And the Transformation of the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, 1789-1850
Displaced "Pan-Americans" and the Transformation of the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, 1789-1850 HE REVEREND JOHN HUGHES TOLD A GREAT STORY about the construction of the Roman Catholic church of St. John the Evangelist in Philadelphia. Hughes, the project's major fundraiser, St. John's first pastor, and later archbishop of New York, related that his announcement in 1830 of the plan to build a grand new cornerstone of Catholic life garnered only a lukewarm response from his congregation. Days went by before he received his first donation, from a humble ser- vant, who delivered to the priest a few precious cents from her meager wages. From that moment on, Hughes "never had a doubt of the success" of the building project.1 This lovely anecdote, redolent of New Testament teachings, burnishes one of the principal and lasting images of the Catholic Church in the United States, but it obscures crucial aspects of St. John's construction and the Catholic Church's broader institutional development. From the 1780s to the mid-nineteenth century, a small group of "Pan-Americans," men and women with extensive ties to Latin America and the Caribbean, played a determinative role in the church's transformation in Philadelphia and, as a result, the nation as a whole. Some, their lives thrown into disarray by internecine warfare and eco- nomic upheaval, came to Philadelphia for short periods of time, while others made a permanent home in the city. Here, they met residents with an existing network of economic, political, and cultural ties to the region. This group became embroiled in an intense confrontation over the future of American Catholicism.
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