LONDON CIGARETTE CARD COMPANY LIMITED Sutton Road, Somerton, Somerset TA11 6QP, England. Website: Telephone: 01458 273452 Fax: 01458 273515 E-Mail:
[email protected] POSTAL AUCTION ENDING SATURDAY 23rd FEBRUARY 2019 CATALOGUE OF CIGARETTE & TRADE CARDS & OTHER CARTOPHILIC ITEMS TO BE SOLD BY POSTAL AUCTION Bids can be submitted by post, phone, fax, e-mail or through our website. Estimates include VAT. Successful bidders outside the European Community will have 15% (UK tax) deducted from prices realized. Abbreviations used: EL = Extra Large; LT = Large Trade (89 x 64mm) L = Large; M = Medium; K = Miniature; Type Card = one card from a set; 27/50 = 27 cards out of a set of 50 etc; Under Condition column FCC = Finest Collectable Condition; VG = Very Good; G = Good; F = Fair; P = Poor; VP = Very Poor; O/W = Otherwise; CAT = 2019 Catalogue Value in Very Good Condition. EST in end column = Estimated Value due to condition. TOB in issuer column = Tobacco. See biding sheet for conditions of sale. Last date for receipt of bids Saturday 23rd February 2019 There are no additional charges to bidders for buyers premium etc. LOT ISSUER DESCRIPTION CONDITION CAT EST 1 PLAYERS 5 Sets Butterflies, Derby & Grand National Winners, Natural History, Struggle for Existence, Products of the World 1923-33…………………………………………………………. Few F O/W VP-P £193 £22 2 F P G (USA) Set LT90 Don Maitz Fantasy Art 1994…………………………………………………………………… Mint £12 £12 3 HORSLEYS STORES/HOME COUNTIES DAIRIES/HITCHMANS DAIRIES 3 Set of 25 British Uniforms of the 19th Century, International Air Liners, Aircraft of World War II black back 1966-68………………….