How your state representative voted on H.B. 1948 to stop Dismemberment Abortion A bill in the General Assembly, H.B. 1948, will lower the maximum age for an elective abortion in Pennsylvania from 24 weeks to 20 weeks and stop the inhuman practice of Dismemberment Abortion, where the baby being aborted is killed by tearing off his or her arms and legs. H.B. 1948 was passed by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives on June 21, 2016 by a vote of 132-65 (a nearly two-thirds majority). The bill was then referred to the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee on June 23. In recent months, six states have enacted bans on dismemberment abortion. Legislation to stop this grisly procedure was most recently signed into law by Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, a democrat. Also in recent months, 14 states have enacted bans on elective abortion after 20 weeks gestation. Here is how our northwestern Pennsylvania state representatives voted on H.B. 1948 (pro-life = YES / pro-abortion = NO):

Rep. Ryan A. Bizzarro, District 3 — PRO-ABORTION Rep. Ted C. Nesbit, District 8 — PRO-LIFE Rep. Florindo J. "Flo" Fabrizio, District 2 — PRO-ABORTION Rep. (prime sponsor), District 65 — PRO-LIFE Rep. Patrick J. "Pat" Harkins, District 1 — PRO-ABORTION Rep. , District 6 — PRO-LIFE Rep. , District 64 — PRO-LIFE Rep. , District 4 — PRO-LIFE Rep. , District 7 — PRO-LIFE Rep. Park Wentling, District 17 — PRO-LIFE Please contact your state representative and express your appreciation or disappointment and please contact your state senator with the message: Support H.B. 1948, the Dismemberment Abortion Ban. www.PeopleforLife.Life «

How your state representative voted on H.B. 1948 to stop Dismemberment Abortion A bill in the Pennsylvania General Assembly, H.B. 1948, will lower the maximum age for an elective abortion in Pennsylvania from 24 weeks to 20 weeks and stop the inhuman practice of Dismemberment Abortion, where the baby being aborted is killed by tearing off his or her arms and legs. H.B. 1948 was passed by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives on June 21, 2016 by a vote of 132-65 (a nearly two-thirds majority). The bill was then referred to the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee on June 23. In recent months, six states have enacted bans on dismemberment abortion. Legislation to stop this grisly procedure was most recently signed into law by Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, a democrat. Also in recent months, 14 states have enacted bans on elective abortion after 20 weeks gestation. Here is how our northwestern Pennsylvania state representatives voted on H.B. 1948 (pro-life = YES / pro-abortion = NO):

Rep. Ryan A. Bizzarro, District 3 — PRO-ABORTION Rep. Ted C. Nesbit, District 8 — PRO-LIFE Rep. Florindo J. "Flo" Fabrizio, District 2 — PRO-ABORTION Rep. Kathy Rapp (prime sponsor), District 65 — PRO-LIFE Rep. Patrick J. "Pat" Harkins, District 1 — PRO-ABORTION Rep. Brad Roae, District 6 — PRO-LIFE Rep. Lee James, District 64 — PRO-LIFE Rep. Curt Sonney, District 4 — PRO-LIFE Rep. Mark Longietti, District 7 — PRO-LIFE Rep. Park Wentling, District 17 — PRO-LIFE Please contact your state representative and express your appreciation or disappointment and please contact your state senator with the message: Support H.B. 1948, the Dismemberment Abortion Ban. www.PeopleforLife.Life «