surplus liuidity and from the fair value measurement of foreign exchange transactions. t also includes income from exchange rate differences resulting from finance instruments in the baning business. iven the currently prevailing interest rate anomaly, Deutsche rse roup also generates interest income from customer balances held at Deutsche rse roup (in a negative interest rate environment). Furthermore, this item comprises interest payments made on customer balances (positive interest rate environment) as well as cash investments (negative interest rate environment) and fees for providing customer credit lines. nterest income and interest expenses are calculated, allocated, and realised when due, with the applicable effective interest rate on a daily basis.

ter oeratn ncoe ther operating income is income not attributable to the typical business model of Deutsche rse roup it is therefore not disclosed as part of revenue. ther operating income is usually realised when all chances and riss have been transferred. ther operating income comprises, for instance, income from subleasing property, income from exchange rate differences in nonbaning business as well as the reversal of impairments recognised on trade receivables.

ouereate costs The “olumerelated costs” item comprises expenses that are directly related to revenue and are directly dependent on the following items in particular

◼ The number of certain trade or settlement transaction, ◼ The custody volume or the lobal ecurity Financing volume, ◼ The volume of maret data acuired, ◼ The sales commission for the distribution of investments to the distribution partner, ◼ “RevenueSharing” agreements or “makertaker” pricing models.

olumerelated costs are not incurrend if the corresponding revenue is no longer generated.

192 eutsche rse roup Annual report RAFT – .. – strictl confidential

xecutive and Supervisor oards Management report Financial statements Further information

omposition of net revenue part

€m €m €m €m uit index derivatives . . nterest rate derivatives . . uit derivatives . . OT learing . . Margin fees . . . . nfrastructure . . urex ata . . Other . .

oer derivatives . . . . oer spot . . as . . Annual fees . . Technical connection fees . . Market ata Services . . Other . . . .

Trading . . Other . .

Trading and clearing . . isting . . etra ata . . Regulator Services . . etra nfrastructure . .

revious ear adusted.

193 – –

€m €m €m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – –

– – – – –

– – – – – – – – – – –

194 – –

€m €m €m €m

– –

– –

195 – –

€m €m €m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – –

– –

– –

– –

196 – –

€m €m – – – – –

ter oeratn ncoe

Other operating income of € million (2019: €13.5 exchange rate differences of€ €4.6 income from services of €1.3 €1.2 off receivables of €1.2 €– €0.7 €1.0 There was additional income of €19.

€m €m

efficiency programme of €36.4 €42.1 million).

197 – –

€m €m

€m €m €m €m

Thereof €–

Fees paid for “statutory audit services” rendered by KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft mainly

198 – –

“Net income from strategic investments” was renamed “ from financial investments”, since this is nised in profit or loss when the Group’s right to receive

€m €m – –

: €0.0 million).

expense are recognised using the effective interest method over the respective financial instrument’s term

199 eutsche rse Group nnual report – – strictl confidential

xecutive and upervisor oards anagement report inancial statements Notes on the consolidated income statement urther information

omposition of financial income

€m €m nterest income from financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income nterest income from financial assets measured at amortised cost nterest income from financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss nterest income on tax refunds ther interest income and similar income

omposition of financial expense

€m €m nterest expense from financial assets measured at amortised cost nterest expense from financial liailities measured at amortised cost ransaction cost of financial liailities measured at amortised cost nterest expense on taxes nterest expense on lease liailities xpense of the unwinding of the discount on pension provisions ther interest expense

ncome tax expense

eutsche rse Group is suect to the tax laws of those countries in which it operates and generates income f it is proale that the tax authorities will not accept the disclosed amounts or the legal assessments on which the Group’s tax declarations are ased uncertain tax positions, tax liailities are recognised ased on the est possile estimate of expected cash outflows ax assets are recognised if it is considered liel that the will e realised he discretion in assessing uncertain tax positions is reexercised if there is a change in the underling facts or their legal assessment eg change in case law

eferred tax assets and liailities are computed using the alance sheet liailit approach he deferred tax calculation is ased on temporar differences etween the carring amounts of assets and liailities in the financial statements and their tax ase that will lead to a future tax liailit or enefit when assets are used or sold or liailities are settled hese differences are used to calculate deferred tax assets or liailities

he deferred tax assets or liailities are measured using the tax rates that are currentl expected to appl when the temporar differences reverse, ased on tax rates that have een enacted or sustantivel enacted the reporting date eferred tax assets are recognised for the unused tax loss carrforwards onl to the extent that it is proale that future taxale profit will e availale eferred tax assets and deferred tax liailities are offset where a legall enforceale right to set off current tax assets against current tax liailities exists, and the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liailities relate to income taxes levied the same taxation authorit

200 – –

€m €m – – – – – – –

€m €m – – – – – –

tax expense was reduced by €0.3 million in the reporting year by utilization of previously ). Deferred tax income of €2.4 million

201 – –

€m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“Presentation of Financial Statements”.

recognised amounted to €27.2 million (: €39.5m). These unused € €, other jurisdictions €

202 – –

€m €m – – – – – –

For a more accurate presentation, tax income of €10.0 million has been reclassified from „effects of taxexempt income“ to „other“

203 – –

Reconton an easureent

line method over the asset’s expected useful life. The useful life of internally developed software is

Iarent tests

204 eutsche rse roup nnual report T – .. – strictly confidential

xecutive and upervisory oards anaement report inancial statements otes on the consolidated statement of urther information

rrespective of any indications of impairment intanile assets with indefinite useful lives and intanile assets not yet availale for use must e tested for impairment at least once a year. mpairment tests for roups of s with allocated oodwill are carried out on eptemer every financial year. f the estimated recoverale amount of the asset or is lower than the respective carryin amount an impairment loss is reconised and the net carryin amount of the asset or respectively is reduced to its estimated recoverale amount.

dditional impairment testin was carried out for intanile assets as of une in response to the ovid pandemic. t did not identify any impairment. t the acuisition date oodwill is allocated to the or roups of s that isare expected to create syneries from the relevant acuisition. f chanes arise in the structure of s for example throuh a new sementation oodwill is allocated tain into account the relative fair values of the newly defined s. rrespective of any indications of impairment these items must e tested for impairment at least annually at the lowest level of impairment at which eutsche rse roup monitors the respective oodwill. n impairment loss is reconised if the carryin amount of the or roups of s to which oodwill is allocated includin the carryin amount of that oodwill is hiher than the recoverale amount of this roup of assets. The impairment loss is first allocated to the oodwill then to the other assets in proportion to their carryin amounts.

The recoverale amount of the roups of s was determined ased on the fair value less costs to sell. The value in use was only determined if the fair value less costs to sell did not exceed the carryin amount. iven that no active maret was availale for the roups of s the determination of fair values less costs to sell was ased on the discounted cash flow method level input factors. The detailed plannin period covers a respective time period of five years for roups of s which have een allocated an asset with an indefinite useful life such time period ends in perpetuity. ndividual costs of capital are determined for each roup of s for the purpose of discountin proected cash flows. These capital costs are ased on data incorporatin eta factors orrowin costs as well as the capital structure of the respective peer roup. ricin tradin volumes assets under custody maret share assumptions or eneral usiness development assumptions are ased on past experience or maret research. ther ey assumptions are mainly ased on external factors and enerally correspond to internal manaement plannin. inificant macroeconomic indicators include for instance euity index levels volatility of euity indices as well as interest rates exchane rates rowth unemployment levels and overnment det. hen calculatin value in use the proections are adusted for the effects of future restructurins and performance investments if appropriate.

t each reportin date the roup assesses whether there are any indications that an impairment reconised for noncurrent assets in previous years except oodwill no loner applies. f this is the case the carryin amount of the asset is increased and the difference is reconised in profit or loss. The maximum amount of this reversal is limited to the carryin amount that would have resulted if no impairment loss had een reconised in previous periods. eutsche rse roup does not reverse any oodwill impairments.

205 – –

€m €m €m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – – –

206 – –

€m €m

Sotare aents on account an sotare n eeoent

Total development costs came to €158.2 million in 2020 (2019: €142.2 million), of which €104.0 capitalised (2019: €97.5 million).

totalling €8.2 million (2020: €1.8 million). They are shown in the item “Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses” and relate to the following assets:

▪ n impairment loss of €2.6 million (recoverable amount: negative) in the fourth quar ▪ impairment loss of €1.0 million (recoverable amount: negative) in the fourth quarter 2020 ▪ arter of €0.4 million (recoverable amount: negative) relates ▪ Regulatory Services GmbH and the loss of its clients was the reason for the impairment loss of €4.

207 – –

oo an oter ntane assets ro usness conatons

€m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – – –

€m €m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

208 – –

Mio. € – – – – – – –

– – – – –

209 – –

Mio. € – – – – – – – – –

210 – –

easureent o urcase roert ant an euent

easureent o rtouse assets

̶ ̶

211 – –

€m €m €m €m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

212 – –

Fnanca assets

Reconton an ereconton derecognised at the trade date. Purchases and sales of debt instruments classified as “at amortised cost”

Inta easureent an casscaton

◼ At fair value (either at “fair value through other comprehensive income” (FVOCI) or “fair value through profit or loss” (FVPL)) ◼

213 eutsche rse roup Annual report AF – .. – strictl confidential

ecutive and upervisor oards anagement report Financial statements otes on the consolidated statement of financial position Further information

Suseuent easureent o et nstruents eutsche rse roup allocates each debt instrument to one of the folloing categories

◼ Amortised cost (aAC): Assets allocated to the “hold” business model and whose cash flows consist of solel paments of principal and interest are measured at amortised cost. Interest income from these financial assets is measured using the effective interest method. ains and losses from derecognition impairment and echange rate movements are recognised through profit or loss. easurement effects are shon in baning business or nonbaning business depending on ho the financial assets are allocated. For financial assets from baning business all measurement effects are shon in the treasur result from baning business. Interest income from the nonbaning business are shon in the financial result. All other effects of nonbaning business are presented in result from financial investments. All effects relating to the measurement of trade receivables are shon in other operating income and epenses. ◼ Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI): Investments in debt instruments allocated to the “hold and sell” business model and hose cash flos consist solel of paments of principal and interest are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income. Impairments on these debt instruments are recognised in profit or loss in the result from financial investments. On disposal of these debt instruments the cumulative gains or losses in the revaluation reserve are reccled to profit or loss in the result from financial investments. Interest income from fied income securities in this categor are shon in the financial result. ◼ Fair value through profit or loss (FVPL): Financial assets that do not meet the criteria for measurement at amortised cost or at FVOCI are measured at FVPL and their measurement effects are shon in result from financial investments. istributions from fund interests are also shon in result from financial investments. Interest income from fied income securities in this categor are shon in the financial result.

Suseuent easureent o eut nstruents uit instruments are alas subseuentl measured at fair value. ince eutsche rse roup has used the irrevocable FVOCI option for all euit instruments as of the reporting date gains and losses are recognised in other comprehensive income. hen the item is derecognised the gains and losses are not reccled through profit or loss but reclassified to retained earnings. ividends from these financial investments are shon in net income from financial investments.

214 eutsche se ou Annual eot A – – stictl confidential

ecutie and ueiso oads anaement eot inancial statements otes on the consolidated statement of financial osition uthe infomation

Impairment As a ule an imaiment fo eected cedit losses fo debt instuments eoted at amotised cost and at fai alue thouh othe comehensie income is detemined usin the theestae imaiment model in he losses eesent a fowadlooin measuement of futue losses that ae eneall subect to estimates

Stage 1: he imaiment uon initial econition is measued on the basis of the eected losses fo the net twele months Stage 2: f a financial assets cedit is has inceased sinificantl the eected cedit loss is detemined oe the entie tem A sinificant incease in cedit is is detemined indiiduall usin intenal atins Stage 3: editimaied financial assets ae allocated to tae and the imaiment is based on the ful lifetime eected cedit losses his is the case if thee ae obseable data of sinificant financial difficulties and thee is a hih is of default een if the definition of a default has not et been met

f the cedit is fo debt instuments at amotised cost and at fai alue thouh ofit o loss is low in absolute tems as at the eotin date the emain in tae een if the default is has inceased

eutsche se ou has identified the followin two ties to identif an eent of default and which cause a tansfe to stae accodinl

Legal default event: a contactual atne is unable to fulfil its contactual obliation accodin to an aeement with eutsche se ou due to insolencbanutc Contractual default event: a contactual atne is unable o unwillin to fulfil in a timel manne one o moe of its scheduled contactual obliations accodin to an aeement with eutsche se ou he nonfulfilment of the contactual obliation could otentiall esult in a financial loss fo eutsche se ou

ithin eutsche se ou the eected cedit losses fo tade eceiables ae measued based on the simlified aoach which euies lifetime eected losses to be econised fom initial econition of a eceiable o tade eceiables a default is assumed fo amounts which ae oedue fo moe than das

Financial Liailities

ecognition and derecognition inancial liabilities ae econised when a ou coman becomes a at to the instument uchases and sales of euities ia the cental counteat ue leain A ae econised at the settlement date analoous to financial assets inancial liabilities ae deeconised when the contactual obliation has been etinuished because it has been dischaed o cancelled o has eied

Financial liailities measured at amortised cost inancial liabilities not held fo tadin ae eneall accounted fo at amotised cost he boowin costs associated with the lacement of financial liabilities ae included in the cain amount and accounted fo usin the effectie inteest method if the ae diectl attibutable iscounts ae amotised oe the tem of the liabilities usin the effectie inteest method iabilities to noncontollin shaeholdes fo the acuisition of noncontollin shaes settled in cash o anothe financial asset ae econised at the esent alue of the futue uchase ice ubseuent measuement econises thouh ofit o loss the effect on esent alue of accued inteest on the financial obliation and all

215 – –

nancal lalte eaured at far value troug roft or lo

Deutsche Börse Group’s exposure to various risks associat

reentaton and nettng of fnancal aet and lalte

ervatve fnancal ntruent and edge accountng

criteria, they are classified as “held for trading” for accounting purposes and are remeasured at the end

216 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report D – – strictly confidential

xecutive and upervisory Boards anagement report inancial statements otes on the consolidated statement of financial position urther information

Deutsche Börse Group uses foreign exchange derivatives as hedging instruments to hedge existing or expected transactions against foreign exchange risks hen a hedging transaction takes place the economic relationship eteen the hedging instrument and the hedged item is documented in accordance ith the statutory reuirements

Ca flo edge tat ualf for edge accountng he effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives designated as cash flo hedges is shon in the reserve for cash flo hedges as part of other comprehensive income it is limited to the cumulative change in the fair value of the hedged item on the asis of its present value since the hedging transaction Gains or losses on the ineffective portion are recognised directly through profit or loss, either in the treasury result from anking usiness or in the result from financial investments f forard contracts are used to hedge planned transactions the Deutsche Börse Group designates the entire change in the fair value of the forard, including the forard component, as a hedging instrument n this case the gains or losses from the effective portion of the change in fair value for the entire future transaction are recognised in the reserve for cash flo hedges as a component of euity f the Group uses futures to hedge existing receivales and liailities, only the spot component of the future is designated Gains or losses from the effective portion of the change in the spot component of the future are shon in the reserve for cash flo hedges hanges in the forard component of the hedging instrument that relates to the hedged item are considered to e hedging costs and shon separately in the reserve for hedging costs in other comprehensive income he fair value of the forard component not included in the hedging relationship at the time it is designated is ritten off pro rata temporis over the period of the hedging relationship he amount ritten don is recycled from the reserve for hedging costs to profit or loss

umulative amounts in the reserve for cash flo hedges are reclassified according to the folloing methodology ◼ f the cash flo hedge serves to hedge plannend transactions, the amount from the hedging instrument that has accumulated in other comprehensive income up to the acuisition date is derecognised from the reserve and treated as part of the acuisition costs ◼ or cash flo hedges of existing receivales and liailities, the amount that has accumulated in the reserve for cash flo hedges is reclassified to profit or loss in the periods in hich there are changes in the hedged future cash flos recognised through profit or loss ◼ f this amount is a loss, hoever, and the assumption is that all or part of this loss cannot e recouped in future periods, then this amount is recognised immediately through profit or loss

he effectiveness of the hedging relationship is assessed at the eginning and over the entire duration of the hedging relationship to ensure that there is an economic relationship eteen the hedging instrument and the hedged item o hedge foreign currency risks, hedging relationships are estalished in hich all relevant contractual parameters of the hedging transaction match exactly ith those of the hedged item neffectiveness may arise in the hedging of foreign currency transactions if the timing of the planned transaction changes compared ith the original estimate neffectiveness due to changes in the default risk of Deutsche Börse Group or the counterparty to the hedging transaction is deemed to e negligile ffectiveness is measured regularly as at the reporting dates he Group uses the hypothetical derivative method for this purpose

217 – –

nancal aet eaured at far value troug oter coreenve ncoe

“Equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income” “Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income”, because allocated to the “Hold and sell” business model are

€m €m

amounting to €0.5 million expired in Debt securities amounting to €0.5 million are classified as impairments came to less than €0.1 million.

218 eutsche rse roup nnual report F – – strictly confidential

Eecutive and upervisory oards anagement report Financial statements otes on the consolidated statement of financial position Further information

mounts recognised in profit or loss and other comprehensive income

€m €m trategic investments – ebt instruments – ividends related to investments derecognised during the period ividends related to investments held at the end of the reporting period

1) Of which €0.1 million (2019: nil are attributable to noncontrolling interests

he disposal of one strategic investment resulted in a gain of €0.1 million (: € million, recognised outside profit or loss in retained earnings

nancal aet and lalte eaured at aorted cot

omposition of financial assets at amortised cost

€m €m €m €m €m €m of hich epected losses – – – – Fied income securities , , everse repo transactions , , , , alances on nostro accounts , , , , oney maret lendings , , , , ustomer overdrafts from settlement business eceivables from balances argin calls ther of hich epected losses – – – – –

n fied income securities in the amount of € million € million epired

219 – –

€m €m €m €m €m €m

the course of this redemption offer €284.9 €315.1 million as at the termination date. The entire redemption of the bond gave rise to a negative effect of €3. hybrid bond with a nominal volume of €6

Clearstream Banking AG issued a bond with a nominal volume of €350.0 million and an interest

220 – –

Ca deot aret artcant

€m €m

nancal aet and lalte eaured at far value troug roft or lo

nancal ntruent of te central counterarte

◼ ◼ ◼

“Traditional” options, for which the buyer must pay the option premium in full upon purchase, are

221 – –

€m €m

Financial liabilities of € December 2019: €890.0 million) were eliminated because of

ter fnancal aet and lalte eaured at far value troug roft or lo

“Derivatives” “ value through profit or loss” or “ measured at fair value through profit or loss”

€m €m €m €m €m €m

222 s s – – s

s s ss s s s s

s s s s less than eight months with a nominal amount of €2,524.2 million (31 December : €2,965.6 million with a term of less than seven months). Thereof €510.3 million (31 December : €827 s attributable to derivatives with a positive fair value and thereof € : €2,138.6 s s s s s s ss s s ss s s s s s s

s s ss

€m €m ss s s s s ss s s – ss sss s ss ss s ss s s ss –

Ca flo edge tat ualf for edge accountng s s s s s s s s ss s ss s s s s

223 – –

Carrying amount in €m (non Change in fair value of the hedging instrument in €m €m – instruments (including forward points) in Fr./€ Carrying amount in €m (non Change in fair value of the hedging instrument in €m – €m Weighted average hedge rate for hedging instruments (including forward points) in Fr./€ Carrying amount in €m (current financial liabilities measured at fair value Change in fair value of the hedging instrument in €m – €m Weighted average hedge rate for hedging instruments (including forward points) in US$/€

224 – –

€m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – –

ar value erarc

◼ ◼ ◼

225 – –

€m €m €m €m

226 – –

€m €m €m €m

227 – –

€m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

228 – –

fair value of € million (31 December 2019: €

bonds issued by Deutsche Börse Group have a fair value of € € struments is based on the debt instruments’ quoted prices. Due to insufficient market liquidity, the liabilities were allocated to Level 2. The financial instrument’s carrying amount for all other items

ffettng fnancal ntruent

€m €m €m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – –

Ca or ecurte eld a collateral central counterarte

229 Deutsche rse roup nnual report 22 DT – ..22 – strictly confidential

ecutive and upervisory oards anagement report inancial statements otes on the consolidated statement of financial position urther information

n addition to these daily collateral payments, each clearing member must make contributions to the respective default fund for further details, see the risk report in the combined management report. ash collateral is reported in the consolidated balance sheet under “cash deposits by market participants” and the corresponding amounts under “restricted bank balances”.

ecurities collateral is generally not derecognised by the clearing member providing the collateral, as the opportunities and risks associated with the securities are not transferred to the secure party. ecognition at the secure party is only permissible if the clearing member providing the transfer is in default according to the underlying contract.

The aggregate margin calls based on the eecuted transactions and default fund requirements after haircuts was €2,. million as at the reporting date 2: €52,889.4 million). ollateral totalling €79,747.6 million (2: €61,711.0 million ) was actually deposited.

omposition of collateral held by central counterparties

€m €m ash collateral cash deposits ,. 2,. ecurities and bookentry securities collateral2 ,. ,22.

The amount includes the clearing fund totalling €4,600,8 million (2019: € 2,.million. 2 The amount includes the clearing fund totalling €2,294.1 million (2019: € 2,055.2 million). The collateral value is determined on the basis of the fair value less a haircut

. ther current assets

omposition of other current assets

€m €m ther receivables from transactions commodities . 2. repaid epenses . . Ta receivables ecluding income taes 2. . nterest receivables on taes 2. . iscellaneous . .

230 2 eutsche rse roup nnual report – .. – strictly conidential

ecutie and uperisory oards anagement report inancial statements otes on the consolidated statement o inancial position urther inormation

. uity

hanges in euity are presented in the consolidated statement o changes in euity. s at ecember the number o nopar alue registered shares o eutsche rse in issue as ecember .

ubect to the agreement o the uperisory oard the ecutie oard is authorised to increase the subscribed share capital by the olloing amounts

omposition o authorised share capital Existing shareholders’ pre uthorised share capital ay ay n.a. uthorised share capital ay ay or cash at an issue price not signiicantly loer than the stock echange price up to a maimum amount o per cent o the nominal capital. against noncash contributions or the purpose o acuiring companies parts o companies interests in companies or other assets. uthorised share capital ay ay n.a. uthorised share capital ay ay n.a.

Shares may only be issued, excluding shareholders’ preemptie subscription rights proided that the aggregate amount o ne shares issued ecluding shareholders preemptie rights during the term o the authorisation including under other authorisations does not eceed per cent o the issued share capital. Shares may only be issued, excluding shareholders’ preemptie subscription rights proided that the aggregate amount o ne shares issued ecluding shareholders preemptie rights during the term o the authorisation including under other authorisations does not eceed per cent o the issued share capital.

Contngent catal

y resolution o the nnual eneral eeting o ay the ecutie oard is authorised subect to the consent o the uperisory oard to issue in the period until ay on one or seeral occasions conertible bonds andor arrantlinked bonds or a combination o such instruments ith a total principal amount of up to €5,000,000,000 with or without a limited term and to grant holders or creditors o such bonds conersion or option rights respectiely to acuire ne nopar alue registered shares in Deutsche Börse AG representing a notional interest in the share capital of up to €17,800,000, as stipulated in the terms and conditions o conertible bonds or the terms and conditions o the arrants attaching to the arrantlinked bonds.

he ecutie oard is authorised subect to the consent o the uperisory oard to eclude the subscription rights o the shareholders in relation to bonds ith conersion or option rights to acuire shares in eutsche rse in the olloing cases he ecutie oard is authorised subect to the approval of the Supervisory Board, to exclude shareholders’ preemptie rights to bonds ith conersion or option rights to shares o eutsche rse in the olloing cases i to aoid ractional amounts ii hen the issue price o a bond is not materially belo the theoretical air alue determined in accordance ith recognised inancial techniues and the total number o shares attributable to these bonds does not eceed per cent o the share capital iii to grant the holders o conersion or option rights to shares o eutsche rse subscription rights to oset any dilutie eects to the same etent as they ould be entitled to receie ater eercising these rights.

231 eutsche Brse roup nnual report – – strictly confidential

xecutive and Supervisory Boards anagement report inancial statements otes otes on the consolidated statement of financial position urther information

he bonds may also be issued by companies based in ermany or abroad that are affiliated ith eutsche Brse ithin the meaning of sections ff of the tiengeset t, erman Stoc Corporation Act). Accordingly, the share capital was contingently increased by up to €17,, contingent capital o date, the authorisation to issue convertible bonds andor bonds ith arrants has not been exercised

here ere no further subscription rights to shares as at ecember or ecember

evaluaton urlu

evaluation surplus

eognition o hidden Eit reseres ro inestents eined air ale easred ash lo eneit easreent at hedges oligations ther otal €m €m €m €m €m €m alane as at an gross – – – hanges from defined benefit – – – obligations air value measurement – – alane as at e gross – – – hanges from defined benefit – – – obligations air value measurement – – alane as at e gross – – – –

eerred taxes alane as at an – dditions eversals – – alane as at e – – dditions eversals – – alane as at e –

alane as at an net – – – alane as at e net – – – alane as at e net – – – –

etaned earnng

The “retained earnings” item includes exchange rate differences amounting to €– million € – million). In the reporting year €86.1 million (: €2.1 million as transferred from currency translation for foreign subsidiaries and €2.9 million (: €0.7 million) in connection with the hedging of foreign exchange riss

232 – –

Shareholders’ equity and appropriation of ne

of €1,161.9m (: €825.9m) and equity of €3,511.8m (: €2,867.5m). Deutsche Börse AG distributed € € (€2.90 per

€m – Distribution of a regular dividend to the shareholders of €3.00 per share for 183,521,257 no

– –

dividend of €3.00 per eligible share, an amended resolution for the appropriation of distributable pro

efned eneft enon lan

233 eutshe rse roup nnual report – – stritly onfidential

eutie and Superisory oards anaeent report inanial stateents urther inforation

he fair alue of plan assets is deduted fro the present alue of pension oliations refletin the asset eilin rules if there are any eess plan assets his results in the net defined enefit liaility or asset et interest epense for the finanial year is alulated y applyin the disount rate deterined at the einnin of the finanial year to the net defined enefit liaility deterined as at that date

he releant disount rate is deterined y referene to the return on lonter orporate onds ith a ratin of at least oody’s nestors Serie S loal atins ith atins and S on the asis of the inforation proided y looer and a aturity that orresponds approiately to the aturity of the pension oliations oreoer the onds ust e denoinated in the sae urreny as the underlyin pension oliation easureent of the pension oliations in euros is in priniple ased on a discount rate which is determined according to the Towers Watson “GlobalRate:Link” ethodoloy updated in line ith the urrent aret trend

he atuarial ains or losses and the differene eteen the epeted and the atual return or loss on plan assets are reonised in other oprehensie inoe in the realuation surplus hey result fro hanes in epetations ith reard to life epetany pension trends salary trends and the disount rate

ther lonter enefits for eployees and eers of eeutie oards total disaility pension transitional payents are also easured usin the proeted unit redit ethod tuarial ains and losses and past serie ost are reonised iediately and in full throuh profit or loss

he defined enefit oliations of the opanies of eutshe rse roup relate priarily to final salary arraneents and pension plans ased on apital oponents hih uarantee eployees a hoie of either lifelon pensions or apital payents on the asis of the final salary paid eutshe rse roup uses eternal trust solutions to oer soe of its pension oliations

et liaility of defined enefit oliations

€m €m €m €m €m resent alue of defined enefit oliations that are at least partially funded air alue of plan assets – – – – – resent alue of unfunded oliations pat of iniu fundin requireentasset eilin

234 eutsche rse Grou nnual reort RT – – strictl conidential

ecutie and uerisor oards anagement reort inancial statements urther inormation

The deined beneit lans comrise a total o beneiciaries : The resent alue o deined beneit obligations can be allocated to the beneiciaries as ollows:

llocation o the resent alue o the deined beneit obligation to the beneiciaries

€m €m €m €m €m ligible current emloees ormer emloees with ested entitlements ensioners or suriing deendants

ssentiall the retirement beneits encomass the ollowing retirement beneit lans:

ecutve oard of rou coane eran and Lueourg ndiidual commitment lans eist or eecutie board members o certain Grou comanies the are based on the lan or eecuties described in the second aragrah below ie in each calendar ear the coman roides an annual contribution to a caital comonent calculated in accordance with actuarial rinciles The beneit assets eual the total o the acuired caital comonents o the indiidual ears and are conerted into a lielong ension once the beneits all due n addition retirement beneit agreements are in lace with members o the eecutie boards o Grou comanies under which the are entitled to ension beneits uon reaching the age o and ollowing reaointment When the term o oice began the relacement rate was er cent o indiidual ensionable income t rose b ercentage oints with each reaointment u to a maimum o er cent o ensionable income Details of the pension commitments for members of Deutsche Börse AG’s Executive Board can be found in the remuneration reort

eran There is an emloeeunded deerred comensation lan or emloees o certain eutsche rse Grou comanies in German who oined rior to anuar nder this lan it is ossible to conert ortions o uture remuneration entitlements into beneit assets o eual alue which bear interest o er cent a The beneits consist o a caital ament made in eual annual instalments oer a eriod o three ears uon the reaching the age o or at an earlier date due to disabilit or death

n the eriod rom anuar to une eecuties in German were oered the oortunit to articiate in the ollowing ension sstem based on caital comonents: the beneit is based on annual income receied comosed o ied annual salar and the ariable remuneration The articiating comanies roide an amount corresonding to a seciic ercentage o this eligible income eer ear This amount is multilied b a caitalisation actor deending on age resulting in the “annual capital component”. The benefit assets equal the total of the acquired capital comonents o the indiidual ears and are conerted into a lielong ension once the beneits all due This beneit lan was closed to new sta on une the eecuties who were emloed in the aboe eriod can continue to earn caital comonents

235 – –

Lueourg contributions to an “association d'épargne pension” (ASSEP) organi

236 eutsce rse roup Annua report A – – strict conidentia

Eecutie and Superisor oards anageent report inancia stateents urter inoration

anges in net deined beneit obigations

€m €m €m €m €m €m – – anges troug business cobinations urrent serice cost nterest epense(incoe) – – Past serice cost and gains and osses on setteents – – eturn on pan assets ecuding aounts aread recognised in interest incoe – – Adustents to deograpic assuptions Adustents to inancia assuptions Eperience adustents – – – – Eect o ecange rate dierences – Eect o ecange rate dierences – ontributions Epoers – – – – Pan participants – – eneit paents – – Setteents a and adinistration costs – – anges in te basis o consoidation – – –

) Thereof €– iion (: €– iion) in te osetting ite or noncontroing interests

e basis or deterining te discount rate as reined in te inancia ear A odiied bond seection or te reeant portoios o iguait corporate bonds ic is used as te basis or deterining te discount rate resuted in a discount rate o percent as o eceber itout tis cange te discount rate oud ae been percent is oud ae ed to an increase in te present aue of the defined benefit obligation of €29.5 million and, as a result of the adjustments to the inancia assuptions to a corresponding actuaria oss beore ta in oter copreensie incoe

n employees converted a total of €4.8 million of their variable remuneration into deferred copensation beneits (: €6.4 iion)

237 – –


In Germany, the “2018 G” mortality tables (generation tables) developed by Prof Klaus Heubeck are

Sentvt anal

€m €m – – – – – – – – – –

238 eutsche rse Group nnual report 2020 – 0102021 – strictly confidential

ecutive and upervisory oards anagement report inancial statements urther information

Cooton of lan aet

eran In Germany, plan assets are held by a trustee in safekeeping for individual companies of eutsche rse Group and the beneficiaries. At the company’s instruction, the trustee uses the funds transferred to acuire securities, ithout any consulting by the trustee he contributions are invested in accordance ith an investment policy, hich may be amended by the companies represented in the investment committee. The trustee may refuse to carry out instructions if they are in conflict with the fund’s allocation rules or the payment provisions In accordance ith the investment policy, a value preservation mechanism is applied investments can be made in different asset classes

Lueourg In uembourg, the oard of irectors of the learstream Pension und is responsible for determining the investment strategy, ith the aim of maimising returns in relation to a benchmark his benchmark is per cent derived from the return on fiveyear German federal government bonds and 2 per cent from the return on the 0 Inde ccording to the investment policy, the fund may only invest in fiedincome and variablerate securities, as ell as listed investment fund units it may hold cash, including in the form of money market funds

omposition of plan assets

€m €m Government bonds 211 2 ultilateral development banks 0 0 orporate bonds 18 102 – – tock inde futures 2 0 Interest rate futures 01 – 08

ualifying insurance policies 18 8 210 ash 1 111 2

s at 1 ecember 2020, the plan assets did not include any financial instruments of the Group (201 ero) either did they include any properties or other assets used by companies in eutsche rse Group

In addition to the general actuarial risks, the risks associated ith the defined benefit obligations relate especially to financial risks in connection ith the plan assets, including in particular counterparty credit and market risks

239 21 eutsche rse Group Annual report AT – .. – strictly confidential

ecutie and uperisory oards anaement report inancial statements urther information

aret r The return on plan assets is assumed to be the discount rate determined on the basis of corporate bonds with an AA ratin. f the actual rate of return on plan assets is lower than the discount rate used, the net defined benefit liability increases accordinly. f olatility is low, the actual return is further epected to eceed the return on corporate bonds with a ood ratin in the medium to lon term. The leel of the net liability is influenced by the discount rates in particular, whereby the current low interest rates contribute to a relatiely hih net liability. eutsche rse Group considers the share price ris resultin from deriatie positions in euity inde futures in the plan assets to be appropriate. The company bases its assessment on the epectation that the oerall olume of payments from the pension plans will be manaeable in the net few years, that the total amount of the obliations will also be manaeable and that it will be able to meet these payments in full from operatin cash flows. Any amendments to the inestment policy tae into account the duration of the pension obliation as well as the epected payments oer a period of ten years.

nflaton r ossible inflation riss that could lead to an increase in defined benefit obliations eist because some pension plans are final salary plans or the annual capital components are directly related to salaries, i.e. a sinificant increase in salaries would lead to an increase in the benefit obliation from these plans. n Germany, howeer, there are no contractual arranements with reard to inflation ris for these pension plans. An interest rate of per cent p.a. has been areed for the employeefinanced deferred compensation plan the plan does not include any arranements for inflation, so that it has to be assumed that there will be little incentie for employees to contribute to the deferred compensation plan in times of risin inflation. n uembour, salaries are adusted for the effects of inflation on the basis of a consumer price inde no more than once a year this adustment leads to a correspondin increase in the benefit obliation from the pension plan. ince the obliation will be met in the form of a capital payment, there will be no inflationlined effects once the beneficiary reaches retirement ae.

uraton and eected aturte of te enon olgaton The weihted duration of the pension obliations as at ecember is . years . years.

pected maturities of undiscounted pension payments

€m €m ess than year , , etween and years , , etween and years . . ore than years up to years , ,

The epected payments in wiss francs were translated into euros at the releant closin rate on ecember.

The epected costs of defined benefit plans ecludin serice cost for deferred compensation amount to approximately €17.7 million for the financial year, includin net interest epense.

240 – –

efned contruton enon lan and ulteloer lan

efned contruton lan In addition, the employer pays contributions to employees’ private pension funds.

ulteloer lan employees’ monthly gross salaries, taking into account specific financial thresholds. Member institutions have a subsidiary liability for the fulfilment of BVV’s agreed pension benefits. However, we consider the the respective beneficiaries. Moreover, we do not know Deutsche Börse Group’s actual share in BVV’s . This plan is therefore shown in the Group’s financial reporting as a defined contribution

employer plans, amounted to € : €42.8 million). In €10.6 million.

Cooton of oter current lalte

€m €m

241 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report DT – .. – strictly confidential

ecutive and upervisory Boards Management report inancial statements urther information

. harebased payment

Deutsche Börse Group operates the Group hare lan G, the tock Bonus lan B, the o erformance Investment lan I, the erformance hare lan and the Management Incentive rogramme MI as well as the ongterm ustainable Instrument I and the estricted tock nits , which provide sharebased payment components for employees, senior eecutives and eecutive board members.

Stoc onu lan S

The B is open to senior eecutives of Deutsche Börse G and its participating subsidiaries. It grants a longterm remuneration component in the form of socalled B shares. These are generally accounted for as sharebased payments for which Deutsche Börse G has a choice of settlement in cash or euity instruments for certain tranches. Tranches due in previous years were each settled in cash. In the reporting period, the company established an additional tranche of the B for senior eecutives who are not risk takers. In order to participate in the B, a beneficiary must have earned a bonus. The awards are settled in cash and the B shares are measured as cashsettled sharebased payment transactions. The cost of the options is estimated using an option pricing model fair value measurement and recognised in staff costs in the consolidated income statement.

The number of stock options is determined by the amount of the individual and performancebased B bonus for the financial year, divided by the average share price etra closing price of Deutsche Börse AG’s shares in the fourth quarter of the financial year in question. Neither the converted SBP bonus nor the stock options are paid at the time the bonus is determined. ather, the entitlement is generally received three years after the grant date the waiting period. ithin this period, beneficiaries cannot assert shareholder rights in particular, the rights to receive dividends and attend the nnual General Meeting. nce they have met the condition of service, the beneficiaries’ claims resulting from the SBP are calculated on the first trading day following the last day of the waiting period. The current market price at that date closing auction price of Deutsche Börse shares in electronic trading on the rankfurt tock change is multiplied by the number of stock options. tock options are settled in cash.

valuaton of te S The company uses an adusted Blackcholes model Merton model to calculate the fair value of the stock options.

242 eutsche Brse Grou Annual reort A – .. – strictly confidential

ecutive and Suervisory Boards anagement reort inancial statements urther information

aluation arameters for SBP shares erm to .. .. .. .. .. isfree interest rate – . – . – . – . – . olatility of eutsche Brse AG shares . . . . . ividend yield . . . . . ercise rice €

he number of stoc otions, settlement obligation, and shortterm rovision of the tranche includes the unsettled shares of the tranche. Given that the SBP tranche stoc otions for senior eecutives ill not be granted until the financial year, the number of shares alicable as at the reorting date may be adusted during the financial year.

he valuation model does not tae into account hurdle rates. he volatilities alied corresond to the maret volatilities of comarable otions ith comarable maturities.

aluation of SBP shares

Number € € € €m €m €m , , . . . , , , . . . . , , , . . . , , , . . . , , , . . .

Average rice of the eercised and forfeited share otions

€ € . . . . . . . .

he stoc otions from the SBP tranche ere eercised in the reorting eriod folloing the eiration of the aiting eriod. Shares of the SBP tranches , and ere aid to former emloyees as art of severance ayments in the year under revie.

he carrying amount of the rovision for the SBP results from the measurement of the number of SBP stoc otions at the fair value of the closing auction rice of eutsche Brse shares in electronic trading at the ranfurt Stoc change at the reorting date and its roortionate recognition over the aiting eriod.

243 – –

€ € € €

– – – – – –

Longter Sutanale ntruent LS and etrcted Stoc nt S

Longter Sutanale ntruent LS

244 – –

etrcted Stoc nt S

valuaton of te LS and te S

– – – – – – – – – – – €

€ € € €m €m €m

€ € € €

245 – –

– – – – – – – –

Coerforance nvetent lan C and erforance Sare lan S

Performance Share Plan (PSP) Börse AG’s shares compared with the total shareholder return of the STOXX Europe 600 Finan “Principles achievement for performance shares” section in the

Börse AG’s shares in the last calendar month preceding the performance period. Any right to payment of

relative performance of the total shareholder return (TSR) on Deutsche Börse AG’s shares compared with he Börse AG’s net profit for the period attributable to shareholders of the parent

share price (Xetra closing price) of Deutsche Börse AG’s shares in the last calendar month preceding the

246 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 00 DRAFT – 0.0.0 – strictly confidential

Eecutive and Supervisory Boards anagement report Financial statements Further information

Co-Performance Investment Plan (CPIP) n financial year 0 a new remuneration programme (oPerformance nvestment Plan PP) was introduced and the former EO of Deutsche Börse AG arsten engeter was offered a onetime participation. The appropriate number of phantom shares was calculated based on the number of shares granted and the increase of Deutsche Börse AG’s net profit for the period attributable to shareholders of Deutsche Börse AG as well as on the relative performance of the total shareholder return (TSR) on Deutsche Börse AG’s shares compared with the total shareholder return of the STOXX Europe 600 Financials nde entities. The performance period for the measurement of the performance criteria commenced on anuary 0 and ends on December 0. The shares are subect to a performance period of five years and a waiting period until December 0. The subseuent payment of the stoc bonus will be settled in cash by arch 0.

valaton of te CPIP an te PP The company uses an adusted BlacScholes model (erton model) to calculate the fair value of the PP and PSP stoc options

aluation parameters for PP and PSP shares Term to ..0 ..0 ..0 ..0 ..00 ..0 Risfree interest rate – 0. – 0. – 0. – 0. – 0. – 0. olatility of Deutsche Börse AG shares . . .6 6. . . Dividend yield 0 0 0 0 0 0 Eercise price € 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relative total shareholder return 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 et profit for the period attributable to 00 00 Deutsche Börse AG shareholders .00 .00 .00 – 00 – 00 .00

The valuation model does not tae into account hurdle rates. The volatilities applied correspond to the maret volatilities of comparable options with comparable maturities.

aluation of PP and PSP shares

umber € € € €m €m €m 0 . . 0. . 0 . 06 . . . . . 0.0 0 0 . . . . 0 . 0 . . . .6 0 .6 0) 0 . . .0 . 0 . 00 0 . . . . 0 .

) The stoc options of the 0 tranche were granted as part of severance agreements.

247 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 00 DAT – 000 – strictl confidential

Eecutie and Superisor Boards anagement report inancial statements urther information

roisions for the and the S amounting to € 6 million were recognised at the reporting date Decemer 00 Decemer 0 € 6 million Of the proisions € million were attriutale to memers of the Eecutie Board 0 €11.3 million The total epense for and S stoc options in the reporting period was € million 0 € million Of that amount an epense of €6.0 millionwas attriutale to memers of the Eecutie Board 0 €6.9 million

hange in numer of and S shares allocated To the Eecutie Board 60 – 6 – – 0 60 To other senior eecuties 60 6 – 6 0 – –

The stoc options of the 0 tranche were granted as part of seerance agreements

or further information on the numer of stoc options granted to Eecutie Board memers and on the remuneration sstem for Eecutie Board memers please refer to the remuneration report

ro are Plan (P)

Emploees of Deutsche Börse Group who are not memers of the Eecutie Board or senior eecuties hae the opportunit to acuire shares of Deutsche Börse AG at a discount under the Group Share lan GS nder the GS tranche for the ear 00 the participating emploees could suscrie for up to 0 shares of the ompan at a discount of 0 per cent and another 0 shares at a discount of 0 per cent The acuired shares are suect to a locup period of two ears

The epense of this discount is recognised in the income statement at the grant date n the reporting period an epense totalling € 000 million 0 € 000 million was recognised in staff epense for the GS

anaement Incentve Proramme (IP)

The was set up for the senior management of the ontigo Group t grants a noncurrent remuneration component in the form of irtual shares of the ontigo Group The remuneration is settled in cash These are generall accounted for as shareased paments The amounts paale to the eneficiaries are intended to reflect the economic deelopment of the ontigo Group The contains a timeased and a performanceased component The esting period is four ears and started one ear after closing of the Aioma transaction on Septemer 0

alaton The alue of the irtual shares is determined using a onte arlo simulation on the respectie alance sheet date which appropriatel reflects the contractspecific conditions The underling simulations depend on the underling from which the pament is lined to the eneficiaries of the The enterprise alue of the ontigo Group seres as the underling

248 – –

ter rovsons

€m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – –

249 – –

€m €m €m €m – – – – – – – – – – – –

current and current provisions amount to a total of € €47 current provisions of € €225.2 provisions exist for € million (31 December 2019: €250.7 million).


€m €m

250 – –

€m €m

251 – –

€m €m – – –

econclaton to cas an cas evalents

– –

€m €m – – – – – –

252 – –

€m €m – – – –

€ € €

253 – –

Net profit for the period attributable to Deutsche Börse AG shareholders (€m) Earnings per share (basic) (€) Earnings per share (diluted) (€)

segments: This structure serves as a basis for the Group’s internal management and financial reporting (see the table entitled “Internal organisational and reporting structure” for details).

Net revenue (€m) Operating costs (€m) – – – – – – – – EBITDA (€m) impairment losses (€m) – – – – – – – – EBIT (€m) (€m)

254 – –

revenue (€m) Operating costs (€m) – – – – – – – – EBITDA (€m) – – – – – – – – impairment losses (€m) EBIT (€m) (€m)

Deutsche Börse Group’s business model – – operating participant base and pricing does not differ depending on the customer’s location. From a

Sales revenue is allocated to the individual regions according to the customer’s domicile, while current assets are allocated according to the company’s domicile and employees

described above, the analysis of sales is based on the direct customer’s billing address. This means

255 – –

€m €m €m €m €m €m – –

per cent of sales revenue was generated: UK (2020: €732.1 million, 2019: €704.2 €910.9 million, 2019: €769.6 million) per cent of assets are held: Germany (2020: €3,648.1 million, 2019: €3,634.1 €1,210.1 million, 2019: €427.2 million) and United States (2020: €1,061 million, 2019: €1,029.9 million)

year holding period. It is compared with the Group’s liable equity capital adjusted for intangible assets so as to test the Group’s ability to absorb extreme and month and amounted to €764.0 million as at 31 December 2020, whereby €657.0 million stems from credit risk and €107.0 million stems from market risk.

256 – –

Cret rs

€m €m €m €m – –

257 – –

€m €m €m €m

“restricted bank balances” and “other cash and bank balances”. : €274.0 million). The amount includes collateral totalling €5.1 : €5.1 oriented view of Eurex Clearing AG and European Commodity Clearing AG, whilst the carrying amount of the “financial instrumen l counterparties”

Cas nvestments

– –

258 etsche rse ro nnal reort – .. – strictl conidential

ectie and erisor oards anaeent reort inancial stateents rther inoration

ccordin to the treasr olic eliible collateral ainl consists o hihl liid inancial instrents ith a ini ratin o – (Standard & Poor’s/Fitch) or Aa3 (Moody’s) issued or guaranteed by oernents or sranational instittions.

nsecred cash inestents are eritted onl ith conterarties ith ieccable credit ratins ithin the raeork o deined conterart credit liits. onterart credit risk is onitored on the basis o an internal ratin sste.

The fair value of securities received under reverse repurchase agreements was €6,. illion €6,653.0 million). Clearstream Banking S.A. and Eurex Clearing AG are entitled to pledge the eliible secrities receied to their central banks in order to make use of the central banks’ monetary olic instrents.

s o eceber learstrea ankin .. had leded secrities ro the learstrea investment portfolio valued at €16. illion to central banks as collateral or credit lines ro the central banks. n the reortin eriod all o these secrities ste ro learstrea inestent ortolio in €2. illion relates to Clearstream’s investment portfolio and €274.0 million relate to reerse reo areeents.

s at eceber re learin had leded no secrities to central banks.

oans for settln secrtes transactons learstrea osttradin rants cstoers intrada technical oerdrat acilities to aiise settleent eicienc. hese settleent acilities are sbect to internal credit reie rocedres. he are reocable at the discretion o the learstrea sbro and are in eneral ll secred. s o eceber they came to €106.2 billion : €115.5 billion). Of the total, €5.5 billion (: €3.4 billion is nsecred and onl relates to credit lines ranted to selected central banks and ltilateral deeloent banks in coliance ith the eetion as er article o oission eleated elation . ctal otstandins at the end o each bsiness da enerall reresent a sall raction of the facilities and amounted to €. illion as at eceber €231.7 illion see note .

learstrea collateral anaeent also arantees the risk resltin ro the toated ecrities ails inancin rorae it oers to its cstoers here learstrea ankin .. acts as an interediar beteen borroer and lender. his risk is secred. s o eceber the guarantees under this programme amounted to €427.3 million : €288.8 million). Collateral receied b learstrea ankin .. in connection with these loans amounted to €560.6 illion (2019: €316.6 million).

nder the ls secrities lendin rorae learstrea ankin .. had secrities borroins from various counterparties totalling €47,964.3 million as at 31 eceber €58,008.6 illion. hese secrities ere ll lent to other conterarties. ollateral receied b learstrea ankin .. in connection ith these loans aonted to €51,895.4 illion €58,228.6 illion. his collateral as leded to the lender hilst learstrea ankin .. reains its leal oner.

n and no losses ro credit transactions occrred in relation to an o the transaction tes described.

259 eutsche rse rou Annua reort AF – 3 – stricty conidentia

ecutie and Suerisory oards Manageent reort Financia stateents Further inoration

nancal nstrments of te central conterartes To safeguard the Group’s central counterparties against the ris o deaut by a cearing eber the cearing conditions reuire the cearing ebers to deosit argins in the or o cash or securities on a daiy basis or an intraday basis in the aount stiuated by the resectie cearing house Additiona saety echaniss o the rou’s centra counterarties are described in detai in the ris reort

rae recevales rading setteent and custody ees are generay coected ithout deay by direct debit Fees or other serices such as the roision o data and inoration are setted ainy by transer rade receiabes are anaysed using an eected credit oss ode based on the siiied aroach as outined in FS o easure the eected credit oss trade receiabes and contract assets hae been groued based on the days ast due he trade receiabes share the ain ris characteristics he eected oss aount has been deterined by aying the ietie eected oss aroach he eected oss rates are based on the ayent roies oer a eriod o ie years and the oss roie eerienced oer that eriod As o 3 eceber there ere no contract assets ( ni)

oss aoances or trade receiabes as at 3 eceber

€m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m rade receiabes 33 33 3

oss aoances or trade receiabes as at 3 eceber

€m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m rade receiabes 3 3

260 eutsche rse Group nnual report T – – strictl confidential

ecutie and uperisor oards anageent report inancial stateents urther inforation

Trade receiales are ritten off hen there is no reasonale epectation of recoer The folloing criteria are used for the assessent of derecognition

◼ nsolenc proceedings are not started for ant of assets ◼ nsolenc proceedings hae not resulted in an paent for a period of three ears and there is no indication that an aount ill e receied going forard ◼ nforceent actiities are not pursued eutsche rse Group due to costenefit analsis or eutsche rse Group has tried unsuccessfull to collect the receiale for a period of three ears

n there ere no significant riteoffs due to custoer defaults oreoer no significant paents ere receied in for receiales hich had preiousl een ritten off nil

et secrtes All of the entity’s debt securities easured at aortised cost are considered to hae lo credit ris and the loss allowance recognised during the period was therefore limited to twelve months’ expected losses. The Group considers “low credit risk” for listed onds to e an inestent grade credit rating granted an eternal rating agenc ll eutsche rse Group det securities easured at fair alue through are assigned to stage on initial recognition and are reieed regularl for changes in credit ris on the asis of their rating The epected loss for listed det securities fro eutsche rse Group is deterined using the default rates proided a rating agenc

eveloment of te loss alloance

eelopent of the loss alloance

€m €m €m €m ncrease in the alloance recognised in profit or loss during the period ecrease in the alloance recognised – – – in profit or loss during the period ncrease fro usiness coinations ncrease in the alloance recognised in profit or loss during the period ecrease in the alloance recognised – – – in profit or loss during the period

261 eutsche rse Group Annual report AT – .. – strictly confidential

xecutive and upervisory oards anagement report inancial statements urther information

Cret rs concentratons Deutsche Börse Group’s business model and the resulting business relationships mean that, as a rule, credit risk is concentrated on the financial services sector. otential concentrations of credit risk are limited by application of counterparty group and country credit limits. ollateral and currency concentrations are also monitored.

anagement of credit risk concentration including collateral concentration and socalled large exposures is conducted in compliance with applicable regulatory reuirements such as those arising from among others articles – of egulation apital euirements egulation article paragraph of egulation uropean arket nfrastructure egulation and respectively applicable national reuirements see also note for an explanation of regulatory capital reuirements. euirements of concentration risks arising from egulation entral ecurities epository egulation have been implemented as part of eutsche Börse Group’s affiliated CSDs’ authorisation under article 16 CSDR.

The reuired economic capital value at risk a with a . per cent confidence level for credit risk is calculated monthly for each day and amounted to €657.0 million as at 31 December 2020 €510.0 million).

eutsche rse Group also applies additional methods in order to detect credit concentration risks. t analyses the impact of a default by its two largest counterparties with unsecured exposures and stressed recovery parameters. In addition, analyses are carried out for the Group’s top 5 and top 10 counterparties based on the riskweighted exosures of the individual counterparties. All the concentration metrics have dedicated early warning thresholds and limits and are part of the uarterly risk reporting to the xecutive oard. As in the previous year no material adverse credit concentrations were detected in .

aret rs

arket risk arises from changes in interest rates foreignexchange rates and other market prices. eutsche rse Group is generally only affected to a limited extent by market risk. The reuired economic capital for market risk is calculated on a monthly basis. As of ecember the economic capital for market price risks was €107.0 million (2019: €117.0 million).

n the financial year no impairment losses nil were recognised in profit or loss for strategic investments that are not included in the a for market risk.

Interest rate risk Changes in market interest rates may affect Deutsche Börse Group’s net profit for the period attributable to eutsche rse AG shareholders. This risk arises whenever interest terms of financial assets and liabilities are different.

Interest rate sensitive assets include the Group’s money market and investment portfolios, whilst interest rate sensitive liabilities mainly consist of shortterm debt instruments. nterest rate risk from longterm liabilities of eutsche rse AG is mitigated through issuance of fixedcoupon bonds.

262 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report DR – 1..1 – strictly confidential

ecutive and Supervisory Boards anagement report inancial statements urther information

o refinance its eisting indebtedness Deutsche Börse G issued debt securities with a nominal volume of €600.0 million in June 2020. This enabled the company to refinance its outstanding hybrid loan of €600 million, which was called and redeemed in full in November 2020. In addition, Clearstream Banking G issued a fiveyear senior preferred loan with a nominal volume of €350.0 million in ovember as part of the CSDR, in order to increase its ualifying liuid funds. he net proceeds of the loan will be reinvested in line with the financial risk policy in secure assets, to minimise credit and market risks. or further details of the outstanding bonds issued by Deutsche Börse Group, see the “Net assets” section in the combined management report.

Cash received as deposits from market participants is invested mainly via shortterm reverse repos and in the form of overnight deposits at central banks, limiting the risk of a negative impact due to a changed interest rate environment. egative interest rates resulting from reinvestments of these cash deposits are passed on to the respective Clearstream posttrading customers after applying an additional margin. or ure Clearing G, interest rates on cash collateral are in principle calculated based on a predefined market benchmark rate per currency after deducting an additional spread per currency. In eceptional cases such as market disruption, ure Clearing G reserves the right to calculate interest rates on cash collateral based on the realised interest rate.

Group entities may furthermore invest their own capital and part of customer cash balances in high uality liuid bonds. he bond portfolio consists mostly of variablerate instruments, which leads to a comparably low interest rate risk for the Group.

he risk arising from interestearning assets and interestbearing liabilities is monitored on each business day and limited by using a system which includes mismatch limits in combination with interest rate risk limits and stoploss limits. he interest rate risk limits determine the acceptable maimum loss caused by a hypothetical adverse yield curve shift. he stoploss limits define the fair value of a portfolio triggering an ad hoc review and riskreducing actions.

Interest rate swaps as well as swaptions might be used to hedge interest rate risks. s of the reporting date, there are no hedging relationships with regards to interest rate risk in place.

Foreign-exchange rate risk easuring and managing foreignexchange risk is important for reducing Deutsche Börse Group’s eposure to echange rate movements. he three main types of foreignechange risk that Deutsche Börse Group is eposed to are cash flow, translation and transactionrelated foreignechange risk. Cash flow risk reflects the risk of fluctuations in Deutsche Börse Group’s present value of future operating cash flows from foreignechange movements. ranslation risk comprises effects from the valuation of the Group’s assets and liabilities in foreign currencies. Finally, transaction risk is closely related to cash flow risk; it may arise through changes in the structure of Deutsche Börse Group’s asset and liabilities in foreign currencies.

he Group operates internationally and is, to a limited etent, eposed to foreignechange risk, primarily in S, C, £ and CZK. Exchange rate fluctuations may affect the Group’s profit margins and the value of assets and liabilities denominated in a currency that is not the functional currency of the relevant Group entity. Respective currency risks arise mainly from operating income and epenses denominated in a currency other than the functional currency, inter alia from that portion of the Clearstream post trading) segment’s sales revenue and treasury result from banking business that is directly or indirectly in S. he Clearstream posttrading segment generated 1 per cent of its revenue and treasury result from banking business directly or indirectly in S 1 per cent.

263 – –

defined for cash flow and translation risk. Deutsche Börse Group’s treasury poli

the Group’s policy, the critical terms of forwards a

t when they exceed €15.0

Other market risks

iiit risk

oup’s cash

264 Deutsche Börse Group nnual report D – .. – strictly confidential

ecutie and uperisory Boards anaement report inancial statements urther information

he companies of Deutsche Börse Group hae the followin credit lines at their disposal, which were not utilised as of the alance sheet date.

ontractually areed credit lines

m m Deutsche Börse G orkin capital € . . ure learin G ettlement € . ,. ettlement r. . . ettlement . . learstream Bankin .. orkin capital € . . ettlement € ,. ,. ettlement ,. ,. ettlement . . uropean nery chane G orkin capital € . . ettlement € . ettlement . . ioma nc. orkin capital . .

€400.0 million of Deutsche Börse AG’s working capital credit lines is a sucredit line of Clearstream Banking S.A.’s €750.0 million workin capital credit line. ncludin committed forein echane swap lines and committed repo lines.

or refinancin purposes, ure learin G and the learstream Bankin .. can plede eliile securities with their respectie central anks. learstream Bankin .. has a ank uarantee letter of credit in faour of uroclear Bank .... issued y an international consortium to secure daily delieries of securities etween uroclear Bank .... and learstream Bankin .. his uarantee amounted to . illion as at Decemer . illion. uroclear Bank .... has also issued a uarantee in faour of learstream Bankin .. amountin to . illion . illion.

commercial paper proramme offers Deutsche Börse G an opportunity for fleile, shortterm financing, involving a total facility of €2.5 illion in arious currencies. t the end of the year there was no commercial paper outstandin nil.

learstream Bankin .. also has a commercial paper proramme with a proramme limit of €1.0 illion, which is used to proide additional shortterm liuidity. s of Decemer it had issued commercial paper with a nominal olume of €5. million : €311.9 million).

265 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report DA – – strictl confiential

ecutie an uperisor Boars anagement report inancial statements urther information

In 2019, Standard & Poor’s confirmed Deutsche Börse AG’s AA credit rating with a stable outlook. At earen Deutsche Börse AG was one of onl two DAliste companies aware an AA rating S&P. Deutsche Börse AG’s commercial paper programme also had the highest shortterm rating of A– he AA rating of learstream Banking A was confirme with a stale outlook the rating agencies itch an tanar oor’s in 2020. S&P also rated Clearstream Banking AG as AA in November or further etails on the rating of Deutsche Börse Group see the “Financial position” section in the comine management report

aturit analsis of financial instruments

ore than ore than econcili ot more months ut ear ut not ation to than not more more than er carring arring ight months than ear ears ears amount amount Mio. € Mio. € Mio. € Mio. € Mio. € Mio. € Mio. € oncurrent financial liailities – measure at amortise cost thereof lease liailities – oncurrent financial liailities at fair alue through profit or loss rae paales urrent financial liailities measure at amortise cost thereof lease liailities urrent financial liailities at fair alue through profit or loss ash eposits market participants –

inancial liailites an eriaties hel central counterparties less financial assets an eriaties – – – – – – hel central counterparties

ash flow heges air alue heges Deriaties hel for traing ash flow heges – – air alue heges Deriaties hel for traing – – – – –

266 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report 2020 DAF – 01.0.2021 – strictl confidential

ecutive and Supervisor Boards anagement report Financial statements Further information

aturit analsis of financial instruments 2

Mio. € Mio. € Mio. € Mio. € Mio. € Mio. € Mio. € Noncurrent financial liabilities 0 0 . 1,. 1,2.2 – 2. 2,2.2 measured at amortised cost thereof lease liabilities 0 0 0 1. 22.2 – 9. 1.0 Noncurrent financial liabilities at fair 0 0 0 . 0 0 . value through profit or loss rade paables 0. 20.0 0. 0 0 1. 20. Current financial liabilities measured at 1,2. . .1 0 0 0. 1,22. amortised cost thereof lease liabilities 0 11. .9 0 0 – . 9.1 Current financial liabilities at fair value . 0 0 0 0 0 . through profit or loss Cash deposits b market participants 29,1.1 . 0 0 0 0 29,. –

Financial liabilites and derivatives 11,220. 9,21.0 ,920.1 ,1. 1,0. 0 2,. held b central counterparties less financial assets and derivatives – 11,220. – 0,11.0 – ,920.1 – ,1. – 1,0. 0 – ,. held b central counterparties

Cash flow hedges 0 1.0 0. 0 0 Fair value hedges 0 0 0 0 0 Derivatives held for trading 2.2 .9 2,12.2 0 0 Cash flow hedges 0 – 1.0 – 9. 0 0 Fair value hedges 0 0 0 0 0 Derivatives held for trading – 29. – . – 2,11.0 0 0 – –

267 2 – –

ea risks

– –

a risks

268 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes | Other disclosures Further information

25. Corporate governance

On 3 December 2020, the Executive and Supervisory Boards issued the latest version of the declaration of compliance in accordance with section 161 of the Aktiengesetz (AktG, the German Stock Corporation Act) and made it permanently available to shareholders on the company’s website (see also the corporate governance statement).

26. Related party disclosures

Related parties as defined by IAS 24 are members of the executive bodies of Deutsche Börse AG and their close family members, as well as the companies classified as associates of Deutsche Börse AG, investors and investees, and companies that are controlled or significantly influenced by members of the executive bodies.

The remuneration of the individual members of the Executive and Supervisory Boards is presented in the remuneration report.

Executive Board

In 2020, the fixed and variable remuneration of the members of the Executive Board, including non- cash benefits granted in the financial year, amounted to €19.4 million (2019: €19.5 million). During the year under review, expenses of €11.3 million (2019: €6.9 million) were recognised in connection with share-based payments to Executive Board members.

The actuarial present value of the pension obligations to Executive Board members was €18.4 million as at 31 December 2020 (2019: €15.6 million). Expenses of €3.2 million (2019: €2.2 million) were recognised as additions to pension provisions.

Former members of the Executive Board or their surviving dependants

The remuneration paid to former members of the Executive Board or their surviving dependants amounted to €8.3 million in 2020 (2019: €9.7 million). The actuarial present value of the pension obligations was €86.0 million as at 31 December 2020 (2019: €84.8 million).

Termination benefits

Expenses of €0.7 million were recognised in connection with the termination of Executive Board appointments.

Supervisory Board

The aggregate remuneration paid to members of the Supervisory Board in the reporting year was €2.5 million (2019: €2.4 million).

269 249 – –

, the employee representatives on Deutsche Börse AG’s Superv received remuneration (excluding Supervisory Board remuneration) amounting to € €1.1 million). The total consists of the fixed and variable salary components for those employee

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270 Deutsche Börse Group Annual report DA – – strictly coniential

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277 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes Further information | Independent Auditors’ Report

Independent Auditors’ Report

To Deutsche Börse Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main

Report on the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Combined Management Report


We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Deutsche Börse Aktiengesellschaft, ­Frankfurt am Main, and its subsidiaries (the Group), which comprise the consolidated balance sheet as of 31 December 2020, the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement of comprehen- sive income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated cash flow statement and for the financial year from 1 January to 31 December 2020, and notes to the consolidated financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies. In addition, we have audited the combined management report of Deutsche Börse Aktiengesellschaft including the combined non-financial statement in line with Sections 289b(1), 289c, 315b and 315c HGB [Handels­gesetzbuch: German Commercial Code] for the financial year from 1 January to 31 December 2020. In accordance with the legal requirements applicable in Germany, we did not audit the components of the combined management report which we have identified in the „Other information“ section of our audit opinion.

The combined management report comprises links to the Group’s website which are not required by law. In accordance with the legal requirements applicable in Germany, we did not audit these links, nor the information referred to in the links.

In our opinion, on the basis of the knowledge obtained in the audit,

the accompanying consolidated financial statements comply in all material respects with the IFRSs as adopted by the EU and the additional requirements of German commercial law pursuant to Section 315e(1) HGB [Handelsgesetzbuch: German Commercial Code] and, in compliance with these requirements, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, and financial position of the Group as of 31 December 2020 and of its financial performance for the financial year from 1 ­January to 31 December 2020, and the accompanying combined management report as a whole provides an appropriate view of the Group’s position. In all material respects, the combined management report is consistent with the consolidated financial statements, complies with German legal requirements and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future development. Our opinion on the combined manage- ment report does not cover the content of the components of the combined management report which we have identified in the „Other information“ section of our audit opinion. The combined management report comprises links to the Group’s website which are not required by law. Our opinion does not cover the links, nor the information referred to in the links.

Pursuant to Section 322(3) sentence 1 HGB, we declare that our audit has not led to any reservations relating to the legal compliance of the consolidated financial statements and of the combined manage- ment report.

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Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes Further information | Independent Auditors’ Report

Basis for the Opinions

We conducted our audit of the consolidated financial statements and combined management report in accordance with Section 317 HGB and the EU Audit Regulation No 537/2014 (referred to subsequently as ‘EU Audit Regulation’) and in compliance with German Generally Accepted Standards for Financial Statement Audits promulgated by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer [Institute of Public Auditors in Germany] (IDW). Our responsibilities under those requirements and principles are further described in the ‘Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Combined Management Report’ section of our auditor’s report. We are independent of the group entities in accor- dance with the requirements of European law and German commercial and professional law, and we have fulfilled our other German professional responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. In addition, in accordance with Article 10(2) point (f) of the EU Audit Regulation, we declare that we have not provided non-audit services prohibited under Article 5(1) of the EU Audit Regulation. We believe that the evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions on the consolidated financial statements and on the combined management report.

Key Audit Matters in the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated financial statements for the financial year from 1 January to ­31 December 2020. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon; we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

Impairment of the goodwill For the accounting policies applied as well as the assumptions used, please refer to note 2 (Basis of consolidation) and note 10 (Intangible assets) in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT RISK At 31 December 2020, goodwill amounted to EUR 3,958 million (previous year: EUR 3,471 million). The goodwill thus represents 2.6 per cent of the assets of the Group at 31 December 2019.

Goodwill is subjected to an impairment test by the company at least once a year and also on an ad hoc basis, if appropriate. For this purpose, the carrying amount is compared with the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit (CGU). Deutsche Börse AG determines the recoverable amounts of the cash-­ generating units either on the basis of the value in use or on the basis of the fair value less costs of disposal. If the carrying amount is higher than the recoverable amount, there is a need for impairment.

The result of these valuations is highly dependent upon assumptions concerning future cash inflows, based on the corporate planning, as well as the defined parameters. As a result, the valuations are subject to discretion. Any need for impairment that may arise as a result can have a material impact on the statement of the assets, liabilities and financial performance of the Group. Therefore, the correct determination of any need for impairment is of particular significance for the financial statements.

279 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes Further information | Independent Auditors’ Report

OUR AUDIT APPROACH With the support of our valuation experts, we have assessed the valuation models used by the com- pany as well as the appropriateness of the significant assumptions relating to valuation parameters. We assessed the appropriateness of the assumptions used in the determination of the discount rates by comparing them with market- and industry-specific reference values; we additionally verified the calculation method used to determine the discount rates. We compared the expected cash inflows and outflows used for the calculations with the current budget plan approved by management. In order to assess the appropriateness of the assumptions used when the budget plan was drawn up, we first discussed these in meetings with management. Then we compared the assumptions used with relevant peer group companies, and evaluated analyst reports on the market segments. We further- more appraised the reliability of the forecasts in previous years based on whether they occurred or not. Within the scope of our own sensitivity analyses, we determined whether there would be a need for impairment in the event of possible changes in the assumptions in realistic ranges.

OUR OBSERVATIONS The calculation method used by the company is appropriate and consistent with the relevant valuation principles. The underlying assumptions about the valuation-relevant parameters have been calculated in a balanced way and are within acceptable ranges.

Impairment of the other intangible assets For the accounting policies applied as well as the assumptions used, please refer to note 2 (Basis of consolidation) and note 10 (Intangible assets) in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT RISK At 31 December 2020, other intangible assets amounted to EUR 1,255 million (previous year: EUR 1,041 million). Other intangible assets thus represent 0.8 per cent of the Group’s assets as at 31 December 2020.

The other intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are subject to an impairment test by the com- pany at least once a year, and also on an ad hoc basis, if appropriate. For this purpose, Deutsche Börse AG determines the recoverable amounts of the intangible asset or cash-generating units, in case no independent cash flows can be allocated to that specific intangible asset, either on the basis of the value in use or on the basis of the fair value less costs of disposal. The result of these valuations is highly dependent upon assumptions concerning future cash inflows, based on the corporate planning, as well as the defined parameters. As a result, the valuations are subject to discretion. Any need for impairment that may arise as a result can have a material impact on the statement of the assets, liabilities and financial performance of the Group. Therefore, the correct determination of any need for impairment is of particular significance for the financial statements.

280 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes Further information | Independent Auditors’ Report

OUR AUDIT APPROACH With the support of our valuation experts, we have assessed the valuation models used by the com- pany as well as the appropriateness of the significant assumptions relating to valuation parameters. We assessed the appropriateness of the assumptions used in the determination of the discount rates by comparing them with market- and industry-specific reference values; we additionally verified the calculation method used to determine the discount rates. We compared the expected cash inflows and outflows used for the calculations with the current budget plan approved by management. In order to assess the appropriateness of the assumptions used when the budget plan was drawn up, we first discussed these in meetings with management. Then we compared the assumptions used with relevant peer group companies, and evaluated analyst reports on the market segments. We further- more appraised the reliability of the forecasts in previous years based on whether they occurred or not. Within the scope of our own sensitivity analyses, we determined whether there would be a need for impairment in the event of possible changes in the assumptions in realistic ranges.

OUR OBSERVATIONS The calculation method used by the company is appropriate and consistent with the relevant valuation principles. The underlying assumptions about the valuation-relevant parameters have been calculated in a balanced way and are within acceptable ranges.

Other Information

The company’s management, or the Supervisory Board, is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the combined corporate governance statement as a component of the combined management report, whose content was not audited, and which is disclosed in the section “Corporate governance statement”.

Other information also comprises the other parts of the annual report.

However, other information does not comprise the consolidated financial statements, the audited disclosures of the combined management report as well as our corresponding auditor‘s report.

Our opinions on the consolidated financial statements and on the combined management report do not cover the other information, and consequently we do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in so doing, to consider whether the other information is

materially inconsistent with the consolidated financial statements, with the audited disclosures in the combined management report or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

281 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes Further information | Independent Auditors’ Report

Responsibilities of Management and the Supervisory Board for the Consolidated Financial ­Statements and Combined Management Report

Management is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements that comply, in all material respects, with IFRSs as adopted by the EU, and the additional requirements of German commercial law pursuant to Section 315e(1) HGB, and that the consolidated financial statements, in compliance with these requirements, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and financial performance of the Group. In addition, management is responsible for such internal control as they have determined necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. Moreover, the company’s management has the respon- sibility to disclose any matters that are relevant for the going concern assumption. In addition, they are responsible for financial reporting based on the going concern basis of accounting unless there is an intention to liquidate the Group or to cease operations, or there is no realistic alternative but to do so.

Furthermore, management is responsible for the preparation of the combined management report that, as a whole, provides an appropriate view of the Group’s position and is, in all material respects, consistent with the consolidated financial statements, complies with German legal requirements and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future development. In addition, management is responsible for such arrangements and measures (systems) as they have considered necessary to enable the preparation of the combined management report that is in accordance with the applicable German legal requirements and to be able to provide sufficient appropriate evidence for the assertions in the combined management report.

The supervisory board is responsible for overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements and of the combined management report.

Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements and the ­Combined Management Report

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and whether the combined management report as a whole provides an appropriate view of the Group’s position and, in all material respects, is consistent with the consolidated financial statements and the knowledge obtained in the audit, complies with the German legal requirements, and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future development, as well as to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinions on the consolidated financial statements and on the combined management report.

Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Section 317 HGB and the EU Audit Regulation and in compliance with German Generally Accepted Standards for Financial Statement Audits promulgated by the Institut der Wirt- schaftsprüfer (IDW) will always detect a material misstatement. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial state- ments and this combined management report.

282 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes Further information | Independent Auditors’ Report

We exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also:

Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements and the combined management report, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures­ responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinions. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Obtain an understanding of the internal control system relevant to the audit of the consolidated financial statements, and of arrangements and measures (systems) relevant to the audit of the combined management report, in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of these systems. Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used by management and the reasonableness of estimates made by management and related disclosures. Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in the auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements and in the combined management report or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our respective opinions. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. How­ ever, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to be able to continue as a going concern. Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the consolidated financial statements present the underlying transactions and events in a manner that the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position, and financial performance of the Group in compli- ance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU and the additional requirements of German commercial law pursuant to Section 315e(1) HGB. Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or busi- ness activities within the Group to express opinions on the consolidated financial statements and on the combined management report. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and perfor- mance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our opinions. Evaluate the consistency of the combined management report with the consolidated financial statements, its conformity with German law, and the view of the Group’s position it provides. Perform audit procedures on the prospective information presented by management in the combined management report. On the basis of sufficient appropriate audit evidence, we evaluate, in particular the significant assumptions used by management as a basis for the prospective information, and evaluate the proper derivation of the prospective information from these assumptions. We do not express a separate opinion on the prospective information and on the assumptions used as a basis. There is a substantial unavoidable risk that future events will differ materially from the prospective information.

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Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes Further information | Independent Auditors’ Report

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with the relevant independence requirements, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence and, where applicable, the related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter.

Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Report on the Assurance in accordance with Section 317 (3b) HGB on the Electronic Reproduction of the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Combined Management Report Prepared for ­Publication Purposes

We have performed assurance work in accordance with Section 317 (3b) HGB to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the reproduction of the consolidated financial statements and the combinded management report (hereinafter the “ESEF documents”) contained in the file that can be downloaded by the issuer from the electronic client portal with access protection, “” (SHA256 hash value: cba6a49cdb5e885130ac5f5c0e89a904bf761584080fa554fb73a38733c1ceda) and prepared for publication purposes complies in all material respects with the requirements of Section 328 (1) HGB for the electronic reporting format (“ESEF format”). In accordance with German legal requirements, this assurance only extends to the conversion of the information contained in the consolidated financial statements and the combined management report into the ESEF format and therefore relates neither to the information contained in this reproduction nor any other information contained in the above-mentioned electronic file.

In our opinion, the reproduction of the consolidated financial statements and the combined manage- ment report contained in the above-mentioned electronic file and prepared for publication purposes complies in all material respects with the requirements of Section 328 (1) HGB for the electronic reporting format. We do not express any opinion on the information contained in this reproduction nor on any other information contained in the above-mentioned file beyond this reasonable assurance opinion and our audit opinion on the accompanying consolidated financial statements and the accom- panying combined management report for the financial year from 1 January to 31 December 2020 contained in the “Report on the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Combined Management Report” above.

284 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes Further information | Independent Auditors’ Report

We conducted our assurance work on the reproduction of the consolidated financial statements and the combinded management report contained in the above-mentioned electronic file in accordance with Section 317 (3b) HGB and the Exposure Draft of the IDW Assurance Standard: Assurance in accordance with Section 317 (3b) HGB on the Electronic Reproduction of Financial Statements and Management Reports Prepared for Publication Purposes (ED IDW AsS 410) and the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (Revised)]. Accordingly, our responsibilities are further described below. Our audit firm has applied the IDW Standard on Quality Management 1: Require- ments for Quality Management in Audit Firms (IDW QS 1).

The company’s management is responsible for the preparation of the ESEF documents including the electronic reproduction of the consolidated financial statements and the combined management report in accordance with Section 328 (1) sentence 4 item 1 HGB and for the tagging of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with Section 328 (1) sentence 4 item 2 HGB.

In addition, the company’s management is responsible for the internal controls they consider necessary to enable the preparation of ESEF documents that are free from material intentional or unintentional non-compliance with the requirements of Section 328 (1) HGB for the electronic reporting format.

The company’s management is also responsible for the submission of the ESEF documents together with the auditor’s report and the attached audited consolidated financial statements and audited combined management report as well as other documents to be published to the operator of the German Federal Gazette [Bundesanzeiger].

The supervisory board is responsible for overseeing the preparation of the ESEF documents as part of the financial reporting process.

Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the ESEF documents are free from material intentional or unintentional non-compliance with the requirements of Section 328 (1) HGB. We exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the assurance work. We also:

Identify and assess the risks of material intentional or unintentional non-compliance with the requirements of Section 328 (1) HGB, design and perform assurance procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain assurance evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our assurance opinion. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the assurance of the ESEF documents in order to design assurance procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an assurance opinion on the effectiveness of these controls. Evaluate the technical validity of the ESEF documents, i.e. whether the electronic file containing the ESEF documents meets the requirements of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/815 on the technical specification for this electronic file. Evaluate whether the ESEF documents enable an XHTML reproduction with content equivalent to the audited consolidated financial statements and the audited combined management report. Evaluate whether the tagging of the ESEF documents with Inline XBRL technology (iXBRL) enables an appropriate and complete machine-readable XBRL copy of the XHTML reproduction.

285 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes Further information | Independent Auditors’ Report

Further information pursuant to Article 10 of the EU Audit Regulation

We were elected as group auditors by the annual general meeting held on 19 May 2020. We were engaged by the chair of the audit committee of the Supervisory Board on 29 July 2020. We have been engaged as auditors of the consolidated financial statements of Deutsche Börse AG without inter­ ruption since the 2001 financial year.

We declare that the opinions expressed in this auditor’s report are consistent with the additional report to the audit committee pursuant to Article 11 of the EU Audit Regulation (long form audit report).

In addition to the consolidated financial statements, we audited the annual financial statements of Deutsche Börse AG and carried out various annual audits of subsidiaries. The audits included reviews of interim financial statements. Other assurance services relate to ISAE 3000 reports, and statutory or contractual audits such as audits under the WpHG as well as other contractually agreed assurance services.

Tax services include assistance in the preparation of tax returns, tax appraisals and advice on individual matters, and tax advice related to the external audit.

As part of other services, we supported Deutsche Börse AG with quality assurance measures.

German Public Auditor Responsible for the Engagement

The German Public Auditor responsible for the engagement is Klaus-Ulrich Pfeiffer.

Frankfurt am Main, 4 March 2021 KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft [Original German version signed by:]

Leitz Pfeiffer Wirtschaftsprüfer Wirtschaftsprüfer [German Public Auditor] [German Public Auditor]

286 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes Further information | Acknowledgement | Contact | Registered trademarks

Acknowledgement Contact

Published by Investor Relations Deutsche Börse AG E-Mail [email protected] 60485 Frankfurt/Main Phone +49-(0) 69 – 2 11 – 1 16 70 Germany Fax +49-(0) 69 – 2 11 – 1 46 08 _ e

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287 Deutsche Börse Group | Annual report 2020

Executive and Supervisory Boards Management report Financial statements Notes Further information | About this report About this report

Deutsche Börse Group’s 2020 annual report does not only document what happened in financial year 2020 but also provides a solid summary of how the com- pany defines and implements key action areas for its sustainability profile. In addition, the “Overview of key sustainability aspects” table shows the UN’s ­sustainable development goals (SDGs) that are ad- dressed by Deutsche Börse Group.

Our reporting of sustainability information and key performance indicators complies with the Global ­Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards (Core option). A comprehensive overview of all GRI indicators (GRI ­index) can be found at > Sustainability > ESG ratings & reporting > GRI

Principles of sustainability reporting Our aim in our sustainability reporting is to achieve the highest possible degree of clarity and transpa- rency. The combined management report contains a separate section with a combined non-financial state- ment in accordance with sections 289b and 315b of the Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB, German Commercial Code). In line with this, the non-financial facts and fi- gures published in it generally refer to Deutsche Börse Group as a whole. Where the information on Deut- sche Börse AG differs from that on Deutsche Börse Group this is specifically mentioned. In addition, to- pics that are specific to certain locations and locally managed sustainability activities are identified as such.

Verification of non-financial key performance indi- cators KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, an inde- pendent external auditor, has audited the content of the combined non-financial statement. KPMG’s Au- ditor’s Report on Deutsche Börse AG’s (consolidated) financial statements and combined management re- port as at 31 December 2020 also covers the assu- rance of the combined non-financial statement.

The separate limited assurance review opinion on all sustainability information contained in the GRI index can be accessed online at www.deutsche-boerse. com > Sustainability > ESG­ ratings & reporting > Annual report.

288 Financial calendar 2021

21 April 2021 Publication quarterly statement Q1/2021

19 May 2021 Annual General Meeting

27 July 2021 Publication half-yearly financial report 2021

19 October 2021 Publication quarterly statement Q3/2021

Deutsche Börse AG 60485 Frankfurt am Main