HE STAT T E ARKANSAS F O O F L A DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION A R E K S A T ARKANSAS CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES N A S E A R S CICI G GRAPHIC ARTS Wrightsville Unit Richard Cooper P.O. Box 1000 David Taylor Administrator Wrightsville, Arkansas 72183 Operations Manager Phone (501) 897-2937 • FAX (501) 897-2939 Charles Mayhew, Program Manager
[email protected] To: __________________________________Nicole Cunningham Please Return For Print Phone: __________________________________ P.O. Est#: ___________________________Na Fax: __________________________________ ACI # __________Na Job ID ___________est E-Mail:
[email protected] Date: ______________________________July 8, 2021 11:09 AM Color: ________________________Digital Amt: _____________350 ?? Other ______________________ Job: _______________________________________________________________________Hal of Fame Banquet Books 2021 _______________________________________________________________________Cover: #80, white gloss Body: #70 Natural, natural color _______________________________________________________________________Finish Size: 8.5x11 Saddle Stitch Thank you for choosing us at Graphic Arts for providing your printing needs. To assist us in providing a quality product, we are asking that you review these proofs for accuracy. Please check the spelling, position, correct wordage, and other details of the included proof document(s). The finished product will appear exactly as these proofs appear unless you make corrections/changes and fax them back to us at (501) 897-2939. Any proofs that are marked okay, or which are changed to your specifications, will be used as the master to create the finished product. IF THERE ARE ANY ERRORS ON THE FINISHED PRODUCT, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER, NOT GRAPHIC ARTS. REPRINTS WILL BE CHARGED TO THE CUSTOMER. Proofs okay Proofs okay with changes Another proof requested Signature: ____________________________ If we may be of any assistance, please call us at (501) 897-2936 or (501) 897-2937.