REPUBLICAN PARTY OF REMOTE 7TH CD CONVENTION Saturday, March 20th, 2021, 1:00 PM Virtual Doors Open, 12:00 PM Via Zoom Teleconference Convention Chair: Jennifer Carnahan


I. Call to Order Craig Bishop

II. Invocation Roger Schmitz

III. Pledge of Allegiance Carlos Ramirez

IV. National Anthem Joe Vene

V. Reading of the Convention Call Jennifer Carnahan

VI. Election of Temporary Chair and Secretary Jennifer Carnahan (Temporary Chair: Jackson Harvey, Temporary Secretary: Julie Kirchenwitz)

VII. Preliminary Credentials Report MN GOP

VIII. Adopt portion of the rules allowing the seating of alternates

IX. Seat Alternates Jennifer Carnahan

X. Declaration of Quorum Jennifer Carnahan

XI. Motion to make the temporary organization permanent Jennifer Carnahan

XII. Motion authorizing chair to appoint: credentials (MN GOP), rules (Steve Green), nominations ( and Deb Kiel), Constitution (Mickey Kyler), parliamentarian (Carleton Crawford), head teller (MN GOP), time keeper (MN GOP).

XIII. Officer Reports (Treasurer: David Sturrock, Fundraising: Tiffany Lesmeister Knott) CD7 Board

XIV. Updated Credentials Report MN GOP

XV. Rules Committee Report – Adoption of Agenda & Balance of Rules Steve Green

XVI. Nominating Committee Report-Election of Officers a. Nominating Committee Report Jeff Backer/Deb Kiel a. Candidate Remarks b. Balloting

XVII. Constitution Committee Report Mickey Kyler

XVIII. Other Business

XIX. Adjournment

Paid for by the Republican Party of Minnesota. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

At the discretion of the Convention Chair, a motion to move business earlier or later in the agenda may be entertained.

Remarks by Republican officeholders or other Party dignitaries will be inserted at the discretion of the Convention Chair.

Paid for by the Republican Party of Minnesota. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.