Radio Group Ownership
Dailey Corp. Radio Group Ownership Dailey Corp., Box 10, New Martinsviille, WV 26155. Stns: 3 AM. 8 FM. WXCY(FM) Havre de Grace, MD; Durham Radio Inc., 1200 Airport Blvd., Suite 207, Oshawa, Phone: (304) 455-1111. Fax: (304) 455 -1170. Web Site: WQJZ -FM Ocean Pines, MD; WXMD(FM) Pocomoke City, ON L1J 8P5. Canada. Phone: (905) 428-9600. Fax: (905) Ownership: Calvin E. Dailey MD; WICO(AM) Salisbury, MD; WICO -FM Salisbury, MD; 571 -1150. Ownership: Douglas E. Kirk; 80 %, Mary Kirk Jr., 100%. WXJN -FM Lewes, DE; WAFL -FM Milford, DE; WYUS 15 %. Stns: 1 AM. 1 FM. WETZ New Martinsville, WV; Milford, DE; WNCL(FM) Milford, DE; WSTW -FM Wilmington, Stns: 1 AM. 3 FM. CJKX -FM Ajax, ON; CIWV -FM WYMJ(FM) New Martinsville, WV. DE; WDEL Wilmington, DE. Hamilton, ON; CKDO Oshawa, ON: CKGE -FM Oshawa, Calvin Dailey Jr., pres. Lancaster Inteligencer-Joumal & New Era, Lancaster, ON. PA, have the same ownership (Steinman) as Delmarva Douglas E. Kirk, chmn/pres; Steve Kassay, VP opns; Dakota Communications Ltd., Box 364, Pierre, SD Broadcasting Co. Steve Macaulay, VP sis; Lill Bolton, admin dir. 57501. Phone: (605) 224.5434. Fax: (605) 224 -5444. Stations (operated independently). E -mail: ddb Web Site: Julian H. Booker, pres/CEO. Ownership: Duane D. Butt, 50 %; E and Barbara G. Butt, 50 %. Dickey Broadcasting Co., 3535 Piedmont Rd., Bldg. 14, Stns: 2 AM. 3 FM. KIJV Huron, SD; KOKK Huron, SD; Suite 1200, Atlanta, GA 30305. Phone: (404) 688-0068. EMF Broadcasting, 2351 Sunset Blvd., Suite 170-218, KZKK -FM Huron, SD; KZNC -FM Huron, SD; KJRV(FM) Fax: (404) 995 -4045.
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