Connected Mobile Experience (CMX)

Will Blake Technology Transitions Driving Digital Transformation

Enablers for Digitisation Mobility IoT Analytics Cloud Mobile Traffic Will Exceed IoT Devices Will 76% of Companies Are 80% of Organisations Will Wired Traffic by 2017 Triple by 2020 Planning to or Investing in Use Primarily SaaS by 2018 Big Data

The Network20 –Connects,50% Yearly Secures, Increase Automates, in Bandwidth and DemandDelivers Insights Customers Demand a Rich Mobile Experience

The Opportunity Is in Mobile Shoppers want to look up online reviews and compare prices while browsing Of lines of business say mobile strategy is very or extremely important to their objectives1 Hotel guests want free Wi-Fi and they want to 56% see available services and amenities

Travelers want to find departure gates quickly “Consumers are not only keeping pace, they and receive itinerary updates are in many cases leading the disruption.”2 Patients want location-enabled wayfinding apps

Students want to find their way around campus

1 IDC Location Based Services: A Promising Customer-Centric Solution 2014 and receive safety alerts 2 IDC, Chief Digital Officers: Bridging the Innovation Gap Between the CIO and CMO, June 2015 IT’s Role in Impacting the Digital Business

Align IT with LoB Drive Real Time Impact Personalised Experiences

Movement & Dwell Time 44% Staffing & Asset Management of mobility initiatives are funded or jointly funded by LoB1 Emergency Operations

Business Relevance Business Agility Business Intelligence

1 The Mobile Experience – Beyond Wi-Fi – Is Key Technology Enabling Business Strategy Connected Mobile Experience


Presence and Location Network Access User Experience Mobile Device Location-Based Simple Wi-Fi Guest Access Detection Content and Services ANALYTICS Understanding Location Technologies • Presence Analytics • Location Analytics • Direct Interaction • Region Monitoring • Push Notifications • Device Ranging • Push Notifications • Location Based Services • Push Notifications

• .1m – 100m • 7m – 10m • .1m – .5m

• BLE Beacons • Wi-Fi Trilateration • RFID Exciters/Chokepoints • Wireless AP Coverage • NFC • BLE Beacons

Presence Location Proximity

• Location Analytics • Blue Dot / Wayfinding • Push Notifications • Location Analytics • Location Based Services • Push Notifications • Location Based Services • 7m – 10m • Increased granularity • 1m

• Wi-Fi Trilateration • Wi-Fi Triangulation (AoA)

Fast Locate Hyperlocation Detect


Presence and Location Network Access User Experience

Mobile Device Location-Based Simple Wi-Fi Guest Access Detection Content and Services Understanding Location Technologies • Presence Analytics • Location Analytics • Direct Interaction • Region Monitoring • Push Notifications • Device Ranging • Push Notifications • Location Based Services • Push Notifications

• .1m – 100m • 7m – 10m • .1m – .5m

• BLE Beacons • Wi-Fi Trilateration (TDoA) • NFC • Wireless AP Coverage • BLE Beacons

Presence Location Proximity

• Location Analytics • Blue Dot / Wayfinding • Push Notifications • Location Analytics • Location Based Services • Push Notifications • Location Based Services • 7m – 10m • Increased granularity • 1m

• Wi-Fi Trilateration (TDoA) • Wi-Fi Triangulation (AoA)

Fast Locate Hyperlocation Understanding Presence

• Presence is based upon a single AP Ignore • Using RSSI you can determine if a device Passing by is inside or outside of a venue Visitor • Adding dwell time analytics can provide additional insights

-75 dBm -75 to -85 dBm < -85 dBm Presence Analytics Proximity Dwell Time

• Dwell time periods are hard coded and not user-configurable Repeat Visitors

• When classifying a client • If the MAC does not exist in the cache the device is considered a first time visitor • If the MAC has been seen for 5 out of the last 7 days it is considered a daily visitor • If seen in 2 of the last 4 weeks it is considered a weekly visitor Views Filters

• Exclude data by • SSID • MAC Address • Duration

• Site Groups link allow sites with commonalities to be grouped together

• Global Site allows data from all sites to be viewed • A timezone must be specified • Individual site timezones will be ignored Meraki Presence Analytics Understanding Location Technologies • Presence Analytics • Location Analytics • Direct Interaction • Region Monitoring • Push Notifications • Device Ranging • Push Notifications • Location Based Services • Push Notifications

• .1m – 100m • 7m – 10m • .1m – .5m

• BLE Beacons • Wi-Fi Trilateration • RFID Exciters/Chokepoints • Wireless AP Coverage • NFC • BLE Beacons

Presence Location Proximity

• Location Analytics • Blue Dot / Wayfinding • Push Notifications • Location Analytics • Location Based Services • Push Notifications • Location Based Services • 7m – 10m • Increased granularity • 1m

• Wi-Fi Trilateration (TDoA) • Wi-Fi Triangulation (AoA)

Fast Locate Hyperlocation Understanding Location Time Delay of Arrival • Distance is calculated relative to A WIFI device seen by one AP could be located anywhere within the “circle” received signal strength When a device is seen • Signal strength can be impacted for by two APs then its many different reasons location must be along this “line” • Accuracy will be highest when a device is seen by 4 or 5 APs

When a device is seen by at least three APs then its location must be at a “point” of intersection Location Analytics Verticalisation Understanding Location Technologies • Presence Analytics • Location Analytics • Direct Interaction • Region Monitoring • Push Notifications • Device Ranging • Push Notifications • Location Based Services • Push Notifications

• .1m – 100m • 7m – 10m • .1m – .5m

• BLE Beacons • Wi-Fi Trilateration (TDoA) • RFID Exciters/Chokepoints • Wireless AP Coverage • NFC • BLE Beacons

Presence Location Proximity

• Location Analytics • Blue Dot / Wayfinding • Push Notifications • Location Analytics • Location Based Services • Push Notifications • Location Based Services • 7m – 10m • Increased granularity • 1m

• Wi-Fi Trilateration • Wi-Fi Triangulation (AoA)

Fast Locate Hyperlocation Understanding FastLocate

Data Points T=00s T=30s 28 Per Minute Data w/ device Data w/ device probing probing only and all network packets Understanding Latency

Analytics UI MSE Processing

Mobility Services 5s – 6s Third Party Server Engine

Prime Controller Application Infrastructure Aggregation dependent 1s – 2s Wireless LAN Controller

Application Consumption Client Probing 10s – 5m Understanding Location Angle of Arrival • RSSI estimates distance without any indication of direction

• This introduces potential errors in the calculations

• Angle of Arrival adds a sense of direction into the calculations

• This increases accuracy while reducing the number of APs required Cisco Hyperlocation Module Angle of Arrival (AoA) Triangulation 1-3 m accuracy

Integrated BLE Beacons Support BLE Beacon Deployments

Centralised Management Wi-Fi and Visibility

Enhanced FastLocate Faster refresh rates

Improved Security Coverage Integrated Wireless Security Module Centre for Health Innovation / Olinqua Designing for Hyperlocation

• If possible, mount antennas such that they have an unencumbered 360°view of all areas around them, without being blocked at close range by large objects.

Traditional Deployment Hyperlocation Deployment Deployment Examples Best Practices – 1m Non-Standard – 2.5m Box Retail/ Mfg. – 2m

• 3 APs (50 ft-triangle) or 5 APs • Many APs, 1AP/2000-4000 sq-ft • 7 APs, 1AP/2800 sq-ft (55 ft AP- (40x70 ft-star) • 10-15 ft ceiling, 1 HL/AP, below AP) • 10 ft ceiling, 1 HL/AP, below ceiling • 18-20 ft ceiling, 1 HL/AP, below ceiling • Client assoc. w/ AP, LOS to 3-5 ceiling, • Client associated w/ AP, LOS to APs • 3-7 ft shelves all APs • 5 GHz @ 20 MHz, iPhone 6, S5 • Client associated with AP, LOS to 3 APs • 5 GHz @ 20 MHz, iPhone 6, S5 • Moderate interference, normal load • 5 GHz @ 20 MHz, iPhone 6, S5 • Low interference, normal load • 50% (CDF); same measure of • Moderate interference, normal • 50% (CDF); same measure of RSSI load RSSI • 50% (CDF); same measure of RSSI Fast Locate and Angle of Arrival

• Starting with 8.1, Packet RSSI Location (FastLocate) configuration is now included under Hyperlocation Config Connect


Presence and Location Network Access User Experience

Mobile Device Location-Based Simple Wi-Fi Guest Access Detection Content and Services

ANALYTICS Custom Guest Portals Hospitality

Santa Clara Hyatt Driving Business Intelligence

The Challenge . Limited Wi-Fi coverage not designed for the the modern, mobile digital guest

Digital Transformation . Wayfinding and location-based services for 1:1 guest advertising . Location and dwell-time analytics for enhanced service delivery and revenue growth

Business Outcomes . 15-20% increase in non-room revenue . 65-point increase in customer satisfaction – raised property from bottom 5% to top 5% . 25% to 40% increase in lobby bar spend by offering free Wi-Fi access . Increase of 37% of Net Promoter Score one year after implementation Social Analytics Engage


Presence and Location Network Access User Experience

Mobile Device Location-Based Simple Wi-Fi Guest Access Detection Content and Services

ANALYTICS Understanding Location Technologies • Presence Analytics • Location Analytics • Direct Interaction • Region Monitoring • Push Notifications • Device Ranging • Push Notifications • Location Based Services • Push Notifications

• .1m – 100m • 7m – 10m • .1m – .5m

• BLE Beacons • Wi-Fi Trilateration (TDoA) • RFID Exciters/Chokepoints • Wireless AP Coverage • NFC • BLE Beacons

Presence Location Proximity

• Location Analytics • Blue Dot / Wayfinding • Push Notifications • Location Analytics • Location Based Services • Push Notifications • Location Based Services • 7m – 10m • Increased granularity • 1m

• Wi-Fi Trilateration (TDoA) • Wi-Fi Triangulation (AoA)

Fast Locate Hyperlocation How Chokepoints (Exciters) Work • Supplemental Technology Used by Stanley Healthcare (AeroScout)

1. Uses a hybrid tag with 125 kHz passive Wi-Fi Access Point and Wi-Fi active sides

2. Tags and chokepoints have to be from the Chokepoint same vendor 3. When the tag is in close proximity of the Wi-Fi chokepoint, its passive side gets excited 125 kHz and captures the information (location and sensor ID) and then the active side sends the location information over Wi-Fi Hybrid Tag 4. The tag beaconing frequency can be reconfigured by the chokepoint Passive Active How Infrared Works • Supplemental Technology Used by Ekahau and Centrak

1. Uses a hybrid tag with infrared and Wi-Fi active sides 2. Tags and IR beacon have to be from the same vendor 3. The IR beacon transmits a unique ID over a focused area 4. When the tag enters that focused area the IR side recognises that unique ID, captures the information (location and sensor ID), and then the active side sends the location information over Wi-Fi iBeacon • iBeacons are BLE Beacons implemented to Apple’s technology standard

• Support is specific to Apple iOS devices with a Bluetooth 4.0 radio

• The Apple implementation is built around the CoreLocation framework

• Region monitoring is similar to geofencing, with iBeacons triggering local notifications when the iBeacon advertisement in detected for registered applications

• Passbook passes can leverage iBeacons as well as geofences

• Any iOS device can act as a beacon which can lead to interesting possibilities for customer and staff application interactions iBeacons

• iBeacon technology is based on (BLE)

• BLE beacons’ small size and low transmit power allow them to operate FieldLocationSize Sydney MelbourneDescription Auckland for extended periods UUIDUUID 16 D9B9EC1FApplication-3925 developers-43D0-80A9 should-1E39D4CEA95C define a UUID bytes specific to their app and deployment use case. Major 1 2 3 • Beacon advertisements consist of Major 2 bytes Further specifies a specific iBeacon and use Clothing case.10 For example, this10 could define a sub10 - UUID, major and minor values. region within a larger region defined by the Home UUID.20 20 20 • While Bluetooth operates in the same MinorMinor 2 bytes Allows further subdivision of region or use 2.4GHz band as 802.11n, the radio Electrical case,30 specified by the30 application developer.30 technology is different iBeaconiBeaconAdvertisementAdvertisement Example

• Cisco CleanAir Spectrum Intelligence can detect BLE beacons Region Monitoring and Ranging • iOS also has the concept of ranging, • iOS applications can request which allows for the determination of notifications when the device enters proximity a certain geographic location using • Immediate geofencing • Near • Far • Region monitoring operates in a • Unknown similar way, but looks for an iBeacon UUID as opposed to GPS • Ranging allows the app to determine what coordinates beacons can be heard and proximity • “Ranging APIs are not expected to be • If the application is not running, it used in the background. For best results, will be launched in the background ranging should be used when your app is so a notification can be delivered frontmost and the user is interacting with your app.” –Getting Started with iBeacon Demo Beacon and Cisco Wi-Fi Location Deployment

. CleanAir AP’s for Wi-Fi . Beacons for Location (client computed) . Beacons for proximity based messaging . CleanAir APs detect rogue BLE beacons iBeacons and Android

• While iBeacon is an Apple standard • Samsung’s “Proximity” is integrated implementation for BLE beacons, there are directly into their Android some implementation of iBeacon libraries for implementation allowing them to Android trigger a response without an • The experience between the implementations application installed on the device will not be exactly the same • Apple provides support natively through iOS and can provide different RSSI measurements for each beacon • Android developers must create support themselves using the Bluetooth LE Scan API • Currently this only allows for one signal strength measurement per scan • Expect future enhancements in this space iOS, Privacy and Location

• Wi-Fi Location uses the device MAC address as a unique identifier

• Apple has consistently used privacy as a differentiator

• iOS7 removed programmatic access to the MAC address, introducing identifierForVendor as a unique device identifier for applications

• iOS8 introduces controls to restrict applications from accessing the device location iOS MAC Randomisation

• To further increase privacy, iOS8 introduced MAC randomisation to provide location masking

• iOS MAC randomisation is implemented using locally administered MAC addresses

• Use of the locally administered MAC appears to occur only in very limited conditions: • Not associated to a wireless network • No active applications with screen off and in sleep mode • Not connected to mobile broadband and location disabled

• When in use: • Initial probes are with the real MAC address • Locally administered MAC address begin after 2-3 minutes and only broadcast probes are sent • Real MAC addresses are used when the device wakes up, even for background processes CMX, MSE and Cloud CMX 10.2

CMX 10.2 / Presence OR Location Software

VMWare Hardware Cloud 5.1 MSE 3365 MSE 3355

• CMX 10.2 delivered after thousands of hours of BETA Testing • CMX is production ready for deployments CMX Cloud CMX Cloud Presence CMX Cloud Connect Q & A Complete Your Online Session Evaluation Give us your feedback and receive a Cisco 2016 T-Shirt by completing the Overall Event Survey and 5 Session Evaluations. – Directly from your mobile device on the Cisco Live Mobile App – By visiting the Cisco Live Mobile Site – Visit any Cisco Live Internet Station located throughout the venue Learn online with Cisco Live! T-Shirts can be collected Friday 11 March Visit us online after the conference for full access to session videos and at Registration presentations. Thank you