(In-Lrafiaor Cans) Are Presented for 34Food Products,In the General.Categories of Fruit; Vegetables;, and Meat, Meatproducts, and Poultry

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(In-Lrafiaor Cans) Are Presented for 34Food Products,In the General.Categories of Fruit; Vegetables;, and Meat, Meatproducts, and Poultry DOCUMENT RESUME 'ED 112 008 .CE 004 755 AUTHOR Lee, Jasper S., Ed.; Wood, Charles TITLE Food PreservationManual: A Guide for\ School-Community Canneries in Virginia. INSTITUTION Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacks rgt Div. of Vocational-Technical Educ tion. 'SPONS AGENCY Vir inia State Dept. of Education, Richmond. Ag icultural Education service. PUB*DATE 75 NOTE 116p.;.Portions of the illustrative material may not reproduce well on microfiche EDRS PRICE MF-$0.16 HC-$5.70 Plus POstage DESCRIPTORS Cooking Instruction; *Equipment; *Food; Food Processing Occupations; *Food Service Industry;Foods Instruction; *Manuals;,Nutrition Instruction;, *Preservation; School Community Relationship; Secondary Education IDENTIFIERS *Canning ABSTRACTi ,The%manual was intended primarily'for use by lay: ,instructors and assistants involved in the dailyoperation of school-community.canneries under the supervision,of a. highschool, agricultural education instructor.. The first halfdeals in detail with the fundamentals of food preparation andcannerr,optyation. Food preservation by canningt sanitation in the canning structure,cannery equipment, and general canning procedures arediscussed and illustrated. Detailed procedurds for canningspecific food products (in-lrafiaor cans) are presented for 34food prodUcts,in the general.categories of fruit; vegetables;, and meat, meatproducts, and poultry. Information cruthefields 'of food proddCts and the use of sugar in canning fruit isincluded: Three sample/lesson plans'for planning instruction in various areas ofnutrit* n and food preservation are also in the manual. TheseplanS offer teacher objeCtives, an introduction, group objectives, pr blemsand concerns . of students, references, suggested visualaids, s ecial_activities, and ideas for application a A evaluation.A contensummary provides basic information needed foeach ;esson. Apvended is a list of sources of instructional maerials on food preservation. A 28-item bibliography contains sourc s of additionalinformation on food preserveation. (MS). ************************ ********************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include manyinformal unpublished * materials not availab e from othersources. ,EPIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best co yavailable. Neverkheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are of enencountered aCd this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopyreproductions EMIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document ReproductionService (EDRS* EDRS is not * * responsible for the quality ofthe original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that canbe made from the original. * *********************************************************************** , DO al U.S. DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH. EDUCATION i WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT AS BEEN REPRO- It r-4 OuCED EXACTLYASRECEIVED FROM TIE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN. ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATEO DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTOF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY FOOD PRESERVATIONMANUAL A Guide for School-Community Canneries in Virginia compiled and edited by Jasper S. Lee Agricultural Education with the _assistance of .Charles B. Wood Food Science and Technology , AgriculturalEducativ Program Division of Vocational andTelhnical Education College of Education Virginia Polytechnic Ihstitute andState University Blacksburg, Viginia t, . In Cooperation With Agricultural' Education Service Division.of Vocational Education State Department of Education Richmond, Virginia . 1975 L., . td Preface The patronage of school-community canneries has been increasing in . recent years. Many of these canneries were originally established in the 1930's, 40's, and 50's to Virginia. In the.1960's there was a decline in the use of these facilities. Beginning in the early 1970's there was a rather marked increase in usage._ Much Of.this increase can be attributed to rising food prices and shortages of certain food items. A definite need arose to make available the latest inkormatitn on food preservation practices. The purposes_of*this document are to (1) review current standards for preservation, (2) present details on the preservation of specific'foodfood products, and (3) present samples of lesson plans for teaching food preservation, including sources of in- structional materials. In other words, this document is the result, of an attempt to combine the technical aspects of food preservation with the ed- ucational functions of school-community canneries. To this end, joint planning and writing were conducted by food scientists and educators. A primary consideration in the development of this document was the method in which school-community canneries are operated. In most cases, a high school agricultural education instructor hasresponSibility for the overall supervaion of canneries. Home economics teacilers are also involved, but to a lesser extent. The actual day-to-day operation of the canneries is often under the direction(of a lay instructor and one t or more assistants. ts 4 This document stresses the essentials of presarvation as related to the prope processing of food.The terminology has been simplified so that a m" imum of formal instruction is reqUired in food science in order to read Ind understand the fundamentals of cannery operation and food preservation.A number of supplementary materials and references are listed. 1These should be of considerable help to cannery supervisors and instructors. N 1 Ackn wledgments 1 % ilA umber of persons have made substantial contributions to the evolut'on and development of this document. This is not the first doc- ument or food preservation and school-community cannery operationin Virgin a. The work in preparing previous materials had considerable bearing on the content and format of this current edition. One of the ptrsonmaking significant contributions in an earlier document was Claude E. Richard, formerly a Professor of Agricultural Education at Virgi ia Tech. Manyt persons have ,been involveb in the preparation of this publi- .cation.r Charles B. Wood, Associate Professor.of Food Science and Technologyis due considerable reco ition for his work in preparing the 9tontent on the technical aspect' of food preservation and cannery operation. $r. Wood has many years of experience in the field of food preservationand has. often consulted -with personnel involved in the scho 1-community canneries. Other individuals who have providedconsiderable assistance are: Mr. William C. Dudley, Assistant Supervisorof AgriculturaPEduea:- tion, State Department of Education Mr. J. H. Copenhaver, Assistant Supervisorof Agricultural Educe- , tionState Department of Education Mr. Robert A. Wall, AssistantProfessor, Vocational and Technical Education, Virginia Polytechnic Instituteand State University Dr. James D. Baldock,"AssistantProfessor, Food Science and Techno- logy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute andState University Dr. Jamesj. Clouse, Professor andProgram Leader, Agricultural Education, Virginia Polytechnic Instituteand State University , Dr. Delene W. Lee, Research Associate,Virginia Polytechnic Ingti- tute and State University Jasper S. Lee April 1975 5 Table.of C9ntents Page iii Preface A.iii Acknowledgments C / Cannery.Operation . 1 Part i - Fundamentals of FoodPreservation, and Introduction to Food Preservation Food Preservation by Canning '3 7 Sanitation in the Canning Structure . .. 9 Cannery Equipment Procedures in the Operation of Retorts 17 Z4 Atmospheric Cooker -, 25 Steam Exhadst Box , 26 Steam-Blancher Looler e 1 Sinks and grepqration Surfaces 26 , 26 Corn'Cutters . r 28 Can Sealers Double Seam Inspection 31 35 Steam'- Jacketed Kettle .1 . 35 . , . .1 e..r...:1 . , . NN. Containeis . NN_ - 37 General Canning Procedures . 44 p Filling Containers .1 ExhauStink 45, 47 Sealing , 48 Summary . , 51 Part II - Canning SpecificFood Products . 53 'Yields of Various Food Products Fruit ., 54 ' Use of Sugar in Canning Fruit .'" 55 Apple Buttdr AppleS (Sliced or Quarteted) 5'6 57 Amide Sauce 58 Berries . i 59 Cherries. 60 Fruit Juices 61 Peaches 62 Pears 63 Plums 1 Vegetiables 64 Asparagus . ; 65 Beans - Butter-or Lima 66 Beans - Green Beans (SnapBeans) 67 Beets . 68 Carrots 69 Corn - Cream Style 70 Corn - Whole Grain 71 Greens 72 Peas - Green (Ertglish) andBlack Eyed 73 Pumpkin and Winter Squash - 74 Rhubarb Page 75 Sauerkraut , 76 Summer Squash Syrup) 77 4 Sweet Potatoes --Wet Pack (In 'Tomatoes (Raw Pack Method) '78 79 Tomato Juice . 80 Vegetables (Mixed) Meat and Poultry. 81- )Chicken, ,. 82 Chicken Giblets . Ground Meat Cakes or Hamburger , 83 84 . -.-:- .. : Headcheese . 85 , Lard, Lard) , , 86 Pork. Sausage 4 , 87 Roasts, Steaks, and Stew Meat. t 88 Broth and SOup Stock (Beef) . Part III - Providing Instruction inNutrition and Food Preservation. 89 , 91 How to Use the Sample-Lesson Plans , 92 Sample Lesson Plan:Meeting Nutritional Needs -- Sample Lesson Plan:Planning for Meeting Food Needs 99, , Sample Lesson Plan: Preserving Food' 105 4Appendi - Sample Sourcesof Instructional Materials on Food . 109 P eservation , . 111 Biblio aphy,--, , 1 7 ti " -e C 4 Part I Fundamentals of Food Preservation and CanneryOperktion / The purpOse of ,Part I ofthispu6icationis to present a summary- and cannery °pet-. of the fundamentalconsiderations in food preservation used`to clarify the manuscript, ation.Various illustrations have been with the.following topics: as needed.Mayor sections of Part I deal Introduction to foodpreservation, specifically canning.
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