A pre meeting of the AGM took place @ 1900, with committee members to approve the annual accounts. This was in preparation for the accounts to be presented to the membership. The accounts were presented and proposed by the Treasurer, Mr Martin Walden, seconded by Mrs Fiona Godwin-Wood, and all committee members were in favour. The Chairperson Mrs Jane Gourd was in the Chair and addressed the meeting as ​ follows:-

Jane welcomed 25 members to the room. ​ Apologies were received from Peter Gourd, Patrick Gourd, Terry Mitchell, Jean ​ Reeves and Gordon Plahn. Jane continued, and read the contents of the previous AGM (2018) minutes to the ​ room. Proposed by Jane Gourd and Seconded by Martin Walden, all in favour, these were duly signed as a true and accurate record. Martin Walden then took the floor and went on to describe the need to change the ​ current Constitution to one which more reflects the necessity to adopt new technological advances, especially in the area of Finance and to ensure a smooth operation of the Association. These changes needed approval from the membership, so the need for an EGM was identified. This would be arranged at a future date and the membership will be invited back to approve the changes prior to submission to the Charity Commission, hopefully, by September. In particular Martin drew out some example points for the room;

The constitution was last changed in 2011, and approved at the 2012 AGM. Recent experiences, and various changes at NRACA, have shown the urgent need to change the Constitution again to meet the needs of the Association today. e.g. to be updated to allow for internet banking The Constitution must meet the requirements of the Charity Commissioners. The new Constitution will need to be approved by the Charity Commissioners. The membership area was widened in 2011, but we have recently had members from as far as (15 miles away) and . There is a need to ​ extend the reach of the association.

This motion was proposed by Martin Walden, Seconded by Fiona Godwin-wood, and ​ all in favour.

The Secretary then introduced himself (Jim Rose) and delivered the following report; ​ Jim Rose took over, from Jean Reeves as Secretary in September. Since that ​ time we have had 5 committee meetings, and numerous extraordinary meetings to discuss and progress Finance, Licencing, The Constitution, and booking system. We have improved our communication process across the committee, using email, and embraced the use of cloud storage for our documentation e.g. minutes and agendas. We also co-opted Mr Bruce Watt on to the committee who has overhauled our booking system, to being on-line, and who has also been instrumental in driving necessary changes to our Licence, and arranging meetings with licencing officer. Thank you Bruce for your hard work and commitment. Jane Gourd then presented the following points; ​ Jean Reeves stood down as Secretary – presented with Laura Wall picture.

The hall was used as a pit stop for “UK cycling” charity event - - over 400 participants used the hall for Water and toilet and facilities. We are participating in the Co-op points scheme again (until September),we benefited from several hundred pounds last time.

Simply Flowers closed, as did the Pre-School.

Martin Walden then presented the Annual accounts brining out the following points of ​ note; We have seen an increase in income for 2018, this is due to increased bar and social activity (BTSport was highlighted), beer sales and the beer festival. Our major outgoing for the year was the roof repair which cost £11750. However, we have seen a small surplus despite this. There has been an increase in Heating bills by 14%, more care needs to be taken when using the heating. This also initiated discussion about SMART controls being introduced.

Maintenance expenditure has increased, in part due to the burlgary.

The pre-school closed in July last year which a financial impact Reserves were reduced due to roof repairs, CCTV installation, sound system, lights etc. Donations were lower, no bequests were left this year. Newsletter advertising income was also down due to Newsletter production issues.

Activities, e.g. Table Tennis, Ma jong, Badminton etc pay £3 per session. Cleaning is a large expenditure, we don’t employ our own due to PAYE and pension arrangements.

Photocopying will also be reviewed, the contract ends in the middle of 2020.

Garden and Grounds expenditure increased due to works needed. The accounts were proposed by Martin Walden, Seconded by Fiona Godwin-wood, ​ and all in favour. The Auditors were proposed as Greenwood Accountancy by Martin Walden, ​ Seconded by Jane Gourd and all in favour.

Names of Officers and Committee, and holding Trustees for 2019. ​ Steve Newton, Maureen Whatmow, David Mercer – Holding trustees.

Jane Gourd Chairperson, Martin Walden, Treasurer, Jim Rose, Secretary. Fiona Godwin-Wood – Badminton, Paul Godwin-Wood, Bar and Social, Avril Turnbull Bridge, Mike Atkin, Mah Jong, John Kelly, North Community Church. Terry Mitchell, Rambling, Martin Walden, Table Tennis, Val Pilley, WI. Peter Williams, Council rep, Jane Gourd Membership Secretary.


Membership. Jane Gourd. ​ In 2018 we had 401 members made up of 172 new members including most of the 32 x juniors / 8 life j16 re-joins. So far this year (2019) we have 338 members – 103 new members and 10 more juniors.

BUILDINGS. Jane Gourd. ​ A huge thank you goes to our small band of volunteers especially Peter Gourd who completed many ongoing minor repairs/ replacements during the year.

Due to parking problems & damage to door - painted disabled box outside garage

Repaired the sliding door from the bar to main hall

Minor adjustment to the stage curtains The cabin hook on one of the main hall doors has been pulled off several times & been repaired. The last time the actual hook had also been broken.

Repaired the vent in the disabled toilet

Repaired/replaced various door handles, hinges, locks & bolts

All blue chairs were checked for damaged – repaired & shampoo’d

Collected new chairs from

Large items removed from garage & taken to tip

All annual service requirements were completed, including PAT tests on all electrical equipment

Made & fitted drain cover on outside drain

Chair trolley repaired at no cost to the Association by a friend

Main outside door-hook replaced

Various holes left from alterations filled & painted

All under-stage doors repaired

Building made secure after burglary

Ark replaced flat roof but have been called several times

Spare toilet roll holders torn off wall in three toilets – replaced with stainless steel fitments & repaired walls.

Removed damaged tiles from wall in main ladies toilet – repaired area & fitted new tiles. Removed damaged cupboard - fitted legs & new facia board

The plumber repaired damaged items in main ladies toilet. Walls repaired

Replaced boiler room door & frame after burglary damage. Stained & fitted new lock & handle. Fitted keysafe

Replaced garage lock & fitted keysafe Made & fitted window sill in kitchen. Repaired all cupboard doors & servied hinges

Removed damaged rail in foyer & filled holes

Repaired former music cupboard, fitted new door & lock & re painted for Bridge Club

Serviced bar entrance door lock & replaced handles. Fitted new handles to main outside doors

Outside noticeboards suffered from the heavy rain – all repaired & made waterproof

Removed old boxes for cigarette ends & replaced with stainless steel cylinder

Hired HIPPO bag for waste

Refurbishment on lounge/games area is ongoing, with both emergency doors being replaced

The lower part of the main hall walls will be re painted shortly.

Bar and Social. Paul Godwin-wood ​ The bar this year has overall been running well.

We lost 5 volunteers in the last 12 months but have managed to gain another 4.

We all work very hard each week to ensure the smooth running of the bar which includes cleaning the beer lines, stock ordering, bookers runs, cleaning and staffing the bar. The current team consists of myself & Fiona, James and Paige, Luke, Daniel, Adam Lizzy and Stevey & Richard.

Staffing the bar has proven to be hard as at the moment myself and Fiona & James & Paige are having to do up to 3 shifts a month to be able to remain open and then Stevey & Richard, Adam & Lizzy, Luke and Daniel commit to one a month.

As you can imagine with holidays and busy lives plus all working full time this does have its moments.

Over the last 12 months we have only had to close once due to having nobody to do the bar which is a shame so am asking anybody that could help with a bar shift would be s massive help. One a month makes a massive difference. James has recently started opening Sunday lunchtimes with nibbles on the bar. This is on a trial basis as it stands to see whether it’s worth it or not. Over the last few trail weeks we’ve had nobody in one week but the 10 in another.

BT sports in the bar and opening for the rugby games has proven to work very well, sometimes tricky to man the bar as most games are on a Saturday afternoon (which means an extra shift for people) We have just about managed so am pleased with the result and more than covered the cost and still growing.

We need an extra few hands on the bar moving forward as it’s too much for us at the moment and has a habit of taking over our lives.

We have introduced a new pricing structure to the bar prices. We have increased them overall but have implied a 10% members discount which seems to be working well to encourage people to join.

The bar refurb is coming on and should look good once completed and hopefully will encourage more people to the bar/lounge area.

Another big success over the last 12 months has been the bar quiz nights we hold once a month. Great for couples, friends and families. The bar has been packed and most of the proceeds have been donated back to the bar for social expenses which is up to about £600 now. We’ve had to get more tables and chairs out to accommodate the large amount of people that are attending and even have people waiting outside of the bar to open so they can reserve a table for their team.

I would personally like to say a massive thank you to the bar team for their personal commitment especially over the last 12 months as we have all had to do more than what we originally signed up for.

Hopefully this will change, and we will have more volunteers offering their help and hope that the bar is better supported. On a normal Friday & Saturday night and a Sunday lunchtime at present.

All the bar volunteers are happy to give up their evenings to do the bar but it’s very disappointing when we do so and nobody comes in all night.

I ask all members to consider this and if you would like the bar to continue to use it more. Spread the word that’s it’s here as a normal bar at weekends and sell it to your family and neighbours as it’s the only bar up in this area.

Moving forward if anybody has any suggestions or would like to hold an event in the bar then please let one of us know as the quiz nights (like I’ve said before are working well).

A couple of questions were raised by John Quick in reference to Guinness and Draft Bitter.

Paul responded by saying Guinness was available in cans, but needs to sit on the “agitator” for it to look like draught Guinness, and that as no one drinks draught Bitter, it is available in bottle form.

Trustees report Martin Walden. ​ The main activities for the Association are the provision and running of a range for facilities and activities for the benefit of the members. These include activities of a social, educational, recreational and spiritual nature.

Trustees. The following Trustees were elected at the 2019 Annual General Meeting, held in July, to hold office for one year: Jim Rose, Jane Gourd, Mike Atkin, Fiona Godwin-Wood, Paul Godwin-Wood, John Kelly, Terrence Mitchell, Valerie Pilley, Avril Turnbull, Martin Walden (Hon. Treasurer).

The continuing Holding Trustees are David Mercer, Stephen Newton, Maureen Whatmough.

Membership at the time of the AGM was 347, and past experience shows that it usually rises further as the year progresses.

At the 2019 Annual General Meeting, the accounts for the year ending 31st December 2018 were presented, and, following discussion, were adopted unanimously by the members. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously agreed that Greenwood Accounts be reappointed as auditors.

The Social and Recreational Activities continue, and the Association’s hall and facilities are well used by various organisations, including North Teignmouth Community Church, Teignmouth Women’s Institute, Teignmouth Probus (Men’s and Ladies’), and various sport & fitness and other recreational groups. The Teignmouth Pre-school ceased operation in July 2018, but additional lettings of the hall have largely replaced the resulting lost income.

The building’s flat roof had developed some leaks, and has been modified (to improve drainage) and re-felted.

Group reports.

Table Tennis. Martin Walden ​ The table tennis group continued throughout 2018 and is still operating. The additional Friday group was not adequately used, and has ceased. The original Tuesday group has had varying numbers of members playing: at times in 2018 3 tables were used each evening, but recently regular attendance has declined. However the group continues to run at present.

Mah jong. Michael Atkin ​

We continue to have 8-9 people attending our monthly sessions. Two members will be leaving shortly as they are moving out of the area. As always we are looking for new members so why not come along and have a taster session. Sessions are held on the first Thursday of the month. Check the Mah Jong page on the Association's Website.

Women's Institute. Val Pilley ​ ​ This was another busy year for Teignmouth WI, with our membership now increased to 66. We had a packed programme of interesting speakers, social events, workshops, theatre trips, craft workshops, and, of course lots of fun, friendship, tea and cake! Our regular monthly meetings were well attended ,and with a good mix of speakers covering a wide range of topics, ranging from Medicinal Herbs, A Year in the Life of the Mayor, Armchair Yoga, Hearing Dogs for the Deaf, The Life and Art of Beryl Cook and 30 years of being a Journalist.

Our annual events such as the Ploughman’s Lunch, The Cream Tea in August, the Harvest Supper in October, The Christmas Party in December and the Soup and a Crust lunch in February were all enjoyed by members and guests. We took part in the Flower Festival at St Michael’s church in June, and entered the TAAG TRAIL in July with our pledges to reduce single use plastic all sealed within Truly the Turtle. She featured in BBC TV Spotlight programme and is now in residence in the Community Orchard at Holcombe. We are working on our entry for this year – all will be revealed on the seafront in the summer.

We collect item for Red Box Project, we collected over 200 pairs of spectacles to be sent to the Third World, we collect toiletries for the homeless in Teignmouth and for the Acute Mental Health Unit in Exeter. We Donate foodstuff to local charity HITS and knit woolly hats for seafarers which are distributed by The Apostleship of the Sea. We also organise a regular Litter Picking session in the town

A trip to the Willow wetlands in Somerset led to a workshop in weaving Christmas stars and reindeer. Dartmouth Naval College was visited in September and members also went to Clark Village for some retail therapy.

Each month our Munch Bunch eat out at local restaurants and our Ladies Who Latte enjoy coffee and a chat on the first Monday of the month.

Our craft group, Bright Sparks, meets in the bar 20 times a year and covers such diverse subjects as Organza Flowers, Crochet for Beginners, Finding your Way through Facebook, My Favourite Poems, Easy Puddings, Calligraphy and ma Bollywood Dancing with lots more planned for the new term in September. We also have a singing and drama group, and are always looking for fresh ideas to build on our success.

We are planning to hold extra fundraising events in the hall during the coming year, and suggestions include a Table Top Sale, a Silent Auction, A Bingo Night and a Fish and Chip Supper. We are hoping these events will be supported by other users of the hall.

Bridge club. Avril Turnbull. ​ We continue to strive to make the Bridge Club successful. With the introduction of the Wednesday afternoon Bridge our revenue has increased but the management of the event relies on the good nature of a limited number of personnel. Unfortunately our numbers have decreased due to the building work. We are all hoping that the work will be completed shortly. Our annual charity day was a success and most certainly puts NRACA on the map. So far, £300 has been donated to the hall.

Church Report. John Kelly ​

As a community church, it is our desire to serve the community in North Teignmouth and beyond. Our family ministry, ‘Making a Difference’, offered practical help and support to Teignmouth families in times of crisis or need. Our Tuesday afternoon club, ‘Time-out’, met weekly in the bar area to provide friendship and an enjoyable time of games and quizzes for people from church and from the wider community. Members of the church helped with the Hazeldown Summer Fayre and provided tea, coffee and cakes and ran craft tables at the Autumn Beer Festival, and, once again, we joined with members of the Association to celebrate the joy of Christmas at ‘Carols in the Bar’. North Teignmouth Messy Church had its five years anniversary in March 2019, and the number of children coming along on the first Saturday of each month has risen to around thirty. On one exceptional occasion, the number of children topped fifty, which, together with parents and grandparents, was quite a challenge, though I think we coped very well. The children and parents enjoy being creative together during the craft time, singing action songs and watching videos during the celebration time and, of course, eating the delicious food during the meal time. Our Messy Church Fun Afternoon with Bouncy Castle, took place on a sunny Saturday afternoon in August at Robert Partridge’s farm, enjoying panoramic views over Teignmouth. During our November Messy Church the children and parents packed over seventy five Christmas Shoe Boxes for children in Moldova, and in December we had our own Messy Church Christmas party.

Fellowship events enable members of the church and friends to have fun together, while enjoying our beautiful local region. Events throughout the year included the following: afternoon tea at Jack’s Patch, visit to Teignmouth Heritage Centre, Viv Wilson ‘Pride of Teignmouth’ show, Church Away Day at Brunel Manor, magical mystery bus trip, garden party in Teignmouth, Chinese meal in , walk at Stover Park, skittles evening and meal in Dawlish Warren, Christmas Tree Festival at , New Year lunch at Mount Pleasant, walk from Star Cross to Powderham, visit to Shaldon Botanical Garden and tea at the Clipper cafe. Our desire as a community church is to be a thriving all-age church and to be welcoming and relevant to the community around us. As well as the ministry of our own leaders and members, we have continued to invite many excellent visiting speakers. We held special services for Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, Harvest Festival, Remembrance Sunday and Mothering Sunday, and held preaching series on various themes, most recently our Lent series, ‘The Mystery of God’. On the third Sunday of each month, we have welcomed boarders from Trinity School from many different countries and an increasing number of people have enjoyed our meditative evening communion service.

House-groups have met in various peoples’ homes to study the bible and special video series. Small groups are where people can form closer relationships and can support and care for one another. Also, we believe that praying together is vital to the health and mission of the church. We held a special week of prayer in September and weekly prayer meetings on Thursday and Sunday mornings, in Sunday services and in house-groups.

After many years of earnestly seeking a church worker to help us in our family and community work, we are delighted to announce that we have appointed an experienced Christian minister, the Reverend Marcus Thomas, as our Community Pastor. Marcus is from Wales and he has successfully led churches in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Now he has come amongst us to minister at North Teignmouth and he is already proving a breath of fresh air. Some of you may already have met him or will soon have the opportunity to get to know him and his lovely wife Pat and father Desmond.

We warmly invite members and friends of the Community Association to come along to ‘Time-Out’ on a Tuesday afternoon, to any of our fellowship events and to any of our Sunday morning or evening services. You will receive a very warm welcome and we trust that you will feel at home among us and will enjoy worshiping God in the familiar surroundings of the Richard Newton Hall.

Thank you and God bless.

Post AGM Meeting. Jane Gourd to continue as Chairperson, though proposals for a replacement had ​ been made.

Becca Hartley was co-opted as a new member of the committee. th Next Committee meeting 25 ​ July @ 1930. ​ ​

Annex A

th Treasurer’s Report for Committee Meeting 16 ​ May 2019 ​

st Current account available balance at 1 ​ May 2019: ​ £ 7503.15

Cash in hand: £ 115.85

NS&I Investment account: Present balance: £18389.46

Skipton Building Society: Present balance: £16293.60

The annual accounts for y/e 31/12/2018 have been completed and sent to Greenwood Accountants for auditing.

Online payments. 4 made since March meeting; all reimbursement of expenses incurred for NRACA.

Card sales in the bar are increasing: of £9456 total sales to date, £2917 were on card. The fees for those card sales have totalled approx. £51. Bar sales at the same time last year were approx. £8200.

Insurances renewed: Aviva – Club Policy - £288512 - Up 3.5% Hiscox: Trustees – 993.17 – same as last year.

PRS/PPL Licence renewed – 676.06 – up 6.7%

Contract from Concorde copiers re new machine, contract. See decision made in minutes AOB.



The wooden spare toilet roll holders in three toilets were wrenched from wall. Replaced with stainless steel holders & repaired wall.

Removed old damaged cigarette boxes & tub & replaced with new cylinder.

Made alterations to outside notice boards to make waterproof with roofing felt, more timber & re painted. New handles, bolts & hinges also fitted

Painted edge of steps near the side door & edges of end wall to improve visiblity

Somehow the actual hook on the double doors to the main hall broken – so replaced unit

Hooks on outer main door painted

Completed work on boiler room door & surround