Alumni Come Home for Annual Reunion
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€)f=? Goohch Cookvd S p e P a g e H VOLUME XXV oMl . PHILADELPHIA. PA.. OCTOBER 22. 1948 NUMBER 4 Gridders Play ^^Good Game^’ 0 i o n p l^ing of Alumni Come Home “T” Surprises Haverford Hart'ent 3toon By now everyone on the canipus Vi ho w ill he Drexel's “Real (Jone For Annual Reunion has heard or read of the addition to (»uy’.^ ho will be DlT's regular the football coaching staff. The big fella.'' (.onie to the Alpha Sigma question is. was this what Drexel Alpha’s Harvest Moon Dance featur TKE Presenteil Itrown *lu|i$ at B*ep Rally needed to snap out of their long los ing Boh Fredricks, on October 23, in Drexel's Homecoming Day received an early, spirited start at 8:30 on Friday niglit, October 15, with a rollicking ing streak? The results of last Satur the (,ourt, from 9-12 and find out. pep rally heM beside the Drexel Dorm on Spangler Street. The rally, led by Ed Miller, a group from the R.O.T.(]. day’s game proved what just one week Tickets can be purchased in the booth BantI and the cheer-leading squad, was a fine display of school spirit on the |Mirt of the students from that part of the of practicing new tactics, under a new in the C.ourt or from any sorority campus surrounding the dormitory and fraternity houses. coach, could do. member at SI.75. At this annual, in Mr. Otis “Doug” Douglas, in refer formal dance the couples will vote, at riie “I^ittle Brown Jug” was awarded by the Inter-Fraternity Council to the Tan Kappa F<psilon Fraternity, ju«lged ence to the Haverford game, said the the door, for the “Real (Jone (Juy” of to have the best Homecoming display. The judges selected by the (jtiincil were Dr. James Creese, Dean Stratton, hoys played a great game of ball. He DIT. There will be two votes to a and Professor (.. E. Fink of the Chemical F.ngineering Department. The displays were very well done and showed said that it was only natural not to couple instead of the usual one vote. much aptness and originality. The winning candidate will be an expect any drastic change in the type nounced at the dance intermission, The lo>al spirit shown by the “Dragons” during the game with Haverfor<l seemed to be a tribute t»» the Alumni, of play because it is hard to put a an»l presented with a gift. who jammed the section of the stands reserved for them. There was a heart-warming sliow of spirit at the game, new system into effect when the play Each sorority and the Independents from both the graduates and undergraduates. ers and other coaches are not too have selected a candidate for the An after-the-game social h«»ur was familiar with it. “Doug” seems to “Real (Jone (Juy.” The Alpha Sigs held at the Persian Room of the Penn- have selected Dave Donovan, a mem Sheraton ll«»tel. Acquaintances of think the “T”-formation will prove to ber of the football team, and a Pi past years at Drexel were renewed he an asset, and with a little more Kappa Phi man. The Tri Sigs have with many favorite stories of the “old practice, the fans can expect a snap put up Zak Zakarian, also a member college years.” of the football team, and a Teke. Tlie Alumni dinner, held in the pier game with frequently long runs, Otis ( Dolg) Douglas Court, was attended by about 180 developing from the “T.” —-------------------------------------------------------- The Della .Sigs have selected well known, popular Doug Anderson, a Aluiiiiii and faculty guests. The toast When asked what he thought were the weaker points of the team, Mr. Tlieta Chi. The Theta Sigs have master. Joseph Finnerty, Class of ’34, Douglas said he couldn’t tell definitely as yet. due to the fact that he has only chosen tall, blonde Roy Wagner, introduced Dr. James Creese, who been with the team a little more than a week and has not seen them in actual stickman and basketball player. The welcomed the Alumni back to the competition other than on the screen. As far as he could tell, from the prac Delta Phi’s have picked Walt Ellman. familiar Drexel ('.ourt, stressing the tice sessions, the timing is a bit offsides, but witli some work and cooperation of sports editor of the T riangle and a need for a strong group of active the team this difficulty could be easily overcome. Another point mentioned Sammy. The independents have put Aluniiii, was the weight of the players. Although this is not a serious drawback, it up Rodger Hart, a Lambda Chi. During his talk. President C.reese causes the players to tire out easily, if they are in continuous play. One way This is the first sorority dance of quoted a letter sent to him by an Mr. Douglas plans to remedy this is by the use of light, speedy players on the the year, an annual affair for the English educator who visited Drexel offensive to carry out the operation of the “T.” As far as the defensive playing Alpha’s, since they were the first na as a part <»f a 39.000-mile tour of in of the team is concerned. “Doug” is very satisfied with them if they can keep tional .‘ortirity on the campus. This spection of colleges in the U. S., (Can up the good playing as shown in their last conflict. The morale and coopera ada, Australia and New Zealand as is the first time, loo, that the sorori tion of the team is very high at the present. ties will select a favorable male candi preparation for a report on technical Mr. Douglas, in his pleasing Southern drawl, stated, “The team has the education. This man. the head of a date. The fraternities may have their potentialities of a winning team, and we intend to make the most of them.” teciinical college in England, was par 1-F queen, but the sororities this year Creese, E ldon, and the J i;g ticularly impres!.ed by the advanced liave their “Real Gone (iuy.” views shown by Drexel towards tech Active Drexel Ohio HoHi to A.I .P. The Alpha Sigs have chosen the nical e«lucation. He expressed the name for their winning candidate Alpha Phi Omega to point that he had not sensed else “Real Gone Guy” from the popular Jrs. or Pre-Jrs. AIEE Chapter Buddy & Terry attend where the conqtlete understanding of song of the same name. Hold Dance at Lodge the relationship between technical ed Two of Drexel’s publications, the Stag or Drag ucation and industry. This was a Wins Aeclaim T riangle and the Lexerd, will be The Alpha Phi Omega Smoker held point. Dr. (Ireese remarked, that Realizing that the Drexel’s student represented at the annual convention Research Grants last Thursday proved an outstanding Uni(|ue entertainment is promised Drexel Alumni had the right to be branch of the AIEE is the only visi of the Associated Collegiate Press, success. A total of seventy-one stu for all juniors and pre-juni<»rs at their proud of. ble connecting link between the engi which is being held October 21, 22 Awarded by G. E. dents and faculty members enjoyed a annual stag or drag informal party at Dean (ihapman, of the College of neering students and the fast-changing and 23 in Columbus, Ohio. Buddy night of fun and entertainment. Short Home Economics, introduced the Applications are now being ac- the Drexel Lodge tonight by its com field of electrical engineering, the of Smarkola, Business Manager of the talks by the Chapter officers and Don cejjted for research grants under the mittee chairmen, Debbie Lobb, B. J. principal speaker, Mary I. Barber, ficers of this organization have strived T riangle, and Lexerd Editor-in-Chief Haglund of the University of Penn §1,()(((),00() General Electric Education Telshaw, John Frank, and Don Short. Class of *12, a nati(»nally renowned meritoriously to bring to the meetings Louise Terry will be the delegates sylvania outlined the objectives and dietitian. Miss Barber, a very charm Fund for the scholastic year of 1949- A three-piece band obtained by Bob from Drexel. past background of the Service Frater news of the outside world and re 1950, William W. Trench, company Fredericks will provide music for a ing speaker, did a bit of reminiscing Ohio State University will play nity. The guests were then enter about her graduating class, its old ports of engineering progress. secretary and ciiairman of the G. E. gala evening. Many specialty dances Chairman Bernie Wise, Vice Chair host to the convention which will in tained by an uni<|ue magician, musi an«l novel “balloon” games have been customs, and the great difference Education (Committee, announced clude representatives from college cal acts and m«>vies. Having met the wiiich has taken place since that day. man, Arne Rasmussen and Publicity today. planned by the social division. En- Director Bill O’Sullivan have thus far yearbooks and newspapers all over prospective pledges, the brothers are tertairmient is tlie product of the com She pointed out that one of the finer successfully planned interesting pro the United States. The program as For tlie 25tli consecutive year, aid now looking forward to seeing the bined efforts <»f (iiiuiy Perez, Barbara things a Drexel graduate possesses is in grants up to SI,500 annually will be grams.