University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, December 15, 1960. Vol. XLVI, No
Students Speak Increase .'. DisLiked Among' the basic reasons cited by 'President Langsam for the need for increased DC tuition are a salary increase for f~culty and staff, and a need for larger scholarship funds. An RECO'R increase in the University cost of operation was .also noted as a factor as well as the expense of the new physical educa- tion building: ; "We very reluctantly realize 'no one is happy ·with the tuition rise, Series BE 12 )sday, December 15, 1960 Vel. XLVI, No. 12 but even with the increase, our rates are considerably lower than comparable institutions," noted President Langsam. "We are • negotiating to see if We can get tate and county aid to supple- ews -Panel 0 U 5 10 ...•- ment federal aiel. We are hopeful . of success eventually, but we can't wait that long." A survey of 25 DC students Dec. 'Schneider ··And Beck'ma 7 showed only three were wholly . in favor of the increase effective Louis, J. Schneider, County questions put to them by a served in the Ohio State House . Sept., 1961.Re ident students will Commissioner, and' VJocent H. panel composed of represents- of Representativ~ . pay an .additional $25 arid non- Beckman, County Commissioner- tives of the local press, radio .}fr. Beckman \vas lected in If residents $75. elect, will meet in debate today 'and TV stations. close race with Republican James Jim - Stergiopo'"ulos, pr:sid~nt in room 127 lVfe!\1ik.en HaH at .' Jay C. Heinlein of the Politi- R. Clark, the final results being .:' of 'Student Council said, "No one 12:15, An open program for all cal Science Department, Cojlege determined in a recount which likes .an .increase in any of his As the yule season approache-s, students and faculty members,: .of Arts and Sciences, will act as fhe Commissioner-glsct won by expenses, but the increase in signs' of Christm~s cheer may be- the two men will discuss the pro- moderator to channel -the ques- less than 600· votes.
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