~Ocarreacti'on to Visit Generally Hopeful Winnipeg Adult Education High School ·'The Astounding Events in Israel During the Past Week- Their Total Positions Publicly
';''C''"m'''5-J'}'·.''-.' r.: ..... ,;>l-·~'''·c., ; :'--1" ...... '. """ '.' ,-:;" ,."Co, , ;~''''~''_''_<''>''"'''''"~,(,~.~~."".,, ~ ......... _.~, '-'~":""'i"-'_'<_' .. _. ", ....... "~, .. < ~~i { ''''-; ; r, I , ,",-' ~, •. '~. .' -', '" "--"."-'::.:-:"~';-' !~"', ':;,' :0"" I 12 -THE JEWISH POST. Thdi'$day. November 17, 1977 " r-~:::::~--_--"r ~' - , SPEC'AL I.' , 'SH JeW$:;Were;\'PrOminent, " , ' ' .- ..' " ;' . One '. of the first· Winltipeg . - - " . , Football- to play rugby (football) Ludwig, who also played' for the coqver where he lined up with the I athlete~ Eskimos .in. thedc;tys PER. DPt/. was K¢n Finklestein. He .starred Edm~nton B.C. Lions. Another. member of '30s. After graduation, he ,', squads. Their,. fatlrer, Israel •••• _•••• __ :., I of ·Norinie Kwong, Johnny Bright coached the YMHA juvenile and ~dat's ;VQ.i~Q c. for theSt Johns College team in Tessler, never missed a game " . and Jackie Parker: During World the. Blue B~mberswas George •• ',' •••• " utI,; B 1920. 'one he ran the Druxman, a' steady centre man junior-- teams. to the western when Leon and Marcus played. I SPfJ!IC"'I;~cerpts 1977 War II, Moe Simovitch, Norm Canadian championships, before Drug ••••••• _•• 10 opEinilll::J;ic~-Off back 105 yards. in the sixties. He was also an all remember him running'the yard Leukemi~' ..... ,-' Geller and Curly Feldman.played leaving to take up residence in sticks at all the games played at Spiritual ,Life; _•••••••.••• 11 important roles in, keeping the star centre 'on the All-Canadian NYPL _team. Vancouver. Leon was a captain Chanukah Recipes • ~ •• : •• 12 ." .... ~liie Bombers name on tQP. I.en Leon Tessler toiled Jor the st. with Canadian Intelligence in Ot . S~ori$·World,,'. ••••• _••••• ~ 13 Meltzer -played briefly ill.
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