PUELIC POWER PATìTNEÆS TM May 18,2018 Via Electronic Filinq Rosemary Chiavetta, Secretary Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission P.O. Box 3265 Harrisburg, PA 1 7 105-3265 RE lmplementation of Act 40 of 2017 Docket No. M-201 7 -2631527 Final lmplementation Order, May 3, 2018 Dear Secretary Chiavetta Enclosed for electronic filing and service in accordance with the attached Certificate of Service is the Petition for Rehearing and Reconsideration of American Municipal Power, lnc. ("AMP") with regard to the above-referenced docket. Sincerely, cAlister SVP & General Counselfor Regulatory Affairs Kristin Rothey Assistant Deputy General Counsel American Municipal Power, lnc. 1 'l 1 1 Schrock Road, Suite 100 Columbus, Ohio 43229 Telephone : 61 4-540-1 1 1 1 Fax:614-540-6397 Email : lmcalister(Oamppartners.oro krothev@am ppartners. oro cc: Kriss Brown, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, Law Bureau
[email protected] Darren Gill, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, Bureau of Technical Utility Services dqill@ oov DELAWART DEIÁWi\Rli MIINICIPAL ELliûfruC CORpOnÁllON INDIANA CANNEL'IÐN KENTUCKY BFNHAM . 8ËRÞ\ . PADtICåtl . I'ARIS . pzuNCËfON . WILUAMSTO\dN IACKSON.I,\CKSONCIiNft,R.IAI(IIVILW.I"EBANON.IÍ)DI .LI,ICAS.MARSIIAUMI.IIi.MIiNDON'MI¡.AN.MINSTËR'MONROI'VIU.E'MONI?I]L¡IR'NAPOLEON'NLWBRFJMÊN NIIWKNOXVIITE.NL.WTONIAII-S.NILISIOAKHÀRBOR.OBERLIN.OIIIOCITY.ORXVIU¡.PAINISVILLE.PEMBERVILLE.PIONEER.PIQUA.PLYMOI¡N¡.PROSPECT.RËPTIBUC.SEVILI.E WEST VIR@lNlA NEW MAI{llNSvlU-E. PllluPPl AMP.ltllSchrockRoad,Suite100.Columbus,Ohio43229.Tel.614.540.l1ll.Fax614.540.1081 .www.amppartnen.org GE¡6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that this day I served a copy of the Petition for Rehearing and Reconsideration of the Final lmplementation Order of Act 40, Docket No.