ENVIRONMENT DIRECTORATE PROGRESS JANUARY - MARCH 2015 SOUTH Summary: Environment Directorate progress against delivery of the Commissioning Plan for South Ribble in the fourth quarter of 2014/15 RIBBLE Head of Service Policy, Information and Commissioning (Live Well): Joanne Reed :
[email protected] : 01772 530897 Q4 = Progress as expected = Progress not as expected CAPITAL PROGRAMME UPDATE SERVICE UPDATE PROGRESS NOT AS EXPECTED = Issues identified 11 out of 17 capital schemes, due for delivery in quarter 4, 2014/15 Capital schemes programmed for delivery in quarter 4 which have been delayed Road and Street Maintenance = Information have either been completed or are progressing as planned, and are detailed below. Local Priorities Response Fund Cann Bridge Street (South Ribble Rural East) – work to install a zebra crossing has been delayed to quarter PROGRESS AS EXPECTED 3 2015/16. A safety audit was conducted which identified some issues which require resolving prior to any works taking place. 2014/15 Capital schemes programmed for delivery in Longmeanygate Toucan Crossing near Hawthorne House – works to construct the toucan crossing have started and will be completed in quarter 1 2015/16. The delay is due to poor weather conditions. quarter 4 St Andrew's Way/Sandy Lane Junction (Leyland Central) – works to alter traffic priorities at St Andrew's Flood Risk Management and Drainage Way and Sandy Lane junction have been delayed to quarter 1 2015/16 due to other priorities arising in the Shaftsbury investigation (South Ribble Rural West) – area. Between April 2014 and March 2015, a total of 4,872 highway defects were identified by phase 1 of the investigations have been completed.